Schumer warns that the Senate will vote on changes to the chamber’s rules by Jan. 17 unless Republicans get out of the way on elections reform

The Senate and the House? Probably right after the midterms. The White House, after this execrable Administration? January 2025.

You looney lefttards truly don’t grasp how much the Dim Party is seen by the voters as fucking everything up. Good. Stay asleep.
You running Trump?
I like my chances
Link to your data that it keeps minorities from voting BWK

Between January 1 and July 14, 2021, at least 18 states enacted 30 laws that restrict access to the vote.footnote1_7otoeww1 These laws make mail voting and early voting more difficult, impose harsher voter ID requirements, and make faulty voter purges more likely, among other things. More than 400 bills with provisions that restrict voting access have been introduced in 49 states in the 2021 legislative sessions.
A drunk loon tard with a fire extinguisher is not an attack on The Capital or our Democracy. If our Capital or Democracy is that weak, then BLM would have taken over the whole country by now instead of burning down their own neighborhoods and destroying black owned businesses in their own back yards.

It's much easier to attack our Democracy using say OSHA and their "Emergency Temporary Standard" which apparently and magically can supersede HIPPA, EEOC, and Civil Rights Laws. Much easier to use a scamdemic to illegally alter Election Law to facilitate ballot dumping.
Much easier to use algorhitms on "Maduro" voting machines to steal fractional votes from one candidate and add them to another candidate's total.
700 of those drunk loon tards have already been arrested. Hope they fucking rot.
The filibuster provides a lame excuse that allows politicians to promise anything to their moronic constituents - because they know that the filibuster means nothing ever gets passed.

They should eliminate the filibuster. Then neither party will have any excuse - they'll have to pass the legislation they promise - and they'll have to own the results!
You all know that whenever the Republicans have a bare majority, they'll eliminate the filibuster in a heartbeat!
An opinion piece from an far left nutjob outfit?

Cool story. :auiqs.jpg:
A factual piece that a weak, ignorant fool such as yourself cannot argue down with any documentation. As always, you are a loser. Now go to the back of the bus. You have no value here.
A factual piece that a weak, ignorant fool such as yourself cannot argue down with any documentation. As always, you are a loser. Now go to the back of the bus. You have no value here.
Give me the name of a single person who was disenfranchised by any of these laws.


(this is always fun)
How soon before Republicans will hold the Senate, House and White House

I am willing to bet it will be a while

Maybe sooner than you think. The GOP might be in control come Jan 2025. If I were you I wouldn't bet against that possibility.

Anyway - if the democrats abolish the filibuster this year or change it to a talking filibuster or whatever, you can bet your ass that the GOP will not pass one fucking bill in the last 2 years of Biden's term that he wants, assuming they take back the Senate later this year. Especially if the GOP also take back the House. Nada. No legislation and no judges, justices, cabinet officials and executives, nothing. So, yeah if Manchin and Sinema and the other 48 dems go along with some way to get around the filibuster, so be it. But every democrat should clearly understand that what goes around comes around and they won't be in the majority forever.

Personally, I do not like the idea of killing the one thing that might lead to bipartisanship. If the democrats kill the filibuster, then it's gone forever. No majority party will ever give it back.
Please don't anyone tell Chuckie-poo that if he does this he will only be sharpening the blade of the mowing machine the Republican super-majority will enjoy comes November.
Doesn't matter. Republicans are hell bent on destroying free and fair elections, and this Republic. Is that what you will be voting for?
The Democrat bill wants the Democrat Party to decide the election results based on who they want elected. Votes don't matter at all.
There is no Democrat bill saying that. You are always lying.

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