Schumer warns that the Senate will vote on changes to the chamber’s rules by Jan. 17 unless Republicans get out of the way on elections reform

Shorten window to apply for a mail ballotAL H.B. 538, AR S.B. 643, GA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, KY H.B. 574, OK H.B. 2663
Shorten deadline to deliver mail ballotAR S.B. 643
Make it harder to remain on absentee voting listsAZ S.B. 1485, FL S.B. 90
Eliminate or limit sending mail ballot applications to voters who do not specifically request themGA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, KS H.B. 2332
Eliminate or limit sending mail ballots to voters who do not specifically request themFL S.B. 90
Restrict assistance in returning a voter’s mail ballotAR H.B. 1715, FL S.B. 90, IA S.F. 413, KS H.B. 2183, KY H.B. 574, MT S.B. 530
Limit the number, location, or availability of mail ballot drop boxesFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, IN S.B. 398
Impose stricter signature requirements for mail ballotsAZ S.B. 1003, ID H.B. 290, KS H.B. 2183
Impose harsher voter ID requirements for mail votingFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202, MT S.B. 169
Impose harsher voter ID requirements for in-person votingAR H.B. 1112, AR H.B. 1244, NH H.B. 523, MT S.B. 169, WY H.B. 75
Expand voter purges or risk faulty voter purgesAZ S.B. 1819, IA S.F. 413, FL S.B. 90, KY H.B. 574, LA H.B. 167, TX S.B. 1111, UT H.B. 12
Increase barriers for voters with disabilitiesAL H.B. 285, IA S.F. 568, TX H.B. 3920
Ban snacks and water to voters waiting in lineFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202
Eliminate Election Day registrationMT H.B. 176
Reduce polling place availability (locations or hours)IA S.F. 413, MT S.B. 196
Increase number of voters per precinctNV S.B. 84
Limit early voting days or hoursGA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413
These restrictive voter laws were produced by those on the Right, not the Left. Again, as I stated before, no one on the Right has the capacity to challenge these bills as being nothing more than restricting one's right to vote. Buddy, you don't have the where with all to lock horns with me on this matter. The truth is looking us square in the eyeballs.

Remember, the link is the Brennan Center. The Bills are from Republican legislators. Nice try, but you lose. You can't win this debate. You don't have anything to fight with.

Progressives are liars.
If you did that, elections would have no meaning.

I mean, how stupid does one need to be, to not understand how 400 voter suppression bills are not meant for "we the people?"
BS, and you know it, BWK.
The majority of Americans want every citizen to have their vote counted.
You and your far left ilk want anybody to have the right to vote that are within our borders.
The bill is in response to all of the new rule changes by Republicans across the country, that are designed to help them win.

Your post is...painfully stupid.
There is no evidence for the long term that what you typed is correct. This nation keeps moving leftward and there are people who do not want it to. And they have a right to that. Of course Progs but the Social Group in front of it all to condemn what they call Deplorables.
Good luck if he believe changing the rules for a few months power is going to be worth it.
Oh, he understands the only way to retain their power will be to codify the means to steal elections in the open. Precisely as it was accomplished in 2020. IF they dump the filibuster and ram through such changes to our elections there will be war. GUARANTEED. The only unknown is the start date. These Democrats in DC today are a danger to this nation and anyone who wants to save America as a free country better wake up.
Oh, he understands the only way to retain their power will be to codify the means to steal elections in the open. Precisely as it was accomplished in 2020. IF they dump the filibuster and ram through such changes to our elections there will be war. GUARANTEED. The only unknown is the start date. These Democrats in DC today are a danger to this nation and anyone who wants to save America as a free country better wake up.

Nothing was stolen.
throw out batches of votes.
Citation? If you are referring to thousands or tens of thousands of ballots by mail that have no way of verifying their validity, then yeah, that is going to happen. You people are pushing this country to the effing wall and when this shit explodes into bloodshed, just remember that those on the Right were content to vote with the rules that had existed for decades. It was YOUR party that refused to accept a duly elected president. Once this nightmare begins, NONE of us or those we love will escape it unscathed. YEAH, it really IS that serious.
Nothing was stolen.
Roughly half of the nation disbelieves this. Do you really think that that many people can have their opinions ignored and things can just flow along smoothly? Do you? All that had to be done in 2020 was for the questions about legitimacy to be openly, publicly aired, and had the facts weighed in a court and we'd not have this problem.
Your party and their enablers in the courts and media managed to sweep it all under a rug and then mock those who questioned it until the narrative took hold. NOT ONE COURT actually weighed evidence or had testimony taken. They peremptorily threw these claims out. You and those like you can keep repeating your mantra until hell freezes over but if it's attempted again, this nation needs to burn. If it were those like you on the Left to who this had happened, the country would already be in flames. It's time to decide how much political victory is worth to each individual.
Roughly half of the nation disbelieves this. Do you really think that that many people can have their opinions ignored and things can just flow along smoothly? Do you? All that had to be done in 2020 was for the questions about legitimacy to be openly, publicly aired, and had the facts weighed in a court and we'd not have this problem.
Your party and their enablers in the courts and media managed to sweep it all under a rug and then mock those who questioned it until the narrative took hold. NOT ONE COURT actually weighed evidence or had testimony taken. They peremptorily threw these claims out. You and those like you can keep repeating your mantra until hell freezes over but if it's attempted again, this nation needs to burn. If it were those like you on the Left to who this had happened, the country would already be in flames. It's time to decide how much political victory is worth to each individual.

You don't believe it, you are just pissed.
Nobody is buying your idiot act. Nobody.

We all know why they are passing these laws. That includes you.
shout racism.jpg
democrats: *change the rules to make things easier for them*

republicans: *gain the majority and take advantage of the rules democrats made*

democrats: HEY NO FAIR
Precisely why I believe they believe that these changes will allow them to maintain control, indefinitely. They realize that they've gone so far to the Left that they can no longer depend on traditional Democrats and Independents. This is the most dangerous moment for America in my lifetime.

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