Scott Walker is Toast...

i dont see you guys stopping in going after Obama either...So you can just shut up with your fake whine

You don't recall a governor who is doing the job he was elected to do simply because you don't like it. You win, you lose. Grow the hell up.

people want to impeach obama because he golfs...They tried to recall and lost...

You lost when Obama won against Romney. I dont see you stopping with Obama.

You win, you lose, Grow the hell up......Oh but only when its my guy right?

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz fuck off.

"People want to impeach Obama because he golfs." Get your ignorant butt back in school.
Rove is "unavailable", Walker "cannot imagine" communicating with Rove:

Walker praised Johnson's efforts in his alleged email to Rove.

"Bottom line: R.J. helps keep in place a team that is wildly successful in Wisconsin. We are running 9 recall elections and it will be like running 9 Congressional markets in every market in the state (and Twin Cities.)," Walker wrote, according to Schmitz.

Speaking to reporters Thursday, Walker emphasized he had not seen the unsealed documents, but he said he could not "imagine" he communicated with Rove about Johnson's work.

"Again, I have not seen that. I don’t know specifically what you’re talking about but I can’t imagine that," said Walker

Read more: Karl Rove Scott Walker Criminal Investigation - Business Insider

Note, emails Walker cannot imagine; maybe his hard drive crashed?:lol:
he doesn't support amnesty, and the judge dismissed the suit against Walker. Some are trying to stir up the masses, even though it isn't going forward-



**By*Alternative News Now*|*November 21, 2013*|*Immigration*0**0*StumbleUpon0*Reddit0**0**0

In an*exclusive interview*with Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon for the Sirius XM Patriots network, Wisconsin GOP Gov. Scott Walker said he does not support amnesty and the*Washington Post’s Aaron Blake,*who previously reported*Walker supports a “pathway to citizenship” for illegal immigrants took him “out of context.”

Towards the end of the interview, Bannon noted that “Amnesty is about the sovereignty of the country.” But, he asked Walker, “the*Washington Post*said earlier that you’re pro-pathway to citizenship.”“See now that’s where they take it out of context,” Walker said in response. “I’ve not said there should be amnesty in this country. I don’t believe that. I don’t support the legislation being kicked around. What I’ve said repeatedly is we need to fix the immigration system, but fix the legal system. So if people want to come in this country we should have a legal immigration system.”Bannon then interjected: “And take care of the borders and everything we have to do first.”Walker concurred, saying that any immigration reform efforts should “fix the front door.- See more at: GOV. SCOTT WALKER: I DON?T SUPPORT AMNESTY - Alternative News Now
Scott Walker is Toast...
Perhaps it's all for the better. If he were to consider a run for 2016, his pro-amnesty stance would result in a good portion of GOP'ers staying home on election night. Folks are fed up with illegal immigration, and he would not have anything constructive to offer except offering amnesty, and letting the cycle repeat itself with more illegals entering the country.
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Democrats have been trying to impeach, prosecute, drag down, lie about, and generally harass Gov. Walke ever since he put the government workers' unions in their places.

They are especially enraged over the fact that, when they tried to hold a recall election against him, he won it by an even greater margin than in his original election to the Governor's office.

Sounds like the whiners are still at it, digging and inventing any charges they can.

Federal prosecutors don't invent charges. Mainly because they have to prove them.

Sure. Prosecutors never go on witch hunts or manufacture facts to try to attack political enemies.

Federal prosecutors are under much more scrutiny. You would be hard pressed to come up with examples of prosecutorial misconduct at that level. At least not in recent times.
You poor pitiful creatures should be ashamed of yourselves. If you can't talk about the issues then educate yourself. This kind of crap is what we're sick and tired of. Let's stop the harassment and work together like you claim you want.
Don't know Wisconsin politics. All I know is that Scott Walker has really really pissed off the Democratic Party, and he is running for re-eelection, and the investigation is FEDERAL---and that means Eric Holder....which means its bullshit.

Its the same group that just lawlessly trashed a bunch of IRS e-mails that would have gotten the whole bunch impeached and/or indicted.
Mal, the case was dismissed.


It's bounced back.

The Club for Growth supplied the newest ammo:

The documents became public as part of a lawsuit by the Wisconsin Club for Growth attempting to halt the investigation, known as a John Doe Inquiry, arguing that it is a violation of their free-speech rights. A federal judge last month sided with the organization, a fact that the Walker campaign seized on. :lol:
try the 7 other times they went over bengazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Yeah emails went bye bye....still not a scandal.

Sure. The government is spying on us and storing data at unprecedented rate and they conveniently lose incriminating evidence. That's totally believable

i doubt the emails are really lost, but i dont care enough about the story to really care about where they are. Some conservative groups got profiled....i weep at the irony.

The worst fools in all of history have allways been the ones who don't care if a law is violated as long as it doesn't affect them....this time.
Don't know Wisconsin politics. All I know is that Scott Walker has really really pissed off the Democratic Party, and he is running for re-eelection, and the investigation is FEDERAL---and that means Eric Holder....which means its bullshit.

Its the same group that just lawlessly trashed a bunch of IRS e-mails that would have gotten the whole bunch impeached and/or indicted.

Absolutely 100% correct Sir!
Don't know Wisconsin politics. All I know is that Scott Walker has really really pissed off the Democratic Party, and he is running for re-eelection, and the investigation is FEDERAL---and that means Eric Holder....which means its bullshit.

Its the same group that just lawlessly trashed a bunch of IRS e-mails that would have gotten the whole bunch impeached and/or indicted.

Absolutely 100% correct Sir!

Holder knew what the content of emails Walker & Rove exchanged, and Obama personally oversees the Patents and Trademarks office.....sure....makes sense:lol:
The left recognizes a strong successful candidate in Walker and will do whatever they can to destroy him. Fortunately the courts have consistently found for Walker's side and against the Dems. This is no different. Pres. Walker might be able to clean up the utter, total, goatfuck of a mess that Obama has made. And if he does he wont blame his predecessor for any of it.
Naw. RWs will always vote against their own best interest as well as the best interest of the country. If Walker can avoid jail time, RWs will vote for him.

Bet on it.
The left recognizes a strong successful candidate in Walker and will do whatever they can to destroy him. Fortunately the courts have consistently found for Walker's side and against the Dems. This is no different. Pres. Walker might be able to clean up the utter, total, goatfuck of a mess that Obama has made. And if he does he wont blame his predecessor for any of it.

Like I said - RWs will always vote against their own best interest.

The left recognizes a strong successful candidate in Walker and will do whatever they can to destroy him. Fortunately the courts have consistently found for Walker's side and against the Dems. This is no different. Pres. Walker might be able to clean up the utter, total, goatfuck of a mess that Obama has made. And if he does he wont blame his predecessor for any of it.

Like I said - RWs will always vote against their own best interest.


How has Obama been in the best interest of anyone except the very wealthy?
The documents became public as part of a lawsuit by the Wisconsin Club for Growth attempting to halt the investigation, known as a John Doe Inquiry, arguing that it is a violation of their free-speech rights.

An astonishingly stupid and corrupt ruling. How can an _investigation_ violate anyone's free speech? It is a nice racket by the GOP. If you're being a criminal, simply get a judge to declare that investigating your criminality is illegal, and that all evidence of the criminality must be destroyed.

Naturally, all the Republicans here fully support the tactic, being that they're also members of that thug cartel. They think that since they've bought off a few judges, they're untouchable. Time to show them otherwise.
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The documents became public as part of a lawsuit by the Wisconsin Club for Growth attempting to halt the investigation, known as a John Doe Inquiry, arguing that it is a violation of their free-speech rights.

An astonishingly stupid and corrupt ruling. How can an _investigation_ violate anyone's free speech? It is a nice racket by the GOP. If you're being a criminal, simply get a judge to declare that investigating your criminality is illegal, and that all evidence of the criminality must be destroyed.

Naturally, all the Republicans here fully support the tactic, being that they're also members of that thug cartel. They think that since they've bought off the judges, they're untouchable. Time to show them otherwise.

Read the decision, numbuts. The threat of prosecution was considered an adequate chilling of free speech.

I see the lamebrains are piling in here. They're scared of Scott Walker because they know if he runs he'll beat the shit out of any Dem candidate. Assuming the Dems dont rig the election like last time of course.
You don't recall a governor who is doing the job he was elected to do simply because you don't like it. You win, you lose. Grow the hell up.

people want to impeach obama because he golfs...They tried to recall and lost...

You lost when Obama won against Romney. I dont see you stopping with Obama.

You win, you lose, Grow the hell up......Oh but only when its my guy right?

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz fuck off.

"People want to impeach Obama because he golfs." Get your ignorant butt back in school.
what you can't handle a little hyperbole? Not even a little? huh huh huh......
Sure. The government is spying on us and storing data at unprecedented rate and they conveniently lose incriminating evidence. That's totally believable

i doubt the emails are really lost, but i dont care enough about the story to really care about where they are. Some conservative groups got profiled....i weep at the irony.

The worst fools in all of history have allways been the ones who don't care if a law is violated as long as it doesn't affect them....this time.

they went after left wig groups as well....zzzzzzzzzzz

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