Scott Walker is Toast...

Is that anything like the adulterer Reagan?

Rape is a crime.

Adultery isn't.

Except in Sharia ruled countries.

Like the country where Hillary sent her friend, Chris Stevens, who she allowed to die for Obama's re-election and then lied about it later to the world and to the parents of those who she let die.

Raping Ronnie is a rapist alrighty..

Ronald Reagan: "Legitimate Rapist?"

Reagan met starlet Selene Walters in a Hollywood nightclub in the cart) 1950s. Although I was on a date," she quotes Walters as saying, "Ronnie kept whispering in my ear, 'I'd like to call you. How can I get in touch with you?' " Hoping that Reagan, then president of the Screen Actors Guild, could boost her career, Walters gave him her address and was surprised when he came calling at 3 A.M. "He pushed his way inside and said he just had to see me. He forced me on the couch...and said, 'Let's just get to know each other.' It was the most pitched battle I've ever had, and suddenly in a matter of seconds I lost.... They call it date rape today...."
Ronald Reagan: "Legitimate Rapist?"
You are not only a dumb fuck, but a sick one to boot - a true bottom feeder.

Wtf does this old and thoroughly discredited piece of trash have to do with Scott Walker?

What the hell is wrong with you anyway? Public education, mere impotence and latent homosexuallity is not an excuse.
Putting the allegations aside for a moment......does anyone think that Walker has been an effective Governor?

Well, I don't live in Wisconsin, but I have property here.

From what people who live here tell me, he is. And he's well-liked, and will probably win re-election fairly easily.

I have kind of mixed feelings. I don't like the fact this guy has burned working people in his state, but I do think he's the kind of no-nonsense, not at all crazy person the GOP needs to bring it back from the brink.
"But even if the probe is prevented from going forward, the documents that have now been released -- in combination with the February release of 27,000 pages of e-mails from the seized from the 'secret e-mail system' computers of a former Walker aide who has been convicted of political wrongdoing -- paint a picture of a governor whose political style does not say 'statesman.'

"There is no question that Walker is a hero to some Republicans, and to some conservatives.

"But Republicans and conservatives who want to win back the White House have to be realistic enough to recognize that Walker has a paper trail that is unlikely to read well on the 2016 campaign trail.

"In fact, if the Wisconsin polls that have Walker tied with Democratic challenger Mary Burke are to be believed, Walker might have trouble getting past the 2014 election."

Page 2 of Article: Why Scott Walker Will Never Be President | OpEdNews
Can't Win Legitimately, Democrats Show Their True Colors

Why doesn't this surprise me? :eusa_whistle: They can't beat Governor Walker through regular channels so they resort to down-low trash. I'm certain they're threatening anyone who supports the governor. Anywhere else, it would call for judicial precedings.

WISCONSIN'S SECRET WAR: Humiliated in court, Democrats take their lawless "probe" to the media

By M.D. Kittle.

MADISON, Wis. — Smacked by two judges in their legal effort to take down Gov. Scott Walker, prosecutors in Wisconsin’s secret John Doe investigation have taken their case to the friendlier court of mainstream media.
Read more w/links @ Doug Ross @ Journal: WISCONSIN'S SECRET WAR: Humiliated in court, Democrats take their lawless "probe" to the media

DRIVE-BY MEDIA HIT AGAINST GOVERNOR SCOTT WALKER @ Drive-by media hit against Governor Scott Walker | Human Events

Judge: Prosecutor's Investigation of Scott Walker 'Not Supported Under Wisconsin Law'
'...and, if it were, would violate the United States Constitution.'
@ Judge: Prosecutor's Investigation of Scott Walker 'Not Supported Under Wisconsin Law' | The Weekly Standard
"But even if the probe is prevented from going forward, the documents that have now been released -- in combination with the February release of 27,000 pages of e-mails from the seized from the 'secret e-mail system' computers of a former Walker aide who has been convicted of political wrongdoing -- paint a picture of a governor whose political style does not say 'statesman.'

"There is no question that Walker is a hero to some Republicans, and to some conservatives.

"But Republicans and conservatives who want to win back the White House have to be realistic enough to recognize that Walker has a paper trail that is unlikely to read well on the 2016 campaign trail.

"In fact, if the Wisconsin polls that have Walker tied with Democratic challenger Mary Burke are to be believed, Walker might have trouble getting past the 2014 election."

Page 2 of Article: Why Scott Walker Will Never Be President | OpEdNews

You can only hope. IMHO he'll walk away in a landslide! :eusa_angel:
Putting the allegations aside for a moment......does anyone think that Walker has been an effective Governor?

Well, I don't live in Wisconsin, but I have property here.

From what people who live here tell me, he is. And he's well-liked, and will probably win re-election fairly easily.

I have kind of mixed feelings. I don't like the fact this guy has burned working people in his state, but I do think he's the kind of no-nonsense, not at all crazy person the GOP needs to bring it back from the brink.
Joe, I know it's difficult to look at the big picture, but Wisconsin is now enjoying not the 3.2 billion deficit Walker started with, thanks to him and him alone, it's presently a 1 billion surplus which gives the great state of Wisconsin opportunities to serve its citizens equitably, grow businesses (nice place to live, famous for good neighborliness there), and more union jobs in the private sector could result who answer to some owner who's out there trying to make a living and feeding a lot of mouths along the way.

Had Wisconsin kept going down fiscally, you could be seeing a mass exodus of people, Wisconsin would have to consider collaborating with a neighbor state for business running, so they might have had to report to a governor in St. Paul, Des Moines, Springfield, or Lansing had it failed. Yes, some people in certain states are already asking to join a different, more competitive state just to eschew the high taxes of Liberalism gone bananas with other people's money, thinking no one will notice a million here or a million there being sliced off the state treasury to help some failed green business of a greedy politician's relative, eager to make sure she gets all her relatives in the pink before she retires. ;)

Scott Walker's a success story in saving the fiscal part of a state, and he would be a distinct asset controlling 1/3 of the federal government with his eye on the details of where the money is going, who is cheating the people, and who is bringing in business hand over fist into his state's economy. Oops! I better be quiet. The state or two who are in the black are not suffering the same unemployment issues as states brought down by ambition of leaders to play Make A Wish fairy god mothers to every single person in the state. That's done by the people. The people work hard, businesses are run conservatively, the taxes roll in. Hurt the businesses with high taxes, and they go to another state.
Joe, I know it's difficult to look at the big picture, but Wisconsin is now enjoying not the 3.2 billion deficit Walker started with, thanks to him and him alone, it's presently a 1 billion surplus which gives the great state of Wisconsin opportunities to serve its citizens equitably, grow businesses (nice place to live, famous for good neighborliness there), and more union jobs in the private sector could result who answer to some owner who's out there trying to make a living and feeding a lot of mouths along the way.

Had Wisconsin kept going down fiscally, you could be seeing a mass exodus of people, Wisconsin would have to consider collaborating with a neighbor state for business running, so they might have had to report to a governor in St. Paul, Des Moines, Springfield, or Lansing had it failed. Yes, some people in certain states are already asking to join a different, more competitive state just to eschew the high taxes of Liberalism gone bananas with other people's money, thinking no one will notice a million here or a million there being sliced off the state treasury to help some failed green business of a greedy politician's relative, eager to make sure she gets all her relatives in the pink before she retires. ;)

Scott Walker's a success story in saving the fiscal part of a state, and he would be a distinct asset controlling 1/3 of the federal government with his eye on the details of where the money is going, who is cheating the people, and who is bringing in business hand over fist into his state's economy. Oops! I better be quiet. The state or two who are in the black are not suffering the same unemployment issues as states brought down by ambition of leaders to play Make A Wish fairy god mothers to every single person in the state. That's done by the people. The people work hard, businesses are run conservatively, the taxes roll in. Hurt the businesses with high taxes, and they go to another state.

I am looking at the big picture.

The big picture is that we aren't going to recover by finding the last few jobs where people are making decent salaries and getting good pension and benefits and wiping those out so a few rich "Business Owners" can get tax breaks.

Because at the end of the day... no consumers, no customers.

Wisconsin thrives because people from IL and MN come here to vacation and prop it up.
Joe, I know it's difficult to look at the big picture, but Wisconsin is now enjoying not the 3.2 billion deficit Walker started with, thanks to him and him alone, it's presently a 1 billion surplus which gives the great state of Wisconsin opportunities to serve its citizens equitably, grow businesses (nice place to live, famous for good neighborliness there), and more union jobs in the private sector could result who answer to some owner who's out there trying to make a living and feeding a lot of mouths along the way.

Had Wisconsin kept going down fiscally, you could be seeing a mass exodus of people, Wisconsin would have to consider collaborating with a neighbor state for business running, so they might have had to report to a governor in St. Paul, Des Moines, Springfield, or Lansing had it failed. Yes, some people in certain states are already asking to join a different, more competitive state just to eschew the high taxes of Liberalism gone bananas with other people's money, thinking no one will notice a million here or a million there being sliced off the state treasury to help some failed green business of a greedy politician's relative, eager to make sure she gets all her relatives in the pink before she retires. ;)

Scott Walker's a success story in saving the fiscal part of a state, and he would be a distinct asset controlling 1/3 of the federal government with his eye on the details of where the money is going, who is cheating the people, and who is bringing in business hand over fist into his state's economy. Oops! I better be quiet. The state or two who are in the black are not suffering the same unemployment issues as states brought down by ambition of leaders to play Make A Wish fairy god mothers to every single person in the state. That's done by the people. The people work hard, businesses are run conservatively, the taxes roll in. Hurt the businesses with high taxes, and they go to another state.

I am looking at the big picture.

The big picture is that we aren't going to recover by finding the last few jobs where people are making decent salaries and getting good pension and benefits and wiping those out so a few rich "Business Owners" can get tax breaks.

Because at the end of the day... no consumers, no customers.

Wisconsin thrives because people from IL and MN come here to vacation and prop it up.
Yeah Joe. Hell, people the world over flock to Wisconsin. When people find out I'm American, the first thing they ask me is if I've been there and how it's always been their dream to go.:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
]Yeah Joe. Hell, people the world over flock to Wisconsin. When people find out I'm American, the first thing they ask me is if I've been there and how it's always been their dream to go.:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

All over the world? No.

All over the Midwest. Kind of. Wisconsin was a lot more popular as a destination spot when I was a kid, but that was before air fares to Florida became so cheap.

When I was a kid, you had a lot of guys like my dad who bought land up here for hunting and fishing because it was affordable and because they were bringing in decent middle class salaries. Today, not so much. Most of those working class cabins have been replaced by rich assholes who never really come up here that much. Which means a lot of the businesses have dried up. Oh, they change owners and names every couple of years when someone decides to "get away from city life" and goes bankrupt running a largely empty bar or store.
Summary of this thread--------------dems are scared shitless of Walker.

Well, yeah, he seems to be one of these Repukes that thinks that the real problem with America is that someone out there might still be enjoying a middle class lifestyle.

Damn, but you are ignorant. When the libs take control the middle class disappears, there are two classes in a liberal society-----the ultra rich leaders, and everyone else.
Summary of this thread--------------dems are scared shitless of Walker.

Well, yeah, he seems to be one of these Repukes that thinks that the real problem with America is that someone out there might still be enjoying a middle class lifestyle.

Damn, but you are ignorant. When the libs take control the middle class disappears, there are two classes in a liberal society-----the ultra rich leaders, and everyone else.

Uh, guy, the Middle Class has been vanishing under Republican Leadership.

starting with Nixon and Ford and their runaway inflation, with Reagan and his union busting and shifting the tax burden to the working class, to Bush Sr. and NAFTA and Bush Jr. letting his S&L buddies loot the country.

I'm sorry that you are so piss-ignorant that you don't see this.

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