Schumer: Trump will never get the wall in any form

Schumer is a shmuck.

If the military can build the wall, then America will get that wall.

I hope they can build it. We need it.
Schumer: Trump Is Not Going to Get the Wall in Any Form | Breitbart

Let's examine something real quick.
Leftist Anti American party allows a shutdown on Friday and this is what happens.

A. President Trump,The American People,America etc win and democrats collapse and allow the wall to be built after who knows how long they decide to throw a hissy fit.

B. Leftists keep the government shut down for an undetermined amount of time and in that time the American people come to realize we don't NEED the government to control every aspect of our lives and hence we don't NEED democrats in power any longer since the democrat party is for complete government control from cradle to grave of American's lives and come 2020 we have a HUGE landslide for the GOP with President Trump leading the way in a larger landslide than Reagan had in 1984.

SO being honest here who do ya think blinks first!? President Trump who wrote a book on the Art of the Deal or Leftists who are only putting up a front for their most extreme leftist parts of their party? I say Americans,America and President Trump win within a month.
tRump owns this shutdown.

Your post is meaningless.
Proof Schumer never intended to cut any deal with Trump on the wall. You cannot negotiate with the left, you an only defeat them.
Proof Schumer never intended to cut any deal with Trump on the wall. You cannot negotiate with the left, you an only defeat them.
BULL SHIT There was a deal going down a year ago involving the dreamers and wall and your moron in the WH turned it down
Like Barrypuppet's "Dreams Of My Father"? Seems that Barrypuppet's fake father's dream was to impregnate as many women as possible and then abandon them.


His Son tried to do it with Men, and was always confused why it didn't work. lol!
Proof Schumer never intended to cut any deal with Trump on the wall. You cannot negotiate with the left, you an only defeat them.
BULL SHIT There was a deal going down a year ago involving the dreamers and wall and your moron in the WH turned it down
I seem to recall it was the opposite of that. Trump offered amnesty to the Dreamers, to get the wall. DEMOCRATS turned it down.

Democrats Dismiss DACA Offer by Donald Trump's Aides, Demand No-Strings Amnesty | Breitbart

‘Dreamers’ turn ire on Democrats as DACA deadline passes
Proof Schumer never intended to cut any deal with Trump on the wall. You cannot negotiate with the left, you an only defeat them.
BULL SHIT There was a deal going down a year ago involving the dreamers and wall and your moron in the WH turned it down
I seem to recall it was the opposite of that. Trump offered amnesty to the Dreamers, to get the wall. DEMOCRATS turned it down.

Democrats Dismiss DACA Offer by Donald Trump's Aides, Demand No-Strings Amnesty | Breitbart
I was going on what Schumer said on tv and no one disputed it
Wrong. Listen to the discussion between Cheeto Jesus and pelosi.
I don't have to listen to anything. Democrats wont provide $5 billion for the wall. They're blocking it, and causing the shutdown. They should provide TWENTY-five Billion.
The Democrats control the House, and therefore the purse strings of government. So Schumer, and Pelosi can withhold money from what Trump wants.

Ultimately, a MORE SECURE BORDER will save the American taxpayer Billions, and maybe Trillions. We are leaking a huge amount of money, and resources due to the illegal use by foreign, illegal aliens. They are STEALING from you, and me.

Go to another country, and try to steal their resources, and be there illegally, and see what happens.
Wrong. Listen to the discussion between Cheeto Jesus and pelosi.
I don't have to listen to anything. Democrats wont provide $5 billion for the wall. They're blocking it, and causing the shutdown. They should provide TWENTY-five Billion.
The White House and congressional Democrats traded immigration offers futilely over the weekend, according to three sources familiar with the talks, leaving little chance of an immediate deal to protect Dreamers.

The White House on Sunday made an 11th-hour push to include billions of dollars in border wall funding in a massive congressional spending bill due this week, but it clashed with congressional Democrats over how far to go in protecting young immigrants who face deportation, the sources said.
I was going on what Schumer said on tv and no one disputed it
No one ? HA HA> Only abut 325 Million people in America, that's all. Including the Dreamers themselves who descended on Democrats’ national headquarters in Washington, March 5, 2018, staging a sit-in and vowing to make sure the party gets at least some of the blame as Congress slipped past President Trump’s March 5 deadline for action on DACA.

‘Dreamers’ turn ire on Democrats as DACA deadline passes

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The Democrats control the House, and therefore the purse strings of government. So Schumer, and Pelosi can withhold money from what Trump wants.

Ultimately, a MORE SECURE BORDER will save the American taxpayer Billions, and maybe Trillions. We are leaking a huge amount of money, and resources due to the illegal use by foreign, illegal aliens. They are STEALING from you, and me.

Go to another country, and try to steal their resources, and be there illegally, and see what happens.
Democrats only want to deny Trump his 2016 campaign promise, so as to hurt his chances for re-election in 2020.
The art of the deal? bull shit
THE HUNDREDS of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who have grown up in this country, having been brought here by their parents as children, are known as “dreamers.” But the real dreamer is President Trump if he thinks Congress will appropriate the billions of dollars he wants for his border wall — the one he claimed Mexico would pay for — even as he refuses any reasonable compromise to provide permanent legal status for those young migrants.

Mr. Trump’s last best chance for the wall, his signature 2016 campaign promise, may come during this lame-duck session of Congress. The window is narrow and the odds long, but the president could exercise his influence over the soon-to-disappear Republican majority in the House to press for a deal that would trade substantial funding for border security — including portions of a wall — for legislation that would assure a stable future for the dreamers. Instead, he suggests he would rather shut down the government than reach a compromise. Where’s the art in that deal?

A straightforward swap of wall funding for a dreamer fix should be an easy sell to the president’s base. Three-quarters of Republicans support giving dreamers a path to citizenship, and roughly the same percentage back the president on the wall, according to a recent Gallup poll. Several groups affiliated with the Koch network, major GOP donors, have also written to congressional leaders endorsing a deal. Democrats almost unanimously favor citizenship or at least legal status for the dreamers, and, while few of them want a border wall, many might accept significant funding for one if it meant removing the risk of deportation faced by well more than a million dreamers.
The Democrats control the House, and therefore the purse strings of government. So Schumer, and Pelosi can withhold money from what Trump wants.

Ultimately, a MORE SECURE BORDER will save the American taxpayer Billions, and maybe Trillions. We are leaking a huge amount of money, and resources due to the illegal use by foreign, illegal aliens. They are STEALING from you, and me.

Go to another country, and try to steal their resources, and be there illegally, and see what happens.
Democrats only want to deny Trump his 2016 campaign promise, so as to hurt his chances for re-election in 2020.
PLEASE!!! That ah in our WH needs no help from dems He buries himself
Democrats only want to deny Trump his 2016 campaign promise, so as to hurt his chances for re-election in 2020.

EXACTLY! The Democrats would rather see America FAIL for purely political reasons, and to gain the Presidency again.

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