Scott Brown won't run


Listen to daddy.
Scott Brown was a sensible moderate Republican who proved that they really don't have a place in the modern GOP.

He was a "pretend moderate". He worked for big business and ONLY big business.
Yeah, it must be something nefarious...because it's IMPOSSIBLE that he simply doesn't want to put himself & his family through four Senate races in four years!

I wonder if he'll run for governor in 2014; I kind of doubt it, because I don't think he wants the job.
I think Brown misinterpreted his own election in 2010. It wasn't about him, it was about being the only guy who could block the ACA, which a lot of people weren't sure about. Some probably because they didn't think it went far enough, others because it went too far. And some just didn't like the process it was being done under.

I was probably just a "Let's step back a minute", but really, they were never going to get that close again.

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