Scott Walker is Toast...

You guys are so concerned about Scott walker. But Obama has scandal after scandal and the left ignores it.

No, we point out how you're fabricating endless fake scandals, and that doing so makes you look seditious.

But hey, you have ODS, which means your soul has rotted into a condition that has you putting party ahead of country, much like those old Soviet communists who you so strongly resemble in so many ways.
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You guys are so concerned about Scott walker. But Obama has scandal after scandal and the left ignores it.

No, we point out how you're fabricating endless fake scandals, and that doing so makes you look seditious.

But hey, you have ODS, which means your soul has rotted into a condition that has you putting party ahead of country, much like those old Soviet communists who you so strongly resemble in so many ways.

Ooooooo....."seditious". Why don't you enforce that charge, Buckwheat.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker participated in a “criminal scheme” to coordinate fundraising for Republicans trying to beat back efforts to recall him and state senators from office, local prosecutors argue in court documents released Thursday.

Walker, his chief of staff and others were involved in the coordination effort with “a number of national groups and prominent figures,” including Karl Rove, special prosecutor Francis Schmitz alleged.

Scott Walker part of 'criminal scheme,' prosecutors say -
Two judges already threw this case out. Maybe next time democrats will pay more
Read the decision, numbuts. The threat of prosecution was considered an adequate chilling of free speech.

So if I rob a bank, I can declare the investigation chills my free speech, and have a judge stop it.

You gotta love those creative Republican excuses as to why their criminality should go unchallenged.

You seriously think organizing a political campaign is the rquivalent of robbing a bank? No wonder you're an idiot.
The asst. A.G. (under Clinton) who arranged for the pardon of the most notorious corporate pirate in history at that time while he was on the FBI 10 most wanted and the same guy who arranged for the pardon and release of FALN terrorist bombers to pave the way for Hillary's run for the US senate and the same A.G. under Obama who is accused of the gun running scheme that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Mexican civilians and a Border Patrol officer wants to charge republican Scott Walker with a violation of the "campaign finance act" that nobody ever heard of? No surprises here.

Yup. They will dig long and hard to smear any Rep while conveniently forgetting all their own wrongdoing.

Walker rocks and I'm sure he'll still be the Gov long after the lefty loons have left the building, LOL
So, the Governor of Wisconsin, as a leading Republican in the State, and in countering a concerted Recall effort by the Democrats, participated in discussions and activities designed to ensure that his own party weathered the Recall Storm in the best shape possible?

Did I get that right?

If so...

Why is that illegal?

I admit to complete ignorance in the matter.

Anybody care to serve-up a workable layman's description of why that is considered wrongdoing?

Because the law says that these "independent" groups and the campaigns can't coordinate messages or strategies.

Which was clearly done here.

Incidentally, I think the recalls were a horrible idea. There's a time and a place to register your disdain for policy, and that's a regular election.

But it seems Walker broke the law here, and probably ended his Presidential hopes before they began. Which is too bad, he's a lot better than yet another Bush Rehash or some of the teabag crazies like Paul and Cruz.
So, the Governor of Wisconsin, as a leading Republican in the State, and in countering a concerted Recall effort by the Democrats, participated in discussions and activities designed to ensure that his own party weathered the Recall Storm in the best shape possible?

Did I get that right?

If so...

Why is that illegal?

I admit to complete ignorance in the matter.

Anybody care to serve-up a workable layman's description of why that is considered wrongdoing?

Because the law says that these "independent" groups and the campaigns can't coordinate messages or strategies.

Which was clearly done here.

Incidentally, I think the recalls were a horrible idea. There's a time and a place to register your disdain for policy, and that's a regular election.

But it seems Walker broke the law here, and probably ended his Presidential hopes before they began. Which is too bad, he's a lot better than yet another Bush Rehash or some of the teabag crazies like Paul and Cruz.
He did not break the law. No one has proven anything. On the flip side the anti Walker forces have lost several court cases already.
It is a patent witch hunt in an attempt to derail Walker's presidential hopes. Where's that "politics of personal destruction" hillary was yammering about?
So, the Governor of Wisconsin, as a leading Republican in the State, and in countering a concerted Recall effort by the Democrats, participated in discussions and activities designed to ensure that his own party weathered the Recall Storm in the best shape possible?

Did I get that right?

If so...

Why is that illegal?

I admit to complete ignorance in the matter.

Anybody care to serve-up a workable layman's description of why that is considered wrongdoing?

Because the law says that these "independent" groups and the campaigns can't coordinate messages or strategies.

Which was clearly done here.

Incidentally, I think the recalls were a horrible idea. There's a time and a place to register your disdain for policy, and that's a regular election.

But it seems Walker broke the law here, and probably ended his Presidential hopes before they began. Which is too bad, he's a lot better than yet another Bush Rehash or some of the teabag crazies like Paul and Cruz.
He did not break the law. No one has proven anything. On the flip side the anti Walker forces have lost several court cases already.
It is a patent witch hunt in an attempt to derail Walker's presidential hopes. Where's that "politics of personal destruction" hillary was yammering about?

LOL They've tried to bury him and he's kicked their asses every time but they keep trying. From what I've been reading several Federal Judges have kicked this case to the curb more than once but the left just keep trying.

Ultimately it will be up to the voters if he's re-elected or not.
The good thing is that once Walker becomes President he can turn the full power of the federal government against all his domestic enemies.

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Mal, the case was dismissed.

Doesn't matter... The Media and the Dems will hammer this all the way to Election.



Actually it the attorney general of his state thats going after him ... he's not a liberal or a democrat ... he's one of the loser republicans:lol::lol::lol:

well, you know, righties aren't supposed to be prosecuted for their criminal acts.... but democrats are supposed to be tossed from their jobs for anything and everything...

because, well, you know....
So, the Governor of Wisconsin, as a leading Republican in the State, and in countering a concerted Recall effort by the Democrats, participated in discussions and activities designed to ensure that his own party weathered the Recall Storm in the best shape possible?

Did I get that right?

If so...

Why is that illegal?

I admit to complete ignorance in the matter.

Anybody care to serve-up a workable layman's description of why that is considered wrongdoing?

Because the law says that these "independent" groups and the campaigns can't coordinate messages or strategies.

Which was clearly done here.

Incidentally, I think the recalls were a horrible idea. There's a time and a place to register your disdain for policy, and that's a regular election.

But it seems Walker broke the law here, and probably ended his Presidential hopes before they began. Which is too bad, he's a lot better than yet another Bush Rehash or some of the teabag crazies like Paul and Cruz.
He did not break the law. No one has proven anything. On the flip side the anti Walker forces have lost several court cases already.
It is a patent witch hunt in an attempt to derail Walker's presidential hopes. Where's that "politics of personal destruction" hillary was yammering about?
they won the released of 266 emails that show him working with these people where he said he had no Idea of their collusion, you fool ... now they have a smoking gun ... the fact that you can't admit he's toast now is your problem ... I would say his days are numbered ...
Putting the allegations aside for a moment......does anyone think that Walker has been an effective Governor?

it depends if you dropping job creation numbers make him effective.

# 37 out of 50 in 2013
# 36 out of 50 in 2012
# 35 out of 50 in 2013

Our View | Wisconsin Economy - Lousy job growth and Gov. Scott Walker

but if you think being effective is destroying the working class, busting unions and enacting a rightwingnut theocratic agenda, then he's doing his job.
Usually, the dudes that look smarmy....... are. McConnell, Reid, Cantor, Darryl Issa ,,,,,,,Pelosi, Walker....................................all douche.

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