Scott Walker is Toast...

When does the Benghazi investigation start?

When does the IRS magic disappearing e-mails investigation start?

Hey, Democrats need to trump up SOMETHING to take your eyes off the above.

try the 7 other times they went over bengazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Yeah emails went bye bye....still not a scandal.

Keep on believing. It's your sworn duty to the party.

You mean like it is your SWORN duty to believe any lie or bullshit presented by a Republican? Any Republican has your unwavering support. Right?
Because the law says that these "independent" groups and the campaigns can't coordinate messages or strategies.

Which was clearly done here.

Incidentally, I think the recalls were a horrible idea. There's a time and a place to register your disdain for policy, and that's a regular election.

But it seems Walker broke the law here, and probably ended his Presidential hopes before they began. Which is too bad, he's a lot better than yet another Bush Rehash or some of the teabag crazies like Paul and Cruz.
He did not break the law. No one has proven anything. On the flip side the anti Walker forces have lost several court cases already.
It is a patent witch hunt in an attempt to derail Walker's presidential hopes. Where's that "politics of personal destruction" hillary was yammering about?

LOL They've tried to bury him and he's kicked their asses every time but they keep trying. From what I've been reading several Federal Judges have kicked this case to the curb more than once but the left just keep trying.

Ultimately it will be up to the voters if he's re-elected or not.

the reason he won was he didn't have any smoking guns against him ... he now shows conversation with and outside organization .... that 266 of his emails have been released .... they show that he was working with Karl Rove ... that he did violate wisconsin law ... right now they are putting the case together, by forcing walker to release all of his emails and none of them can be redacted ...

prosecutors from five Wisconsin counties allege an effort by Walker and top aides to circumvent state law and raise money and plan spending by a dozen outside groups during the election.

The prosecutors' filings include a quote from an e-mail in which Walker tells Republican strategist Karl Rove that a top campaign aide, R.J. Johnson, was leading the coordination effort and praises Johnson's work.

"Bottom line: R.J. helps keep in place a team that is wildly successful in Wisconsin," prosecutors say Walker wrote in the May 4, 2011, e-mail. "We are running nine recall elections and it will be like running nine congressional markets in every market in the state."

Johnson also was a top adviser to Wisconsin Club for Growth, one of the organizations helping to fight the recall. Prosecutors claimed Johnson used the Club has a hub for coordinating political activities of Walker's campaign and other groups, including the Republican Governors Association and Americans for Prosperity, a national group tied to billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch.

when the smoke clears so with walker from the governors office ...
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Walker made the lefty clowns, especially the union stooges, look stupid so they'll never give up. So they'll spend more millions and accomplish nothing again. But at least it's good entertainment, and free to boot.
Walker made the lefty clowns, especially the union stooges, look stupid so they'll never give up. So they'll spend more millions and accomplish nothing again. But at least it's good entertainment, and free to boot.

He made himself look stupid. Even with all that financial help from the Koch brothers, he's STILL effing up.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker participated in a “criminal scheme” to coordinate fundraising for Republicans trying to beat back efforts to recall him and state senators from office, local prosecutors argue in court documents released Thursday.

Walker, his chief of staff and others were involved in the coordination effort with “a number of national groups and prominent figures,” including Karl Rove, special prosecutor Francis Schmitz alleged.

Scott Walker part of 'criminal scheme,' prosecutors say -
"'The investigation focuses on a wide-ranging scheme to coordinate activities of several organizations with various candidate committees to thwart attempts to recall Wisconsin Senate and Gubernatorial candidates,' Schmitz wrote. 'That coordination included a nationwide effort to raise undisclosed funds for an organization which then funded the activities of other organizations supporting or opposing candidates subject to recall.

"The subpoenas are necessarily broad in an effort to collect additional evidence because the coordination activities were extensive and involving at least a dozen sepatate organizations.”

Scott Walker part of 'criminal scheme,' prosecutors say -
The prosecutors presented the "evidence" to a state judge and a federal judge 2 years ago and both judges (neither affiliated with his administration) shut the case down due to "no case" and told the prosecutors to back off.

The reason it is news today is because all records were made public yesterday.

Left leaning media, however, know their readers and audience are too "excited" to realize it is 2 years old and going nowhere.

I laugh at how they make you guys look silly.
Walker made the lefty clowns, especially the union stooges, look stupid so they'll never give up. So they'll spend more millions and accomplish nothing again. But at least it's good entertainment, and free to boot.

He made himself look stupid. Even with all that financial help from the Koch brothers, he's STILL effing up.

No,a ctually you look stupid.
The investigation is old news. There is nothing new here. Two judges shut down the investigation as a violation of the civil rights of the people and orgs involved. The investigations were conducted in secret and now that the judges have stopped them the perpetrators have opened up the files hoping to smear Walker with ignorant people. Given your responses they appear to have succeeded to some degree.
Scott Walker Campaign Respond Criminal Allegations - Business Insider

The prosecution came from the Milwaukee DA's office. They appointed a special prosecutor with no experience in 1A or campaign finance issues, but mainly for his ability to intimidate people. The Dems are thugs. Walker is a sterling character.
The prosecutors presented the "evidence" to a state judge and a federal judge 2 years ago and both judges (neither affiliated with his administration) shut the case down due to "no case" and told the prosecutors to back off.

The reason it is news today is because all records were made public yesterday.

Left leaning media, however, know their readers and audience are too "excited" to realize it is 2 years old and going nowhere.

I laugh at how they make you guys look silly.

The same people professing agnosticism in the IRS hard drive scandal are 100% certain Walker is a criminal based on 2 year old disproven allegations.
Dems are lying scum.
Mal, the case was dismissed.

Doesn't matter... The Media and the Dems will hammer this all the way to Election.



Actually it the attorney general of his state thats going after him ... he's not a liberal or a democrat ... he's one of the loser republicans:lol::lol::lol:

the democratic state legislature asked the AG to look into it....and unlike Holder, he did as the people asked.

And as I said....two judges told the prosecutors...."you have no case".....

You guys are tools of the media you adore so much. They mislead you and allow you to look like asses.
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Mal, the case was dismissed.


It's bounced back.

Charges were dismissed in 2013 for lacking of evidence. There is no new evidence. This is a partisan attack on the best government Wisconsin has ever had.

Their friends in the media neglected to point out that the charges were dismissed due to lack of evidence showing any wrong doing....

They like to sell newspapers and they know folks on the left will drool over this story......

So why tell them the charges were dismissed?
Putting the allegations aside for a moment......does anyone think that Walker has been an effective Governor?

I do. And I live smack dab in the middle of Wisconsin.


I have no idea if he is effective or not. I do not follow state politics outside of the northeast.

But I know he was elected and won a recall...

I assume a re-election bid or a bid for higher office will reveal his success or failure.

Here in NY? I think Cuomo is a very effective governor. I disagree with much, but he gets things done. And to be frank, I am quite happy with him. He is a leader.
Republicans sure can pick them. This guy has been sleazy right from the start.

Wow. Look who you guys picked. Obama who should be charged for the cover up of the irs. He has blood on his hands with fast and furious and Benghazi

After 13 investigations on Benghazi, if you don't have enough to charge the President with a crime, then you have a fake scandal.

Same with the IRS.

Same with Fast & Furious.

None of them are real scandals like Reagan selling arms to Iran while telling the American people how dangerous they were.

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