Schumer warns that the Senate will vote on changes to the chamber’s rules by Jan. 17 unless Republicans get out of the way on elections reform

I think if he would take one or 2 of these bills and actually read them instead of believing what is being pushed into his brain he would come around. I was all ticked off last year on a couple myself because of what I was reading. I then went to the source, the bill itself, and realized I was being lied to. Most of these laws are for integrity purposes. They are only opposed if some is ignorant of their content, or if they are wanting it to be easier to cheat.
As I said, you truly are incapable of manufacturing an intelligent argument. And it's for one big reason. The bills themselves and how they are worded, do not require a specific semantic skill set to understand. The are in clear text, so there is nothing to misinterpret. They say what they mean, and mean what they say. And your magical thinking isn't going to change the meaning. And, as proof, we have the documentation, that what they said and did, was in fact carried out. Buddy, you don't have a prayer. Best for you to move on. This debate is way over your head.
Then ask again as I have answered all questions directed to me unless I happened to have missed it.
Dude, are you that dense? The bills are in clear text. Are you able to read and interpret high school level text? The bills are there, and there is zero indication they have any association with voter integrity whatsoever. Come on, get in the game, or scram. You are fumbling the ball here. Time to produce or get lost.
As I said, you truly are incapable of manufacturing an intelligent argument. And it's for one big reason. The bills themselves and how they are worded, do not require a specific semantic skill set to understand. The are in clear text, so there is nothing to misinterpret. They say what they mean, and mean what they say. And your magical thinking isn't going to change the meaning. And, as proof, we have the documentation, that what they said and did, was in fact carried out. Buddy, you don't have a prayer. Best for you to move on. This debate is way over your head.
You are correct, they are hard to misinterpret, but you keep doing it. I keep challenging you to pick a bill or 2, read it, and actually show it supports your claim of suppression as I did showing the lack of. It is you who have been incapable of free thinking. You can only regurgitate from a leftist website where I and many others have shown the information was incorrect.
Post 368 nor any after has had any context. You did not show were the bill itself is shown to suppress a vote. I showed instances linking to the bill itself that showed claims from one of your links was false. Do the same here for us. Pick a bill and read it. Then show us how it is keeping someone from voting, quoting information from the bill that is keeping a legitimate voter from casting a ballot.
OMG! Where are you right now? In your mommas closet? The evidence was in the links already shown to you. Wake the fuck up; The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast Over a million votes were purged illegally in 2016. Palast backed that criminal up against the wall with the facts;

1200 polling places were closed in minority areas; Southern U.S. states have closed 1,200 polling places in recent years: rights group

And you want to talk to us about voter integrity? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Are you out of your friggin mind?
You are correct, they are hard to misinterpret, but you keep doing it. I keep challenging you to pick a bill or 2, read it, and actually show it supports your claim of suppression as I did showing the lack of. It is you who have been incapable of free thinking. You can only regurgitate from a leftist website where I and many others have shown the information was incorrect.
You are correct, they are hard to misinterpret, but you keep doing it. I keep challenging you to pick a bill or 2, read it, and actually show it supports your claim of suppression as I did showing the lack of. It is you who have been incapable of free thinking. You can only regurgitate from a leftist website where I and many others have shown the information was incorrect.
Expand voter purges or risk faulty voter purgesAZ S.B. 1819, IA S.F. 413, FL S.B. 90, KY H.B. 574, LA H.B. 167, TX S.B. 1111, UT H.B. 12 Explain to everyone here how this is voter integrity? Remember the video if you watched it. They used James E. Brown and James P. Brown, called it double voting, and those two lost their right to vote. That's what Kobach did in 2016. And he was secretary of state of Kansas. He did that to over a million voters. Where is the integrity there, and in the new bill?
Dude, are you that dense? The bills are in clear text. Are you able to read and interpret high school level text? The bills are there, and there is zero indication they have any association with voter integrity whatsoever. Come on, get in the game, or scram. You are fumbling the ball here. Time to produce or get lost.
Purging voter rolls of dead people and those who have moved. Validating you are who you claim to be using voter IDs. Making sure they are sending mail in ballots to legit voters. Those are all voter integrity , and what those bills are doing. You really need to read some of them, or you already know it does this, and are playing dumb because you are okay with your party cheating.
OMG! Where are you right now? In your mommas closet? The evidence was in the links already shown to you. Wake the fuck up; The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast Over a million votes were purged illegally in 2016. Palast backed that criminal up against the wall with the facts;

1200 polling places were closed in minority areas; Southern U.S. states have closed 1,200 polling places in recent years: rights group

And you want to talk to us about voter integrity? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Are you out of your friggin mind?

Again. Don’t believe what you are told by your leftist cronies,and READ THE BILLS FOR YOURSELF!!!! Address the bills you said were suppressive.

Edit: BTW…I know you don’t expect me to take your link seriousl.
You are correct, they are hard to misinterpret, but you keep doing it. I keep challenging you to pick a bill or 2, read it, and actually show it supports your claim of suppression as I did showing the lack of. It is you who have been incapable of free thinking. You can only regurgitate from a leftist website where I and many others have shown the information was incorrect.
Reduce polling place availability (locations or hours) Show me voter integrity in this bill. IA S.F. 413, MT S.B. 196
Again. Don’t believe what you are told by your leftist cronies,and READ THE BILLS FOR YOURSELF!!!! Address the bills you said were suppressive.

Edit: BTW…I know you don’t expect me to take your link seriousl.
Edit: BTW…I know you don’t expect me to take your link seriousl.You can't afford to. It blows you out of the water. And they aren't my bills. They are bills from a political party that is trying to bring down this country by trying to cheat the American people out of a free and fair election.
Reduce polling place availability (locations or hours) Show me voter integrity in this bill.IA S.F. 413, MT S.B. 196
Okay. Now show me the voter suppression you claim from within the bill.
BTW… I did a fact check for your Greg Palast, and guess what…even politicrap said his statement was false.
Expand voter purges or risk faulty voter purgesAZ S.B. 1819, IA S.F. 413, FL S.B. 90, KY H.B. 574, LA H.B. 167, TX S.B. 1111, UT H.B. 12 Explain to everyone here how this is voter integrity? Remember the video if you watched it. They used James E. Brown and James P. Brown, called it double voting, and those two lost their right to vote. That's what Kobach did in 2016. And he was secretary of state of Kansas. He did that to over a million voters. Where is the integrity there, and in the new bill?
Still waiting? Oh, that's right, you said you wanted for me to post up one or two bills to debate, before you said you wouldn't take these bills seriously. :laughing0301: Now you talking about a cat here folks who is straight full of shit. :laughing0301:
Edit: BTW…I know you don’t expect me to take your link seriousl.You can't afford to. It blows you out of the water. And they aren't my bills. They are bills from a political party that is trying to bring down this country by trying to cheat the American people out of a free and fair election.
Really…Your blog was debunked at politicrap.
Okay. Now show me the voter suppression you claim from within the bill.
BTW… I did a fact check for your Greg Palast, and guess what…even politicrap said his statement was false.
Dude, are you capable of critical thinking? Do you understand English? I'm dead serious? Do you not understand what is meant by expanding voter purges? Do you know how many illegal purges occurred in 2016? You were given all that information. If you cannot understand simple elementary logic, then you are either a vegetable, or a bott, pretending to be a person
Dude, are you capable of critical thinking? Do you understand English? I'm dead serious? Do you not understand what is meant by expanding voter purges? Do you know how many illegal purges occurred in 2016? You were given all that information. If you cannot understand simple elementary logic, then you are either a vegetable, or a bott, pretending to be a person
Why do you believe a blogger over politifact showing your bloggers comment was false. Also, bloggers are not considered a real source of facts. Can I use a blog post for facts like you? You say I can’t critical think yet you blogs are facts, and that we should leave voters on rolls when they no longer living or living in the town where voting.
Really…Your blog was debunked at politicrap.
First off, their exists no politicrap. And you've debunked nothing. Your debate skill set is extremely juvenile and doesn't meet the smell test. Run along. You've taken quite the beating, and you've definitely made quite the idiot of yourself.
Why do you believe a blogger over politifact showing your bloggers comment was false. Also, bloggers are not considered a real source of facts. Can I use a blog post for facts like you? You say I can’t critical think yet you blogs are facts, and that we should leave voters on rolls when they no longer living or living in the town where voting.
GOP candidate improperly purged 340,000 from Georgia voter rolls, investigation claims Man please. You are way over your head. Here's one where Brian Kemp got caught and had to retract his voter purge.
Still waiting? Oh, that's right, you said you wanted for me to post up one or two bills to debate, before you said you wouldn't take these bills seriously. :laughing0301: Now you talking about a cat here folks who is straight full of shit. :laughing0301:
It takes a while to read 36 pages of AZ SB 1819. However, all looks great and legit. No voter suppression. They are only purging those that are not legal to vote in AZ. AKA…voter integrity.

Why do you believe a blogger over politifact showing your bloggers comment was false. Also, bloggers are not considered a real source of facts. Can I use a blog post for facts like you? You say I can’t critical think yet you blogs are facts, and that we should leave voters on rolls when they no longer living or living in the town where voting.
GOP candidate improperly purged 340,000 from Georgia voter rolls, investigation claims Man please. You are way over your head. Here's one where Brian Kemp got caught and had to retract his voter purge.
That is an accusation by your blogger Greg Palast. His other accusations on this have all been found false as shown in my earlier link. Assume this will come back the same.

However, on the AZ and other bills you pointed me to, why do you think if someone dies or moves they shouled remain on that locals voter rolls? Should they not be deleted if they die, or if they move and register in their new state? How is refusing to let someone who is dead vote suppression, or someone who doesn’t even live there any longer as neither should be voting.

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