Schumer warns that the Senate will vote on changes to the chamber’s rules by Jan. 17 unless Republicans get out of the way on elections reform

Anyone who thinks/believes those bills equate to voter integrity, has the brain the size of a grasshopper.
What is it, specifically, that you find unpalatable? Is it unacceptable to require that absentee ballots be REQUESTED rather than mass-mailed to last known addresses?
How about registering to vote by using an acceptable form of photo ID?
How about the use of cover envelopes that serve to keep ballots from being dumped prior to being counted?

There were tens of thousands of ballots in 2020 whose provenance could not be guaranteed. Counting in the handful of crucial districts were SIMULTANEOUSLY interrupted on election night with Trump massively ahead in the count and miraculously, the next morning, ALL of those races flipped for Biden. In some cases, with huge numbers of ballots that hadn't been marked for ANY DOWN BALLOT races.

Multiple counting locations refused to follow the laws regarding transparency, literally. They effing papered over windows and refused to allow Republican poll watchers to be close enough to see any illegal behavior. Oh, you can mock and ignore that as you like but when they try it again, the wheels will be coming off, guaranteed. Anyone who thinks Americans will just shut up, sit down, and be forced to follow such a regime, is just self-delusional.
Another no show argument. You gotta love the losing by the Right.
So, have you considered that "hold your breath until you turn blue" thing? Might get me to register Democrat.
You tried to reword what I said. However, if you read them, they are not as you claim. These bills are to insure voter integrity which we know the left does not appear to want…and we all know why.
When I walk up to the polling place that I voted in for years, and the sign says the polling place moved fifty miles away, how does that insure voter integrity? How is illegally purging my name off a voter role voter integrity? Where is the voter integrity in reducing the number of drop off boxes, or closing polls early, or limiting registration, or reducing mail-in voting days, and closing polls in mostly minority areas? Answers to these questions will never equal voter integrity. And you're a liar and a cheater to claim different.
Your programming isn't fact. But then, facts don't matter to leftists. Just screeching volume.
We'll, that's for you to worry about now isn't it? Seeing that I'm the one who produced them, and you are the one complaining about them. If you were capable, you would have already produced countering documentation. But since you haven't, a long line of bull shit is all we've seen. So please, fill us in on more of it. It's you making the idiot of yourself by providing us with nothing. LOL!
When I walk up to the polling place that I voted in for years, and the sign says the polling place moved fifty miles away, how does that insure voter integrity? How is illegally purging my name off a voter role voter integrity? Where is the voter integrity in reducing the number of drop off boxes, or closing polls early, or limiting registration, or reducing mail-in voting days, and closing polls in mostly minority areas? Answers to these questions will never equal voter integrity. And you're a liar and a cheater to claim different.
Which bill are you referring to? The ones where the extended mail in voting, temporary boxes and extended hours that were added for Covid expired, or purging the voter rolls of people who are dead, so no one can vote from beyond the grave?

BTW…You don’t just show up to vote. It is not always in the same place, so you should be making sure you go to the correct place before you get in your car or bus. Any law that is passed has to be followed by all.
How is illegally purging my name off a voter role voter integrity?
BS... purges happen to names of people who have DIED or who have MOVED. In both instances, they are no longer qualified to vote at that polling place. Your "reforms" seek nothing less than Federal rules to mandate how all state elections are held.
Answers to these questions will never equal voter integrity. And you're a liar and a cheater to claim different
Speaking of liars and cheaters, how does requiring photo ID or signatures on absentee ballots, amount to cheating? How is it that a process to apply for an absentee ballot causes cheating? Your party wants unlimited mail-in balloting with NO means of verifying who voted.

You Democrats may be a lot of things but I never took most of you for being ate-up, stupid. No... you know that if the tables were turned and it was Republicans demanding such changes, you'd never accept it. Hell, you'd be in the streets killing, looting, and burning over it. Well, hoss, better get ready to make some room on the streets if your DC scum pulls it off. The days of staying quiet are OVAH...
If the trend of Hispanics supporting more conservative politicians continues, that border would be closed in record time.
The Democrats border wall. Love it. Fences all of the sudden would work. We now need all workers to be legal or have a work visa ;).
Do I believe the nation is headed towards "disintegration"? Sure, I'm OK with that. Might even be for the best.
Then we can at least agree on that. Secession beats the hell out of civil war.
Then look at them PLEASE!!!
I have, and some were quoted, but none were debated. Thus far, after #368 posts, not one Trump humper has manufactured a single countering argument to the facts I provided. Not to mention, the proof of voter suppression from the past has been shown. I here grade school arguments like it's voter integrity, yet, that's not an argument. You, like the rest are DOA, manufacturing not only an intelligent argument against mine, but any argument at all. You all are a big fat dud. It's pathetic when you think about it.
Truthfully I didn't read anything you said after saying you believe in something that there isn't even a thimble full of evidence for.
If you truly believe there was no evidence for these claims then you REALLY should consider broadening your sources of information.
BS... purges happen to names of people who have DIED or who have MOVED. In both instances, they are no longer qualified to vote at that polling place. Your "reforms" seek nothing less than Federal rules to mandate how all state elections are held.

Speaking of liars and cheaters, how does requiring photo ID or signatures on absentee ballots, amount to cheating? How is it that a process to apply for an absentee ballot causes cheating? Your party wants unlimited mail-in balloting with NO means of verifying who voted.

You Democrats may be a lot of things but I never took most of you for being ate-up, stupid. No... you know that if the tables were turned and it was Republicans demanding such changes, you'd never accept it. Hell, you'd be in the streets killing, looting, and burning over it. Well, hoss, better get ready to make some room on the streets if your DC scum pulls it off. The days of staying quiet are OVAH...
I think if he would take one or 2 of these bills and actually read them instead of believing what is being pushed into his brain he would come around. I was all ticked off last year on a couple myself because of what I was reading. I then went to the source, the bill itself, and realized I was being lied to. Most of these laws are for integrity purposes. They are only opposed if some is ignorant of their content, or if they are wanting it to be easier to cheat.
If the trend of Hispanics supporting more conservative politicians continues, that border would be closed in record time.
The problem has never been the border. These Trump humpers can't see forest for tree.
Then look at them PLEASE!!!
You still haven't answered the voter integrity questions I asked. Are you that lost to the world that you can't engage my questions with intelligent dialogue?
I have, and some were quoted, but none were debated. Thus far, after #368 posts, not one Trump humper has manufactured a single countering argument to the facts I provided. Not to mention, the proof of voter suppression from the past has been shown. I here grade school arguments like it's voter integrity, yet, that's not an argument. You, like the rest are DOA, manufacturing not only an intelligent argument against mine, but any argument at all. You all are a big fat dud. It's pathetic when you think about it.
Post 368 nor any after has had any context. You did not show were the bill itself is shown to suppress a vote. I showed instances linking to the bill itself that showed claims from one of your links was false. Do the same here for us. Pick a bill and read it. Then show us how it is keeping someone from voting, quoting information from the bill that is keeping a legitimate voter from casting a ballot.
You still haven't answered the voter integrity questions I asked. Are you that lost to the world that you can't engage my questions with intelligent dialogue?
Then ask again as I have answered all questions directed to me unless I happened to have missed it.

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