Schumer 'Unhappy' With Report On The Fake 'Insurrection'

Now......which of these Democrat lies did you believe, and parrot???

Democrats lie about everything….on what basis would any of their fabricated data be considered valid???
Here the prism through which every Democrat pronouncement should be viewed: First collusion, collusion, collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia, Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction. Racist, Racist, Racist, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach, Recession, Recession, Recession, Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the Kavanaugh hoax, the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, no evidence of voter fraud in the stolen election.....and “More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son."

Don’t forget the Democrats told you that Trump was colluding with Russia…and that wasn’t true. They also told you that so was Naval Academy grad Carter Page and so was George Papadopoulos and so was General Michael Flynn, a three star general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency….and all of that was a lie. How stupid must one be to keep believing what they say?
...and, AOC lying about her near-death experience in the Capitol Riots.....when she wasn't even in the Capitol.

And that Biden voters as agents provocateur weren't behind the Capitol Riot.....and that Pelosi knew and refused to allow extra security. They lie about everything.......yet here you are, ready to swallow the next lie.

And that the Wuhan Red Death did not come from a Chinese Communist lab that got its funding via Dr. Fauci, and its purpose was to remove Trump….

FakeStories: Three years of Russian Collusion stories; altering documents at the DoJ and FBI to railroad political opponents; the state media burying the Hunter Biden Scandal what with Joe getting 10% of the bribes; stories about Kavanaugh rape parties, and Covington Catholic School; Carter Page working for Russia when he was actually working for the CIA….where were those ‘fact checkers’? The great lie that there was an ‘insurrection’ January 6th. The lie that it was Republicans who wanted to defund the police. The lie that Critical Race Theory wasn’t being taught.
What should you do when they lied to you at least these 25 times already???????????

I have your new avi:

View attachment 511327
You're deflecting, and that's a form of lying.

You are a very prolific liar.

I'd say I was exposing you as a fool and a liar.....but everyone knows already.
Well of course you would say that. You've already proven yourself to be an unrepentant, unrelenting, liar.

Name one.
Lol, go back to my first post in this thread. It was pointing out one of your many, many lies.
OMG. They think it was Schumers main security guard shot that girl in the head.............OMGOMG

Officer Byrd....Bird I hear
Do you have a link?
Imagine if we had a real media, rather than a conglomeration of Democrats with press passes.
This press release wouldn't pass the laugh test.

1. "Schumer decries 'glaring' omissions in Jan. 6 riot report

The FBI recovered most of Colonial Pipeline’s ransom, but the ransomware threat remains
Here are the hottest stock sectors for Wall Street right now — and analysts’ favorite ways to play them
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said a new report issued by a Senate panel on the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol left out critical information on the cause of the melee.

“The report did not investigate and report on, or hardly make any reference to the actual cause the actual impetus for the attack on January the sixth,” the New York Democrat said. “Senate Republicans insisted that the report exclude anything having to do with the cause of the insurrection.”

Democrats contend former President Donald Trump incited the riot by declaring the November election was rigged in President Joe Biden’s favor."

2. Of course there was no 'insurrection'.....nothing more that the sort of pushing and shoving one finds at a holiday sale at a big box store.

3. Any quotes from Trump about a riot or anything of the sort????


4. But there was this from Democrats for an entire year:

Biden voters have been burning and sacking cities for months….and we never saw that sort of headline. Some 30 people killed in the Biden/Harris riots….but the yellow press was silent.
"28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists

After excusing and ignoring riots from leftists all year, Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted to fit their narrative."

28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Violence By Left-Wing Activists
After excusing and ignoring riots from leftists, Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted.

5. Kamala Harris: riots shouldn't stop!

Kamala Harris says protests will not stop and should not stop - not even after Election Day​

The only 'riot' worth discussing, according to the, Democrats, is the one alleged involving Trump voters .....while the evidence is largely that Democrat agent provocateurs were behind that one, too.

This has become a pattern with the Dems....they push out fake news, and propaganda...but when an investigation is done, and competeled and doesn't match their propaganda...they attack the investigation....often still pushing the propaganda and well..."parody"
This has become a pattern with the Dems....they push out fake news, and propaganda...but when an investigation is done, and competeled and doesn't match their propaganda...they attack the investigation....often still pushing the propaganda and well..."parody"
You mean like Stormy, Stormy, Stormy .....

Or Russia, Russia, Russia .....

How about Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine?

Now we're onto Insurrection, Insurrection, Insurrection !!!

Now......which of these Democrat lies did you believe, and parrot???

Democrats lie about everything….on what basis would any of their fabricated data be considered valid???
Here the prism through which every Democrat pronouncement should be viewed: First collusion, collusion, collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia, Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction. Racist, Racist, Racist, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach, Recession, Recession, Recession, Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the Kavanaugh hoax, the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, no evidence of voter fraud in the stolen election.....and “More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son."

Don’t forget the Democrats told you that Trump was colluding with Russia…and that wasn’t true. They also told you that so was Naval Academy grad Carter Page and so was George Papadopoulos and so was General Michael Flynn, a three star general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency….and all of that was a lie. How stupid must one be to keep believing what they say?
...and, AOC lying about her near-death experience in the Capitol Riots.....when she wasn't even in the Capitol.

And that Biden voters as agents provocateur weren't behind the Capitol Riot.....and that Pelosi knew and refused to allow extra security. They lie about everything.......yet here you are, ready to swallow the next lie.

And that the Wuhan Red Death did not come from a Chinese Communist lab that got its funding via Dr. Fauci, and its purpose was to remove Trump….

FakeStories: Three years of Russian Collusion stories; altering documents at the DoJ and FBI to railroad political opponents; the state media burying the Hunter Biden Scandal what with Joe getting 10% of the bribes; stories about Kavanaugh rape parties, and Covington Catholic School; Carter Page working for Russia when he was actually working for the CIA….where were those ‘fact checkers’? The great lie that there was an ‘insurrection’ January 6th. The lie that it was Republicans who wanted to defund the police. The lie that Critical Race Theory wasn’t being taught.
What should you do when they lied to you at least these 25 times already???????????

I have your new avi:

View attachment 511327
You're deflecting, and that's a form of lying.

You are a very prolific liar.

I'd say I was exposing you as a fool and a liar.....but everyone knows already.
Well of course you would say that. You've already proven yourself to be an unrepentant, unrelenting, liar.

Name one.
Lol, go back to my first post in this thread. It was pointing out one of your many, many lies.
OMG. They think it was Schumers main security guard shot that girl in the head.............OMGOMG

Officer Byrd....Bird I hear
Do you have a link?
Trump just said it on Maria......................Not Schumer for sure....But a HIGH LIB OFFICIAL

I'll hunch it as that ass hole, but hopefully Pelosi

Don't worry. Pelosi is doing an
Imagine if we had a real media, rather than a conglomeration of Democrats with press passes.
This press release wouldn't pass the laugh test.

1. "Schumer decries 'glaring' omissions in Jan. 6 riot report

The FBI recovered most of Colonial Pipeline’s ransom, but the ransomware threat remains
Here are the hottest stock sectors for Wall Street right now — and analysts’ favorite ways to play them
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said a new report issued by a Senate panel on the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol left out critical information on the cause of the melee.

“The report did not investigate and report on, or hardly make any reference to the actual cause the actual impetus for the attack on January the sixth,” the New York Democrat said. “Senate Republicans insisted that the report exclude anything having to do with the cause of the insurrection.”

Democrats contend former President Donald Trump incited the riot by declaring the November election was rigged in President Joe Biden’s favor."

2. Of course there was no 'insurrection'.....nothing more that the sort of pushing and shoving one finds at a holiday sale at a big box store.

3. Any quotes from Trump about a riot or anything of the sort????


4. But there was this from Democrats for an entire year:

Biden voters have been burning and sacking cities for months….and we never saw that sort of headline. Some 30 people killed in the Biden/Harris riots….but the yellow press was silent.
"28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists

After excusing and ignoring riots from leftists all year, Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted to fit their narrative."

28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Violence By Left-Wing Activists
After excusing and ignoring riots from leftists, Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted.

5. Kamala Harris: riots shouldn't stop!

Kamala Harris says protests will not stop and should not stop - not even after Election Day​

The only 'riot' worth discussing, according to the, Democrats, is the one alleged involving Trump voters .....while the evidence is largely that Democrat agent provocateurs were behind that one, too.

This has become a pattern with the Dems....they push out fake news, and propaganda...but when an investigation is done, and competeled and doesn't match their propaganda...they attack the investigation....often still pushing the propaganda and well..."parody"

Today the Democrats control every major cultural institution…media, government, education, economy, family, religion, arts and entertainment,….all the means of dissemination of information.

And....they don't hesitate to use it.
Trump just said it on Maria......................Not Schumer for sure....But a HIGH LIB OFFICIAL

I'll hunch it as that ass hole, but hopefully Pelosi

Don't worry. Pelosi is doing an
I believe they murdered that woman intentionally.

Now......which of these Democrat lies did you believe, and parrot???

Democrats lie about everything….on what basis would any of their fabricated data be considered valid???
Here the prism through which every Democrat pronouncement should be viewed: First collusion, collusion, collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia, Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction. Racist, Racist, Racist, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach, Recession, Recession, Recession, Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the Kavanaugh hoax, the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, no evidence of voter fraud in the stolen election.....and “More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son."

Don’t forget the Democrats told you that Trump was colluding with Russia…and that wasn’t true. They also told you that so was Naval Academy grad Carter Page and so was George Papadopoulos and so was General Michael Flynn, a three star general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency….and all of that was a lie. How stupid must one be to keep believing what they say?
...and, AOC lying about her near-death experience in the Capitol Riots.....when she wasn't even in the Capitol.

And that Biden voters as agents provocateur weren't behind the Capitol Riot.....and that Pelosi knew and refused to allow extra security. They lie about everything.......yet here you are, ready to swallow the next lie.

And that the Wuhan Red Death did not come from a Chinese Communist lab that got its funding via Dr. Fauci, and its purpose was to remove Trump….

FakeStories: Three years of Russian Collusion stories; altering documents at the DoJ and FBI to railroad political opponents; the state media burying the Hunter Biden Scandal what with Joe getting 10% of the bribes; stories about Kavanaugh rape parties, and Covington Catholic School; Carter Page working for Russia when he was actually working for the CIA….where were those ‘fact checkers’? The great lie that there was an ‘insurrection’ January 6th. The lie that it was Republicans who wanted to defund the police. The lie that Critical Race Theory wasn’t being taught.
What should you do when they lied to you at least these 25 times already???????????

I have your new avi:

View attachment 511327
You're deflecting, and that's a form of lying.

You are a very prolific liar.

Wow, you know your lying, like how every supposed Trump is a racist quote was a misquote. Misquote = lie.

You gotta hope God isn't reading your standard on this board, huh? He might apply your anti-lying standard ... to you ...
Of course there was no 'insurrection'.....nothing more that the sort of pushing and shoving one finds at a holiday sale at a big box store.
View attachment 511307

So do you worry about that every time you support Democrats misquoting Trump, Creep? Misquote = lie
No need to misquote him. He does plenty of damage without help.

Give some examples of these damage Trump quotes that aren't Democrat misquotes
Imagine if we had a real media, rather than a conglomeration of Democrats with press passes.
This press release wouldn't pass the laugh test.
Hey, Chic, tell me what I got wrong. Every bit of it comes from the real media.

By following Trump's marching orders -- Trump was never known for his political acumen -- Senate Republicans made a colossal mistake. From the standpoint of their best interests, as a consequence of their catastrophic error not only did they trade in a bipartisan investigation for an investigation on Pelosi's terms, but they caused the issue to drag out deep into an election year -- something they dearly wanted to prevent.

This is why the House needs to investigate the Jan.6 insurrection, the invasion and ransacking of our capitol. Five were killed.

CNN reports, "(CNN)Two Senate committees on Tuesday released the most comprehensive government report on the security failures leading up to the US Capitol insurrection on January 6, revealing new details about unheeded warnings, critical miscommunications and intelligence shortcomings.

However, the Senate investigation was significantly watered down before it even started.

CNN continued. "The 95-page report is the first comprehensive offering from the long list of Senate and House committees that are investigating various matters related to the Capitol insurrection. It's by far one of the most thorough fact-finding efforts and was released Tuesday in a bipartisan fashion.

"But as comprehensive as it is, it only examined one piece of the bigger puzzle. It looked at the "security, planning and response failures" by law enforcement. But what about efforts by extremist groups to plan for violence in DC? What about former President Donald Trump and the Republican officials who fanned the flames? Congress isn't equipped to probe these issues."

Senate aides said investigators intentionally avoided the most politicized topics -- like Trump's culpability -- because they wanted to keep the probe bipartisan. Sources told CNN that to keep Republicans in the fold, the report avoided using the word "insurrection" to describe the attack.

When Senate Republicans killed the bipartisan Jan. 6 commission, they essentially turned the investigation over to Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi has not yet decided which option to use.

She is in no hurry. She wants the facts concerning the invasion of our capitol to come out during 2022, an election year.

Senate Republicans facilitated that, too. They were following Trump's orders.
She is in no hurry. She wants the facts concerning the invasion of our capitol to come out during 2022, an election year.

So once again Nazi Palousy announces she doesn't really care what happened on Jan 6, she just wants to try to score political points off of it.

She is scum.
Trump just said it on Maria......................Not Schumer for sure....But a HIGH LIB OFFICIAL

I'll hunch it as that ass hole, but hopefully Pelosi

Don't worry. Pelosi is doing an
I believe they murdered that woman intentionally.
Getting shot in the head LEAVING the place would suggest that. An unarmed former Vet

This was all planned to keep Trump from running again. Look what they did.

Give some examples of these damage Trump quotes that aren't Democrat misquotes
"NAZI's are good people" ....

Oh ... wait .....

Yep. Claiming Trump said to invade the Capital, saying Trump said to inject bleach, saying Trump called Mexicans murderers and rapists, saying Trump called immigrants animals. All misquotes, all lies.

Creep has a lot to answer for with his stated opposition to lying considering how often he does it.

He's hiding now for my question of what Trump quotes that were so bad were not misquotes

Yep. Claiming Trump said to invade the Capital, saying Trump said to inject bleach, saying Trump called Mexicans murderers and rapists, saying Trump called immigrants animals. All misquotes, all lies.

Creep has a lot to answer for with his stated opposition to lying considering how often he does it.

He's hiding now for my question of what Trump quotes that were so bad were not misquotes
EVERYTHING about the Left is a LIE.
The only 'riot' worth discussing, according to the, Democrats, is the one alleged involving Trump voters .....while the evidence is largely that Democrat agent provocateurs were behind that one, too.
I think Mad Max, Maxine Waters, also endorsed that rioting.
The left has literally lost it's collective mind in order to get rid of Donald Trump.

You have to wonder why they fear him so much.

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