Scotland Was Allowed To Vote On Secession. Why Can't The American States?

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Why can't we do that? Because we aren't the UK. That issue was settled 150 years ago.

Settled at the point of a gun. THINK
Well your side shouldn't have brought guns into the argument.

There you go again with your revisionist history.

In your mind, any American who wishes to secede from this terribly corrupt and lawless government, should be shot.
If they bring guns to the fight and point them at US troops, yes, shoot them before they shoot the troops.
Hey Einstein, Lincoln was one of the least wealthy Presidents ever elected. Your OP begins with a big fat lie.

that's the myth you were told in third grade and it's stuck with you ever since. Fact is he was very wealthy. A very successful corporate lawyer.

It wasn't the secessions that started the Civil was stupid South Carolina firing on a federal fort.

A federal fort that was now in a foreign country and refused to leave. That's what started the war. THINK
Why can't we do that? Because we aren't the UK. That issue was settled 150 years ago.

Settled at the point of a gun. THINK
Well your side shouldn't have brought guns into the argument.

There you go again with your revisionist history.

In your mind, any American who wishes to secede from this terribly corrupt and lawless government, should be shot.

Look who's talking! You want the same for anyone YOU say is a socialist.

You clearly do not understand what libertarians stand for....
Seems like a legal nightmare to me. As to Scotland, are they going to form their own military? If so, since it's not likely to measure up to England's, what was the point of breaking away?

This whole issue seems like a petulant child's tantrum more than anything necessary.
It was the stupid sixteen year old dopers who wanted to separate.
Hey Einstein, Lincoln was one of the least wealthy Presidents ever elected. Your OP begins with a big fat lie.

that's the myth you were told in third grade and it's stuck with you ever since. Fact is he was very wealthy. A very successful corporate lawyer.


Link please.

cuz here's what I'm reading -

The Net Worth Of The American Presidents Washington To Obama - 24 7 Wall St.
Beginning with Millard Fillmore in 1850, the financial history of the presidency entered a new era. Most presidents were lawyers who spent years in public service. They rarely amassed large fortunes and their incomes were often almost entirely from their salaries. From Fillmore to Garfield, these American presidents were distinctly middle class. These men often retired without the money to support themselves in a fashion anywhere close to the one that they had as president. Buchanan, Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Hayes, and Garfield had almost no net worth at all.

Read more: The Net Worth Of The American Presidents: Washington To Obama - 24/7 Wall St. The Net Worth Of The American Presidents Washington To Obama - 24 7 Wall St.
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Why can't we do that? Because we aren't the UK. That issue was settled 150 years ago.

Settled at the point of a gun. THINK
Well your side shouldn't have brought guns into the argument.

There you go again with your revisionist history.

In your mind, any American who wishes to secede from this terribly corrupt and lawless government, should be shot.
That's not what was said at all...why do you have to lie?

Sorry, but Campy thinks killing those who wish to secede, is fine. He/she/it stated this in other threads.
Hey Einstein, Lincoln was one of the least wealthy Presidents ever elected. Your OP begins with a big fat lie.

that's the myth you were told in third grade and it's stuck with you ever since. Fact is he was very wealthy. A very successful corporate lawyer.


Link please.

cuz here's what I'm reading -

The Net Worth Of The American Presidents Washington To Obama - 24 7 Wall St.
Beginning with Millard Fillmore in 1850, the financial history of the presidency entered a new era. Most presidents were lawyers who spent years in public service. They rarely amassed large fortunes and their incomes were often almost entirely from their salaries. From Fillmore to Garfield, these American presidents were distinctly middle class. These men often retired without the money to support themselves in a fashion anywhere close to the one that they had as president. Buchanan, Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Hayes, and Garfield had almost no net worth at all.

Read more: The Net Worth Of The American Presidents: Washington To Obama - 24/7 Wall St. The Net Worth Of The American Presidents Washington To Obama - 24 7 Wall St.
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America tried it 150 years ago and super-rich corporate lawyer abraham lincoln said. "Screw the will of the public. If states secede there will be less money for me and my cronies to fleece out of the citizenry. Better to have a war that kills 600,000 people."
You stupid fucking turd. AL was not "super rich". He was a ordinary small town lawyer who didn't like what was going on around him locally so he reluctantly agreed to run for local office.
Wise up.
The candidate the South supported lost the election so they decided to take their ball and go home. They were traitors to our nation. Sorry ya'll got your asses beat. And comparing the South to Scotland is intellectually lazy at best.
“In your mind, any American who wishes to secede from this terribly corrupt and lawless government, should be shot.”

No, any American who believes that 'the government' is 'terribly corrupt' and 'lawless' is factually wrong, and is expressing an errant opinion predicated on partisan hyperbole and fear-mongering, consequently there's no justification to 'secede.'

Moreover, it's un-Constitutional for a state to seek to 'secede' absent the consent of the other 49 states (Texas v. White (1869)).

The United States is not a 'collection' of states, it's a single Republic with every American a citizen of that Republic, where one's state of residence is irrelevant. We are one Nation, indivisible, and each American is a member of that same, single Nation that cannot be ended merely at the whim of a capricious, ill-informed minority.

“In your mind, any American who wishes to secede from this terribly corrupt and lawless government, should be shot.”

No, any American who believes that 'the government' is 'terribly corrupt' and 'lawless' is factually wrong, and is expressing an errant opinion predicated on partisan hyperbole and fear-mongering, consequently there's no justification to 'secede.'

Moreover, it's un-Constitutional for a state to seek to 'secede' absent the consent of the other 49 states (Texas v. White (1869)).

The United States is not a 'collection' of states, it's a single Republic with every American a citizen of that Republic, where one's state of residence is irrelevant. We are one Nation, indivisible, and each American is a member of that same, single Nation that cannot be ended merely at the whim of a capricious, ill-informed minority.

So you think as Lincoln did...that no people within a nation state, has the right to secede. If they try, they will and should be murdered and their property destroyed. Right?

The nation state MUST exist for perpetuity. Right?

Funny thing though, no nation state has EVER existed for matter what you totalitarians think.
Unlike the Unites States the UK is not a republic, and unlike the United States the UK is not one nation, it's a collection of nations in a single state.

This referendum also illustrates well the supremacy of a republican form of government compared to that of a democracy, where the former safeguards against the pitfalls and failures of the latter.
“In your mind, any American who wishes to secede from this terribly corrupt and lawless government, should be shot.”

No, any American who believes that 'the government' is 'terribly corrupt' and 'lawless' is factually wrong, and is expressing an errant opinion predicated on partisan hyperbole and fear-mongering, consequently there's no justification to 'secede.'

Moreover, it's un-Constitutional for a state to seek to 'secede' absent the consent of the other 49 states (Texas v. White (1869)).

The United States is not a 'collection' of states, it's a single Republic with every American a citizen of that Republic, where one's state of residence is irrelevant. We are one Nation, indivisible, and each American is a member of that same, single Nation that cannot be ended merely at the whim of a capricious, ill-informed minority.

So you think as Lincoln did...that no people within a nation state, has the right to secede. If they try, they will and should be murdered and their property destroyed. Right?

The nation state MUST exist for perpetuity. Right?

Funny thing though, no nation state has EVER existed for matter what you totalitarians think.

You don't understand.

This isn't my opinion, what one 'believes' is irrelevant.

I'm simply stating the factual nature of our Republic as originally intended by the Framers and the Founding Generation, and as acknowledged and codified by the Constitution and its case law.

These facts have nothing to do with what 'I believe,' they are simply the facts. You're at liberty to reject these facts, of course, provided you understand that your position is wrong and ignorant.

Why can't we do that? Because we aren't the UK. That issue was settled 150 years ago.

Settled at the point of a gun. THINK
Well your side shouldn't have brought guns into the argument.

There you go again with your revisionist history.

In your mind, any American who wishes to secede from this terribly corrupt and lawless government, should be shot.
That's not what was said at all...why do you have to lie?

Sorry, but Campy thinks killing those who wish to secede, is fine. He/she/it stated this in other threads.
That is not what I said you lying POS. I said if troops wishing to secede showed up with guns and pointed their guns at federal troops the federal troops should shoot them.
Hey Einstein, Lincoln was one of the least wealthy Presidents ever elected. Your OP begins with a big fat lie.

that's the myth you were told in third grade and it's stuck with you ever since. Fact is he was very wealthy. A very successful corporate lawyer.

I have done my research. You haven't done yours. I am right, you are wrong.
Why can't we do that? Because we aren't the UK. That issue was settled 150 years ago.

Settled at the point of a gun. THINK

Scotland used to be a separate country. They're more like Hawaii, a real country and not just an extension of American manifest destiny. Texas and the Mexican Cession were done at the point of a gun, too.

Well If we want to get technical lets go a step further. I'm a descendant of the Wampanoag. Most of the take over by the white men was also done at the point of a gun and a pack of lies to boot, so I think all former Indian nations Should be given their land back and all white men should Secede to Europe and Africa or where ever the hell they came from.
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