Schumer on Coronavirus: ‘We Are Very Worried About the President’s Incompetence’

Funny that you did not see this kind of hysteria before.
We had swine flu that killed over a thousand.
The so called common flu kills thousands each year.
So far we have less then a hundred dead but the media and others are running around yelling the sky is falling we are all going to die!!
Perhaps if they spent less time howling and more time learning a bit of common sense.

Oh sorry I forgot that is very short supply. Maybe democrats can blame that on Trump.

How do you know we didn't? I wasn't on this board as many weren't at that time. Besides the flu shot had a little protection and if you lived through it in 57 or 58 which I did had some immunity. But I was sick in bed for 2 weeks and bitching.
With comments like it any surprise the DJIA is down another 1000 points?

Democrats PROVE once again they are willing to harm us all to score political points...and the sad part is, it wont even work.

Next up...rile up antifa...get them to burn every city to the ground...and BLAME TRUMP!

Blame it all the dems instead of the orange buffoon who doesn't know his ass from a hold in the ground.
With comments like it any surprise the DJIA is down another 1000 points?

Democrats PROVE once again they are willing to harm us all to score political points...and the sad part is, it wont even work.

Next up...rile up antifa...get them to burn every city to the ground...and BLAME TRUMP!

Blame it all the dems instead of the orange buffoon who doesn't know his ass from a hold in the ground.
Schumer is the guy who will sell out his own to keep his butt alive. He will give them a hug even as they face the firing squad. There are a lot more people who will do the same thing.
Schumer's right.
No he isn't. He's left.

And he's in a heap of trouble for first, brainstorming and slumming with other creepy leftists to destroy President Trump and his first chosen Supreme Court Justice, then he went after Trump with fake impeachment conspiracies and threatening two Supreme Court Justices.

Schumer lost his marbles lately. You shouldn't worship creeps from the deep.
Nothing fake about it, he really was impeached and the whole world knows he was as guilty as OJ. His supporters celebrated too. Perhaps you folks need to hook up.
You are grossly mistaken. Every syllable of every word of every accusations made by the Deep Stater Democrats was a lie. No exceptions. And you need to look up and stop looking down at the sewer the Democrats created for themselves.
Yea, but there were tests available because I had one for H1N1 back then unlike today. Went to my large doc family practice yesterday with symptoms of flu he tested me for flu and strep but said they had not been given tests for covid -19 and all family docs have been instructed to send everyone to either country health dept or ER. He said the government has screwed the pooch on this and his best estimate was thousands were walking around unaware they had it and were spreading it.

Who was it that said Pence, Trump, Azar? If you want to get tested you can. Well there are two criteria one have you traveled overseas and 2 have you been around anyone that has.

So if you suspect you've been in contact with someone ill with COVID-19. You should self quarantine yourself for at least 9 to 10 days. Obviously you sound like a hypochondriac, or someone with a immune stressed problems.
Snowflakes complain, whine and cry, while others do the right thing and follow procedures.
Personally I've lived through all the viruses to date and I've even been exposed to active Tuberculosis. I followed standard practices of washing, wearing isolation ppe and survived it all.

I am 72 have several pre x and running a fever of 100 and coughing like hell for two days and a guy died down the street from it last week. So how much more do you want you fucking trumpturd?

Then you should follow the tried and true method.. Stay at home, drink plenty of fluids, take an nsaid to reduce your fever, and cough expectorant. Above all have plenty of homemade chicken soup.
BTW I'm 84 yrs old....

Take care, y'hear!
Yea, but there were tests available because I had one for H1N1 back then unlike today. Went to my large doc family practice yesterday with symptoms of flu he tested me for flu and strep but said they had not been given tests for covid -19 and all family docs have been instructed to send everyone to either country health dept or ER. He said the government has screwed the pooch on this and his best estimate was thousands were walking around unaware they had it and were spreading it.

Who was it that said Pence, Trump, Azar? If you want to get tested you can. Well there are two criteria one have you traveled overseas and 2 have you been around anyone that has.

So if you suspect you've been in contact with someone ill with COVID-19. You should self quarantine yourself for at least 9 to 10 days. Obviously you sound like a hypochondriac, or someone with a immune stressed problems.
Snowflakes complain, whine and cry, while others do the right thing and follow procedures.
Personally I've lived through all the viruses to date and I've even been exposed to active Tuberculosis. I followed standard practices of washing, wearing isolation ppe and survived it all.

I am 72 have several pre x and running a fever of 100 and coughing like hell for two days and a guy died down the street from it last week. So how much more do you want you fucking trumpturd?
Prayers up for Debbiedowner getting completely well. :eusa_pray:
Schumer's right.

So what has Schumer done to stem the infections of Wuhan Covid-19? Absolutely nothing but spread fear mongering!!!
All talk no action, while the president has stopped travel to and from affected areas and more. If there is incompetence,political partisanship and fear mongering being done, it's Schumer, Pelosi and the Democrat Party.
Schumer isn't worried about Trump's incompetence, he's worried he might get re-elected. Along with the GOP keeping the Senate and winning the House.

There's a rumor going around that we may have to skip the election and President Trump will remain president until 2024 or later? I'm sure that will make the Democrats apoplectic over that one.....

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