Scientists Prove Warmer Eras Prior to Industrial Age, Disproves AGW


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Lol, so now we know for a FACT that while humans were still evolving into higher life forms, the Earth was warmer and had more CO2, along with the note that Mars and Earth seem to h ave the same warming/cooling cycles.

If AGW can be falsifiable, meaning it is real science and not psuedo science, then this should do it.

But we all know it is a secular religion and has nothing to do with science and never did.

Nolte: Scientists Prove Man-Made Global Warming Is a Hoax

Current CO2 levels of 410 parts per million (ppm) were last seen on Earth three million years ago, according to the most detailed reconstruction of the Earth’s climate by researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and published in Science Advances.

Yes, you read that correctly, three million — million — years ago CO2 levels on Earth were the same as they are today, but there is one major difference between three million years ago and today…

Three million years ago, we humans were not driving cars or eating the meat that requires cow farts; we weren’t barbecuing or refusing to recycle or building factories; there was no Industrial Age, no plastic, no air conditioning, no electricity, no lumber mills, no consumerism, no aerosols.​

But then again, maybe Mamoth farts were worse than cars?

Forty years ago they were talking about a new ice age. Disgruntled loser (pervert) hypocrite Al Gore invented the concept of "man-made global warming" and all of a sudden the crazy left had a cause that they could worry about and extort funding. Pop astronomer Carl Sagan predicted the end of the world in ten years and that was 30 years ago. Lefties never have a nice day.
I'm not sure how the Earth being warmer 3 million years ago disproves that mankind may be causing warming now. Does manmade global warming mean only warming that is greater than it has been at any point in the past?

Regardless of whether humanity is contributing to the warming of the planet, the fact that it was warmer 3 million years ago neither proves nor disproves the idea.
The middle ages were warmer. There are Viking farms under the Greenland ice sheets. I am sorry. Pushing an agenda over forty years and changing it from cooling to warming to climate change is a P.T. Barnum enterprise. Damn near all of the beaches are the same now as back then. Florida was supposed to be mostly underwater. You can argue people living in vulnerable areas. But the main issue is that here are a lot more people living in many areas. So when the weather acts up more people are affected. This is nit global weather change. It is globalist world power people wanting a tax to take from us to give to others.
I'm not sure how the Earth being warmer 3 million years ago disproves that mankind may be causing warming now. Does manmade global warming mean only warming that is greater than it has been at any point in the past?

Regardless of whether humanity is contributing to the warming of the planet, the fact that it was warmer 3 million years ago neither proves nor disproves the idea.

It wasn't that long ago. Not that long ago they were growing grapes and making wine in England. You need not worry about climate change because it's been in a state of constant change since earth was earth. If it ever stops changing, then you can worry.
I'm not sure how the Earth being warmer 3 million years ago disproves that mankind may be causing warming now. Does manmade global warming mean only warming that is greater than it has been at any point in the past?

Regardless of whether humanity is contributing to the warming of the planet, the fact that it was warmer 3 million years ago neither proves nor disproves the idea.

It wasn't that long ago. Not that long ago they were growing grapes and making wine in England. You need not worry about climate change because it's been in a state of constant change since earth was earth. If it ever stops changing, then you can worry.

3 millions years ago is the time mentioned in the study which supposedly proves man-made global warming to be false.
I'm not sure how the Earth being warmer 3 million years ago disproves that mankind may be causing warming now. Does manmade global warming mean only warming that is greater than it has been at any point in the past?

Regardless of whether humanity is contributing to the warming of the planet, the fact that it was warmer 3 million years ago neither proves nor disproves the idea.
What it does prove is this sort of warming is not unprecedented, contrary to what popular AGW dogma says.
I'm not sure how the Earth being warmer 3 million years ago disproves that mankind may be causing warming now. Does manmade global warming mean only warming that is greater than it has been at any point in the past?

Regardless of whether humanity is contributing to the warming of the planet, the fact that it was warmer 3 million years ago neither proves nor disproves the idea.
Exactly. Which casts legitimate doubt on the veracity of AGW.
But don’t let that stop the propaganda and the extreme, damaging counter-measures being undertaken.
I'm not sure how the Earth being warmer 3 million years ago disproves that mankind may be causing warming now. Does manmade global warming mean only warming that is greater than it has been at any point in the past?

Regardless of whether humanity is contributing to the warming of the planet, the fact that it was warmer 3 million years ago neither proves nor disproves the idea.
Delete your post! Their tiny brains won't know what to do with it!
I'm not sure how the Earth being warmer 3 million years ago disproves that mankind may be causing warming now. Does manmade global warming mean only warming that is greater than it has been at any point in the past?

Regardless of whether humanity is contributing to the warming of the planet, the fact that it was warmer 3 million years ago neither proves nor disproves the idea.

It doesn't disprove that God is actually a liverwurst sandwich or that the moon is really a Titan Turd either.

I'm not sure how the Earth being warmer 3 million years ago disproves that mankind may be causing warming now. Does manmade global warming mean only warming that is greater than it has been at any point in the past?

Regardless of whether humanity is contributing to the warming of the planet, the fact that it was warmer 3 million years ago neither proves nor disproves the idea.
Delete your post! Their tiny brains won't know what to do with it!
Must be the tiny wallets. Parasites like you have been around for eons. You stole enough.
I'm not sure how the Earth being warmer 3 million years ago disproves that mankind may be causing warming now. Does manmade global warming mean only warming that is greater than it has been at any point in the past?

Regardless of whether humanity is contributing to the warming of the planet, the fact that it was warmer 3 million years ago neither proves nor disproves the idea.
Delete your post! Their tiny brains won't know what to do with it!
Tiny brains? You can’t even comprehend how the last line of his post makes the point of the thread!
The ambiguity supplants the alleged certainty.
The sea level was metres higher and there were no humans 3 million years ago. Nearly as relevant to say the earth was warmer 3 billion years ago.
Lol, so now we know for a FACT that while humans were still evolving into higher life forms, the Earth was warmer and had more CO2, along with the note that Mars and Earth seem to h ave the same warming/cooling cycles.

If AGW can be falsifiable, meaning it is real science and not psuedo science, then this should do it.

But we all know it is a secular religion and has nothing to do with science and never did.

Nolte: Scientists Prove Man-Made Global Warming Is a Hoax

Quotes Breitbart.

Expects to be taken seriously.

Lol, so now we know for a FACT that while humans were still evolving into higher life forms, the Earth was warmer and had more CO2, along with the note that Mars and Earth seem to h ave the same warming/cooling cycles.

If AGW can be falsifiable, meaning it is real science and not psuedo science, then this should do it.

But we all know it is a secular religion and has nothing to do with science and never did.

Nolte: Scientists Prove Man-Made Global Warming Is a Hoax

Current CO2 levels of 410 parts per million (ppm) were last seen on Earth three million years ago, according to the most detailed reconstruction of the Earth’s climate by researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and published in Science Advances.

Yes, you read that correctly, three million — million — years ago CO2 levels on Earth were the same as they are today, but there is one major difference between three million years ago and today…

Three million years ago, we humans were not driving cars or eating the meat that requires cow farts; we weren’t barbecuing or refusing to recycle or building factories; there was no Industrial Age, no plastic, no air conditioning, no electricity, no lumber mills, no consumerism, no aerosols.​

But then again, maybe Mamoth farts were worse than cars?


I'm not sure how any of this remains "news" to anyone when it is actually old fact. Whatever the minor contributory influences our meager output is adding to the climate, the simple geological record indicates that we SHOULD be warming up-------- just prior to the next cyclic cooling off.

Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at 1.18.43 AM.png

If countless millions were, along with factories, ships, trains, etc.; would that CO2 just be pretend and not do anything?
The climate is cyclical, moron. It's been this warm or warmer before in the earth's history. Perhaps multitudes of volcanoes were releasing carbon gasses into the atmosphere and heating things up several millions of years ago.
The mechanism for that warming is really irrelevant.

The pendulum will swing back and driving your electric car is fine, assuming you have a car and are allowed drive, but on a macro climatological level we are due for a cooling trend no matter what you do.
I'm not sure how the Earth being warmer 3 million years ago disproves that mankind may be causing warming now. Does manmade global warming mean only warming that is greater than it has been at any point in the past?

Regardless of whether humanity is contributing to the warming of the planet, the fact that it was warmer 3 million years ago neither proves nor disproves the idea.
it proves there are a variety of reasons for the changes we experience and that the earth, by nature, is a volatile planet.

it's bad enough the left wants to control the thinking for us all but now they want to control the weather also.
I'm not sure how the Earth being warmer 3 million years ago disproves that mankind may be causing warming now. Does manmade global warming mean only warming that is greater than it has been at any point in the past?

Regardless of whether humanity is contributing to the warming of the planet, the fact that it was warmer 3 million years ago neither proves nor disproves the idea.

It wasn't that long ago. Not that long ago they were growing grapes and making wine in England. You need not worry about climate change because it's been in a state of constant change since earth was earth. If it ever stops changing, then you can worry.
This is an attitude that I've never understood: just because it may be natural GW is not an issue. I have personally seen the effects of GW in the global loss of glaciers. Man-made or natural, those glaciers are going fast. Are there any other potential natural disasters you think we should ignore? We build levees to control floods, we don't ask are the floods natural or man-made, either will kill.

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