Scorched Earth Policy Of dims


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
We all know about what obama did to Israel. We all know how obama is going out of his way to piss Russia off.

Did you read about how obama put his EPA dog on Fiat Chrysler......?? Just after Fiat announces a big, new expansion in the US....??

How many of you know that Cuban Americans are majority Republican? True dat.

obama just stabbed them in the back by over-turning the wet foot/dry foot rule.

There are other examples. Many of them.

It hi-lites the depravity and sickness of the entire dimocrap movement, people.

It is disgusting. But....... They're dimocraps. What else can you expect?? :dunno:

Obama ‘setting world on fire’ on way out the door
We all know about what obama did to Israel. We all know how obama is going out of his way to piss Russia off.

Did you read about how obama put his EPA dog on Fiat Chrysler......?? Just after Fiat announces a big, new expansion in the US....??

How many of you know that Cuban Americans are majority Republican? True dat.

obama just stabbed them in the back by over-turning the wet foot/dry foot rule.

There are other examples. Many of them.

It hi-lites the depravity and sickness of the entire dimocrap movement, people.

It is disgusting. But....... They're dimocraps. What else can you expect?? :dunno:

Obama ‘setting world on fire’ on way out the door
Hey why are all you rubes so mad at Obama, and don't care at all about the other countries that unanimously voted to condemn Israel? Did Obama convince them to do that? Hmm rubes?
At least he got little through congress, most of what he has done can be fixed. I don't think Trump is going to fuck around. I think he's really going to roll back a lot of regressive policy and put a chain on these democrook swine. I'm not delighted by all of his picks but so far I'm not disappointed. I hope he puts Cruz in the SCOTUS and Ginsburg finally goes back to hell as early as next week.
Our Prisons will be full to the brim with dimocrap scum in the not-too-distant future

Trump Officials: Obama Will Face Sweeping Investigations If He Continues Scorched Earth Policy On Way Out Door

Donald Trump just drew a line in the proverbial sand. And President Barack Obama better simmer down very quickly, or face brutal consequences.

Trump officials made it clear late Thursday that if Obama continues to scorch America’s already-fragile foreign policy on his way out of the White House door, he will face sweeping federal probes when Trump assumes the presidency and control of the nation’s law enforcement apparatus.

True Pundit spoke with well-placed sources who have accepted new positions with the Trump administration. They agreed Trump and key members of his transition team are increasingly frustrated by the recent actions of Obama who just this week picked unwarranted international fights with Israel and Russia.

“At this rate the feeling is Obama will have to face consequences for what he is doing right now,” the Trump insider said. “We can take a very close look at him, (Valerie) Jarrett, (John) Kerry and his inner circle to see what they have really been doing, especially in the Middle East. And where the billions (of U.S. dollars) went.”

One source, a highly decorated intelligence official, said he has recommended investigating the details of Obama and Kerry’s nuclear agreement with Iran, including the millions in cash of ransom paid to release American hostages as well as untold billions paid to the Iranians “for no sound policy reasons.”

The Trump insider said such probes would include examining the personal finances of all U.S. officials involved in crafting the Iran deal, including searching for offshore bank accounts where illicit funds might be parked.

Trump believes perhaps U.S. officials personally benefited from the Iran deal, the insider said. He described Trump as perplexed why the deal was struck in the first place, and that the president elect thinks that illicit side deals were the motivation of Obama administration insiders to enter into such a lopsided and disastrous agreement with an unstable country.

Perhaps another good angle would be unsealing all of Obama’s personal records and see how his well-crafted narrative as the next John F. Kennedy quickly unravels.

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