Schumer warns that the Senate will vote on changes to the chamber’s rules by Jan. 17 unless Republicans get out of the way on elections reform

That is an accusation by your blogger Greg Palast. His other accusations on this have all been found false as shown in my earlier link. Assume this will come back the same.

However, on the AZ and other bills you pointed me to, why do you think if someone dies or moves they shouled remain on that locals voter rolls? Should they not be deleted if they die, or if they move and register in their new state? How is refusing to let someone who is dead vote suppression, or someone who doesn’t even live there any longer as neither should be voting.
When you improperly purge 340,000 voters like Kemp did, he wasn't interested in dead folks or people moving.
When you improperly purge 340,000 voters like Kemp did, he wasn't interested in dead folks or people moving.
Again, an unfounded accusation brought about by Greg Palast, a blogger that is a proven hack. He has made similar claims other times, and none have ever been proven accurate.
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How did it work out for the Democrats when they pulled the same type of stunt in 2013 under the leadership of the recently deceased Harry Reid?

Thank you.

The Radical Left doesn't care about tomorrow except for how much money it will bring them.
They are Godless, souless heathens who believe that all there is is birth, life and they rape humanity for all they can in that time with no shame or conscience. Theft, corruption, deceit and abortion are among their favorite playing cards. Theirs is the only life that matters. It's why NewYork and other places they congregate become nasty hell holes.
In 2017, 32 Senate Democrats signed a letter saying that the filibuster should not change—27 of those Democrats are still in the Senate.

"Schumer has repeatedly made the public case that Democrats need to get on board. On Monday, he cast the stakes bluntly: Senators “can follow in the footsteps of our patriotic predecessors in this chamber or they can sit by as the fabric of our democracy unravels before their very eyes.” Nonetheless, Manchin seemed unmoved.

“This is a tough game. And I understand they have a tough job to do. I think Chuck has tried to be as fair as he could be this whole year. We did some great things, now they’re coming down to crunch time. And I understand the position they’re in and what they’re doing,” Manchin said on Monday. “But I’ve been very clear where I am. So hopefully they respect that too.”"

Schumer does not have enough votes to change the rules
Exactly. I realize he and Biden are running scared from being primaried by AOC and Red Bernie, but do they really think they help their standing with progressives by bring up votes they don't have the votes to pass?

It's not just that I'm against giving money to people who don't have jobs when there are jobs available, or that I'm against a proposed law that would require more mail in voting (I've always been for making election day a holiday though ... as long as bars and liquor stores and weed dispensaries are open) But wouldn't Schumer and Biden be better off telling progressives THE TRUTH: ELECT MORE POLS WHO WILL SUPPORT YOUR ISSUES AND WE CAN PASS LAWS YOU LIKE?
Joni Ernst accuses Schumer of the "Filibuster Flip Flop"

Exactly. I realize he and Biden are running scared from being primaried by AOC and Red Bernie, but do they really think they help their standing with progressives by bring up votes they don't have the votes to pass?

It's not just that I'm against giving money to people who don't have jobs when there are jobs available, or that I'm against a proposed law that would require more mail in voting (I've always been for making election day a holiday though ... as long as bars and liquor stores and weed dispensaries are open) But wouldn't Schumer and Biden be better off telling progressives THE TRUTH: ELECT MORE POLS WHO WILL SUPPORT YOUR ISSUES AND WE CAN PASS LAWS YOU LIKE?
I think the vote is meant to identify democrat targets for the red brigade in the primary
I think the vote is meant to identify democrat targets for the red brigade in the primary
possibly. Of course they are going to lose the house and probably won't have even 50 senators, but ideological purity as opposed to actually passing legislation that would benefit workers to some degree is more important to the progressives, it seems. In a way, they are not that different from the Trump base.

But Schumer and Biden are totally motivated in avoiding being primaried. jmo
possibly. Of course they are going to lose the house and probably won't have even 50 senators, but ideological purity as opposed to actually passing legislation that would benefit workers to some degree is more important to the progressives, it seems. In a way, they are not that different from the Trump base.

But Schumer and Biden are totally motivated in avoiding being primaried. jmo
The republican base is much better informed and nimble than you give them credit for
The republican base is much better informed and nimble than you give them credit for
Why are you telling us?

Tell the GOP politicians that. They are the ones who are assuming their base is made up of racist morons and gullible rubes who will believe anything.

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