Scott Walker is Toast...

The left recognizes a strong successful candidate in Walker and will do whatever they can to destroy him. Fortunately the courts have consistently found for Walker's side and against the Dems. This is no different. Pres. Walker might be able to clean up the utter, total, goatfuck of a mess that Obama has made. And if he does he wont blame his predecessor for any of it.

so that explains your hillary thread..
try the 7 other times they went over bengazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Yeah emails went bye bye....still not a scandal.

Sure. The government is spying on us and storing data at unprecedented rate and they conveniently lose incriminating evidence. That's totally believable

i doubt the emails are really lost, but i dont care enough about the story to really care about where they are. Some conservative groups got profiled....i weep at the irony.

In other words: you are fine with lawlessness, as long as it helps your party.

You truly are a despicable turd.
So, the Governor of Wisconsin, as a leading Republican in the State, and in countering a concerted Recall effort by the Democrats, participated in discussions and activities designed to ensure that his own party weathered the Recall Storm in the best shape possible?

Did I get that right?

If so...

Why is that illegal?

I admit to complete ignorance in the matter.

Anybody care to serve-up a workable layman's description of why that is considered wrongdoing?
It has something to do with Walker illegally coordinating fundraising with outside groups.
He may have sent an email that serves as a smoking gun.
(or not.)
So if people want to come in this country we should have a legal immigration system.
We already do have a legal immigration system. The vast majority of immigrants follow the rules. We are not going to re-invent the wheel because of a select group who refuse to follow the rules. We don't change our process to accommodate the law breakers. It's absurd.
Sure. The government is spying on us and storing data at unprecedented rate and they conveniently lose incriminating evidence. That's totally believable

i doubt the emails are really lost, but i dont care enough about the story to really care about where they are. Some conservative groups got profiled....i weep at the irony.

In other words: you are fine with lawlessness, as long as it helps your party.

You truly are a despicable turd.
i dont care they went after the left either.....So what party does that make me then?
Don't know Wisconsin politics. All I know is that Scott Walker has really really pissed off the Democratic Party, and he is running for re-eelection, and the investigation is FEDERAL---and that means Eric Holder....which means its bullshit.

Its the same group that just lawlessly trashed a bunch of IRS e-mails that would have gotten the whole bunch impeached and/or indicted.

Exactly. The left knows they have a closing window because the people are catching on. They are using government to punish political enemies. This is the kind of government the founders warned about. That's why they hate the average citizen taxpayer who doesn't kneel. That's why they hate the Tea Party. Fuck 'em.
Read the decision, numbuts. The threat of prosecution was considered an adequate chilling of free speech.

So if I rob a bank, I can declare the investigation chills my free speech, and have a judge stop it.

You gotta love those creative Republican excuses as to why their criminality should go unchallenged.
The witch hunt directed at Walker by liberals has been nothing short of astounding.
However, if you're a liberal you cannot afford the news of a shining example of what a fiscally conservative ran state can look like get out.

So they'll work tirelessly and endlessly to tear the person that's at the heart of it down. They'll throw as much shit as they can come up with hoping that eventually some of it will stick.

Congratulations liberals, you people truly are demonic.
The witch hunt directed at Walker by liberals has been nothing short of astounding.
However, if you're a liberal you cannot afford the news of a shining example of what a fiscally conservative ran state can look like get out.

So they'll work tirelessly and endlessly to tear the person that's at the heart of it down. They'll throw as much shit as they can come up with hoping that eventually some of it will stick.

Congratulations liberals, you people truly are demonic.

Good words. This trash aren't liberals. They're leftists who hate everything traditional about America. Their Utopia is an elitist society. Like the Nazis did to the Jews, they would just love to exterminate those Christian bigots in their way. That's why they hate fellow citizens more than the Islamic terrorists who want to cut their throats. They're deranged.
However, if you're a liberal you cannot afford the news of a shining example of what a fiscally conservative ran state can look like get out.

Walker put out a jobs report that counted little league teams and boy scout troops as new businesses, in a vain effort to cover for how awful his job creation record was.

Desperate Walker Claims Little League Teams and Girl Scout Troops as "New Businesses" | Uppity Wisconsin

This 2013 index puts Wisconsin at 49/50 in economic growth. No wonder Walker has to cover up his economic record.

Congratulations liberals, you people truly are demonic.

Yet I'm not the one kissing the ass of of criminal. That's you. Just making it clear where we both stand.
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There is no difference between you and a nazi. You're filth.

And do you tell real life people that?

Of course you don't. Squealing on a message board is all you're willing to do. I'm sure everyone is very impressed by your bravery, not to mention your calm and reasoned demeanor.
There is no difference between you and a nazi. You're filth.

And do you tell real life people that?

Of course you don't. Squealing on a message board is all you're willing to do. I'm sure everyone is very impressed by your bravery, not to mention your calm and reasoned demeanor.

Isn't this real life? Trash like you don't hang around too long in my neighborhood. Is this your pretend life. Better check the meter where you parked your unicorn.

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