Schumer warns that the Senate will vote on changes to the chamber’s rules by Jan. 17 unless Republicans get out of the way on elections reform

First of all, the repubs already have zero leverage, other than making sure the democrats realize that whatever rule changes they make for themselves will be the same rules the GOP will use when it's their turn as the majority.

Next, it appears than Manchin and Sinema are both not budging from their stance not to abolish the filibuster, including any carve-out idea. Simply put, if the democrats can carve-out what they want then so can the repubs when they're in charge. There ain't going to be no one-time good deal, if they do it then so can the GOP.

Third, all this crap about voter suppression is bullshit. There is plenty of time and opportunity for people to get the ID they need to vote. If anybody needs help then the democrats out to provide it, and it oughta be free. Is there any state where it costs money to get a voter-id without state or local gov't offering it for free? Doubt it.

Fourth, what I think is happening is that the democrats know damn well they ain't going to abolish the filibuster and they ain't going to get their voting rights law passed through the Senate. What they're doing now is trying to placate the Far-Left wing of the party with lip service, i.e., bullshit. It's all political theater.
Civility in the mad house is preferable. The media is not civil and is on the attack for political reasons. So the Repubs have no choice but to counter attack and use what Progs have done to dominate Politics and interfering more and more in the American way of life.
Right, so what does Schumer lose? Nothing! With 400 voter suppression bills on the books to cheat millions out of free and fair elections, then there's nothing lost.

If Republicans are in power, everyone knows what they want to do. Just as you say, "burn things down." You and the party have become so mentally insane,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Bite me, I do not support the Republicans.
Did the GOP regret killing the filibuster for SCOTUS nominees?

Not yet. They will. Well that's not what they did but they will come to regret it. I doubt the Democrats ever bring a GOP nominated justice up for a vote if they have control of the Senate.
it's about time my friends

I kinda hope he does try it. There aren’t enough democrats in safe seats to let their states elections be taken over by the feds so it would fail. But in return?

How about:
National Constitutional Carry
National Right to Work
National voter ID
Opt out SS
10% tax cap
Real border security

This may not turn out so bad.
Because it removes boxes that can be flooded with fake ballots. The idea is to ensure a SECURE vote. One that is not subject to fraud. The more boxes, the more fraud. How else do you think all of these magical thousands of votes keep miraculously appearing days after voting day?
You think that they keep picking up ballots out of drop boxes three days after the election; and
You think someone goes to the trouble of making fake ballots and can't carry them the extra three blocks?

Your argument fails.
I kinda hope he does try it. There aren’t enough democrats in safe seats to let their states elections be taken over by the feds so it would fail. But in return?

How about:
National Constitutional Carry
National Right to Work
National voter ID
Opt out SS
10% tax cap
Real border security

This may not turn out so bad.
And all fantasy
Not yet. They will. Well that's not what they did but they will come to regret it. I doubt the Democrats ever bring a GOP nominated justice up for a vote if they have control of the Senate.
Nothing to do with the filibuster.
McConnell simply refused to bring the nomination to the floor.

Why would the Democrats behave any differently?
Nothing to do with the filibuster.
McConnell simply refused to bring the nomination to the floor.

Why would the Democrats behave any differently?

I believe they will. I didn't say it had anything to do with the filibuster.
There will be much screaming and gnashing of teeth if they do this and it’s used against them i the future.

Not really. They should just get rid of it altogether. It's unconstitutional. Let the Republicans trip over their dicks, and pass laws against the will of most Americans, and lets see how that works out for them at the voting booth.

Heres a newsflash for you. The overwhelming majority of America rejects rightwing bullshit, and the only reason the crap gets passed is because of the filibuster, and congressional district gerrymandering.

You get rid of the filibuster and district gerrymandering, and the Republicans are toast in just a couple of election cycles, and every conservative bullshit law on the books is overturned.

So yeah, I'll take that challenge. Lets get rid of both and see what happens. Go ahead, make my day.
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I don't think the dems want to remove it. I think they want to adjust the rules just enough so they can pass all of their legiation, but keep the filibuster right where it is so they can use it against repubs later.

The only way they can get the law passed IS to remove the filibuster. Even then maybe the two right leaning dems will not vote for it.
Another stupid move that will blow up directly in their faces.

Did Democrats learn nothing from ending the filibuster on judicial nominations?

I do not care which party holds the majority in the Senate, the filibuster needs to go away, or at least be changed to an active event as it was intended.

Both sides use the filibuster as their crutch for never getting things done. Every election it is "well ,we tried but they would not let us".

I say the heck with that, get rid of it and let the chips fall where they may
The less Congress does, the better.
Then make the filibuster an active event, nothing else gets done while it is happening...the way it was designed to be
You mean...go back to the days Al Gore Sr., Robert KKK Byrd, and Bill Clintons mentor were filibustering the Civil Rights Act?
Nah, sorry, go pound sand. Nobody has to make that case. The frauds pushing the laws have to make the case why we need them.

Which they cannot do without lying their asses off. Not that you care. You know exactly why they want the new laws, and you support what they are doing. Not sure who you think you are fooling...
No one has any obligation to validate your hyperemotional bullshit, you drama queen.
Right, so what does Schumer lose? Nothing! With 400 voter suppression bills on the books to cheat millions out of free and fair elections, then there's nothing lost.

If Republicans are in power, everyone knows what they want to do. Just as you say, "burn things down." You and the party have become so mentally insane about a free election that you lost, that you are willing to destroy the country, just like you tried on January 6th. The Left understands this 100%. So, here's the problem. Once you do that, it won't just be Democrats who get burned down. And I don't think you see that picture yet. But in order to destroy a Republic in favor of authoritarian rule, you need to understand one thing. A civil war would in fact break out. People aren't just going to role over and surrender their constitutional rights for authoritarian dictators and fixed elections, that the Right is so easily embracing.
drama queen 2.jpg

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