Schumer to do 'what it takes' if Dems take over Senate


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer left the fate of the filibuster up in the air Thursday, saying that Democrats would “do what it takes” to advance their agenda should Democratic nominee Joe Biden win the presidency and the party retake the Senate majority.

Your opponents will also do what it takes to prevent you from doing so, Chuck. Do you really want to take that path?

Schumer to do 'what it takes' if Dems take over Senate
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer left the fate of the filibuster up in the air Thursday, saying that Democrats would “do what it takes” to advance their agenda should Democratic nominee Joe Biden win the presidency and the party retake the Senate majority.

Your opponents will also do what it takes to prevent you from doing so, Chuck. Do you really want to take that path?

Schumer to do 'what it takes' if Dems take over Senate
Chuckie should be humanely put to sleep. Thank you.
All joking aside......
Every time I go on YouTube, I see TONS of ads with Chuck Schumer and Stacy Abrams begging for donations to help flip senate seats.

Don't know if they will be successful, but I can tell you they seem FAR more determined to flip the Senate than Republicans seem to be to hold on to it.
I wonder if any of the ACTBLU money that BLM has collected is going toward that effort.

All the fact check sites deny it, but frankly, with the way those funding organizations are set up, I don't really think there is any concrete proof of their claims. . .
make America a shithole Democrat

I’m Boe Jiden..and I forgot this message.
Keep this in mind......

There is a well orchestrated effort to flip (transform) America into something other than the Republic it was supposed to be.
They have been at it for about 100 years or more now.
They are extremely well organized and methodical.

I personally see NOTHING that stands in their way.
They take three steps forward, and the opposition pats itself on the back whenever it can get them to take one step backwards.

I honestly see absolutely nothing that stands in the way of their eventual complete success in the Transformation.
Even if Trump wins in November. They will keep chipping away relentlessly and wait their turn.
You might call them the Terminator of America because they know no boundaries, take no prisoners and absolutely will not stop until America is dead.
If the D's were to seize the Senate, but Trump were to still prevail in the Presidential election, it would certainly be interesting.

It would save the President the burden of appointing people to positions that require confirmation by make such an effort pointless.

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