Scott Walker is Toast...

However, if you're a liberal you cannot afford the news of a shining example of what a fiscally conservative ran state can look like get out.

Walker put out a jobs report that counted little league teams and boy scout troops as new businesses, in a vain effort to cover for how awful his job creation record was.

Desperate Walker Claims Little League Teams and Girl Scout Troops as "New Businesses" | Uppity Wisconsin

This 2013 index puts Wisconsin at 49/50 in economic growth. No wonder Walker has to cover up his economic record.

Congratulations liberals, you people truly are demonic.

Yet I'm not the one kissing the ass of of criminal. That's you. Just making it clear where we both stand.

Funny! Child labor - the new American growth industry.
Anatomy of a Smear Campaign

That this blogger should take on the Democrat efforts against Governor Walker is quite a surprise. If you visit his blog, you cannot miss how military oriented it is. So, why would he take on a political situation like this?

My answer is that he, like me, is simply fed up with the divisive tactics used to try to split this nation apart.

Read more @ Anatomy of a Smear Campaign | Bring the heat, Bring the Stupid
The left recognizes a strong successful candidate in Walker and will do whatever they can to destroy him. Fortunately the courts have consistently found for Walker's side and against the Dems. This is no different. Pres. Walker might be able to clean up the utter, total, goatfuck of a mess that Obama has made. And if he does he wont blame his predecessor for any of it.

The far right wing sees someone with smirky, prickish demeanor and immediately thinks "strong leader" no matter what their other qualifications or lack thereof might be. Hopefully, some of the more moderate swing voters are starting to see through it.

No, you're describing the Left. Again.
Now you can't even criticize his clothes or his eyeglasses. It's his "smirky prickish demeanor" like that means anything.
What a joke.

. But another judge who replaced the initial one dismissed the subpoenas in January, arguing there was not enough probable cause demonstrated by prosecutors that there had been a crime.
The spin from Democrats on the documents indicated there was some kind of open investigation against Walker, which is untrue.
Read more: Scott Walker reserves TV time amid bad news - Maggie Haberman -

But the liberal campaign to discredit Walker isn’t limited to TNR’s inflammatory trash. As the New York Times reported this afternoon, there was an attempt by some Wisconsin prosecutors to tie Walker’s recall campaign to illegal contributions. But you have to click on the piece that was trumpeted on the paper’s home page to learn that the case was unproven and, in fact, dismissed by a federal judge and that the story is based on a federal suit that sought to reveal the unsubstantiated allegations in the records of this cold case. In fact, you have to read down to the end of the sixth paragraph of the piece to read, in a quote from Walker’s camp, that “two judges have rejected the characterizations [of the Walker campaign’s alleged illegal activity] contained in these documents.” The Times only mentions the pertinent fact that a federal judge halted the investigation as a politicized fishing expedition in the last sentence of the article.

Liberals Are Afraid of Scott Walker « Commentary Magazine
Walker made the lefty clowns, especially the union stooges, look stupid so they'll never give up. So they'll spend more millions and accomplish nothing again. But at least it's good entertainment, and free to boot.

He made himself look stupid. Even with all that financial help from the Koch brothers, he's STILL effing up.

The time he was pranked by a radio station with a call from 'David Koch' was comedy gold.
The left recognizes a strong successful candidate in Walker and will do whatever they can to destroy him. Fortunately the courts have consistently found for Walker's side and against the Dems. This is no different. Pres. Walker might be able to clean up the utter, total, goatfuck of a mess that Obama has made. And if he does he wont blame his predecessor for any of it.

The far right wing sees someone with smirky, prickish demeanor and immediately thinks "strong leader" no matter what their other qualifications or lack thereof might be. Hopefully, some of the more moderate swing voters are starting to see through it.

No, you're describing the Left. Again.
Now you can't even criticize his clothes or his eyeglasses. It's his "smirky prickish demeanor" like that means anything.
What a joke.

It's true. Look at all of the politicians and pundits that achieve right wing darling status. Overbearing prickishness is the common denominator. Sean Hannity is the poster child but they all have that quality. You guys must really love the stern father type.
The far right wing sees someone with smirky, prickish demeanor and immediately thinks "strong leader" no matter what their other qualifications or lack thereof might be. Hopefully, some of the more moderate swing voters are starting to see through it.

No, you're describing the Left. Again.
Now you can't even criticize his clothes or his eyeglasses. It's his "smirky prickish demeanor" like that means anything.
What a joke.

It's true. Look at all of the politicians and pundits that achieve right wing darling status. Overbearing prickishness is the common denominator. Sean Hannity is the poster child but they all have that quality. You guys must really love the stern father type.

I like men and women who are bold and speak clearly and to the point. How about you? Go for it.
Obama uses the IRS to attack conservatives across the nation to win an big deal to liberals.

Scott Walker brought up on trumped up charges and the case is dismissed....endless liberal psychobabble on the internet.
This is an old story spoken about in the media in the present tense. Judges have already dismissed the whole thing and this is being spun up to damage SW


By Mark Peters

Updated June 19, 2014 8:20 p.m. ET

Newly released documents show county prosecutors in Wisconsin were trying to build a criminal case against Republican Gov. Scott Walker and conservative groups before a federal judge stopped the investigation because of concerns about the groups' freedom of speech.

In the documents released Thursday by a federal appeals court in Chicago, a special prosecutor representing five counties discussed an alleged "criminal scheme" by Mr. Walker and officials of the Wisconsin Club for Growth and other conservative groups to circumvent campaign-finance laws. The prosecutors were looking at such areas as contribution limits and disclosures during Mr. Walker's recall election following the 2011 passage of legislation to eliminate many collective-bargaining rights for public employees.

"Two judges, in both state and federal courts, have ruled that no laws were broken," Mr. Walker said on Thursday, calling the probe a partisan investigation.

A lawyer for the Wisconsin Club for Growth declined to comment.

A lawyer for Milwaukee District Attorney John Chisholm, a Democrat, said prosecutors conducted themselves professionally and in the public interest at all times.

Mr. Walker's office noted Thursday the governor wasn't a party to the lawsuit in which the documents were released. The suit was filed by the Club for Growth in federal court in Wisconsin against county prosecutors on grounds that their probe violated the group's right to political speech.

A Wisconsin federal judge shut down the investigation in May, ruling that it was a violation of the Club's First Amendment rights. The county prosecutors have appealed the decision to the federal appeals court, which released the documents on Thursday.
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No, you're describing the Left. Again.
Now you can't even criticize his clothes or his eyeglasses. It's his "smirky prickish demeanor" like that means anything.
What a joke.

It's true. Look at all of the politicians and pundits that achieve right wing darling status. Overbearing prickishness is the common denominator. Sean Hannity is the poster child but they all have that quality. You guys must really love the stern father type.

I like men and women who are bold and speak clearly and to the point. How about you? Go for it.

Most politicians speak boldly and to the point. Although the point is often a million miles from reality. The far right wingers just have that certain je ne c'est quoi that makes me want to puke.
It's true. Look at all of the politicians and pundits that achieve right wing darling status. Overbearing prickishness is the common denominator. Sean Hannity is the poster child but they all have that quality. You guys must really love the stern father type.

I like men and women who are bold and speak clearly and to the point. How about you? Go for it.

Most politicians speak boldly and to the point. Although the point is often a million miles from reality. The far right wingers just have that certain je ne c'est quoi that makes me want to puke.

Good idea. Crap your pants while you're at it. I'll get you a mop.

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