Science & Reason vs. Atheism

The point is we don't know what Dr. Crick's additional thoughts on the subject are beyond this cherry picked quote. Maybe he does reverse himself. Maybe he qualifies his previous statement. Maybe the next line is about his returning his PhD and joining a cult, who knows? Context is important, not to mention that PC's credibility (or at least those websites she copy and pastes from) is questionable.

There was another evolution thread when she posted some gotcha line from Stephen Jay Gould. Well, I went and looked up the source cited and not only was that quote not on the cited page, it wasn't anywhere in the cited journal. It didn't exist. I even posted a link to the journal so everyone else could see for themselves.

So maybe Dr. Crick actually wrote that, maybe he didn't, maybe there's more to that thought in the context it is presented. We'll never know because PC won't provide it.

"It didn't exist."

That's another lie on your part.

You cannot produce any such quote that does not exist.

Try to.

Or admit that you are a liar like the dope Hollie.

All the good Christian folk are gathering.

Jealous much?
Bump for thumper:

It's really quite simple as you already acknowledge your dishonesty when you wrote "the rest of the comments changed the meaning of the first sentence."
the rich bought up all the media so it's kind of hard to say that the media is liberal when 7 rich people own it all. Who are the liberal owners? Yes there are a lot of gay shows and stars on tv but they probably love flaunting that because it's divisive.
Never heard of latte liberals? People who don't realize the media elite is mostly liberal on some issues (abortion, religion, homosexual activism) are awfully dumb.

They use god gays and guns to con middle class and poor people like you into voting with them.
Yes the media bosses try to drive normal working folk out of the Democratic party. The idea is to emasculate the party.

Thanks for discrediting the atheist movement with your juvenile rants and ugly bigotry.

The don't feed the poor or cure the sick christians of the world.
Another clownish statement.

Most Popular Christian Charities - Trustworthy and Reputable Organizations |

Catholic Relief Services

Why are people turning away from Christianity? Just look at the members.
Yes, let's look.

According to Religion: Year In Review 2010 atheists are at 2% worldwide and declining.

Marxism has declined so fewer are being terrorized into submission to atheism. A few adolescents on the internet slavishly follow the fashion for atheism decreed by the media bosses, but that's a small number of people.

More news: Christianity Is Booming In China Despite Rifts

Do you feel stupid, because maybe you ought to.

Just look in the last 100 years how many people don't take the bible literally anymore. That's a good step in the right direction. I myself until about a couple months ago kept arguing that I still believed in a God but my athiest friends made me realize that I have absolutely no reason to believe that other than want.

You know I'm right. My religious friends are crying all the time about how many people aren't going to church or how many are leaving their churches.

I think it is great that at least they are realizing that none of the organized religions are the answer. I don't mind spiritual people it's most of the religious people that bug me. My brother is a good christian. He keeps that shit to himself. Like other people I think he thinks it sinful to even question the bible. So how can he or you be objective? If you can't even fathom the possibility that that shit is all made up. Taking the word of 11 guys, 80 years after the event. And these men lived to be 800 years old?

P.S. Us athiests have zero emotion about it. All you God lovers need to realize you taking this topic personally is clouding your judgement. How can you really think right when you thinking these thoughts could send you to hell forever? If you believe that then you can't think rationally on the subject. Consider us SPOCKS. Take the emotions out of it and talk rationally. Noah built an arc? God created eve out of a rib? Oh you don't take those things literally? Then you aren't really a christian. But if they push the issue the membership will drop so you accept most of your members don't really even buy the story but because of their grandparents and parents it's tradition so they pass on the fairytale to their kids and brainwash them in church too.
Bump for thumper:

It's really quite simple as you already acknowledge your dishonesty when you wrote "the rest of the comments changed the meaning of the first sentence."

Still can't explain how it changed the context, huh? :lol:

You have it. It was your comment. Don't let incompetence be an impediment to your failure.

I love exposing a liar.... why can't you provide the link Hollie?? And not only that, you can't explain the point of your original post either. Amazing what lengths she'll go to when backed into a corner.


I see you're dancing in a failed attempt to cover your tracks. It won't work.

It's the fundies who get angry when they're cornered.
You have it. It was your comment. Don't let incompetence be an impediment to your failure.

I love exposing a liar.... why can't you provide the link Hollie?? And not only that, you can't explain the point of your original post either. Amazing what lengths she'll go to when backed into a corner.


I see you're dancing in a failed attempt to cover your tracks. It won't work.

It's the fundies who get angry when they're cornered.


Link??? You do know what a link is, right Hollie?
:dance: Ho hum....

Hell will freeze over before Hollie provides a link (since there isn't one), or before she provides an explanation of her original post.. (cause she can't)... :lol:
I love exposing a liar.... why can't you provide the link Hollie?? And not only that, you can't explain the point of your original post either. Amazing what lengths she'll go to when backed into a corner.


I see you're dancing in a failed attempt to cover your tracks. It won't work.

It's the fundies who get angry when they're cornered.


Link??? You do know what a link is, right Hollie?

Comment??? You know what a comment is right?

Why are you so terrified to acknowledge what your comment addressed?
Just look in the last 100 years how many people don't take the bible literally anymore.
You just don't know what you are talking about.

How was the Genesis account of creation interpreted before Darwin?

quote: The works of many early Christian theologians and philosophers reveal an interpretation of Genesis compatible with Darwin’s theory.

I myself until about a couple months ago kept arguing that I still believed in a God but my athiest friends made me realize that I have absolutely no reason to believe that other than want.
Rambling autobiographical digression.

You know I'm right. My religious friends are crying all the time about how many people aren't going to church or how many are leaving their churches.
And now a meaningless self-serving anecdote.

Here's the facts:

Thriving Christianity
Its numbers increase worldwide with every new day.

I don't mind spiritual people it's most of the religious people that bug me.
Back to your favorite topic: you.

Taking the word of 11 guys, 80 years after the event.
Do you realize how ill-informed you are? If you had any sense you'll be embarrassed. More than 11 men testified. The Gospel of Mark was written less than 40 years after Jesus' death. And some of Paul's writings were even earlier.

P.S. Us athiests have zero emotion about it.
lol I've never met such crazed fanatics as internet atheists.

How can you really think right when you thinking these thoughts could send you to hell forever?
Hell is where we place ourselves, both in this world and the next, when we decide to embrace hate and revenge and selfishness. C.S. Lewis said that the door to hell is locked - from the inside. In Christianity God is merciful. He hopes we don't choose Hell, but He respects our freedom.

If you believe that then you can't think rationally on the subject. Consider us SPOCKS. Take the emotions out of it and talk rationally.
I know you are intelligent because you tell me so at every opportunity.

Noah built an arc? God created eve out of a rib? Oh you don't take those things literally? Then you aren't really a christian.
You couldn't be more wrong. As I've pointed out throughout Christian history many have interpreted OT stories as allegory. Many Chrisian denominations accept evolution.
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Some arguments for the existence Of God:

Teleological arguments

  • Why is the universe so beautiful? If you don't believe in Design you think the universe is a random mess, and how can a random mess be beautiful?
  • The universe might have been a disorderly chaos rather than an orderly cosmos."
The universe IS disorderly chaos!!! There are nothing but explosions and collisions throughout the universe!!! Pay attention
Some arguments for the existence Of God:

Teleological arguments

  • how can a random mess be beautiful?
  • Because "beauty" is in the eye of the beholder!

Like the claim that the universe created itself ?!

Except that notions like the Big Bang and Cosmic Inflation aren't just thrown out there, but are backed by decades of evidence and observations and testing and work. It isn't like some scientist said "It just happened" and then sat back on his laurels without having to show his work.

"...backed by decades of evidence and observations and testing and work."

Of course that isn't true.

Professor Francis Crick, awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of DNA, wrote:

An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going.
Crick, F., "Life Itself," New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981, p.88.
I love it! In another thread you bashed Crick as a KOOK!!!!!!!

See, this is why you should have remained in school beyond the third grade.

"Quite complex. Not only is DNA made up of multiple functional unites for each base, but the bases combine together to make an extended polymer that's giant and complex. The DNA itself also folds up and takes on structure even beyond it's atomic structure."
Chat Q&A: How complex is DNA at an atomic level?

The four letters of a DNA molecule....millions of units in length....must be in a unique and specific arrangement.

Go get a note pad and pencil, ...the good news:
I 'll be explaining in greater depth later.

The bad will still be over your head.
Determined by the valence electrons and not random chance. If you remember, Watson and Crick used simple cardboard cut-outs to assemble their models!!!

Discovering the double helix structure of DNA, James Watson, video with 3D animation and narration :: DNA Learning Center

...your tutorial will be along shortly.

In the meantime, consider this: how about the idea that aliens from outer space dropped by the lifeless earth.....and left 'wastes,'.....

And those wastes became what is now life on earth.

Know who propounded that theory?

Francis Crick.

Yup.....'scientists' concluded thate ‘aliens’ were responsible for the origin of life on earth:

“An alternative to Earthly abiogenesis is “exogenesis”, the hypothesis that primitive life may have originally formed extraterrestrially, either in space or on a nearby planet such as Mars. Such ideas have had many eminent supporters over the years, including Francis Crick, the co-discoverer of the structure of the DNA molecule, and the astrophysicist Sir Fred Hoyle among others.” Exogenesis - The Beginnings of Life - The Physics of the Universe

So, I suppose it is no stretch for them to imagine that Darwin was correct....even with the dearth of evidence to support his theory.

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