Scott Walker Emerges Front Runner. So Debbie Wasserman, Who Is The Hair Pulling Coward Now?

:oops-28: Anyone laughing at Debbie Wasserman this week? And where is she hiding now as her punching bag has taken a commanding lead in "All Credible GOP Polls"? She probably took the left wing fabricated polls seriously that had Jeb Bush as the clear front runner. She probably then figured, hey, looks like Jeb Bush is going to be the nominee and Hillary will beat that hair-pulling conservative in 2016. So where is she now? why isn't she on any cable news program trying to explain the sudden (but not unexpected surge) of Scott Walker? This would be like Obama trying to explain the failure of Obama-Care and Gruber-Gate.:hellno:

Scott Walker is only surging in Iowa, which he should be, he's from a neighboring state.

Now, frankly, I think that Walker would be a pretty good candidate for the GOP. at least on paper, he looks pretty good.

(Then again, on paper, Sarah Palin looked pretty good. So there's that.)

the Establishment for some bizarre reason wants Jeb Bush. I have no idea why. I had no idea why they wanted Romney or McCain, for that matter.

Scott Walker would be a fun candidate, especially the part where all the RWnuts try to explain to us why ZERO foreign policy experience no longer matters.

Zero Foreign Policy Experience?

So you feel that governors have no experience in dealing with states other then their own?


Reader: You can NOT MAKE THIS CRAP UP!

Excuse me......

Would you kindly elaborate on that comment.

Thank you.
You are a far wack atheist Dem, so we give that the credit it deserves: nothing. :lol:

Guy, I'm the voter you need to win back.

You aren't going to do it with the brother of the guy who fucked up mine and everyone else's life.

And you aren't going to do it with some fat blob who has wrecked his state.

Here's the thing, Christie actually has a pretty shitty record. Poor job growth, the state is broke. Now, that's not entirely his fault. NYC legalizing gambling has put Atlantic City out of business. But for all his bluster, Jabba doesn't have much to show for his tenure.

Walker, on the other hand, balanced his budget, grew jobs, and took on the unions and won.
well, no one in the Obama team has any foreign policy experience either, well, maybe Biden, he did fly around Europe alot.

Assuming for sake of argument that was true, was that sufficient reason to disqualify him from being president?
I have never been to Austria, speak very little Austrian, but hey, I am interested in the job of Ambassador.
oh, and I also speak Canadian. but not interested in being their embassador. too boring there.
I dont see Scott Walker as the typical front runner of a race two years ahead of time, I am pretty sure he will stay in the top three till the end. It looks like Cruz/Walker/Paul and maybe Rubio in the end. I dont see Bush winning any primaries.

I agree that Walker will hang in, barring some controversy. However, whatever the polls start saying month to month, Jeb has become the GOP frontrunner and historically, that makes it very likely he'll pull out the nomination.

Rubio's a nice guy, but he's so awkward in public, and that SOTU response will follow him where ever he goes. I honestly don't see him even throwing his hat in.
Just wait, as they keep taking polls in early primary states, you will always see Walker on top, i just read that Walker is already ahead in New Hampshire.

You know, I don't even really doubt we'll see him hold on to his lead for a while. I'm just not convinced it represents any real long-term support among the primary voters. We're talking about someone who was nearly recalled a few years ago, and don't think that won't come back to haunt him as the race matures.
"Nearly recalled"? No, idiot. He won the recall election with more votes than he was initially elected with.
Geez. If it werent for misinformation libs would have no information at all.

And yet Obama won Wisconsin by 7 points. Walker couldn't even deliver his own state to the GOP.
I dont see Scott Walker as the typical front runner of a race two years ahead of time, I am pretty sure he will stay in the top three till the end. It looks like Cruz/Walker/Paul and maybe Rubio in the end. I dont see Bush winning any primaries.

I agree that Walker will hang in, barring some controversy. However, whatever the polls start saying month to month, Jeb has become the GOP frontrunner and historically, that makes it very likely he'll pull out the nomination.

Rubio's a nice guy, but he's so awkward in public, and that SOTU response will follow him where ever he goes. I honestly don't see him even throwing his hat in.
Just wait, as they keep taking polls in early primary states, you will always see Walker on top, i just read that Walker is already ahead in New Hampshire.

You know, I don't even really doubt we'll see him hold on to his lead for a while. I'm just not convinced it represents any real long-term support among the primary voters. We're talking about someone who was nearly recalled a few years ago, and don't think that won't come back to haunt him as the race matures.
"Nearly recalled"? No, idiot. He won the recall election with more votes than he was initially elected with.
Geez. If it werent for misinformation libs would have no information at all.

This is statistically correct, both in terms of raw votes, percentages and margins.

It does not, however, make the recall-action either less or more justified. As with every election, this is how it historically worked out.
:oops-28: Anyone laughing at Debbie Wasserman this week? And where is she hiding now as her punching bag has taken a commanding lead in "All Credible GOP Polls"? She probably took the left wing fabricated polls seriously that had Jeb Bush as the clear front runner. She probably then figured, hey, looks like Jeb Bush is going to be the nominee and Hillary will beat that hair-pulling conservative in 2016. So where is she now? why isn't she on any cable news program trying to explain the sudden (but not unexpected surge) of Scott Walker? This would be like Obama trying to explain the failure of Obama-Care and Gruber-Gate.:hellno:

You base this all on one or two polls?

You have a lot to learn, I see.
:oops-28: Anyone laughing at Debbie Wasserman this week? And where is she hiding now as her punching bag has taken a commanding lead in "All Credible GOP Polls"? She probably took the left wing fabricated polls seriously that had Jeb Bush as the clear front runner. She probably then figured, hey, looks like Jeb Bush is going to be the nominee and Hillary will beat that hair-pulling conservative in 2016. So where is she now? why isn't she on any cable news program trying to explain the sudden (but not unexpected surge) of Scott Walker? This would be like Obama trying to explain the failure of Obama-Care and Gruber-Gate.:hellno:

Scott Walker is only surging in Iowa, which he should be, he's from a neighboring state.

Now, frankly, I think that Walker would be a pretty good candidate for the GOP. at least on paper, he looks pretty good.

(Then again, on paper, Sarah Palin looked pretty good. So there's that.)

the Establishment for some bizarre reason wants Jeb Bush. I have no idea why. I had no idea why they wanted Romney or McCain, for that matter.

Scott Walker would be a fun candidate, especially the part where all the RWnuts try to explain to us why ZERO foreign policy experience no longer matters.

Zero Foreign Policy Experience?

So you feel that governors have no experience in dealing with states other then their own?


Reader: You can NOT MAKE THIS CRAP UP!

Possibly one of the most stupid statements I have ever heard, dimshit.

Having had dealings with other Governors of other states within our Union is by no means foreign policy experience. I see you have a lot to learn about the world, dimshit.
:oops-28: Anyone laughing at Debbie Wasserman this week? And where is she hiding now as her punching bag has taken a commanding lead in "All Credible GOP Polls"? She probably took the left wing fabricated polls seriously that had Jeb Bush as the clear front runner. She probably then figured, hey, looks like Jeb Bush is going to be the nominee and Hillary will beat that hair-pulling conservative in 2016. So where is she now? why isn't she on any cable news program trying to explain the sudden (but not unexpected surge) of Scott Walker? This would be like Obama trying to explain the failure of Obama-Care and Gruber-Gate.:hellno:

Scott Walker is only surging in Iowa, which he should be, he's from a neighboring state.

Now, frankly, I think that Walker would be a pretty good candidate for the GOP. at least on paper, he looks pretty good.

(Then again, on paper, Sarah Palin looked pretty good. So there's that.)

the Establishment for some bizarre reason wants Jeb Bush. I have no idea why. I had no idea why they wanted Romney or McCain, for that matter.

Scott Walker would be a fun candidate, especially the part where all the RWnuts try to explain to us why ZERO foreign policy experience no longer matters.

Zero Foreign Policy Experience?

So you feel that governors have no experience in dealing with states other then their own?


Reader: You can NOT MAKE THIS CRAP UP!

Possibly one of the most stupid statements I have ever heard, dimshit.

Having had dealings with other Governors of other states within our Union is by no means foreign policy experience. I see you have a lot to learn about the world, dimshit.

It's fascinating to see the RWnuts' assessment of the value of foreign policy experience, or executive experience,

rise and fall depending on who they happen to be favoring or opposing at any given moment.
:oops-28: Anyone laughing at Debbie Wasserman this week? And where is she hiding now as her punching bag has taken a commanding lead in "All Credible GOP Polls"? She probably took the left wing fabricated polls seriously that had Jeb Bush as the clear front runner. She probably then figured, hey, looks like Jeb Bush is going to be the nominee and Hillary will beat that hair-pulling conservative in 2016. So where is she now? why isn't she on any cable news program trying to explain the sudden (but not unexpected surge) of Scott Walker? This would be like Obama trying to explain the failure of Obama-Care and Gruber-Gate.:hellno:

Scott Walker is only surging in Iowa, which he should be, he's from a neighboring state.

Now, frankly, I think that Walker would be a pretty good candidate for the GOP. at least on paper, he looks pretty good.

(Then again, on paper, Sarah Palin looked pretty good. So there's that.)

the Establishment for some bizarre reason wants Jeb Bush. I have no idea why. I had no idea why they wanted Romney or McCain, for that matter.

Scott Walker would be a fun candidate, especially the part where all the RWnuts try to explain to us why ZERO foreign policy experience no longer matters.

Zero Foreign Policy Experience?

So you feel that governors have no experience in dealing with states other then their own?


Reader: You can NOT MAKE THIS CRAP UP!


I first thought you were joking but it looks like you actually believe this. Bet you think $illy $arah had foreign policy experience too.

No wonder you can't find your keys.

JoeB and Keyes are both gingers.

You are a far wack atheist Dem, so we give that the credit it deserves: nothing. :lol:

Guy, I'm the voter you need to win back.

No, we need you no more than HenryBHough because you are both deviant wacks far to each side. We need the sane centrists.
You are a far wack atheist Dem, so we give that the credit it deserves: nothing. :lol:

Guy, I'm the voter you need to win back.

You aren't going to do it with the brother of the guy who fucked up mine and everyone else's life.

And you aren't going to do it with some fat blob who has wrecked his state.

Here's the thing, Christie actually has a pretty shitty record. Poor job growth, the state is broke. Now, that's not entirely his fault. NYC legalizing gambling has put Atlantic City out of business. But for all his bluster, Jabba doesn't have much to show for his tenure.

Walker, on the other hand, balanced his budget, grew jobs, and took on the unions and won.
Joe, no one needs your whiny entitled ass. Bush didnt fuck up your life. You fucked up your life.
I dont see Scott Walker as the typical front runner of a race two years ahead of time, I am pretty sure he will stay in the top three till the end. It looks like Cruz/Walker/Paul and maybe Rubio in the end. I dont see Bush winning any primaries.

I agree that Walker will hang in, barring some controversy. However, whatever the polls start saying month to month, Jeb has become the GOP frontrunner and historically, that makes it very likely he'll pull out the nomination.

Rubio's a nice guy, but he's so awkward in public, and that SOTU response will follow him where ever he goes. I honestly don't see him even throwing his hat in.
Just wait, as they keep taking polls in early primary states, you will always see Walker on top, i just read that Walker is already ahead in New Hampshire.

You know, I don't even really doubt we'll see him hold on to his lead for a while. I'm just not convinced it represents any real long-term support among the primary voters. We're talking about someone who was nearly recalled a few years ago, and don't think that won't come back to haunt him as the race matures.
"Nearly recalled"? No, idiot. He won the recall election with more votes than he was initially elected with.
Geez. If it werent for misinformation libs would have no information at all.

And yet Obama won Wisconsin by 7 points. Walker couldn't even deliver his own state to the GOP.
Wisonsin is the home of the original Progressives.
But now they like Walker and will likely vote for him for president.
I agree that Walker will hang in, barring some controversy. However, whatever the polls start saying month to month, Jeb has become the GOP frontrunner and historically, that makes it very likely he'll pull out the nomination.

Rubio's a nice guy, but he's so awkward in public, and that SOTU response will follow him where ever he goes. I honestly don't see him even throwing his hat in.
Just wait, as they keep taking polls in early primary states, you will always see Walker on top, i just read that Walker is already ahead in New Hampshire.

You know, I don't even really doubt we'll see him hold on to his lead for a while. I'm just not convinced it represents any real long-term support among the primary voters. We're talking about someone who was nearly recalled a few years ago, and don't think that won't come back to haunt him as the race matures.
"Nearly recalled"? No, idiot. He won the recall election with more votes than he was initially elected with.
Geez. If it werent for misinformation libs would have no information at all.

And yet Obama won Wisconsin by 7 points. Walker couldn't even deliver his own state to the GOP.
Wisonsin is the home of the original Progressives.
But now they like Walker and will likely vote for him for president.

Like Massachusetts voted for Romney?
Just wait, as they keep taking polls in early primary states, you will always see Walker on top, i just read that Walker is already ahead in New Hampshire.

You know, I don't even really doubt we'll see him hold on to his lead for a while. I'm just not convinced it represents any real long-term support among the primary voters. We're talking about someone who was nearly recalled a few years ago, and don't think that won't come back to haunt him as the race matures.
"Nearly recalled"? No, idiot. He won the recall election with more votes than he was initially elected with.
Geez. If it werent for misinformation libs would have no information at all.

And yet Obama won Wisconsin by 7 points. Walker couldn't even deliver his own state to the GOP.
Wisonsin is the home of the original Progressives.
But now they like Walker and will likely vote for him for president.

Like Massachusetts voted for Romney?
Or TN voted for Gore?
What's yer point?

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