Schumer warns that the Senate will vote on changes to the chamber’s rules by Jan. 17 unless Republicans get out of the way on elections reform

Manchin again

CNN: Manchin delivers blow to Democrats as he signals opposition to changing Senate rules to advance voting bill.
Wow, you really are a racist. Why do you keep saying minorities can't follow the same rules as everyone else? Do you think they are stupid?

Closing 1200 polling places in minority areas, isn't stupidity. It's malicious intent on Republicans who are trying to keep minorities from voting.
Absolute, unequivocal, and total bullshit.
I proved you wrong with my link. What have you got to show me, which disproves the factual information I provided? You don't have any. That makes you a loser.
You running Trump?
I like my chances
GOP is running this guy, and he has a 14 point lead in the polls.

ALL from the man that said “if you can’t muster 60 votes the bill should not be passed”. What a classic piece of work. Speaks volumes about the Dimbos and Pubs.
Fuck you, fascist swine.
You can't win on the merits. Just look at this childish cry baby post of yours proving it. "Fuck you", is the same thing as admitting you lost the narrative, because you never had one to begin with.

Not one of these Trump stooges on this forum can produce even a sliver of a reasonable argument against their own bad behavior. Their bad behavior is trying to keep millions of minorities from voting with these 400 voter suppression bills. You folks are cheaters and liars. And everyone knows it.
Manchin again

CNN: Manchin delivers blow to Democrats as he signals opposition to changing Senate rules to advance voting bill.
Leftist with a brain. Nice to see.
You can't win on the merits. Just look at this childish cry baby post of yours proving it. "Fuck you", is the same thing as admitting you lost the narrative, because you never had one to begin with.

Not one of these Trump stooges on this forum can produce even a sliver of a reasonable argument against their own bad behavior. Their bad behavior is trying to keep millions of minorities from voting with these 400 voter suppression bills. You folks are cheaters and liars. And everyone knows it.

No, it isn't you loon. The filibuster was created by the founders for a reason. EVERY FUCKING thing the fascist democrats are doing is designed to destroy the Republic as it was designed. There is a reason why the Founders created our system to be adversarial, to prevent the two parties, from banding together to oppress the PEOPLE.

You are just too fucking stupid to realize it. Or you don't care because you too are a fascist swine.
No, it isn't you loon. The filibuster was created by the founders for a reason. EVERY FUCKING thing the fascist democrats are doing is designed to destroy the Republic as it was designed. There is a reason why the Founders created our system to be adversarial, to prevent the two parties, from banding together to oppress the PEOPLE.

You are just too fucking stupid to realize it. Or you don't care because you too are a fascist swine.
400 voter suppression bills suppresses the people. That fact is inarguable. How do I know? You won't be producing a narrative that destroys my argument. The only thing you can produce is a "fuck you." You are weak on the merits for a reason. Because you aren't interested in doing the right thing for the people. And you know it. And when you are exposed for that, it's time for another "fuck you" from you.
To paraphrase his Cheetoness

"If more people vote Republicans will never win another election"

So, you were saying?

What I said had nothing to do with taking sides. The Democrats are going to regret doing this if they do it.
BWK got a single name?
The laws were just put in place in 2021, because Trump lost. That's why we have the 400 voter suppression bills that are on the books as we speak. Surely you aren't that fucking stupid not to understand that?
400 voter suppression bills suppresses the people. That fact is inarguable. How do I know? You won't be producing a narrative that destroys my argument. The only thing you can produce is a "fuck you." You are weak on the merits for a reason. Because you aren't interested in doing the right thing for the people. And you know it. And when you are exposed for that, it's time for another "fuck you" from you.

Name one "voter suppression bill" and how it is supposed to do that. Let me guess, you think requiring proof of citizenship is voter suppression.


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