Schumer warns that the Senate will vote on changes to the chamber’s rules by Jan. 17 unless Republicans get out of the way on elections reform

What I said had nothing to do with taking sides. The Democrats are going to regret doing this if they do it.
The Democrats are forced into it. Have you read these voter suppression bills? They literally cancel out free and fair elections.
Name one "voter suppression bill" and how it is supposed to do that. Let me guess, you think requiring proof of citizenship is voter suppression.

I already provided the link twice. I'm not your secretary. Start looking.

And I was right. You produced no counter argument. See how easy this is.
Shorten window to apply for a mail ballotAL H.B. 538, AR S.B. 643, GA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, KY H.B. 574, OK H.B. 2663
Shorten deadline to deliver mail ballotAR S.B. 643
Make it harder to remain on absentee voting listsAZ S.B. 1485, FL S.B. 90
Eliminate or limit sending mail ballot applications to voters who do not specifically request themGA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, KS H.B. 2332
Eliminate or limit sending mail ballots to voters who do not specifically request themFL S.B. 90
Restrict assistance in returning a voter’s mail ballotAR H.B. 1715, FL S.B. 90, IA S.F. 413, KS H.B. 2183, KY H.B. 574, MT S.B. 530
Limit the number, location, or availability of mail ballot drop boxesFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, IN S.B. 398
Impose stricter signature requirements for mail ballotsAZ S.B. 1003, ID H.B. 290, KS H.B. 2183
Impose harsher voter ID requirements for mail votingFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202, MT S.B. 169
Impose harsher voter ID requirements for in-person votingAR H.B. 1112, AR H.B. 1244, NH H.B. 523, MT S.B. 169, WY H.B. 75
Expand voter purges or risk faulty voter purgesAZ S.B. 1819, IA S.F. 413, FL S.B. 90, KY H.B. 574, LA H.B. 167, TX S.B. 1111, UT H.B. 12
Increase barriers for voters with disabilitiesAL H.B. 285, IA S.F. 568, TX H.B. 3920
Ban snacks and water to voters waiting in lineFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202
Eliminate Election Day registrationMT H.B. 176
Reduce polling place availability (locations or hours)IA S.F. 413, MT S.B. 196
Increase number of voters per precinctNV S.B. 84
Limit early voting days or hoursGA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413
This is what the Trump cheaters are doing folks. These folks are all in for destroying this country and the 250 years it took to get us to a better place.
The Democrats are forced into it. Have you read these voter suppression bills? They literally cancel out free and fair elections.

In three years the Republicans can then just as easily change them back. The way to deal with this is the courts.

And burning things down if need be.

Oh, and lastly, nominating decent people that the electorate can actually support.
Closing 1200 polling places in minority areas, isn't stupidity. It's malicious intent on Republicans who are trying to keep minorities from voting.

Try to bring something besides some leftwing nutjob opinion piece.
I proved you wrong with my link. What have you got to show me, which disproves the factual information I provided? You don't have any. That makes you a loser.
You provided an opinion piece form a leftard nutjob source, Dumbass. That isn't factual information.
Shorten window to apply for a mail ballotAL H.B. 538, AR S.B. 643, GA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, KY H.B. 574, OK H.B. 2663
Shorten deadline to deliver mail ballotAR S.B. 643
Make it harder to remain on absentee voting listsAZ S.B. 1485, FL S.B. 90
Eliminate or limit sending mail ballot applications to voters who do not specifically request themGA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, KS H.B. 2332
Eliminate or limit sending mail ballots to voters who do not specifically request themFL S.B. 90
Restrict assistance in returning a voter’s mail ballotAR H.B. 1715, FL S.B. 90, IA S.F. 413, KS H.B. 2183, KY H.B. 574, MT S.B. 530
Limit the number, location, or availability of mail ballot drop boxesFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, IN S.B. 398
Impose stricter signature requirements for mail ballotsAZ S.B. 1003, ID H.B. 290, KS H.B. 2183
Impose harsher voter ID requirements for mail votingFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202, MT S.B. 169
Impose harsher voter ID requirements for in-person votingAR H.B. 1112, AR H.B. 1244, NH H.B. 523, MT S.B. 169, WY H.B. 75
Expand voter purges or risk faulty voter purgesAZ S.B. 1819, IA S.F. 413, FL S.B. 90, KY H.B. 574, LA H.B. 167, TX S.B. 1111, UT H.B. 12
Increase barriers for voters with disabilitiesAL H.B. 285, IA S.F. 568, TX H.B. 3920
Ban snacks and water to voters waiting in lineFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202
Eliminate Election Day registrationMT H.B. 176
Reduce polling place availability (locations or hours)IA S.F. 413, MT S.B. 196
Increase number of voters per precinctNV S.B. 84
Limit early voting days or hoursGA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413
This is what the Trump cheaters are doing folks. These folks are all in for destroying this country and the 250 years it took to get us to a better place.
Why no link?
The founders intentionally made legislation difficult to pass, with the intent to ensure onlty the most important - and thus, widely supported - legislation would ever be enacted.
There was no supermajority requirement.
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Shorten window to apply for a mail ballotAL H.B. 538, AR S.B. 643, GA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, KY H.B. 574, OK H.B. 2663
Shorten deadline to deliver mail ballotAR S.B. 643
Make it harder to remain on absentee voting listsAZ S.B. 1485, FL S.B. 90
Eliminate or limit sending mail ballot applications to voters who do not specifically request themGA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, KS H.B. 2332
Eliminate or limit sending mail ballots to voters who do not specifically request themFL S.B. 90
Restrict assistance in returning a voter’s mail ballotAR H.B. 1715, FL S.B. 90, IA S.F. 413, KS H.B. 2183, KY H.B. 574, MT S.B. 530
Limit the number, location, or availability of mail ballot drop boxesFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, IN S.B. 398
Impose stricter signature requirements for mail ballotsAZ S.B. 1003, ID H.B. 290, KS H.B. 2183
Impose harsher voter ID requirements for mail votingFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202, MT S.B. 169
Impose harsher voter ID requirements for in-person votingAR H.B. 1112, AR H.B. 1244, NH H.B. 523, MT S.B. 169, WY H.B. 75
Expand voter purges or risk faulty voter purgesAZ S.B. 1819, IA S.F. 413, FL S.B. 90, KY H.B. 574, LA H.B. 167, TX S.B. 1111, UT H.B. 12
Increase barriers for voters with disabilitiesAL H.B. 285, IA S.F. 568, TX H.B. 3920
Ban snacks and water to voters waiting in lineFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202
Eliminate Election Day registrationMT H.B. 176
Reduce polling place availability (locations or hours)IA S.F. 413, MT S.B. 196
Increase number of voters per precinctNV S.B. 84
Limit early voting days or hoursGA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413
This is what the Trump cheaters are doing folks. These folks are all in for destroying this country and the 250 years it took to get us to a better place.
Link to where you got this info please.

I took the last one just to check its validity, and guess what? (BTW...A short read to see that it is a load of crap)

Claim - "Limit early voting days or hours - GA S.B. 202."
1 To amend Chapter 2 of Title 21 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to 2 elections and primaries generally, so as to provide that persons or entities that mail absentee 3 ballot applications shall mail such applications only to eligible registered electors who have 4 not already requested, been issued, or voted an absentee ballot; to require certain 5 comparisons to remove improper names from mail distribution lists; to provide for sanctions 6 for violations; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other 7 purposes.

Reality - Only eligible registered voters can vote absentee.
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They need 60 votes. Actually that's 3/5, not 2/3, but it still isn't a simple majority.

AS I understand it, the democrats can use a procedure called the 'nuclear option', wherein they can change or bypass existing Senate rules with a simple 50+1 vote, as Harry Reid did in 2013 when he used it to allow a cloture vote for Senate confirmations of federal judges and executive branch positions to need only 50+1 votes instead of 60.

Why no link?
I checked some of them out, and the ones I checked were bogus. I just posted one example. Many of them I have debated before. Back when the media and liberals were attacking Georgia, I read the 80+ page document, and it actually extended voting and poling places. They got their numbers from the expired exemption for covid voting that was never meant to stay in place. However, Georgia actually made some changes that extended and clarified. By the time the state proved this to the naysayers and media (although they continued to lie), the MLB moved the all-star game out. Guess what I don't watch any longer ;).
Be specific how are they kept from voting?
Nah, sorry, go pound sand. Nobody has to make that case. The frauds pushing the laws have to make the case why we need them.

Which they cannot do without lying their asses off. Not that you care. You know exactly why they want the new laws, and you support what they are doing. Not sure who you think you are fooling...
Nah, sorry, go pound sand. Nobody has to make that case. The frauds pushing the laws have to make the case why we need them.

Which they cannot do without lying their asses off. Not that you care. You know exactly why they want the new laws, and you support what they are doing. Not sure who you think you are fooling...
So you make claims you can't backup. Then we rest our case.

Why no link?
I think I found it.

So who is the Brennan Center?

The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School is a nonprofit law and public policy institute generally considered liberal[2][3][4] or progressive in its policy positions and views.[5] The organization is named after Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan.

The Brennan Center advocates for a number of progressive public policy positions, including raising the minimum wage, opposing voter ID laws

No wonder he didn't want to post a link.
Nah, sorry, go pound sand. Nobody has to make that case. The frauds pushing the laws have to make the case why we need them.

Which they cannot do without lying their asses off. Not that you care. You know exactly why they want the new laws, and you support what they are doing. Not sure who you think you are fooling...

There were over a thousand complaints and allegations of wrong-doing in the 2020 elections, and polls show that almost half of those surveyed had doubts about the integrity and accuracy of the election results. And that is why legislatures around the country are passing election laws to make it harder to cheat and steal an election.

You and others like you are complaining long and loud about voter suppression, without any evidence to support that claim. I think its total bullshit, most 1st-world countries require voter-id, and so should we.

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