Science & Reason vs. Atheism

You can probably get Dr. Crick's book via Interlibrary Loan (you do have a library card, right?). I'll wait.
You can probably get Dr. Crick's book via Interlibrary Loan (you do have a library card, right?). I'll wait.

But you aren't doubting that Crick said that, are you.

What kind of imbecile believes that there are experiment and observations of the 'big bang'?
Like the claim that the universe created itself ?!

Except that notions like the Big Bang and Cosmic Inflation aren't just thrown out there, but are backed by decades of evidence and observations and testing and work. It isn't like some scientist said "It just happened" and then sat back on his laurels without having to show his work.

"...backed by decades of evidence and observations and testing and work."

Of course that isn't true.

Professor Francis Crick, awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of DNA, wrote:

An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going.
Crick, F., "Life Itself," New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981, p.88.

It is true.

Don't let your time at the Harun Yahya madrassah forever commit you to fear and ignorance.....

at least no more than it already has.
Except that notions like the Big Bang and Cosmic Inflation aren't just thrown out there, but are backed by decades of evidence and observations and testing and work. It isn't like some scientist said "It just happened" and then sat back on his laurels without having to show his work.

"...backed by decades of evidence and observations and testing and work."

Of course that isn't true.

Professor Francis Crick, awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of DNA, wrote:

An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going.
Crick, F., "Life Itself," New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981, p.88.

It is true.

Don't let your time at the Harun Yahya madrassah forever commit you to fear and ignorance.....

at least no more than it already has.

As usual, your dementia is on view to all.

You constantly provide the proof of same, as I ask you to provide proof of your statement....and you cannot.

"...backed by decades of evidence and observations and testing and work."

OK...go ahead.....prove it.
"...backed by decades of evidence and observations and testing and work."

Of course that isn't true.

Professor Francis Crick, awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of DNA, wrote:

An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going.
Crick, F., "Life Itself," New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981, p.88.

That does nothing to support your feverish, anti-science screaming "the gawds did it" belief.


I understand you're angry. You do typically lash out like a child when parsed and edited "quotes" are identified as such.

You're a fraud.

Stop being a fraud.
You can probably get Dr. Crick's book via Interlibrary Loan (you do have a library card, right?). I'll wait.

But you aren't doubting that Crick said that, are you.

Not at all. I want to see the whole statement, though, and not just the cherry picked gotcha statements that your side relies on.

What kind of imbecile believes that there are experiment and observations of the 'big bang'?

Ultracold Big Bang experiment successfully simulates evolution of early universe | UChicago News
Gravity Waves from Big Bang Detected - Scientific American
BBC News - 'Big Bang' experiment starts well

Beyond that, Let me google that for you
"...backed by decades of evidence and observations and testing and work."

Of course that isn't true.

Professor Francis Crick, awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of DNA, wrote:

An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going.
Crick, F., "Life Itself," New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981, p.88.

It is true.

Don't let your time at the Harun Yahya madrassah forever commit you to fear and ignorance.....

at least no more than it already has.

As usual, your dementia is on view to all.

You constantly provide the proof of same, as I ask you to provide proof of your statement....and you cannot.

"...backed by decades of evidence and observations and testing and work."

OK...go ahead.....prove it.

Once again, you have "quote-mined" from Harun Yahya after I have told you repeatedly that you must PM me first so I can advise you privately of your lies, deceit and stupidity.

The Francis Crick "quote" is another example of your idiocy. You mindlessly "quote-mine" this garbage from Harun Yahya and even after you have repeatedly been shown to a liar, plagiarist and spammer, you continue.

Quote Mine Project: "Miscellaneous"

Quote #74

"An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that, in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle." (Francis Crick, Life Itself, Its Origin and Nature, 1981, p. 88)

Again there is an unmarked deletion, this time at the end, following right after "miracle,":

" . . . so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going. But this should not be taken to imply that there are good reasons to believe that it could not have started on the earth by a perfectly reasonable sequence of fairly ordinary chemical reactions. The plain fact is that the time available was too long, the many microenvironments on the earth's surface too diverse, the various chemical possibilities too numerous and our own knowledge and imagination too feeble to allow us to be able to unravel exactly how it might or might not have happened such a long time ago, especially as we have no experimental evidence from that era to check our ideas against."

You lie.

You lie constantly.

You're a mess.

You're a sad, pathetic joke.

I understand you're angry. You do typically lash out like a child when parsed and edited "quotes" are identified as such.

You're a fraud.

Stop being a fraud.

So.....dodging post #44?

Then you are admitting to dementia?

You're hoping to sidestep yet another fraud you hoped to perpetrate.

Why do you continue to lie, deceive and plagiarize from Harun Yahya when you're always exposed as a total fraud?

What a mess.
If something had to create the universe then something had to have created God.
At the start there had to be a First Cause.

This is the God of the Gaps.
Not at all! In the fine-tuning argument, for example, God is not sprinkled on top of the universe, He's baked right in.

I understand your entire society has brainwashed you from birth but you are an adult now.
I know you've been brainwashed by the media bosses, but try to think for yourself.
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"...backed by decades of evidence and observations and testing and work."

OK...go ahead.....prove it.

hey, where do you think the Grand Canyon came from....that used to be a lab where a scientist was trying to recreate the Big Bang on a small scale.....
And please don't say science's arguments against God are weak. They are the best we have. And it isn't our responsibility to prove your fairytale is fake.
Oh yea, I thought about this the other day when watching a Sunday morning religious show. I get a kick out of watching the brainwashing going on. I wonder how many people are just there for the socializing. Anyways, the guy says that heaven is FINAL!
But to put God in the blank is ignorant. And if you truly analyze all the 1000 religions that human's have had since we first made that shit up have all been just that, man made.
These sort of confused, predictable, adolescent tantrums are why no one can take the atheist movement seriously. lol
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It is true.

Don't let your time at the Harun Yahya madrassah forever commit you to fear and ignorance.....

at least no more than it already has.

As usual, your dementia is on view to all.

You constantly provide the proof of same, as I ask you to provide proof of your statement....and you cannot.

"...backed by decades of evidence and observations and testing and work."

OK...go ahead.....prove it.

Once again, you have "quote-mined" from Harun Yahya after I have told you repeatedly that you must PM me first so I can advise you privately of your lies, deceit and stupidity.

The Francis Crick "quote" is another example of your idiocy. You mindlessly "quote-mine" this garbage from Harun Yahya and even after you have repeatedly been shown to a liar, plagiarist and spammer, you continue.

Quote Mine Project: "Miscellaneous"

Quote #74

"An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that, in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle." (Francis Crick, Life Itself, Its Origin and Nature, 1981, p. 88)

Again there is an unmarked deletion, this time at the end, following right after "miracle,":

" . . . so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going. But this should not be taken to imply that there are good reasons to believe that it could not have started on the earth by a perfectly reasonable sequence of fairly ordinary chemical reactions. The plain fact is that the time available was too long, the many microenvironments on the earth's surface too diverse, the various chemical possibilities too numerous and our own knowledge and imagination too feeble to allow us to be able to unravel exactly how it might or might not have happened such a long time ago, especially as we have no experimental evidence from that era to check our ideas against."

You lie.

You lie constantly.

You're a mess.

You're a sad, pathetic joke.

What's your point, or are you struggling to find one in that mess? Are you implying that Crick turned immediately around after the first sentence and negated what he said in the second, i.e. contradicted himself? You somehow obviously think his continued comment contradicts what he started saying? And if it doesn't contradict it, then what point are you making by providing the additional comments?
Like the claim that the universe created itself ?!

Except that notions like the Big Bang and Cosmic Inflation aren't just thrown out there, but are backed by decades of evidence and observations and testing and work. It isn't like some scientist said "It just happened" and then sat back on his laurels without having to show his work.

"...backed by decades of evidence and observations and testing and work."

Of course that isn't true.

Professor Francis Crick, awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of DNA, wrote:

An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going.
Crick, F., "Life Itself," New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981, p.88.

This isn't proof of a God. The universe is huge and the closest planets that also have life on them are 700,000 light years away. Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. Google it. All these things we don't know science is figuring out. Each time we blow another one of your "must be God" answers. God of the gaps. Google it. We don't know what caused the big bang, yet, but we are a lot closer to the answer because of science. And none of you can answer the question that if something had to create all this, who created God? Who are his parents? And what did he do to mom? Louis CK joke.
And please don't say science's arguments against God are weak. They are the best we have. And it isn't our responsibility to prove your fairytale is fake.
Oh yea, I thought about this the other day when watching a Sunday morning religious show. I get a kick out of watching the brainwashing going on. I wonder how many people are just there for the socializing. Anyways, the guy says that heaven is FINAL!
But to put God in the blank is ignorant. And if you truly analyze all the 1000 religions that human's have had since we first made that shit up have all been just that, man made.
These sort of confused, predictable, adolescent tantrums are why no one can take the atheist movement seriously. lol

I know many christians who don't follow Dogma. Other christians who don't think they are doing enough to go to heaven. I know born agains who say other christians like greek orthodox christians or catholics aren't going to heaven because they weren't baptized as adults. I know many people who go to church who don't even believe in God. They go because their wives take them. I know many christians who don't take the bible literally and were just born into it and very easily agree it's probably all made up. I don't ask everyone because I don't want to offend anyone but a lot of the people I feel comfortable asking and are honest know religion is bullshit.

Here is the fact. Because you won't get burnt at the stake today or ostracized from your community anymore for doubting the jesus lie, more and more people are waking up. It's a fact. Parents who weren't taken to church and brainwashed for 20 years aren't taking their kids and so they are growing up, still good people, actually I would agree better people. And because of the internet, young people who question can go do their research and see it all laid out at whynogod (google it) and see why primitive man first came up with god out of fear and lack of knowledge, how the kings used god to collect taxes, fight wars and basically control the masses.

Here's another thought. How come you don't get so mad when Muslims say your religion is bullshit? How come you guys aren't converting more muslims to christianity? Because they are as brainwashed as you are. The only reason you don't scream out exactly why the Mormom and Muslim religions are fake is because you would be basically calling your own religion out. Talking snakes, parting seas, virgin birth, rising from the dead, an arc with all the animals. It's amazing you've been able to retain as many people as you have with this story. Proves how dumb the masses are. :cuckoo:
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Eye-witness testimony is the weakest form of evidence in science.
What a bizarre statement. lol

Quote from Levin and Cramer:

“Eyewitness testimony is, at best, evidence of what the witness believes to have occurred. It may or may not tell what actually happened. The familiar problems of perception, of gauging time, speed, height, weight, of accurate identification of persons accused of crime all contribute to making honest testimony something less than completely credible.

But I wouldn't expect someone who believes in fairytales to be a deep thinker and understand this.
As usual, your dementia is on view to all.

You constantly provide the proof of same, as I ask you to provide proof of your statement....and you cannot.

"...backed by decades of evidence and observations and testing and work."

OK...go ahead.....prove it.

Once again, you have "quote-mined" from Harun Yahya after I have told you repeatedly that you must PM me first so I can advise you privately of your lies, deceit and stupidity.

The Francis Crick "quote" is another example of your idiocy. You mindlessly "quote-mine" this garbage from Harun Yahya and even after you have repeatedly been shown to a liar, plagiarist and spammer, you continue.

Quote Mine Project: "Miscellaneous"

Quote #74

"An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that, in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle." (Francis Crick, Life Itself, Its Origin and Nature, 1981, p. 88)

Again there is an unmarked deletion, this time at the end, following right after "miracle,":

" . . . so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going. But this should not be taken to imply that there are good reasons to believe that it could not have started on the earth by a perfectly reasonable sequence of fairly ordinary chemical reactions. The plain fact is that the time available was too long, the many microenvironments on the earth's surface too diverse, the various chemical possibilities too numerous and our own knowledge and imagination too feeble to allow us to be able to unravel exactly how it might or might not have happened such a long time ago, especially as we have no experimental evidence from that era to check our ideas against."

You lie.

You lie constantly.

You're a mess.

You're a sad, pathetic joke.

What's your point, or are you struggling to find one in that mess? Are you implying that Crick turned immediately around after the first sentence and negated what he said in the second, i.e. contradicted himself? You somehow obviously think his continued comment contradicts what he started saying? And if it doesn't contradict it, then what point are you making by providing the additional comments?

The point is we don't know what Dr. Crick's additional thoughts on the subject are beyond this cherry picked quote. Maybe he does reverse himself. Maybe he qualifies his previous statement. Maybe the next line is about his returning his PhD and joining a cult, who knows? Context is important, not to mention that PC's credibility (or at least those websites she copy and pastes from) is questionable.

There was another evolution thread when she posted some gotcha line from Stephen Jay Gould. Well, I went and looked up the source cited and not only was that quote not on the cited page, it wasn't anywhere in the cited journal. It didn't exist. I even posted a link to the journal so everyone else could see for themselves.

So maybe Dr. Crick actually wrote that, maybe he didn't, maybe there's more to that thought in the context it is presented. We'll never know because PC won't provide it.
If something had to create the universe then something had to have created God.
At the start there had to be a First Cause.

This is the God of the Gaps.
Not at all! In the fine-tuning argument, for example, God is not sprinkled on top of the universe, He's baked right in.

I understand your entire society has brainwashed you from birth but you are an adult now.
I know you've been brainwashed by the media bosses, but try to think for yourself.

You're baked. And are you kidding me? Its the rich (GOP) that got into bed with the moral majority and the rich bought up all the media so it's kind of hard to say that the media is liberal when 7 rich people own it all. Who are the liberal owners? Yes there are a lot of gay shows and stars on tv but they probably love flaunting that because it's divisive. They use god gays and guns to con middle class and poor people like you into voting with them.

There is a first cause. We don't know what it was yet but science is getting closer to finding out. It certainly wasn't god. That's another god of the gaps. If you can't explain it then it must be god.

Still no proof of a god. The bible and koran were made up. google whynogod and you'll see if you want to see. And it's ok because christians and muslims and jews are horrible people really. Not all of them but the masses suck. The racist rednecks and the pedophile churches. The don't feed the poor or cure the sick christians of the world. Why are people turning away from Christianity? Just look at the members. And I know former muslims who are athiests here in America. My friend ran into another one and asked her and she was so happy to find another arab who wasn't brainwashed like the rest of them are. Yea, that's you only you are stupid for Jesus and they are stupid for mohammad. Believe it.

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