Scott Walker is Toast...

Federal prosecutors would not have made this announcement if they weren't sure they had the evidence to convict. Most of these prosecutors have long careers behind them, and have their own personal legacies that they want to protect. They don't become reckless at this stage of their careers. Think about it.

And if you think that my misuse of one word out of 23,714 posts bothers me, it doesn't. :)
You've been outed as a complete fool. Do you think you can refuge in defending a highly partisan lawyer? The legacy of Francis D Schmitz,,,really?!

Are you really that simple-minded?

Federal prosecutors are a mix, some appointed by Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama.

If there are, you're the very first person to report it.

That is, there have never been any federal prosecutors involved in this "investigation."

Oh, and there are no Reagan appointed US Attorneys. Remember, Clinton fired EVERY US Attorney when he took office and nominated all new ones.
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You are aware the judge was Walker's pal, right? And that his decision was pure TeaBaggy kookery, raving about guillotines and Nazis?

And given the current evidence, it's absurd and delusional to claim there's no evidence. Walker was taking money illegally to finance his campaign. Bribes, in other words. Conservatives think that's cool, but that's because the ODS has rotted their souls.

Not only Walker's pal, but a frequent guest of Koch brothers functions and retreats.

This crony judge tried to order the prosecutors to DESTROY the evidence in this case, even though they intended to appeal.

Why would a judge do that?

Wow. Who does that judge think he is? Eric Holder??
See? You don't have an answer.
You've been outed as a complete fool. Do you think you can refuge in defending a highly partisan lawyer? The legacy of Francis D Schmitz,,,really?!

Are you really that simple-minded?

Federal prosecutors are a mix, some appointed by Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama.

If there are, you're the very first person to report it.

That is, there have never been any federal prosecutors involved in this "investigation."

Oh, and there are no Reagan appointed US Attorneys. Remember, Clinton fired EVERY US Attorney when he took office and nominated all new ones.
You are correct - there are no Reagan appointees.

All presidents fire U.S. attorneys when they get elected. Bush certainly did.
The left recognizes a strong successful candidate in Walker and will do whatever they can to destroy him. Fortunately the courts have consistently found for Walker's side and against the Dems. This is no different. Pres. Walker might be able to clean up the utter, total, goatfuck of a mess that Obama has made. And if he does he wont blame his predecessor for any of it.

Like I said - RWs will always vote against their own best interest.


RWs??? are you soooooo slothful that you can't even type out Right Wingers? Typical Lazy Lib. Must be a government worker...No Bonus for you! :badgrin:
Scott Walker's only crime is defeating the Public sector unions......

Scott Walker improved the unions. They now know someone will be watching them when they don't play fair with taxpayer funds. Those who want something better should do what has always been done--get out there in business-for-self where the rubber hits the road and try to make a living for a couple of years. Too hard? Only if you treat the public as badly as unions treat their members, except instead of getting a raise or a tip, you could get absolutely nothing for your 80-hour weeks of hard and passionate working to provide a service or product that makes people live better and feel challenged to be at their best.

Or 1-in-a million, hit the big bucks, a 20-stall garage with trend-setter antique automobiles, a jet to anywhere at any time since you're the CEO, and houses in every state. :)
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You are aware the judge threw out the charges and admonished the Rat prosecutors who wasted his court's time, right?

You are aware the judge was Walker's pal, right? And that his decision was pure TeaBaggy kookery, raving about guillotines and Nazis?

And given the current evidence, it's absurd and delusional to claim there's no evidence. Walker was taking money illegally to finance his campaign. Bribes, in other words. Conservatives think that's cool, but that's because the ODS has rotted their souls.

Not only Walker's pal, but a frequent guest of Koch brothers functions and retreats.

This crony judge tried to order the prosecutors to DESTROY the evidence in this case, even though they intended to appeal.

Why would a judge do that?

That's because the evidence was illegally obtained. The whole case is an IRS style abuse of the Constitutional rights of everyone who received a subpoena from the District attorney. It was a political witch hunt from the beginning.

We understand that Nazis like you support government persecution of people for doing nothing more than taking advantage of their First Amendment rights, but some of us are not so sanguine about such things.

A Basic Primer On The Scott Walker Case For Ignorant Reporters

I’m going to tell you a true story, and then tell you how the news media is covering it.

This is a true story: in 2012, Democratic district attorneys in Wisconsin launched a secret probe known as a John Doe investigation with the goal of proving that conservative groups illegally coordinated activities during Gov. Scott Walker’s recall election. They issued more than 100 subpoenas, demanded the private information of conservatives and conservative groups, and actually conducted secret raids. And under state law, individuals who were targeted or witness to the investigation were forbidden from making knowledge of it public.

Fortunately, judges saw right through this partisan abuse of power. Early this year, a state judge, ruling in a secret proceeding, quashed the subpoenas and all but ended the investigation. According to the judge, “the subpoenas do not show probable cause that the moving parties committed any violations of the campaign finance laws.” This started the unravelling of the John Doe investigation that had many conservatives fearing they would be targeted for subpoenas and raids next.

In February, a conservative activist and group filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the partisan district attorneys who had pursued the John Doe probe. In short order, a federal district court judge held that the plaintiffs “are likely to succeed on their claim that the defendants‘ investigation violates their rights under the First Amendment, such that the investigation was commenced and conducted ―without a reasonable expectation of obtaining a valid conviction.” In other words, at this early stage of the civil rights litigation, it looks to the judge as if the Democratic district attorneys abused their power and chilled conservatives’ free speech rights. Accordingly, the federal judge ordered that the John Doe probe must cease, all the seized property be returned, and all copies of materials be destroyed.
Republicans sure can pick them. This guy has been sleazy right from the start.

Did you vote for the rapist Clinton twice?

Is that anything like the adulterer Reagan?

Rape is a crime.

Adultery isn't.

Except in Sharia ruled countries.

Like the country where Hillary sent her friend, Chris Stevens, who she allowed to die for Obama's re-election and then lied about it later to the world and to the parents of those who she let die.
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Dems keep calling it a criminal scheme and there is just nothing to it. If they think making false accusations will take everyone's attention from the real scandals in Washington, they are wrong.
Dems keep calling it a criminal scheme and there is just nothing to it. If they think making false accusations will take everyone's attention from the real scandals in Washington, they are wrong.

They're just employing their favourite tactic of personal destruction on anyone who might have a chance of winning the nomination.

Libturds are sleazy beyond your wildest imagination.
Did you vote for the rapist Clinton twice?

Is that anything like the adulterer Reagan?

Rape is a crime.

Adultery isn't.

Except in Sharia ruled countries.

Like the country where Hillary sent her friend, Chris Stevens, who she allowed to die for Obama's re-election and then lied about it later to the world and to the parents of those who she let die.

Wrong, imbecile:

Map: Is Adultery Illegal? | Mother Jones
This is a bullshit thread. The case was dismissed years ago. Nothing there, libs. You lose again. Walker makes you look like fools again.
Did you vote for the rapist Clinton twice?

Is that anything like the adulterer Reagan?

Rape is a crime.

Adultery isn't.

Except in Sharia ruled countries.

Like the country where Hillary sent her friend, Chris Stevens, who she allowed to die for Obama's re-election and then lied about it later to the world and to the parents of those who she let die.

Raping Ronnie is a rapist alrighty..

Ronald Reagan: "Legitimate Rapist?"

Reagan met starlet Selene Walters in a Hollywood nightclub in the cart) 1950s. Although I was on a date," she quotes Walters as saying, "Ronnie kept whispering in my ear, 'I'd like to call you. How can I get in touch with you?' " Hoping that Reagan, then president of the Screen Actors Guild, could boost her career, Walters gave him her address and was surprised when he came calling at 3 A.M. "He pushed his way inside and said he just had to see me. He forced me on the couch...and said, 'Let's just get to know each other.' It was the most pitched battle I've ever had, and suddenly in a matter of seconds I lost.... They call it date rape today...."
Ronald Reagan: "Legitimate Rapist?"
Dems keep calling it a criminal scheme and there is just nothing to it. If they think making false accusations will take everyone's attention from the real scandals in Washington, they are wrong.

They're just employing their favourite tactic of personal destruction on anyone who might have a chance of winning the nomination.

Libturds are sleazy beyond your wildest imagination.

Oh stow it.

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