Scott Walker is Toast...

The case and the evidence and the charges and everything about it was thrown out of court.


Without merit.

Good luck trying to demonize Walker.

He is clean and honest and competent.


Politically he's a dead man walking with no college degree; it won't play nationwide.

A college degree means nothing. He has done what he said he would do. He knows his job. He's competent. Period.
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The case and the evidence and the charges and everything about it was thrown out of court.


Without merit.

Good luck trying to demonize Walker.

He is clean and honest and competent.


Politically he's a dead man walking with no college degree; it won't play nationwide.

He's done more without a degree than O has done with a law degree.
Liberal strategy is to lie, lie and lie some more to fool the public then sling shit against the wall to see if it sticks.

The case and the evidence and the charges and everything about it was thrown out of court.


Without merit.

Good luck trying to demonize Walker.

He is clean and honest and competent.


Politically he's a dead man walking with no college degree; it won't play nationwide.

I doubt it.

Most people will choose a person with practical, hands on experience over a dilettante with a "degree". Walker's done a good job in Wisconsin. He'll make a formidable candidate.
No you didn't. This is what you posted:


You know less about law then your own country's geography. Pretty amazing.
I should have realized that you would only look at the first page. Since you're not very bright.

Try page 4, 5, 6.
Stop being a ditz. That is a response to the motion to quash subpoenas and a long way from felony charges.

I'll make it simple for you, responses are not felony charges.

Oh, btw: Texas Map / Geography of Texas/ Map of Texas -

Hint: the blue color indicates bodies of water. When these bodies are very big, they indicate seas or oceans, or in this case a gulf.

Federal prosecutors would not have made this announcement if they weren't sure they had the evidence to convict. Most of these prosecutors have long careers behind them, and have their own personal legacies that they want to protect. They don't become reckless at this stage of their careers. Think about it.

And if you think that my misuse of one word out of 23,714 posts bothers me, it doesn't. :)
The first Republican president didn't have a college education. He freed the slaves and was promptly murdered by a democrat.

The case and the evidence and the charges and everything about it was thrown out of court.


Without merit.

Good luck trying to demonize Walker.

He is clean and honest and competent.


Politically he's a dead man walking with no college degree; it won't play nationwide.

Oh, then you must be one of those weird-o's who gets off on failure.

Scott Walker = Successful governance.

Barack Obama = Failure.

Obama has been a failure as a POTUS.

RUSH: Pete Wehner, Commentary Magazine, "Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure." Just some pull quotes here. "It’s not simply that Mr. Obama has fallen short of what he promised; it’s that he has been, in so many respects, a failure.

Choose your metrics.

Better yet, choose Mr. Obama’s metrics:

Job creation." Failure.

"Economic growth." Failure.

"Improving our health-care system." Failure.

"Reducing the debt." Failure.

"Reducing poverty." Failure.

"Reducing income inequality." Failure.

"Slowing the rise of the oceans." Failure.

"Healing the planet." Failure.

"Repairing the world." Failure.

"The Russian 'reset.'" Failure.

"Peace in the Middle East." Failure.

"Red lines in Syria." Failure.

"Renewed focus on Afghanistan." Failure. "

A new beginning with the Arab world." Failure.

"Better relations with our allies." Failure.

"Depolarizing our politics." Big failure.

"Putting an end to the type of politics that 'breeds division and conflict and cynicism.'" Failure.

"Working with the other party." Failure.

"Transparency," i.e., honesty. Failure.

"No lobbyists working in his administration." Failure.

"His commitment to seek public financing in the general election." Failure. "

The list goes on and on.

"Barack Obama was among the least prepared men to ever serve as president.

It shows.

He has been overmatched by events right from the start.

He is an excellent campaigner but unusually inept when it comes to governing."

Man, this is the Limbaugh Theorem, is it not?

This is the Limbaugh Theorem to a tee and Mr. Wehner has swerved into it.

He survives by constantly campaigning against what he has caused.

He makes it look like he is opposed to what's happening, except he is the one making it happen.

He does not govern.

He cannot be seen as governing.

That's the point of the Limbaugh Theorem.

Obama's non-accountability rests on the fact that he's not seen as governing.

He's seen as campaigning and being constantly against all of this stuff. But this line, "Barack Obama was among the least prepared men to ever serve as president."

How did we get here then? Because I maintain that it was known in 2008 that he was among the least prepared to ever seek the presidency.

So why is it that some only now, in 2014, feel comfortable saying so? Well, there are all kinds of answers for that.

Do you remember David Brooks?

David Brooks, one of the learned class, a conservative columnist of the New York Times, remember what he said: Obama's crease in his slacks told him that he was going to be a great president.

And I am not making that up. We had our own intellectual class fail us by signing on to this, because Obama was one of them.

He was a Harvard man.

He was a Columbia man.

He was the first African-American president.

He could speak.

He could articulate.

He sounded intellectual.

He sounded smart.

He sounded erudite.

He sounded sophisticated.

He sounds like us, they said.

But, if it is safe to say that he was among the least prepared men to ever serve as president today, it was true in 2007 and it was true in 2008, because there has been nothing that has changed.

It has only gotten worse. The New York Times has their own version of the Washington Post's.

Gotta take a break here, but there's another attempt at Time Magazine: "Obama's Foreign Policy Failures Are Proving His Critics Right."


It's Suddenly Cool to Use the Word "Fail" - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Walker is a Governor. Obama is an indoctrinated dummy. The left doesn't know the difference between education and indoctrination.
The first Republican president didn't have a college education. He freed the slaves and was promptly murdered by a democrat.

bolded by me:

Nor did Presidents George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Grover Cleveland, and Harry Truman.

Education is no indication of one's wisdom. The rarest form of intelligence is common sense.
I should have realized that you would only look at the first page. Since you're not very bright.

Try page 4, 5, 6.
Stop being a ditz. That is a response to the motion to quash subpoenas and a long way from felony charges.

I'll make it simple for you, responses are not felony charges.

Oh, btw: Texas Map / Geography of Texas/ Map of Texas -

Hint: the blue color indicates bodies of water. When these bodies are very big, they indicate seas or oceans, or in this case a gulf.

Federal prosecutors would not have made this announcement if they weren't sure they had the evidence to convict. Most of these prosecutors have long careers behind them, and have their own personal legacies that they want to protect. They don't become reckless at this stage of their careers. Think about it.

And if you think that my misuse of one word out of 23,714 posts bothers me, it doesn't. :)
You've been outed as a complete fool. Do you think you can refuge in defending a highly partisan lawyer? The legacy of Francis D Schmitz,,,really?!

Are you really that simple-minded?

It's bounced back.

Charges were dismissed in 2013 for lacking of evidence. There is no new evidence. This is a partisan attack on the best government Wisconsin has ever had.

Their friends in the media neglected to point out that the charges were dismissed due to lack of evidence showing any wrong doing....

They like to sell newspapers and they know folks on the left will drool over this story......

So why tell them the charges were dismissed?

Interesting they are trying to revive this story now! Interesting it was dismissed because of lack of evidence. Interesting no new evidence was introduced, which is a requirement to overturn a dismissal for lack of evidence!
Tell the same lie often enough and loudly enough and people will begin to believe it.

Two (for balance):

"Read my lips; no new taxes."

"If you like your........."

Two slogans; two losers.
The first Republican president didn't have a college education. He freed the slaves and was promptly murdered by a democrat.

bolded by me:

Nor did Presidents George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Grover Cleveland, and Harry Truman.

Education is no indication of a person's wisdom. The rarest form of intelligence is common sense.

Very true, but in honesty would you vote for a President (even someone who has shown great success like Walker) if they didn't go to college. I would be hesitate.
No charges were dismissed because no charges were ever filed. The "allegations" were in support of an application for a subpoena. The subpoena was quashed because the prosecutors failed to reach even the ridiculously low bar of probable cause that any crime had occurred.

You can point to the Walker/Rove email, and all the others all you want. They're actually evidence that no crime occurred. State law prohibits coordination with express advocates- that is, those that endorse or campaign for the election of a particular candidate or party. What the law does not apply to is an issue advocate organization, such as Club For Growth. This isn't some mere technicality. It's very settled law that such groups have First Amendment rights. They have the right to speech, the right to association, and the right to petition the government. And it is neither unlawful nor unethical for Governor Walker to coordinate with them to advance those issues the groups advocate for. Having said that, there's no evidence the he did in fact coordinate. The Walker/Rove email is not evidence. You do understand that the plaintiff in the federal lawsuit against the DAs agreed to the unredacted emails being released, right?

1. A state judge quashed the petition for subpoenas for lack of any probable cause.
2. O'Keefe of Club for Growth filed a federal lawsuit arguing that the investigation violated his First Amendment Rights.
3. A Federal judge agreed with O'Keefe and ordered the "John Doe" investigation shut down.
4. The prosecutors appealed that order to the 7th Circuit and lost.

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