Scott Walker is Toast...

Well, yeah, he seems to be one of these Repukes that thinks that the real problem with America is that someone out there might still be enjoying a middle class lifestyle.

Damn, but you are ignorant. When the libs take control the middle class disappears, there are two classes in a liberal society-----the ultra rich leaders, and everyone else.

Uh, guy, the Middle Class has been vanishing under Republican Leadership.

starting with Nixon and Ford and their runaway inflation, with Reagan and his union busting and shifting the tax burden to the working class, to Bush Sr. and NAFTA and Bush Jr. letting his S&L buddies loot the country.

I'm sorry that you are so piss-ignorant that you don't see this.

It's like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were never president for 16 years. It's like Congress was never controlled by Democrats. It's all...gone.
Damn, but you are ignorant. When the libs take control the middle class disappears, there are two classes in a liberal society-----the ultra rich leaders, and everyone else.

Uh, guy, the Middle Class has been vanishing under Republican Leadership.

starting with Nixon and Ford and their runaway inflation, with Reagan and his union busting and shifting the tax burden to the working class, to Bush Sr. and NAFTA and Bush Jr. letting his S&L buddies loot the country.

I'm sorry that you are so piss-ignorant that you don't see this.

It's like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were never president for 16 years. It's like Congress was never controlled by Democrats. It's all...gone.

Yes, the little prosperty that the American Middle Class did get back in the Clinton years was quickly wiped out by George W. Stupid.

But the important thing is that Bush didn't lie about a blow job.

He lied about a war that killed a million people.
So, the Governor of Wisconsin, as a leading Republican in the State, and in countering a concerted Recall effort by the Democrats, participated in discussions and activities designed to ensure that his own party weathered the Recall Storm in the best shape possible?

Did I get that right?

If so...

Why is that illegal?

I admit to complete ignorance in the matter.

Anybody care to serve-up a workable layman's description of why that is considered wrongdoing?

Didn't you read the article? A Democratic spokesman criticized him, isn't that enough for you?
Rightwingers could care less if a president lies. I've yet to hear one praise Jimmy Carter for never lying to the American people.

Actually, when he was President, most Republicans did actually say what a nice guy he was even if he blew chucks as President. Oddly, he became the liar from hell when he left office.
Rightwingers could care less if a president lies. I've yet to hear one praise Jimmy Carter for never lying to the American people.

Actually, when he was President, most Republicans did actually say what a nice guy he was even if he blew chucks as President. Oddly, he became the liar from hell when he left office.
You rightwingers bitch about Carter endlessly but can't point to any reasons other than ones that resulted in one less dollar in your pocket.
Rightwingers could care less if a president lies. I've yet to hear one praise Jimmy Carter for never lying to the American people.

Actually, when he was President, most Republicans did actually say what a nice guy he was even if he blew chucks as President. Oddly, he became the liar from hell when he left office.
You rightwingers bitch about Carter endlessly but can't point to any reasons other than ones that resulted in one less dollar in your pocket.

First of all, you're butt stupid, I'm a libertarian and you've failed to list a single example where I'm not. Duh, dar, I can't think beyond my programmed anti-Republican talking points, so if it aint liberal, it's Republican. Drool.

But as to your question, besides stealing from the American people as you already pointed out, he also undermined our international credibility with his endless weakness and indecisiveness. He also caused the deaths of American soldiers in Iran because they had to design a retarted mission plan that he could get weak knees and bail out at any time because even he knew he didn't have the balls to make a decision and stick with it.
Actually, when he was President, most Republicans did actually say what a nice guy he was even if he blew chucks as President. Oddly, he became the liar from hell when he left office.
You rightwingers bitch about Carter endlessly but can't point to any reasons other than ones that resulted in one less dollar in your pocket.

First of all, you're butt stupid, I'm a libertarian and you've failed to list a single example where I'm not. Duh, dar, I can't think beyond my programmed anti-Republican talking points, so if it aint liberal, it's Republican. Drool.

Yeah, I looked for that exchange we had last week to tell you you are full of shit. You claim to be for all these things that Liberals are for, under the guise of Libertarianism, but in reality you just don't give a shit either way. You're not a social conservative. You're just another money-centric Rightwinger. Otherwise, I would be seeing you in those threads arguing your advocacy.

But as to your question, besides stealing from the American people as you already pointed out, he also undermined our international credibility with his endless weakness and indecisiveness. He also caused the deaths of American soldiers in Iran because they had to design a retarted mission plan that he could get weak knees and bail out at any time because even he knew he didn't have the balls to make a decision and stick with it.

The military fucked up that mission. Sure, the buck stops with him (unlike Reagan, apparently) but he didn't design that mission.
You rightwingers bitch about Carter endlessly but can't point to any reasons other than ones that resulted in one less dollar in your pocket.

First of all, you're butt stupid, I'm a libertarian and you've failed to list a single example where I'm not. Duh, dar, I can't think beyond my programmed anti-Republican talking points, so if it aint liberal, it's Republican. Drool.

Yeah, I looked for that exchange we had last week to tell you you are full of shit. You claim to be for all these things that Liberals are for, under the guise of Libertarianism, but in reality you just don't give a shit either way. You're not a social conservative. You're just another money-centric Rightwinger. Otherwise, I would be seeing you in those threads arguing your advocacy.

Still, not a single non-libertarian example. If you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. If you only have DNC talking points, everyone looks like a Republican. You're not bright, but you do have self awareness in that you admit you can't debate anyone without your programming, I credit you for that at least.

But as to your question, besides stealing from the American people as you already pointed out, he also undermined our international credibility with his endless weakness and indecisiveness. He also caused the deaths of American soldiers in Iran because they had to design a retarted mission plan that he could get weak knees and bail out at any time because even he knew he didn't have the balls to make a decision and stick with it.

The military fucked up that mission. Sure, the buck stops with him (unlike Reagan, apparently) but he didn't design that mission.

No idea what the Reagan reference is to. If you mean Lebanon, that is clearly on Reagan's shoulders. He sent the military in, then he let the department of State set the rules, which resulted in the death of hundreds of Americans. That is on him.

As for Carter, he specifically told the military that they had to design the mission so he could abort it at any time. I should have realized you wouldn't know about that or anything else and should have explained it. My bad.
Joe, I know it's difficult to look at the big picture, but Wisconsin is now enjoying not the 3.2 billion deficit Walker started with, thanks to him and him alone, it's presently a 1 billion surplus .

Meanwhile, reality.

State tax collections trail estimates, 2013 amount
May 23, 2014
Madison — State tax collections are lagging both last year's figures and expectations for this year, according to the latest numbers.

The state Department of Revenue released tax collections for this fiscal year through April, showing that the state has collected $10.53 billion since July 1, down 0.2% from the same period in the previous year. The state budget has built in 1% growth for this year.


But because of the imbalance between the state's expected tax revenue and its budgeted spending, the coming 2015-'17 budget has a projected shortfall, the Legislative Fiscal Bureau reports.

Estimates for the two-year shortfall come to $642 million.

And there's this, Walker being just another borrow-and-spend Republican. Borrow, hide the borrowing, pretend you have a surplus so you can hand more tax cuts to the rich, and leave the whole mess for the next administration to clean up. Standard Republican behavior.
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Joe, I know it's difficult to look at the big picture, but Wisconsin is now enjoying not the 3.2 billion deficit Walker started with, thanks to him and him alone, it's presently a 1 billion surplus .

Meanwhile, reality.

State tax collections trail estimates, 2013 amount
May 23, 2014
Madison — State tax collections are lagging both last year's figures and expectations for this year, according to the latest numbers.

The state Department of Revenue released tax collections for this fiscal year through April, showing that the state has collected $10.53 billion since July 1, down 0.2% from the same period in the previous year. The state budget has built in 1% growth for this year.


But because of the imbalance between the state's expected tax revenue and its budgeted spending, the coming 2015-'17 budget has a projected shortfall, the Legislative Fiscal Bureau reports.

Estimates for the two-year shortfall come to $642 million.

And there's this, Walker being just another borrow-and-spend Republican. Borrow, hide the borrowing, pretend you have a surplus so you can hand more tax cuts to the rich, and leave the whole mess for the next administration to clean up. Standard Republican behavior.

Under Scott Walker, Wisconsin keeps increasing its long-term borrowing : Ct

Yeah, that's nothing liek reality of course.
Joe, I know it's difficult to look at the big picture, but Wisconsin is now enjoying not the 3.2 billion deficit Walker started with, thanks to him and him alone, it's presently a 1 billion surplus .

Meanwhile, reality.

State tax collections trail estimates, 2013 amount
May 23, 2014
Madison — State tax collections are lagging both last year's figures and expectations for this year, according to the latest numbers.

The state Department of Revenue released tax collections for this fiscal year through April, showing that the state has collected $10.53 billion since July 1, down 0.2% from the same period in the previous year. The state budget has built in 1% growth for this year.


But because of the imbalance between the state's expected tax revenue and its budgeted spending, the coming 2015-'17 budget has a projected shortfall, the Legislative Fiscal Bureau reports.

Estimates for the two-year shortfall come to $642 million.

And there's this, Walker being just another borrow-and-spend Republican. Borrow, hide the borrowing, pretend you have a surplus so you can hand more tax cuts to the rich, and leave the whole mess for the next administration to clean up. Standard Republican behavior.

Under Scott Walker, Wisconsin keeps increasing its long-term borrowing : Ct

Yeah, that's nothing liek reality of course.
Success stories make Obama look bad.
As for Carter, he specifically told the military that they had to design the mission so he could abort it at any time. I should have realized you wouldn't know about that or anything else and should have explained it. My bad.

IF that is true, then the military had the responsibility of either accepting the mission, and telling him it was doable, or rejecting it as untenable.

They accepted the mission.
As for Carter, he specifically told the military that they had to design the mission so he could abort it at any time. I should have realized you wouldn't know about that or anything else and should have explained it. My bad.

IF that is true, then the military had the responsibility of either accepting the mission, and telling him it was doable, or rejecting it as untenable.

They accepted the mission.


Um...yeah...the military would tell the Commander and Chief of the military no...gotcha...

Democrats are never responsible for what they do, are they? You tried the part where Reagan was responsible and I didn't bite, I said of course he was, he was the boss. Obviously we found a standard that you don't apply to yourself... Or I should say, ANOTHER standard you don't apply to yourself...
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As for Carter, he specifically told the military that they had to design the mission so he could abort it at any time. I should have realized you wouldn't know about that or anything else and should have explained it. My bad.

IF that is true, then the military had the responsibility of either accepting the mission, and telling him it was doable, or rejecting it as untenable.

They accepted the mission.


Um...yeah...the military would tell the Commander and Chief of the military no...gotcha...

Democrats are never responsible for what they do, are they? You tried the part where Reagan was responsible and I didn't bite, I said of course he was, he was the boss. Obviously we found a standard that you don't apply to yourself... Or I should say, ANOTHER standard you don't apply to yourself...

Correct. If they do not, then they are not fit to wear the uniform.

Any military will tell you that.

Wasn't Oliver North part of that mission in some way?
When does the Benghazi investigation start?

When does the IRS magic disappearing e-mails investigation start?

Hey, Democrats need to trump up SOMETHING to take your eyes off the above.

The Dems have learned from the GOP with these two incidents. When all the facts have been revealed, and when there is nowhere else to go with something, you begin making stuff up and imagining some kind of conspiracy. You know, the same way that Issa has been wasting tax payer's money on his lunatic investigations. It is another great example of "party over country."

This is getting more serious each day for Scottie. Let's see where it goes...:D
When does the Benghazi investigation start?

When does the IRS magic disappearing e-mails investigation start?

Hey, Democrats need to trump up SOMETHING to take your eyes off the above.

The Dems have learned from the GOP with these two incidents. When all the facts have been revealed, and when there is nowhere else to go with something, you begin making stuff up and imagining some kind of conspiracy. You know, the same way that Issa has been wasting tax payer's money on his lunatic investigations. It is another great example of "party over country."

This is getting more serious each day for Scottie. Let's see where it goes...:D

When were all the fact revealed on those two scandals?

The truth is we dont know but can guess pretty clearly what happened.
1) Benghazi. The administration was blindsided by the planned attack. Rather than be concerned with our pesonnel on the ground they spent the time figuring out how to spin it to the media to improve Obama's re election chances. They hoped lying big would distract from their own incompetence.
2) Democratic officials like Schumer pressured the IRS to open investigations into TP groups and hold up their applications for tax deductible status. The White House either knew they were doign it or helped coordinate it. The emails lost would have documented extensive cooperation between top officials at IRS and other agencies and the Democratic political machine.
Unproven? Yes. Because the administration has lied and covered up evidence.
True? Beyond the shadow of a doubt. No other explanation makes sense.
IF that is true, then the military had the responsibility of either accepting the mission, and telling him it was doable, or rejecting it as untenable.

They accepted the mission.


Um...yeah...the military would tell the Commander and Chief of the military no...gotcha...

Democrats are never responsible for what they do, are they? You tried the part where Reagan was responsible and I didn't bite, I said of course he was, he was the boss. Obviously we found a standard that you don't apply to yourself... Or I should say, ANOTHER standard you don't apply to yourself...

Correct. If they do not, then they are not fit to wear the uniform.

Any military will tell you that.

The military will tell me they don't follow orders unless they want to. Got it. I obviously know a lot more military than you do. I mean real ones, not the ones in your delusions. I suppose they are as real to you as the real ones are to me.

Wasn't Oliver North part of that mission in some way?

LOL, this is the problem as I said, if you can't pull out the anti-Republican talking points you've memorized, you have nothing. Libertarians to you are like a boxer fighting an invisible man, you have no idea where to punch. You can just sit there and keep drooling, Skippy.

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