Schumer Threatens USSC Justices Gorsuch & Kavanaugh: 'You Will Pay Price - Won't Know What Hit You!

Why is the SC hearing a case so similar to one that was decided in Texas a couple years ago? In that one, the SC said no, they couldn't require that, but by the time the decision was made, most of the clinics offering abortion services had closed because the legislation was in limbo.

Isn't precedent worth anything any more? Are those opposed to legal abortion challenging the Court with laws that clearly refute its recent decisions? Doesn't the federal law superceed state law if the two contradict? States doing this should be fined, don't you think? It's not like they don't know what the law is. They are simply ignoring it. Man, they fight dirty. Or am I understanding this wrong?
this is where i think sooner or later we need to come to a consensus and let it go. so i agree that once we've decided it, why take it up again only when you feel you can reverse it? all that means is later when the SCOTUS tilts again, we bring it back and change it. again.
yep, what's the point? let it happen. it's called a fight. legislation in congress gets changed all the time. why is this any different? New evidence is collected and presented. just like any guilty person in jail. I don't get why people oppose such things. too funny.
what new evidence can there possibly be for the abortion issue?

The issue isn't abortion, it's a 10th amendment case dealing with a States ability to regulate doctors who are licensed to practice by the State.

You well know that the state law was being used to limit a doctors access to give abortions. There no mystery about what’s going on here.

No it's about patient safety, and a doctor having the ability to admit a patient to a hospital and continue care, if complications arise from the procedure. The feds have no authority in licensing requirements for doctors within a State, that's the States job. I didn't think you were a big government guy and you believed in federalism. This is what federalism looks like.


If the DOJ assesses Schumer’s statement as a legit threat then Barr could arrest him. Why hasn’t that happened you may ask?? Well because it wasn’t that kind of threat and you’re doing bullshit political hyperbole. Now go take a nap, you’re ill equipped for this discussion.

Barr knows Schumer is an angry, bitter, TDS-suffering pr!ck who, like Pelosi, is spewing the most vile and ridiculous shite they can think of to rile up their Jonathon Gruber-esque sheep.....and he and Durham are too busy investigating and collecting the criminal evidence against Trump's criminal Agency Directors / the co-conspirators and now the Bidens....

If the DOJ suddenly began holding the Democrats accountable for all of their crimes the DOJ would have to create a new division and hire dozens of more lawyers / prosecutors just for that purpose.

What specific threat did Schumer actually make against gorsuch or kavanaugh? Moreover, these justices have a bias. Recusal? The orange whore demands recusral in cases involving him.
In the Whole Womens' Health case, the leading medical professional organizations filed amicus briefs arguing that the law at issue was unnecessary and bogus. The justices known to be "conservative" did not even read them and never asked any question of the attorney arguing for the state of Texas, even though the justices are supposed to be neutral.
Women's Health was not the first, but certainly the most egregious thus far, example of a regulation without any medical justification. In a sense those who argued Roe must be upheld on stare decisis grounds were outmaneuvered because for the anti-choice folks, they can make abortion unavailable in any state that would ban it, and they can avoid making it a political issue in any state where it might disadvantage the gop

Really, if the Court upholds the La law, we'd be better off if there was no Roe.
I see Schumer is claiming he didn't mean to threaten the SC justices when he quite clearly named them and threatened them. Basically the guy slipped up and blurted out loud what he was really feeling and now refuses to won up to it.
Schumer attempted to cover his ass....and lied about it. he claimed he was speaking to the President and Senate Republicans but called out Gorsuch and Kavanaugh BY NAME... An objective person would acknowledge this while a partisan party apologist would attempt to help the b@st@rd attempt to dupe others into buying the BS.
Thanks for that sterling example of irrational, raging hatred coursing through the veins of a Trumpleton cultist. Triggered much?
If an abortion is needed because the woman's life is in danger, then SHOULDN'T a medical facility - like a hospital - where the woman can be immediately treated, where a large number of life-saving devices and services are on-hand / nearby?

If the goal is to truly protect the life of the mother...and not just to kill the seems to make sense.....
He did Not apologize and nowhere except in libbie loon land does I’m sorry or LOL make it right or never have happened.
“I want to kill you” (which he did not say) does not mean I want to kill your spirit or your movement. It means I want to make you dead.
Kavenaugh Thomas and Alito all form their opinions on Roe by virtue of their religion. I mean why would they find a religious exemption to people getting FREE HC via an employer as a basis to challenge covering IUDs. Or employers complaining that the govt mandates all HC plans cover them? If THAT's a right, how come abortion is a right that State's can pass laws making them unattainable unless docs have admitting privileges to hospitals that will NEVER grant the privilege to a doc who openly performs abortions?
Why is the SC hearing a case so similar to one that was decided in Texas a couple years ago? In that one, the SC said no, they couldn't require that, but by the time the decision was made, most of the clinics offering abortion services had closed because the legislation was in limbo.

Isn't precedent worth anything any more? Are those opposed to legal abortion challenging the Court with laws that clearly refute its recent decisions? Doesn't the federal law superceed state law if the two contradict? States doing this should be fined, don't you think? It's not like they don't know what the law is. They are simply ignoring it. Man, they fight dirty. Or am I understanding this wrong?
this is where i think sooner or later we need to come to a consensus and let it go. so i agree that once we've decided it, why take it up again only when you feel you can reverse it? all that means is later when the SCOTUS tilts again, we bring it back and change it. again.
yep, what's the point? let it happen. it's called a fight. legislation in congress gets changed all the time. why is this any different? New evidence is collected and presented. just like any guilty person in jail. I don't get why people oppose such things. too funny.
what new evidence can there possibly be for the abortion issue?

The issue isn't abortion, it's a 10th amendment case dealing with a States ability to regulate doctors who are licensed to practice by the State.

Case with same scenario in Texas a couple of years ago. SC said they couldn't force abortion clinic doctors to have admitting privileges at a local hospital.
Thanks for that sterling example of irrational, raging hatred coursing through the veins of a Trumpleton cultist. Triggered much?

What's the matter, Berg? Pointing out that Schumer LIED HIS ASS OFF making your attempt to 'sell' his bullshit difficult?

He claimed he was talking to the President and Senate Democrats; yet he declared,I want to tell you, Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Gorsuch, you have unleashed a whirlwind, and you will pay the price”...and made it a point while he said it to turn and shake his fist at the building where the USSC Justices work....

Schumer did not immediately 'apologize'....he waited until the backlash hit.

You stated earlier that ADULTS admit their mistakes.....yet you now personally attack me while telling lies yourself to defend something you KNOW not to be true!

.....why don't you take a seat at the kids' table and let the grown-ups talk this one out?!
I see Schumer is claiming he didn't mean to threaten the SC justices when he quite clearly named them and threatened them. Basically the guy slipped up and blurted out loud what he was really feeling and now refuses to won up to it.

He didn't threaten them WITH anything.The orange whore demanded recusal.
“I want to kill you” (which he did not say) does not mean I want to kill your spirit or your movement. It means I want to make you dead.

"Justices Gorsuch & Kavanaugh - you will pay the price and you will never see it coming"

is NOT the same thing as

"Mr. President, My Fellow Republican Senators....if the USSC Justices the President has appointed and you have confirmed reverse ROE Vs Wade you will face legislative repercussions"

(How would they NOT see any Democrat Legislative repercussions coming, anyway?)

...yet there are some dumbass snowflakes who are attempting to defend Schumer by claiming that is EXACTLY what he said / meant.

I see Schumer is claiming he didn't mean to threaten the SC justices when he quite clearly named them and threatened them. Basically the guy slipped up and blurted out loud what he was really feeling and now refuses to won up to it.

He didn't threaten them WITH anything.The orange whore demanded recusal.

Schumer threatened two SC Justices with an unruly leftist mob. President Trump was perfectly within his rights to ask those Justices to recuse themselves. That was in no way a threat.
I see Schumer is claiming he didn't mean to threaten the SC justices when he quite clearly named them and threatened them. Basically the guy slipped up and blurted out loud what he was really feeling and now refuses to won up to it.

He didn't threaten them WITH anything.The orange whore demanded recusal.

Schumer threatened two SC Justices with an unruly leftist mob. President Trump was perfectly within his rights to ask those Justices to recuse themselves. That was in no way a threat.

What was the act that he threatened them with?
Why is the SC hearing a case so similar to one that was decided in Texas a couple years ago? In that one, the SC said no, they couldn't require that, but by the time the decision was made, most of the clinics offering abortion services had closed because the legislation was in limbo.

Isn't precedent worth anything any more? Are those opposed to legal abortion challenging the Court with laws that clearly refute its recent decisions? Doesn't the federal law superceed state law if the two contradict? States doing this should be fined, don't you think? It's not like they don't know what the law is. They are simply ignoring it. Man, they fight dirty. Or am I understanding this wrong?
this is where i think sooner or later we need to come to a consensus and let it go. so i agree that once we've decided it, why take it up again only when you feel you can reverse it? all that means is later when the SCOTUS tilts again, we bring it back and change it. again.
yep, what's the point? let it happen. it's called a fight. legislation in congress gets changed all the time. why is this any different? New evidence is collected and presented. just like any guilty person in jail. I don't get why people oppose such things. too funny.
what new evidence can there possibly be for the abortion issue?

The issue isn't abortion, it's a 10th amendment case dealing with a States ability to regulate doctors who are licensed to practice by the State.

Case with same scenario in Texas a couple of years ago. SC said they couldn't force abortion clinic doctors to have admitting privileges at a local hospital.

And that makes sense to you? No doctor should be able to perform out patient procedures and just wash their hands of the consequences. If there are complications they should be responsible for the follow up care.

Schumer should resign immediately.

He threatened 2 SCOTUS judges by fucking name.

He should resign or be forced out, absolutely unconscionable.

Fucking authoritarianism. Lefties are disgusting.
I see Schumer is claiming he didn't mean to threaten the SC justices when he quite clearly named them and threatened them. Basically the guy slipped up and blurted out loud what he was really feeling and now refuses to won up to it.

He didn't threaten them WITH anything.The orange whore demanded recusal.

Schumer threatened two SC Justices with an unruly leftist mob. President Trump was perfectly within his rights to ask those Justices to recuse themselves. That was in no way a threat.

What was the act that he threatened them with?

The terrorist, Schumer, did not specify. He only said they "would not know what hit them". Could be anything. Knife in the back. Sniper. Baseball bat. Flash mob. Who knows what the unruly leftist mob will try?
I see Schumer is claiming he didn't mean to threaten the SC justices when he quite clearly named them and threatened them. Basically the guy slipped up and blurted out loud what he was really feeling and now refuses to won up to it.

He didn't threaten them WITH anything.The orange whore demanded recusal.

Schumer threatened two SC Justices with an unruly leftist mob. President Trump was perfectly within his rights to ask those Justices to recuse themselves. That was in no way a threat.

What was the act that he threatened them with?
He threatened them with paying a price (we all know what that means unless deliberately choosing not to) and that such price paying they would never see coming (like a hit)
It was sctually a Double threat addressed with their names.

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