Schumer on Coronavirus: ‘We Are Very Worried About the President’s Incompetence’

Schumer on Coronavirus:
‘We Are Very Worried About the President’s Incompetence’

Schumer on Coronavirus: 'We Are Very Worried About the President’s Incompetence'
10 Mar 2020 ~~ By Pam Key
Tuesday during remarks carried live on CSPAN, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said the Democrats were worried about President Donald Trump’s “incompetence and lack of focus” regarding the fight against the spread of coronavirus.
Now, I’m going to be blunt. We are very worried about the president’s incompetence and lack of focus on fighting the spread of coronavirus. We believe that his lack of focus, his hamstringing efforts to address this public crisis, and inflicting pain on the stock market. One word could describe thus far the administration’s response, incompetence.”

There goes Chuckie again with his fear mongering. His hypocritical negative and threatening diatribes are the babbling's of a liar. Where was the "honorable" Senator and his remarks when the 44th president screwed the pooch on the H1N1, MRSA, SARS Corona viruses?
Actually, both Schumer, Pelosi and the hidden leaders of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Party are praying for a pandemic filled with infected people and decimation of the stock market just to fix Trump's wagon in his re-election campaign, now that the Russian-secret-agent, peeing-hooker story, and impeachment has gone belly-up.
It appears that President Trump was acting on controlling Wuhan COVID-19 while the PMS/DSA Democrat Left were in the midst of failing in their attempt to impeach him.

Fact-Check: Obama Waited Until 'Millions' Infected and 1000 Dead in U.S. Before Declaring H1N1 National Emergency
Chuck schumer should be removed from the senate for making threats to supreme court justices
Schumer isn't worried about Trump's incompetence, he's worried he might get re-elected. Along with the GOP keeping the Senate and winning the House.
The Dems have selected Biden and there i nothing they can do about the coming Trump landslide. The can only hold on and enjoy the ride and be ready for the "I told you so's"
Schumer isn't worried about Trump's incompetence, he's worried he might get re-elected. Along with the GOP keeping the Senate and winning the House.
The Dems have selected Biden and there i nothing they can do about the coming Trump landslide. The can only hold on and enjoy the ride and be ready for the "I told you so's"
Biden has a chance

it depends on how long the lib media can keep the public in a state of panic over the coronavirus
Schumer on Coronavirus:
‘We Are Very Worried About the President’s Incompetence’

Schumer on Coronavirus: 'We Are Very Worried About the President’s Incompetence'
10 Mar 2020 ~~ By Pam Key
Tuesday during remarks carried live on CSPAN, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said the Democrats were worried about President Donald Trump’s “incompetence and lack of focus” regarding the fight against the spread of coronavirus.
Now, I’m going to be blunt. We are very worried about the president’s incompetence and lack of focus on fighting the spread of coronavirus. We believe that his lack of focus, his hamstringing efforts to address this public crisis, and inflicting pain on the stock market. One word could describe thus far the administration’s response, incompetence.”

There goes Chuckie again with his fear mongering. His hypocritical negative and threatening diatribes are the babbling's of a liar. Where was the "honorable" Senator and his remarks when the 44th president screwed the pooch on the H1N1, MRSA, SARS Corona viruses?
Actually, both Schumer, Pelosi and the hidden leaders of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Party are praying for a pandemic filled with infected people and decimation of the stock market just to fix Trump's wagon in his re-election campaign, now that the Russian-secret-agent, peeing-hooker story, and impeachment has gone belly-up.
It appears that President Trump was acting on controlling Wuhan COVID-19 while the PMS/DSA Democrat Left were in the midst of failing in their attempt to impeach him.

Fact-Check: Obama Waited Until 'Millions' Infected and 1000 Dead in U.S. Before Declaring H1N1 National Emergency
Chuck schumer should be removed from the senate for making threats to supreme court justices

I agree, first our representatives within the Senate should take Schumer to task for making those threats to individual in SCOTUS, then make him responsible for his fear mongering statements. Censure should be the first move and impeachment next unless he decides to change his methods of poisonous political discourse.
Schumer on Coronavirus:
‘We Are Very Worried About the President’s Incompetence’

Schumer on Coronavirus: 'We Are Very Worried About the President’s Incompetence'
10 Mar 2020 ~~ By Pam Key
Tuesday during remarks carried live on CSPAN, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said the Democrats were worried about President Donald Trump’s “incompetence and lack of focus” regarding the fight against the spread of coronavirus.
Now, I’m going to be blunt. We are very worried about the president’s incompetence and lack of focus on fighting the spread of coronavirus. We believe that his lack of focus, his hamstringing efforts to address this public crisis, and inflicting pain on the stock market. One word could describe thus far the administration’s response, incompetence.”

There goes Chuckie again with his fear mongering. His hypocritical negative and threatening diatribes are the babbling's of a liar. Where was the "honorable" Senator and his remarks when the 44th president screwed the pooch on the H1N1, MRSA, SARS Corona viruses?
Actually, both Schumer, Pelosi and the hidden leaders of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Party are praying for a pandemic filled with infected people and decimation of the stock market just to fix Trump's wagon in his re-election campaign, now that the Russian-secret-agent, peeing-hooker story, and impeachment has gone belly-up.
It appears that President Trump was acting on controlling Wuhan COVID-19 while the PMS/DSA Democrat Left were in the midst of failing in their attempt to impeach him.

Fact-Check: Obama Waited Until 'Millions' Infected and 1000 Dead in U.S. Before Declaring H1N1 National Emergency
Chuck schumer should be removed from the senate for making threats to supreme court justices

I agree, first our representatives within the Senate should take Schumer to task for making those threats to individual in SCOTUS, then make him responsible for his fear mongering statements. Censure should be the first move and impeachment next unless he decides to change his methods of poisonous political discourse.
Biden should be expelled from the senate
Schumer's right.
No he isn't. He's left.

And he's in a heap of trouble for first, brainstorming and slumming with other creepy leftists to destroy President Trump and his first chosen Supreme Court Justice, then he went after Trump with fake impeachment conspiracies and threatening two Supreme Court Justices.

Schumer lost his marbles lately. You shouldn't worship creeps from the deep.
Nothing fake about it, he really was impeached and the whole world knows he was as guilty as OJ. His supporters celebrated too. Perhaps you folks need to hook up.
ZZ Pupps,

I hope you agree that threatening supreme court judges is wrong
Schumer's right.
No he isn't. He's left.

And he's in a heap of trouble for first, brainstorming and slumming with other creepy leftists to destroy President Trump and his first chosen Supreme Court Justice, then he went after Trump with fake impeachment conspiracies and threatening two Supreme Court Justices.

Schumer lost his marbles lately. You shouldn't worship creeps from the deep.
Nothing fake about it, he really was impeached and the whole world knows he was as guilty as OJ. His supporters celebrated too. Perhaps you folks need to hook up.
There is no common ground remaining in America
Yea, but there were tests available because I had one for H1N1 back then unlike today. Went to my large doc family practice yesterday with symptoms of flu he tested me for flu and strep but said they had not been given tests for covid -19 and all family docs have been instructed to send everyone to either country health dept or ER. He said the government has screwed the pooch on this and his best estimate was thousands were walking around unaware they had it and were spreading it.

Who was it that said Pence, Trump, Azar? If you want to get tested you can. Well there are two criteria one have you traveled overseas and 2 have you been around anyone that has.
go ask to be tested. I bet you get tested. you're a parrot. I don't need to be tested. I don't care to be tested. I would prefer the ugliness of partisan politics to our country with a medical event. it's the worst piece of mud slinging ever.

No, you won’t get tested if you just ask.
the fk you don't. go ask and report back.
Yea, but there were tests available because I had one for H1N1 back then unlike today. Went to my large doc family practice yesterday with symptoms of flu he tested me for flu and strep but said they had not been given tests for covid -19 and all family docs have been instructed to send everyone to either country health dept or ER. He said the government has screwed the pooch on this and his best estimate was thousands were walking around unaware they had it and were spreading it.

Who was it that said Pence, Trump, Azar? If you want to get tested you can. Well there are two criteria one have you traveled overseas and 2 have you been around anyone that has.
go ask to be tested. I bet you get tested. you're a parrot. I don't need to be tested. I don't care to be tested. I would prefer the ugliness of partisan politics to our country with a medical event. it's the worst piece of mud slinging ever.

No, you won’t get tested if you just ask.
the fk you don't. go ask and report back.
I have. Testing still faces bottlenecks. You don’t test people without a good reason to exacerbate the backlog for those who actually are indicated.
Schumer on Coronavirus:
‘We Are Very Worried About the President’s Incompetence’

Schumer on Coronavirus: 'We Are Very Worried About the President’s Incompetence'
10 Mar 2020 ~~ By Pam Key
Tuesday during remarks carried live on CSPAN, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said the Democrats were worried about President Donald Trump’s “incompetence and lack of focus” regarding the fight against the spread of coronavirus.
Now, I’m going to be blunt. We are very worried about the president’s incompetence and lack of focus on fighting the spread of coronavirus. We believe that his lack of focus, his hamstringing efforts to address this public crisis, and inflicting pain on the stock market. One word could describe thus far the administration’s response, incompetence.”

There goes Chuckie again with his fear mongering. His hypocritical negative and threatening diatribes are the babbling's of a liar. Where was the "honorable" Senator and his remarks when the 44th president screwed the pooch on the H1N1, MRSA, SARS Corona viruses?
Actually, both Schumer, Pelosi and the hidden leaders of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Party are praying for a pandemic filled with infected people and decimation of the stock market just to fix Trump's wagon in his re-election campaign, now that the Russian-secret-agent, peeing-hooker story, and impeachment has gone belly-up.
It appears that President Trump was acting on controlling Wuhan COVID-19 while the PMS/DSA Democrat Left were in the midst of failing in their attempt to impeach him.

Fact-Check: Obama Waited Until 'Millions' Infected and 1000 Dead in U.S. Before Declaring H1N1 National Emergency
Chuck schumer should be removed from the senate for making threats to supreme court justices

I agree, first our representatives within the Senate should take Schumer to task for making those threats to individual in SCOTUS, then make him responsible for his fear mongering statements. Censure should be the first move and impeachment next unless he decides to change his methods of poisonous political discourse.
Biden should be expelled from the senate

Schumer's right.
No he isn't. He's left.

And he's in a heap of trouble for first, brainstorming and slumming with other creepy leftists to destroy President Trump and his first chosen Supreme Court Justice, then he went after Trump with fake impeachment conspiracies and threatening two Supreme Court Justices.

Schumer lost his marbles lately. You shouldn't worship creeps from the deep.
Nothing fake about it, he really was impeached and the whole world knows he was as guilty as OJ. His supporters celebrated too. Perhaps you folks need to hook up.
Yea, but there were tests available because I had one for H1N1 back then unlike today. Went to my large doc family practice yesterday with symptoms of flu he tested me for flu and strep but said they had not been given tests for covid -19 and all family docs have been instructed to send everyone to either country health dept or ER. He said the government has screwed the pooch on this and his best estimate was thousands were walking around unaware they had it and were spreading it.

Who was it that said Pence, Trump, Azar? If you want to get tested you can. Well there are two criteria one have you traveled overseas and 2 have you been around anyone that has.

So if you suspect you've been in contact with someone ill with COVID-19. You should self quarantine yourself for at least 9 to 10 days. Obviously you sound like a hypochondriac, or someone with a immune stressed problems.
Snowflakes complain, whine and cry, while others do the right thing and follow procedures.
Personally I've lived through all the viruses to date and I've even been exposed to active Tuberculosis. I followed standard practices of washing, wearing isolation ppe and survived it all.

I am 72 have several pre x and running a fever of 100 and coughing like hell for two days and a guy died down the street from it last week. So how much more do you want you fucking trumpturd?

Yea, but there were tests available because I had one for H1N1 back then unlike today. Went to my large doc family practice yesterday with symptoms of flu he tested me for flu and strep but said they had not been given tests for covid -19 and all family docs have been instructed to send everyone to either country health dept or ER. He said the government has screwed the pooch on this and his best estimate was thousands were walking around unaware they had it and were spreading it.

Who was it that said Pence, Trump, Azar? If you want to get tested you can. Well there are two criteria one have you traveled overseas and 2 have you been around anyone that has.

So if you suspect you've been in contact with someone ill with COVID-19. You should self quarantine yourself for at least 9 to 10 days. Obviously you sound like a hypochondriac, or someone with a immune stressed problems.
Snowflakes complain, whine and cry, while others do the right thing and follow procedures.
Personally I've lived through all the viruses to date and I've even been exposed to active Tuberculosis. I followed standard practices of washing, wearing isolation ppe and survived it all.

I am 72 have several pre x and running a fever of 100 and coughing like hell for two days and a guy died down the street from it last week. So how much more do you want you fucking trumpturd?
I hope you get better.
Yea, but there were tests available because I had one for H1N1 back then unlike today. Went to my large doc family practice yesterday with symptoms of flu he tested me for flu and strep but said they had not been given tests for covid -19 and all family docs have been instructed to send everyone to either country health dept or ER. He said the government has screwed the pooch on this and his best estimate was thousands were walking around unaware they had it and were spreading it.

Who was it that said Pence, Trump, Azar? If you want to get tested you can. Well there are two criteria one have you traveled overseas and 2 have you been around anyone that has.

‘Trump’s Chernobyl’: Media Wuhan Virus Hysteria Stokes Public Panic
Not only is it clear that corporate media can't be trusted to provide accurate information about an issue of public concern, it's clear they don’t care about public health or the economy.

'Trump's Chernobyl': Media Coronavirus Hysteria Stokes Public Panic
11 Mar 2020 ~~ By Joy Pullman
Since the coronavirus came on the horizon, media figures have been stoking panic, leading to mass shortages of basic health supplies, business travel cancellations, and market drops, all while the confirmed disease number hiked yesterday to around 0.000002 percent of the U.S. population.
So far, U.S. cases of the basic seasonal flu outnumber coronavirus cases by a factor of 45,000 (using federal stats for this year’s flu and real-time tracking of coronavirus confirmations). The flu season has even been especially bad this year, with between 20,000 and 52,000 deaths, compared to 29 so far from coronavirus.
~~Snip ~~
Washington Post columnist Brian Klaas claimed in a March 9 column, “The coronavirus is Trump’s Chernobyl.”
It’s funny that the Washington Post seems to be publishing no articles calling the Wuhan province-originated disease China’s Chernobyl. The comparison is, indeed, a much better fit for China than for the United States. That communist government also kept the existence and spread of the Wuhan virus a secret, which led to tens of thousands more cases than if it had instead acted quickly to prevent the disease’s spread, like the Trump administration, Taiwan, and Hong Kong did. It is the epicenter of the coronavirus, with reportedly more than 80,000 sick and 3,000 dead so far (although China’s numbers are not reliable and likely understated).
~~Snip ~~
It is probably no accident that the media’s hysterical representation of what so far is a tiny health problem with the potential to grow — but we don’t know how much — mimics the accusations Democrat presidential candidates were making against Trump just two weeks ago. From Democrats’ lips to the media’s megaphone to a public frenzy in just two weeks.

I posted this specifically for Debbiedowner... The panic displayed in her post is indicative of the media's fear and scare tactics. There's been too much wish casting by the biased media, so called political pundits and Leftist politicians.
The author of this Op-Ed is correct when she opined, "They care about destroying Trump, and if they have to ruin the U.S. economy to do that, that’s what they’ll do."
Perhaps the DebbieDowner's of America should remember and take to heart the words of FDR at his inaugural speech of Mar of 1933, saying, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
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Yea, but there were tests available because I had one for H1N1 back then unlike today. Went to my large doc family practice yesterday with symptoms of flu he tested me for flu and strep but said they had not been given tests for covid -19 and all family docs have been instructed to send everyone to either country health dept or ER. He said the government has screwed the pooch on this and his best estimate was thousands were walking around unaware they had it and were spreading it.

Who was it that said Pence, Trump, Azar? If you want to get tested you can. Well there are two criteria one have you traveled overseas and 2 have you been around anyone that has.
go ask to be tested. I bet you get tested. you're a parrot. I don't need to be tested. I don't care to be tested. I would prefer the ugliness of partisan politics to our country with a medical event. it's the worst piece of mud slinging ever.

No, you won’t get tested if you just ask.
the fk you don't. go ask and report back.
I have. Testing still faces bottlenecks. You don’t test people without a good reason to exacerbate the backlog for those who actually are indicated.
sure you did. too fking funny. fk son, have some integrity.

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