Schumer warns that the Senate will vote on changes to the chamber’s rules by Jan. 17 unless Republicans get out of the way on elections reform

First off, most of those are bills that haven't been signed into law yet. So how you figure they haven't suppressed yet is hilarious.

Secondly, the ones that have been implemented in the past have suppressed the vote; The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

You tried to reword what I said. However, if you read them, they are not as you claim. These bills are to insure voter integrity which we know the left does not appear to want…and we all know why.
You tried to reword what I said. However, if you read them, they are not as you claim. These bills are to insure voter integrity which we know the left does not appear to want…and we all know why.
Anyone who thinks/believes those bills equate to voter integrity, has the brain size of a grasshopper.
You don't believe it, you are just pissed.
Neighbor, don't presume to tell me what I believe and I'll try to give the same respect back to you. Just because I'm pointing out what I believe about our future doesn't mean I'm necessarily advocating for it. I'm scared spitless that this nation is on the verge of disintegration and widespread political violence that will harm all of us, permanently.
The Democrats in DC are trying to use an evenly split Senate to ram through electoral change that would cause their party to be the power broker for many years to come. Such changes, like Federalizing state elections, should never be made with a tie-breaking vote. Even a massive wave election that gives a clear mandate should never be used to take actions that half the nation would disagree with.

I'm curious, IF Trump runs and wins in '24, what measures do think would be justified to remove him?
BS, and you know it, BWK.
The majority of Americans want every citizen to have their vote counted.
You and your far left ilk want anybody to have the right to vote that are within our borders.
...unless they vote GOP.
Anyone who thinks/believes those bills equate to voter integrity, has the brain size of a grasshopper.
Which is apparently 10 times the size of yours. The difference between you and me is I read some of those bills to confirm the fact that is what they are designed for.
Neighbor, don't presume to tell me what I believe and I'll try to give the same respect back to you. Just because I'm pointing out what I believe about our future doesn't mean I'm necessarily advocating for it. I'm scared spitless that this nation is on the verge of disintegration and widespread political violence that will harm all of us, permanently.
The Democrats in DC are trying to use an evenly split Senate to ram through electoral change that would cause their party to be the power broker for many years to come. Such changes, like Federalizing state elections, should never be made with a tie-breaking vote. Even a massive wave election that gives a clear mandate should never be used to take actions that half the nation would disagree with.

I'm curious, IF Trump runs and wins in '24, what measures do think would be justified to remove him?

Truthfully I didn't read anything you said after saying you believe in something that there isn't even a thimble full of evidence for.

Do I believe the nation is headed towards "disintegration"? Sure, I'm OK with that. Might even be for the best.

I have no desire in arguing the removal of someone who wins an election, just for winning the election. That we would even consider a Hillary or Trump for president is why I am good with it all falling apart.
Not really. They should just get rid of it altogether. It's unconstitutional. Let the Republicans trip over their dicks, and pass laws against the will of most Americans, and lets see how that works out for them at the voting booth.

Heres a newsflash for you. The overwhelming majority of America rejects rightwing bullshit, and the only reason the crap gets passed is because of the filibuster, and congressional district gerrymandering.

You get rid of the filibuster and district gerrymandering, and the Republicans are toast in just a couple of election cycles, and every conservative bullshit law on the books is overturned.

So yeah, I'll take that challenge. Lets get rid of both and see what happens. Go ahead, make my day.
How is the filibuster unconstitutional? And yes there will be just like there was when the judicial confirmation change came back to bite them. When the Republicans take back the Senate next year and start passing stuff at the cyclic rate because the Dems wont be able to slow them down they will be apoplectic about it.
Always with the no show argument. You're a loser. Get lost.
Eat shit. Causing leftist butthurt is not against the site rules.

Meanwhile, the meme perfectly describes what you and other brain-dead leftist morons do every day.

Don't like it?

Make rational arguments. Screeching UR A RACIST is not going to win you any converts.

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