Scott Walker: "Min. wage serves no purpose"

1% of working americans make minimum wage-------------this is much ado about nothing. But the dems think it will rally their base----------it won't.
What percent of workers make less than they can support a family on and require taxpayers to make up the difference?

Who decides who qualifies for welfare and what they get? The companies? Obviously not, why is it their job to implement your social policy? It isn't...
By paying a wage that requires the taxpayer to support their workforce, they make profit at the taxpayers expense
Not my problem if my workers can't afford to live here....let the taxpayer make up the difference
No. They pay a wage that allows the worker to be only partially dependent on gov't It is nt the company's fault that the worker isnt worth more than min wage. Or that gov't thinks it's being generous by offering food stamps etc.
They are allowed to pay an artificially low wage because the taxpayer subsidizes those wages and employers keep the difference

LOL, market wages are "artifically low." There is only one way to pay an "artificially" low wage, that is if government forces workers to work. When Walmart offers, they accept and show up for work, then it's just idiotic to call that wage "artificially low." It's what they are worth.
You take some guy who's 17yrs old. Maybe he's got a drug conviction as well. Maybe he can't read well. Maybe he can't add or subtract. Maybe he wont show up all the time. Or if he does he's not dressed appropriately or not sober.
Why should he be worth any more than 5/hr? If that. I might have a job that I'd rather pay someone 2/hr to do and if he does it, great. If not, no big deal.
Now. Take the same guy, train him so he can show up on time clean and sober, and maybe he's worth 7/hr. Give him some remedial tutoring in math and English and now maybe he's worh 8/hr. When he gets the memo that employers pay for performance and he busts his chops and you know he'll be there ready and able to do the job, OK now he's worth 10-15/hr.

Hiring him is your first mistake. Pretending that, considering your attitude, you're actually going to invest your time to develop him is your second mistake. Let's be honest, we both know you're not going to waste your time on him. And rightfully so, because trying to prove me wrong and investing that time would be your third mistake.
Wow, that was incoherent even for you.
What I described happens every single fucking day.
To Liberals, the government should do that and ignore all the laws of supply/demand.

As with everything, if you let it go unchecked, it will explode. And with minimum wage, it's the same.

All people are saying is, the basic wage that someone can earn is at a level which doesn't kill them. If an employer doesn't want to hire someone for that money, then they don't have to. Supply and demand still stands/

If the employer hires anyone, it is at a minimum level which the government has set not what the employer set. When a minimum is in place at all, supply and demand is out of whack. Supply and demand dictates the wage not an employer hiring at it.
It is nt the company's fault that the worker isnt worth more than min wage.

But this assumes an altruistic employer. Which is an unjustifiable assumption. Employers don't pay people what they are "worth." They pay people what they will settle for. And this is the point that both sides routinely ignore, and it is why both sides are habitually wrong with their arguments.
The average age of those affected by raising the wage to $10.10 is 35...Fox etc didn't tell you it's 2014, and after 32 years of voodoo turning us into service workers...the country is screwed. Great job!
LOL, market wages are "artifically low." There is only one way to pay an "artificially" low wage, that is if government forces workers to work.

Not really. He's right, wages are artificially low. But what he won't accept is the number one reason they are so: Illegal immigrants.
It is nt the company's fault that the worker isnt worth more than min wage.

But this assumes an altruistic employer. Which is an unjustifiable assumption. Employers don't pay people what they are "worth." They pay people what they will settle for. And this is the point that both sides routinely ignore, and it is why both sides are habitually wrong with their arguments.
Unions are ruined, the greatest generation of business leaders are long gone- today they're too often money grubbing, greedy, short-sighted , screw the workers, polluting a-holes- Pubs.
LOL, market wages are "artifically low." There is only one way to pay an "artificially" low wage, that is if government forces workers to work.

Not really. He's right, wages are artificially low. But what he won't accept is the number one reason they are so: Illegal immigrants.
Pubs just love illegal, easily bullied workers. They have refused a good SS/ID card for years, while distracting the hater dupes with unconstitutional harassment laws and a useless, un-American Berlin Wall.
a useless, un-American Berlin Wall.

right!! we have no right to control our border like a real country! Liberals want amnesty and open borders because it is worth votes to them just like their ever growing welfare programs are worth votes to them.
A good SS/ID card as in the Schumer/Lindsay Graham immigration bill is the only solution that will work. Pubs aren't really for anything but pulling the wool over the eyes of hater dupes...see the Pub health care plan (ACA).
LOL, market wages are "artifically low." There is only one way to pay an "artificially" low wage, that is if government forces workers to work.

Not really. He's right, wages are artificially low. But what he won't accept is the number one reason they are so: Illegal immigrants.

So if people have better offers than Walmart, why are they taking the walmart jobs? That makes no sense, Homey.
LOL, market wages are "artifically low." There is only one way to pay an "artificially" low wage, that is if government forces workers to work.

Not really. He's right, wages are artificially low. But what he won't accept is the number one reason they are so: Illegal immigrants.
Pubs just love illegal, easily bullied workers. They have refused a good SS/ID card for years, while distracting the hater dupes with unconstitutional harassment laws and a useless, un-American Berlin Wall.

So you're chastising me for illegal immigration, which you dumb asses want and I oppose? WTF?

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