Scotland Was Allowed To Vote On Secession. Why Can't The American States?

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Why can't we do that? Because we aren't the UK. That issue was settled 150 years ago.

Settled at the point of a gun. THINK
Yes,and who fired the first shot genius. The South started it and the North finished it. Sorry for ya.
Hitler claimed that Poland fired the first shot. That doesn't determine who is at fault.
I'm pretty sure it's well documented as they know who fired the first shot and yes it does matter. Up until that point they could have kept talking and trying to negotiate,instead they chose succession and violence. What cracks me up is they call it the "war of Northern aggression" yet they were the ones who fired the first shot.

I'm afraid it doesn't matter, just as a home owner is not a criminal if he fires at someone breaking into his home, South Carolina didn't start the war when it kicked out invaders from its territory. The Northern criminals compounded their offence by attempting to resupply the trespassers and violating the territorial waters of South Carolina.

Lincoln refused to negotiate, so going further down that road was a waste of time. Lincoln wanted war. That's why he refused to evacuate Union troops from Ft Sumter and deliberately provoked NC into firing on them by sending in ships with supplies.

Regardless they lost the war. Like the Native Americans, they need to get over it and move on because you can't go back to the way it was. There will never again be an Antebellum society with plantations and slaves,It's just not going to happen. If you don't like things the way they are now, fix it. We've had Southern Presidents so their interests should be represented well enough. Each state gets to basically be what they want as has been proved by CA,CT,WA, and CO with the legalization of Medical Marijuana and/or recreational marijuana despite the fact that it's still illegal federally. The South still has her lands and her people same as any other state, same as pre war. They need to get over the butt hurt, stop being whiney bitches and move on.

I'll put you down as another liberal who approves of settling issues by mass slaughter and who enjoys ridiculing the victims who point out the transgressions of the federal government.

I always say, scratch a liberal and underneath you'll find a fascist.
I am the nemesis of evil and conformity. But, Scotland voted to stay in the UK and it made perfect sense. If the (American) south had any sense, it never would have supported slavery and would have had NO reason to break the union to begin with. Please.Who are you trying to kid here? If and when there is a need to secede from the Union, I will support it. It hasn't happed yet, kiddo. By the way, if it came to succession, I doubt if we would get to vote on it. We would have to fight for it, nothing as civilized as the UK.
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[Lincoln refused to negotiate, so going further down that road was a waste of time. Lincoln wanted war. That's why he refused to evacuate Union troops from Ft Sumter and deliberately provoked NC into firing on them by sending in ships with supplies..

The constitution was founded on states rights and lincoln hated that. He wanted a strong central govt. He was totally corrupt and wanted only to make more money for himself and his cronies. Not what we're told but then, history is written by the victors.
I am the nemesis of evil and conformity. But, Scotland voted to stay in the UK and it made perfect sense. If the (American) south had any sense, it never would have supported slavery and would have had NO reason to break the union to begin with. Please.Who are you trying to kid here?

Slavery existed far longer under the stars and stripes than it ever existed under the Confederate flag. Whatever the South's position on slavery, the Constitution did not give Lincoln the authority to wage war against it, to abolish habeas corpus, to arrests journalists and shut down newspapers, to arrest people and throw them into concentration camps or even hang them without a trial, to destroy private property and to murder 50,000 Americans.
I am the nemesis of evil and conformity. But, Scotland voted to stay in the UK and it made perfect sense. If the (American) south had any sense, it never would have supported slavery and would have had NO reason to break the union to begin with. Please.Who are you trying to kid here?

HAHAHA. Another fool who thinks the civil war was about slavery!!! If so then why

1. Were there 4 northern states, KY MD MO DE, that practiced legal slavery throughout the war?

2. Were a number of Union generals, including Grant, slaveowners throughout the war

3. Was lincoln's second VP andrew johnson a slaveowner throughout the war.

You're been brainwashed. Slavery had little to do with the CW.

"Scotland Was Allowed To Vote On Secession. Why Can't The American States?"
Because we're a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy – thankfully.
Otherwise your question is further confirmation of your ignorance and stupidity, not that any was needed, of course.
A Constitutional Republic is a type of Democracy.....see my pictures album

The Constitution was considered in effect if 9 states ratified, 4 states could of stayed out and it would have been fine.....hardly seems like its claimed intent was to prevent seceding at the point of a sword.

On Ft Sumter, I dont know if the "territorial" waters was an accepted concept back then. Who owned ft Sumter, or compensation for it probably should have been something negotiated over... I dont think either side was willing to do that however.
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I am the nemesis of evil and conformity. But, Scotland voted to stay in the UK and it made perfect sense. If the (American) south had any sense, it never would have supported slavery and would have had NO reason to break the union to begin with. Please.Who are you trying to kid here?

HAHAHA. Another fool who thinks the civil war was about slavery!!! If so then why

1. Were there 4 northern states, KY MD MO DE, that practiced legal slavery throughout the war?

2. Were a number of Union generals, including Grant, slaveowners throughout the war

3. Was lincoln's second VP andrew johnson a slaveowner throughout the war.

You're been brainwashed. Slavery had little to do with the CW.

Ya we know we actually believed what each State that left the Union stated as the reason they left in their document declaring they were leaving, slavery.
Actually the op is foolish the Supreme Court ruled that Congress can in fact decide to allow States to leave if it chooses to.

1. Where does the supreme court get the authority to decide that issue.?

2. Why should a member only be allowed to leave a club if the club says it's ok.?

1. Articles III and VI of the US Constitution.

2. Because the United States is not a 'club,' it's a Republic.

The relationship between and among the states is also a relationship between and among all the citizens of the United States, where a state has no authority, consistent with a republican form of government, to take from a citizen his status as a citizen against his will, nor interfere with the relationship between the citizens of one state and all the citizens of the entire Nation.
I am the nemesis of evil and conformity. But, Scotland voted to stay in the UK and it made perfect sense. If the (American) south had any sense, it never would have supported slavery and would have had NO reason to break the union to begin with. Please.Who are you trying to kid here? If and when there is a need to secede from the Union, I will support it. It hasn't happed yet, kiddo. By the way, if it came to succession, I doubt if we would get to vote on it. We would have to fight for it, nothing as civilized as the UK.

So if Scotland had voted to secede, do you think the UK would have been justified on using nuclear weapons on Scotland to make it change it's mind? That's pretty much what you're saying about the Confederacy.
Actually the op is foolish the Supreme Court ruled that Congress can in fact decide to allow States to leave if it chooses to.

1. Where does the supreme court get the authority to decide that issue.?

2. Why should a member only be allowed to leave a club if the club says it's ok.?

1. Articles III and VI of the US Constitution.

2. Because the United States is not a 'club,' it's a Republic.

The relationship between and among the states is also a relationship between and among all the citizens of the United States, where a state has no authority, consistent with a republican form of government, to take from a citizen his status as a citizen against his will, nor interfere with the relationship between the citizens of one state and all the citizens of the entire Nation.

Dead wrong. The Constitution is an agreement between the states, and nothing more.
I am the nemesis of evil and conformity. But, Scotland voted to stay in the UK and it made perfect sense. If the (American) south had any sense, it never would have supported slavery and would have had NO reason to break the union to begin with. Please.Who are you trying to kid here?

HAHAHA. Another fool who thinks the civil war was about slavery!!! If so then why

1. Were there 4 northern states, KY MD MO DE, that practiced legal slavery throughout the war?

2. Were a number of Union generals, including Grant, slaveowners throughout the war

3. Was lincoln's second VP andrew johnson a slaveowner throughout the war.

You're been brainwashed. Slavery had little to do with the CW.

Ya we know we actually believed what each State that left the Union stated as the reason they left in their document declaring they were leaving, slavery.

Which has nothing to do with the reason Lincoln invaded them. Lincoln state the reason himself: to enforce the Morril tariff.
"Scotland Was Allowed To Vote On Secession. Why Can't The American States?"
Because we're a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy – thankfully.
Otherwise your question is further confirmation of your ignorance and stupidity, not that any was needed, of course.
A Constitutional Republic is a type of Democracy.....see my pictures album

The Constitution was considered in effect if 9 states ratified, 4 states could of stayed out and it would have been fine.....hardly seems like its claimed intent was to prevent seceding at the point of a sword.

On Ft Sumter, I dont know if the "territorial" waters was an accepted concept back then. Who owned ft Sumter, or compensation for it probably should have been something negotiated over... I dont think either side was willing to do that however.

You're wrong about that. The Confederacy tried many times to negotiate with Lincoln. He wasn't interested. He wanted war.
I am the nemesis of evil and conformity. But, Scotland voted to stay in the UK and it made perfect sense. If the (American) south had any sense, it never would have supported slavery and would have had NO reason to break the union to begin with. Please.Who are you trying to kid here?

HAHAHA. Another fool who thinks the civil war was about slavery!!! If so then why

1. Were there 4 northern states, KY MD MO DE, that practiced legal slavery throughout the war?

2. Were a number of Union generals, including Grant, slaveowners throughout the war

3. Was lincoln's second VP andrew johnson a slaveowner throughout the war.

You're been brainwashed. Slavery had little to do with the CW.


One more thing, why would 100 percent of the south go to war for slaveholders who only represented a fraction of the population?
Seems like a legal nightmare to me. As to Scotland, are they going to form their own military? If so, since it's not likely to measure up to England's, what was the point of breaking away?

This whole issue seems like a petulant child's tantrum more than anything necessary.

Much like the Confederacy the idea of an independent Scotland is based much more on emotion than it is on rational thought.
America tried it 150 years ago and super-rich corporate lawyer abraham lincoln said. "Screw the will of the public. If states secede there will be less money for me and my cronies to fleece out of the citizenry. Better to have a war that kills 600,000 people."

Are you some kind of anti-social troll?
He certainly makes obvious how far Right the former "party of Lincoln" has gone in the last few years. Now they think Lincoln was an ogre.
America tried it 150 years ago and super-rich corporate lawyer abraham lincoln said. "Screw the will of the public. If states secede there will be less money for me and my cronies to fleece out of the citizenry. Better to have a war that kills 600,000 people."
your mom's basement isn't considered a state.

Seriously though, what state/s are you referring to because > a few Red Rtates are deadbeat states?

Ten Red States That Mooch Off The Federal Government US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Seems like a legal nightmare to me. As to Scotland, are they going to form their own military? If so, since it's not likely to measure up to England's, what was the point of breaking away?

This whole issue seems like a petulant child's tantrum more than anything necessary.

Much like the Confederacy the idea of an independent Scotland is based much more on emotion than it is on rational thought.

How about the idea of an independent Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Chechyna, Georgia, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, or Lithuania? Is that "emotional?" Wasn't the idea of the United States of America "emotional?"
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