Schumer Threatens USSC Justices Gorsuch & Kavanaugh: 'You Will Pay Price - Won't Know What Hit You!

Kavenaugh Thomas and Alito all form their opinions on Roe by virtue of their religion. I mean why would they find a religious exemption to people getting FREE HC via an employer as a basis to challenge covering IUDs. Or employers complaining that the govt mandates all HC plans cover them? If THAT's a right, how come abortion is a right that State's can pass laws making them unattainable unless docs have admitting privileges to hospitals that will NEVER grant the privilege to a doc who openly performs abortions?
Why is the SC hearing a case so similar to one that was decided in Texas a couple years ago? In that one, the SC said no, they couldn't require that, but by the time the decision was made, most of the clinics offering abortion services had closed because the legislation was in limbo.

Isn't precedent worth anything any more? Are those opposed to legal abortion challenging the Court with laws that clearly refute its recent decisions? Doesn't the federal law superceed state law if the two contradict? States doing this should be fined, don't you think? It's not like they don't know what the law is. They are simply ignoring it. Man, they fight dirty. Or am I understanding this wrong?
this is where i think sooner or later we need to come to a consensus and let it go. so i agree that once we've decided it, why take it up again only when you feel you can reverse it? all that means is later when the SCOTUS tilts again, we bring it back and change it. again.
yep, what's the point? let it happen. it's called a fight. legislation in congress gets changed all the time. why is this any different? New evidence is collected and presented. just like any guilty person in jail. I don't get why people oppose such things. too funny.
what new evidence can there possibly be for the abortion issue?

The issue isn't abortion, it's a 10th amendment case dealing with a States ability to regulate doctors who are licensed to practice by the State.

You well know that the state law was being used to limit a doctors access to give abortions. There no mystery about what’s going on here.
Schumer is publicly flighting for a policy he believes in, that’s what politicians do. I don’t like that he went Trump style with his rhetoric.... we need to be better than that and not stoop to that level

The question is why did schmukey pick on only these two justices, it takes 5 to get a ruling either way.

I would think he would only have to threaten roberts who along with the 4 liberals would be enough

but who knows what is going on in schumers retarded brain?
Who knows? Everybody who listened to his apology and explanation
you mean this?

"The minority leader admitted that he should not have used the words he did, but then contended that he was “in no way making a threat,” and flipped the situation onto Senate Republicans, accusing the majority of “manufacturing outrage.”"

he should just apologize and shut the fuck up. period. esp when their side get offended at anything they think gives them leverage. hell, you got bent cause you didn't like how trump carries himself and that was a point of debate.

it's all stupid and people need to own it and stop blaming others for their own actions.

esp when their side get offended at anything they think gives them leverage.

Schumer gave republicans a legitimate reason to be outraged

we should make an example of him that will get everyones attention in both parties
yea, they pretty much have making mountains out of mole hills down to a science.
Trump has been TRASHED, NON STOP, 24/7 since the DAY HE WAS ELECTED.

Well.. that explains A LOT.

.... and all this time I thought the sumbitch didn't drink or do drugs.:dunno:
Jokes just show you have nothing to add that's worth shit.

I apologize for having triggered you.

USMB should really provide some designated safe spaces for all you politician worshiping munchkins that can't take a joke. :cool:
First off, I’m not a democrat. Second, Trump gets called out on his lies and for the things he says and does just as Chuck deserved to get called out for acting inappropriately with the SCOTUS situation.
The difference being Schumer apologized. And................when Trump lies his cult followers believe the lie even after it has been disproven.
Hmmm....sounds like Senator Dracula-D NY is just BEGGING for a Senate Censure.
I want him expelled from the senate

Won't happen; the criminals.. er....Senators are way too tight with one another to do anything that resembles what would happen to one of us peasants for publicly threatening Supreme Court Justices the way Schumer did.

More than likely Chuck will get off with a harshly worded email and a two day suspension of his executive washroom privileges.:cool:
Probably not but we meed to light a fire under Get-along repub senators and democrats in shaky seats anyway

and this an issue we dont even have to spin

schumer was incredibly stupid and it needs to be an issue for the rest of this election cycle or until he resigns
For as long as I can remember liberals were getting their way in the courts and demanded that supreme court rulings were infallible and must never be questioned

according to lefties if the demigods in black robes say abortion, or gay marriage are constitutionally protected then no one can disagree

but now schumer is saying he knows more about the Constitution than the black robes

and making threats against them if they dont follow his orders
Schumer is publicly flighting for a policy he believes in, that’s what politicians do. I don’t like that he went Trump style with his rhetoric.... we need to be better than that and not stoop to that level
The SC is not supposed to be a legislative body

its been one in the past when the unelected lib judges discovered constitutional rights that congress didnt know about

but schumer has no business lobbying for any particular ruling by the judicial branch

not to mention make threats if they dont comply
Agreed, I never said what chuck did was appropriate discourse. It’s looking now like a PR stunt to get attention to the issue. Either way, he needs to do better
He needs to resign from congress

and if he doesent step down he should be expelled
Easy drama queen. If you’re gonna be that hardline on speech and decorum then your gonna have to apply it to all sides and I don’t think you’re ready for that given the verbal turd slinger we have in the White House
Aw, Mac7 grabs at any excuse to get rid of all lefties, by any means necessary.
The difference being Schumer apologized.
Schumer attempted to cover his ass....and lied about it. he claimed he was speaking to the President and Senate Republicans but called out Gorsuch and Kavanaugh BY NAME... An objective person would acknowledge this while a partisan party apologist would attempt to help the b@st@rd attempt to dupe others into buying the BS.
A US Senator should be held to a higher standard. And no one is above the law.

Schumer should be censured by his colleagues and prosecuted for inciting an unruly leftist mob to violence and threatening US Supreme Court Justices. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it is illegal to threaten or intimidate a Judge who's sitting on a case.
Not a single threat.

Nothing wrong with disagreeing with court rulings.
And of course... YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT.

Remember Trent Lot? He made a JOKE when Strom Thurman retired and he was GONE, for FAR, FAR LESS... HE WAS GONE.


You ATTEMPTING to downplay this is just another GLARING example of you DEMOCRATS HYPOCRISY and DOUBLE STANDARD. Had a REPUBLICAN just did what Chuckie Cheese did aimed at LEFTIST JUSTICES, THE ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING would be in TOTAL SCORCHED EARTH MELT DOWN MODE, and you know DAMN WELL that's the TRUTH.
trump screams at the the judges when he doesn't like the ruling. very true. but i've not heard him make what could be considered a threat to their personal well being.

but what happens is that goes unchecked and sooner or later someone does the "hold my beer" schtick and takes it up a notch. schumer did in fact do just that and needs to be called out for it by all sides. anyone saying he was right in doing this is wrong.

trump isn't right in what he does either but again - i've not seen him directly threaten the health of a SCOTUS as of yet.

Bull shit. Trump has NEVER come CLOSE to doing ANYTHING even REMOTELY resembling what Schumer did towards the SC.

Get freakin' real. You democrats excuses are absolutely PATHETIC as you try and SPIN this.
Excuses?! What excuses. I said what Schumer said was unacceptable, I called Waters a douche and yes Trump has been the ring leader is disgusting rhetoric for most his life and has brought new lows into our politics. You need to get real man. I’m not breaking news here

Trump has been TRASHED, NON STOP, 24/7 since the DAY HE WAS ELECTED. TRASHING people is WHAT YOU DEMOCRATS DO, and you think you can just get away with it NON STOP and NO one is EVER supposed to RESPOND in the SAME MANNER. Yeah, so Trump FIRES BACK and you radical little bubble heads think it's WRONG. He GIVES WHAT HE GETS, and you ass wipes CAN'T STAND IT.

But the difference is, Trump is RESPONDING to all the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING TRASHING he gets NON STOP. He has NEVER pulled a STUNT like Schumer just did and EVERYONE knows it, even you LYING sons a bitches.

Ya, GET REAL, and spare me your pathetic SPIN and EXCUSES.

Wow, such a rant, and so out of touch with reality. There was no direct threat by Schumer,
Isnt judge intimidation a crime? Chuckles is entitled to an ignorant opinion, but not threats

Nope. See the Dangerous Proximity Test: "(P)reparation is not attempt. But some preparations may amount to an attempt. It is a question of degree. If the preparation comes very near to the accomplishment of the act, the intent to complete it renders the crime so probable that the act will be a misdemeanor, although there is still a locus poenitentiae* in the need of a further exertion of the will to complete the crime.

* poenitentiae is a Latin phrase associated with contractual law which means opportunity to withdraw from a contract or obligation before it is completed or to decide not to commit an intended crime.

Ca. Law on Criminal Threats:

Law section
First off, I’m not a democrat. Second, Trump gets called out on his lies and for the things he says and does just as Chuck deserved to get called out for acting inappropriately with the SCOTUS situation.
The difference being Schumer apologized. And................when Trump lies his cult followers believe the lie even after it has been disproven.
Schumer is pizzed because in the 2016 election, total power came within the grasp of the Progressive Socialist Party. He is Loki to Trump being Thor.
And of course... YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT.

Remember Trent Lot? He made a JOKE when Strom Thurman retired and he was GONE, for FAR, FAR LESS... HE WAS GONE.


You ATTEMPTING to downplay this is just another GLARING example of you DEMOCRATS HYPOCRISY and DOUBLE STANDARD. Had a REPUBLICAN just did what Chuckie Cheese did aimed at LEFTIST JUSTICES, THE ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING would be in TOTAL SCORCHED EARTH MELT DOWN MODE, and you know DAMN WELL that's the TRUTH.
trump screams at the the judges when he doesn't like the ruling. very true. but i've not heard him make what could be considered a threat to their personal well being.

but what happens is that goes unchecked and sooner or later someone does the "hold my beer" schtick and takes it up a notch. schumer did in fact do just that and needs to be called out for it by all sides. anyone saying he was right in doing this is wrong.

trump isn't right in what he does either but again - i've not seen him directly threaten the health of a SCOTUS as of yet.
Bull shit. Trump has NEVER come CLOSE to doing ANYTHING even REMOTELY resembling what Schumer did towards the SC.

Get freakin' real. You democrats excuses are absolutely PATHETIC as you try and SPIN this.
Excuses?! What excuses. I said what Schumer said was unacceptable, I called Waters a douche and yes Trump has been the ring leader is disgusting rhetoric for most his life and has brought new lows into our politics. You need to get real man. I’m not breaking news here
How unacceptable?

censure and demotion from minority leader?

or expulsion?
I think Roberts public condemnation was appropriate and Chuck handled it the right way by apologizing on the floor of congress and correcting the record.
Correcting the record?:iyfyus.jpg:
First off, I’m not a democrat. Second, Trump gets called out on his lies and for the things he says and does just as Chuck deserved to get called out for acting inappropriately with the SCOTUS situation.
The difference being Schumer apologized. And................when Trump lies his cult followers believe the lie even after it has been disproven.

He did not apologize. He doubled and tripled down and he lied about it.

Lock him up.
Aw, Mac7 grabs at any excuse to get rid of all lefties, by any means necessary.
I can't answer for Mac, but 'ALL LEFTIES' did not just threaten / attempt to intimidate 2 USSC Justices. That would be the Senate Minority Leader, D-Chuck Schumer.
For as long as I can remember liberals were getting their way in the courts and demanded that supreme court rulings were infallible and must never be questioned

according to lefties if the demigods in black robes say abortion, or gay marriage are constitutionally protected then no one can disagree

but now schumer is saying he knows more about the Constitution than the black robes

and making threats against them if they dont follow his orders
Schumer is publicly flighting for a policy he believes in, that’s what politicians do. I don’t like that he went Trump style with his rhetoric.... we need to be better than that and not stoop to that level
The SC is not supposed to be a legislative body

its been one in the past when the unelected lib judges discovered constitutional rights that congress didnt know about

but schumer has no business lobbying for any particular ruling by the judicial branch

not to mention make threats if they dont comply
Agreed, I never said what chuck did was appropriate discourse. It’s looking now like a PR stunt to get attention to the issue. Either way, he needs to do better
He needs to resign from congress

and if he doesent step down he should be expelled
Easy drama queen. If you’re gonna be that hardline on speech and decorum then your gonna have to apply it to all sides and I don’t think you’re ready for that given the verbal turd slinger we have in the White House
Conveying a threat against a member of the federal government is not a minor mistake that should be overlooked

as for trump you can go play the Whut Aboutism game with someone else

We’re here to discuss schumer
This is what an adult does when he/she makes a mistake.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chuck Schumer, the top U.S. Senate Democrat, expressed regret on Thursday for remarks he made a day earlier that two Supreme Court justices appointed by President Donald Trump would "pay the price" if they rule in favor of abortion restrictions.

"I'm from Brooklyn. We speak in strong language. I shouldn't have used the words I did. But in no way was I making a threat. I never, never would do such a thing," Schumer said on the Senate floor amid calls from Republicans that he apologize for his comments about Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.
It explains why the Orange Fraud doesn't apologize. He has the maturity level of a child.
Where did Chuck The Knife apologize?

Nothing in that pathetic spin was an apology.
Schumer is publicly flighting for a policy he believes in, that’s what politicians do. I don’t like that he went Trump style with his rhetoric.... we need to be better than that and not stoop to that level
The SC is not supposed to be a legislative body

its been one in the past when the unelected lib judges discovered constitutional rights that congress didnt know about

but schumer has no business lobbying for any particular ruling by the judicial branch

not to mention make threats if they dont comply
Agreed, I never said what chuck did was appropriate discourse. It’s looking now like a PR stunt to get attention to the issue. Either way, he needs to do better
He needs to resign from congress

and if he doesent step down he should be expelled
Easy drama queen. If you’re gonna be that hardline on speech and decorum then your gonna have to apply it to all sides and I don’t think you’re ready for that given the verbal turd slinger we have in the White House
Conveying a threat against a member of the federal government is not a minor mistake that should be overlooked

as for trump you can go play the Whut Aboutism game with someone else

We’re here to discuss schumer
If the DOJ assesses Schumer’s statement as a legit threat then Barr could arrest him. Why hasn’t that happened you may ask?? Well because it wasn’t that kind of threat and you’re doing bullshit political hyperbole. Now go take a nap, you’re ill equipped for this discussion
For as long as I can remember liberals were getting their way in the courts and demanded that supreme court rulings were infallible and must never be questioned

according to lefties if the demigods in black robes say abortion, or gay marriage are constitutionally protected then no one can disagree

but now schumer is saying he knows more about the Constitution than the black robes

and making threats against them if they dont follow his orders
Schumer is publicly flighting for a policy he believes in, that’s what politicians do. I don’t like that he went Trump style with his rhetoric.... we need to be better than that and not stoop to that level
The SC is not supposed to be a legislative body

its been one in the past when the unelected lib judges discovered constitutional rights that congress didnt know about

but schumer has no business lobbying for any particular ruling by the judicial branch

not to mention make threats if they dont comply
Agreed, I never said what chuck did was appropriate discourse. It’s looking now like a PR stunt to get attention to the issue. Either way, he needs to do better
He needs to resign from congress

and if he doesent step down he should be expelled

That takes a 2/3 majority vote to pull off while a simple majority will turn the trick for a censure. Few who have been censured are ever reelected and most won't even run again. It's pretty close to the kiss of death. It does neuter them by removing them from all committees and restricts them to floor votes only.
We have 53 republicans and since thats not enough put every democrat on record as supporting thug politics

censure alone will not remove schumer in a Deep, DEEP blue state like NY
Isnt judge intimidation a crime? Chuckles is entitled to an ignorant opinion, but not threats

Schumer always gets close to but doesn't cross that threshold. It's time to censure Schumer at the least or impeach him at most.
Sounded like he crossed a line to me. We need to hold these violent leftists to the same standard they hold us, but I'm not sure how you go about removing someone like this.

It requires a 2/3rds vote of the senate and that will never happen.

If they censured the knucklehead it would only need a simple majority
Seems meaningless to me. He needs to step down
The question is why did schmukey pick on only these two justices, it takes 5 to get a ruling either way.

He sees them as political and bias appointees that he doesn't think should have been approved by congress. Unfortunately for chuck, that’s how the pendulum of power swings in our system. He needs to do better and not make outbursts like that. To his credit, he did apologize and correct the record
Bullshit, Schumer is complaining the Court is not biased in favor of the Democrats. The most political and biased members of the Court are Ginsburg and Sotomayor, and he has no problem with that. No one has heard an honest word out of Chuck in many years.
You say bullshit he says bullshit then we all go home... wasn’t that fun
You're the one who tried to spin Schumer's irresponsible remarks so you must think bullshit is fun.
I did? What did I try and spin them to?
Your false claim that Schumer is concerned about bias on the Court when he is only concerned that the bias he alleges is not in his favor.
What specific threat did Schumer actually make against gorsuch or kavanaugh? Moreover, these justices have a bias. Recusal? The orange whore demands recusral in cases involving him.
In the Whole Womens' Health case, the leading medical professional organizations filed amicus briefs arguing that the law at issue was unnecessary and bogus. The justices known to be "conservative" did not even read them and never asked any question of the attorney arguing for the state of Texas, even though the justices are supposed to be neutral.

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