Schumer vows to block SCOTUS pick

There are 23 reasons that Schumer will fail.

Care to guess what they are?

Thats right, 23 Democratic Senators up for re-election in 2018........

The 2016 election showed that the American people do not care if there are only 8 judges on the Supreme Court
If they did, they would have made the Republicans pay
what it shows is that the American people want judges that at least give the impression that they would rule by the constitution instead of their own personal preferences on a subject.
obama wanted to stack the court with racist liberal anti American pieces of shit. The American public voted to stop him, and won.

Save us the Rightwing bullshit

Nobody wants your fundamentalist views of an 18th century Constitution
considering how the vote went, I would have to suggest that you are on the wrong end of that argument.
No go sit down, shut up and get ready for the ride. With luck maybe we can pass by some third world hell hole that would better comply with your desires.

The vote said the American public did not want Trump to pick the next justice
Irrelevant. Kalifornia don't count.
Where are Trumps taxes, waiting.......

What possible use would you have for Trump's tax-return other than window-peeking?
The vast majority of those screeching that they want to see Trump's tax returns wouldn't have a clue how to read them, much less what to get upset about. What they really want is for the returns to be picked apart by others with too much time on their hands who then give them a morsel or two so they can pretend to be outraged, just outraged.
There are 23 reasons that Schumer will fail.

Care to guess what they are?

Thats right, 23 Democratic Senators up for re-election in 2018........

The 2016 election showed that the American people do not care if there are only 8 judges on the Supreme Court
If they did, they would have made the Republicans pay
what it shows is that the American people want judges that at least give the impression that they would rule by the constitution instead of their own personal preferences on a subject.
obama wanted to stack the court with racist liberal anti American pieces of shit. The American public voted to stop him, and won.

Save us the Rightwing bullshit

Nobody wants your fundamentalist views of an 18th century Constitution
considering how the vote went, I would have to suggest that you are on the wrong end of that argument.
No go sit down, shut up and get ready for the ride. With luck maybe we can pass by some third world hell hole that would better comply with your desires.

The vote said the American public did not want Trump to pick the next justice
how do you figure that?
Do as that one Repub senator did- have a pending hold on EVERY nomination. Tie the process up in knots. Its what Repubs do so they should be used to it :)
Do as that one Repub senator did- have a pending hold on EVERY nomination. Tie the process up in knots. Its what Repubs do so they should be used to it :)
lol, yeah, that is a winner thing to do, dot.

Fight every job Trump might bring us, every corrupt politician he might run out of office and Americans will be sure to thank you and the Dimocratic Party for all that great effort in 2018 and 2020, for sher!

The vote said the American public did not want Trump to pick the next justice
how do you figure that?
how do you figure he is 'figuring' anything at all?
thats a good point, we could be witness to yet another mindless repetition of a liberal talking point picked up from the Huffington post or Democratic underground.
I keep forgetting that liberals are not really able to think or figure on their own.
Hope it doesn't put too much stress on them trying to match our standards.
create a standing hold in the senate. Repubs do it all the time :thup:
Yeah, all the time, like even when there is not a nominee to consider?


Do you guys ever seriously stop and just listen to yourselves?

I dont think so.
Of course Chucky decided to block Trump's pick. Democrats have acknowledged that they are the obstructionist party. The DNC even hired a consulting firm to help them obstruct Trump's policies. The problem for the minority party is that they changed the rules and now they are out of luck, out of support, out of ideas and out of their minds.
Tonight? A month after the election? OK little one,
Read the papers tomorrow Of course our enemies are happy you voted trump president Remember the guy who wanted to bring us all together>>>> What a crock of sheet
perhaps they decided they wanted to deal with someone who was sane.
Ernie I respect your longevity BUT Trump is truly rowing with only one oar If he keeps this bs up when he's in our WH he'll be impeached Attacking Toyota?? who employs 100's of 1000's of Americans ?
So Chucky has decided to block Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy. Good for him.

I suggest Trump play hardball with him. What I would do is nominate a Constitutionalist with decent Conservative credentials and see what Schumer does. If Democrats filibuster, withdraw the nomination and put up an even more Conservative jurist.
After 3 or 4 tries at this, Trump sits down with Senator Schumer and simply tells him to either play ball or there will be dire consequences.
If Trump knows anything, it's how to negotiate from a position of strength.
Trump could also make sure to veto anything that required funding for New York that was backed by Schumer. This would very quickly make the Senator ineffective and make it very hard for him to seek reelection.
how many others would be denied if NY was?
how may other (who exactly) would be denied (what exactly) if NY was.
the object would be to hurt new york and have Schumers name associated with the damage. New York didnt go for Donald Trump anyway, its not like he is going to lose support from a state or anything.
News coming out tonight that Russians dancing in the streets over Chumps election What garbage republicans gave us again
I do remember all of the terrorist nations, our sworn enemies being happy when obama was elected for his first term, If memory serves, I believe the went as far as sending him letters expressing their joy that the U.S was going to have leadership that would be open for the change here that they wanted, and would be sensitive to their own views on how the world should be.
I think it will turn out better if a couple potato vodka trashed Russians dance in the street than it turned out with the leaders of terrorist nations praising obamas election.
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So Chucky has decided to block Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy. Good for him.

I suggest Trump play hardball with him. What I would do is nominate a Constitutionalist with decent Conservative credentials and see what Schumer does. If Democrats filibuster, withdraw the nomination and put up an even more Conservative jurist.
After 3 or 4 tries at this, Trump sits down with Senator Schumer and simply tells him to either play ball or there will be dire consequences.
If Trump knows anything, it's how to negotiate from a position of strength.
Trump could also make sure to veto anything that required funding for New York that was backed by Schumer. This would very quickly make the Senator ineffective and make it very hard for him to seek reelection.
how many others would be denied if NY was?
how may other (who exactly) would be denied (what exactly) if NY was.
the object would be to hurt new york and have Schumers name associated with the damage. New York didnt go for Donald Trump anyway, its not like he is going to lose support from a state or anything.
News coming out tonight that Russians dancing in the streets over Chumps election What garbage republicans gave us again
I do remember all of the terrorist nations, our sworn enemies being happy when obama was elected for his first term, I memory serves, I believe the went as far as sending him letters expressing their joy that the U.S was going to have leadership that would be open for the change here that they wanted, and would be sensitive to their own views on how the world should be.
I think it will turn out better if a couple potato vodka trashed Russians dance in the street than it turned out with the leaders of terrorist nations praising obamas election.
Any praise world wide that Obama received was just the praise one leader sends another Of course his being the 1st black president had something to do with it Did Putin fall all over obama like he did trump?? and did obama kiss putins ass like trump is doing?

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