Schumer warns that the Senate will vote on changes to the chamber’s rules by Jan. 17 unless Republicans get out of the way on elections reform

Shorten window to apply for a mail ballotAL H.B. 538, AR S.B. 643, GA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, KY H.B. 574, OK H.B. 2663
Shorten deadline to deliver mail ballotAR S.B. 643
Make it harder to remain on absentee voting listsAZ S.B. 1485, FL S.B. 90
Eliminate or limit sending mail ballot applications to voters who do not specifically request themGA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, KS H.B. 2332
Eliminate or limit sending mail ballots to voters who do not specifically request themFL S.B. 90
Restrict assistance in returning a voter’s mail ballotAR H.B. 1715, FL S.B. 90, IA S.F. 413, KS H.B. 2183, KY H.B. 574, MT S.B. 530
Limit the number, location, or availability of mail ballot drop boxesFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, IN S.B. 398
Impose stricter signature requirements for mail ballotsAZ S.B. 1003, ID H.B. 290, KS H.B. 2183
Impose harsher voter ID requirements for mail votingFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202, MT S.B. 169
Impose harsher voter ID requirements for in-person votingAR H.B. 1112, AR H.B. 1244, NH H.B. 523, MT S.B. 169, WY H.B. 75
Expand voter purges or risk faulty voter purgesAZ S.B. 1819, IA S.F. 413, FL S.B. 90, KY H.B. 574, LA H.B. 167, TX S.B. 1111, UT H.B. 12
Increase barriers for voters with disabilitiesAL H.B. 285, IA S.F. 568, TX H.B. 3920
Ban snacks and water to voters waiting in lineFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202
Eliminate Election Day registrationMT H.B. 176
Reduce polling place availability (locations or hours)IA S.F. 413, MT S.B. 196
Increase number of voters per precinctNV S.B. 84
Limit early voting days or hoursGA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413
This is what the Trump cheaters are doing folks. These folks are all in for destroying this country and the 250 years it took to get us to a better place.

Not one of those is going to suppress voting. Try again. I mean, get real, increasing the number of voters in a precinct is voter suppression?

You ARE a moron.
Republicans need to be careful with this. The last thing they want is a Democratic senate making carve outs to the filibuster rule in order to pass legislation they want, but still leaving the filibuster in tact to be used against the Republicans next time they are in power.

I say if they want the filibuster gone, then vote it out, permanently.
Oh well. At least the Senate will function.
Republicans need to be careful with this. The last thing they want is a Democratic senate making carve outs to the filibuster rule in order to pass legislation they want, but still leaving the filibuster in tact to be used against the Republicans next time they are in power.

I say if they want the filibuster gone, then vote it out, permanently.

It seems to me that if the democrats can carve out an exception to the rule for whatever they want, then so should the republicans when it's their turn to run the Senate. What's good for the goose will surely be good for the gander, meaning if they find a way to change the rules then so can we.
Shorten window to apply for a mail ballotAL H.B. 538, AR S.B. 643, GA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, KY H.B. 574, OK H.B. 2663
Shorten deadline to deliver mail ballotAR S.B. 643
Make it harder to remain on absentee voting listsAZ S.B. 1485, FL S.B. 90
Eliminate or limit sending mail ballot applications to voters who do not specifically request themGA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, KS H.B. 2332
Eliminate or limit sending mail ballots to voters who do not specifically request themFL S.B. 90
Restrict assistance in returning a voter’s mail ballotAR H.B. 1715, FL S.B. 90, IA S.F. 413, KS H.B. 2183, KY H.B. 574, MT S.B. 530
Limit the number, location, or availability of mail ballot drop boxesFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, IN S.B. 398
Impose stricter signature requirements for mail ballotsAZ S.B. 1003, ID H.B. 290, KS H.B. 2183
Impose harsher voter ID requirements for mail votingFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202, MT S.B. 169
Impose harsher voter ID requirements for in-person votingAR H.B. 1112, AR H.B. 1244, NH H.B. 523, MT S.B. 169, WY H.B. 75
Expand voter purges or risk faulty voter purgesAZ S.B. 1819, IA S.F. 413, FL S.B. 90, KY H.B. 574, LA H.B. 167, TX S.B. 1111, UT H.B. 12
Increase barriers for voters with disabilitiesAL H.B. 285, IA S.F. 568, TX H.B. 3920
Ban snacks and water to voters waiting in lineFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202
Eliminate Election Day registrationMT H.B. 176
Reduce polling place availability (locations or hours)IA S.F. 413, MT S.B. 196
Increase number of voters per precinctNV S.B. 84
Limit early voting days or hoursGA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413
These restrictive voter laws were produced by those on the Right, not the Left. Again, as I stated before, no one on the Right has the capacity to challenge these bills as being nothing more than restricting one's right to vote. Buddy, you don't have the where with all to lock horns with me on this matter. The truth is looking us square in the eyeballs.

Remember, the link is the Brennan Center. The Bills are from Republican legislators. Nice try, but you lose. You can't win this debate. You don't have anything to fight with.

Everything on this list of bills by the cheating Trump cultists, has one thing in common. Making it harder to vote. And why would they do that? TAKE A WILD FUCKING GUESS.

Not one of these bills will deny anyone the opportunity to vote. Not one.
Not one of those is going to suppress voting. Try again. I mean, get real, increasing the number of voters in a precinct is voter suppression?

You ARE a moron.
How does limiting the number of drop boxes not trying to suppress my vote? How is increasing faulty voter purges not suppressing my vote? I could go on and on asking the same thing about the rest of these suppression bills, and you couldn't logically explain to me how they help someone vote easier.
Not one of these bills will deny anyone the opportunity to vote. Not one.
No one is talking about deny. Don't move the goal post. However, an illegal purge does deny one the right to vote.

Suppressing the vote, making it harder to vote, is the purpose behind most of these bills.

Closing 1200 polling places in minority areas, isn't denying minorities. It's suppressing minorities. And that means less minorities will get to vote; Georgia GOP Plans to Close All But One Polling Station in Lincoln County There exists only one reason for closing all polls except one. To keep minorities away from the polls.
Besides winning the Senate and repealing it.
I'm not seeing it but we will see. If 2024 goes Republican we will be in trouble just like we will be if Schumer wins his stupid hissy fit. These politicians are short sighted morons, maybe that is why good people can't get elected.
He knows. Pretending to be stupid isn't fooling anyone. Go Schumer. Get this shit done, and push these cheaters to the curb.
Just let the states handle their own elections, it's a state thing. Feds need to butt out.
I'm not seeing it but we will see. If 2024 goes Republican we will be in trouble just like we will be if Schumer wins his stupid hissy fit. These politicians are short sighted morons, maybe that is why good people can't get elected.
I get that. But we need a functioning Senate. Our country is currently an embarrassment.
Notice they aren't using the term "Remove The Filibuster" which is probably not as popular with the general public.
I don't think the dems want to remove it. I think they want to adjust the rules just enough so they can pass all of their legiation, but keep the filibuster right where it is so they can use it against repubs later.
I don't think the dems want to remove it. I think they want to adjust the rules just enough so they can pass all of their legiation, but keep the filibuster right where it is so they can use it against repubs later.
Haha, how would that work? Kind of a bizarre fantasy you made, there.
Just let the states handle their own elections, it's a state thing. Feds need to butt out.
If you did that, elections would have no meaning.

I mean, how stupid does one need to be, to not understand how 400 voter suppression bills are not meant for "we the people?"
It seems to me that if the democrats can carve out an exception to the rule for whatever they want, then so should the republicans when it's their turn to run the Senate. What's good for the goose will surely be good for the gander, meaning if they find a way to change the rules then so can we.
They could, but will they?

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