Schumer warns that the Senate will vote on changes to the chamber’s rules by Jan. 17 unless Republicans get out of the way on elections reform

Civility in the mad house is preferable. The media is not civil and is on the attack for political reasons. So the Repubs have no choice but to counter attack and use what Progs have done to dominate Politics and interfering more and more in the American way of life.
Republicans have a choice to implement their better, more popular ideas. They just don’t have any. They are perpetually on the defensive because they offer nothing.
And I'm okay with fining those companies and deporting the illegls.

Are you?
Fine will just make it a cost of doing business

Lock up a couple of CEOs and see how quickly those jobs dry up
Roughly half of the nation disbelieves this. Do you really think that that many people can have their opinions ignored and things can just flow along smoothly? Do you? All that had to be done in 2020 was for the questions about legitimacy to be openly, publicly aired, and had the facts weighed in a court and we'd not have this problem.
Your party and their enablers in the courts and media managed to sweep it all under a rug and then mock those who questioned it until the narrative took hold. NOT ONE COURT actually weighed evidence or had testimony taken. They peremptorily threw these claims out. You and those like you can keep repeating your mantra until hell freezes over but if it's attempted again, this nation needs to burn. If it were those like you on the Left to who this had happened, the country would already be in flames. It's time to decide how much political victory is worth to each individual.
More like 30% believe it. A super-minority of deplorable sore losers.
That's not how it works, Dumbass.

You make a claim, it's on you to back it up. Failure to be able to back it up proves you to be a lying sack.
I’m giving you a free punch. Take it.
The beef is yours. Show us all how wrong I am.
show us how either voting bill gives the Dems an unfair advantage.
You won’t because you can’t do anything but chase posters around biting ankles like a deranged chihuahua.
I’m giving you a free punch. Take it.
The beef is yours. Show us all how wrong I am.
show us how either voting bill gives the Dems an unfair advantage.
You won’t because you can’t do anything but chase posters around biting ankles like a deranged chihuahua.
I accept your admission you are a lying sack.
Fine will just make it a cost of doing business

Lock up a couple of CEOs and see how quickly those jobs dry up
Like somebody's going to lock up the ceo of Perdue Farms. LOL Or even fine Perdue. Last time ga tried getting rid of illegals, the corps ate their legislature. And don't think for a second Mitch or even Charlie McCarthy's gonna fine corps. The Orange Ass wasn't even gonna fine himself over Maralago's lawn boys. LOL
Like somebody's going to lock up the ceo of Perdue Farms. LOL Or even fine Perdue. Last time ga tried getting rid of illegals, the corps ate their legislature. And don't think for a second Mitch or even Charlie McCarthy's gonna fine corps. The Orange Ass wasn't even gonna fine himself over Maralago's lawn boys. LOL
Of course nobody is going to lock up a CEO

It is easier to lock up some poor Mexican trying to feed his family
Of course nobody is going to lock up a CEO

It is easier to lock up some poor Mexican trying to feed his family
Exactly, and locking up some poor Mexican trying to feed his family will not do jack shit about Big Agriculture employing illegal aliens because (wait for it ......) EVEN BEFORE THE PANDEMIC UNEMPLOYED AMERICANS WEREN'T LINING UP FOR THOSE JOBS

Thanks for proving you're nothing but a typical lying assed commie. According to your own link, 400 bills were introduced and ONLY 30 WERE ENACTED. Carry on commie, you really are pathetic.

Closing 1200 polling places in minority areas, isn't stupidity. It's malicious intent on Republicans who are trying to keep minorities from voting.

Wow, you're really good at coming up with these hyper inflated commie talking points. But the only link you've provided so far proves you a liar.


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