Scott Walker: "Min. wage serves no purpose"

1% of working americans make minimum wage-------------this is much ado about nothing. But the dems think it will rally their base----------it won't.
What percent of workers make less than they can support a family on and require taxpayers to make up the difference?

Don't have a family if you can't afford one, duh!
How about young soldiers and their families? They leave service and try to reenter the workforce and still can't support their families
Do you want to take their kids away?
1% of working americans make minimum wage-------------this is much ado about nothing. But the dems think it will rally their base----------it won't.
What percent of workers make less than they can support a family on and require taxpayers to make up the difference?

Who decides who qualifies for welfare and what they get? The companies? Obviously not, why is it their job to implement your social policy? It isn't...
By paying a wage that requires the taxpayer to support their workforce, they make profit at the taxpayers expense
Not my problem if my workers can't afford to live here....let the taxpayer make up the difference
No. They pay a wage that allows the worker to be only partially dependent on gov't It is nt the company's fault that the worker isnt worth more than min wage. Or that gov't thinks it's being generous by offering food stamps etc.
1% of working americans make minimum wage-------------this is much ado about nothing. But the dems think it will rally their base----------it won't.
What percent of workers make less than they can support a family on and require taxpayers to make up the difference?

Don't have a family if you can't afford one, duh!
How about young soldiers and their families? They leave service and try to reenter the workforce and still can't support their families
Do you want to take their kids away?
How many soldiers come back and take min wage jobs?
1% of working americans make minimum wage-------------this is much ado about nothing. But the dems think it will rally their base----------it won't.
What percent of workers make less than they can support a family on and require taxpayers to make up the difference?

Don't have a family if you can't afford one, duh!
How about young soldiers and their families? They leave service and try to reenter the workforce and still can't support their families
Do you want to take their kids away?

LOL How many soldiers leave the military and don't get a pretty good job? Any that don't, made bad choices, that's their problem.
1% of working americans make minimum wage-------------this is much ado about nothing. But the dems think it will rally their base----------it won't.
What percent of workers make less than they can support a family on and require taxpayers to make up the difference?

Who decides who qualifies for welfare and what they get? The companies? Obviously not, why is it their job to implement your social policy? It isn't...
By paying a wage that requires the taxpayer to support their workforce, they make profit at the taxpayers expense
Not my problem if my workers can't afford to live here....let the taxpayer make up the difference

People won't pay your bills for you by choice,which is why you run to government to do it with force. Then you blame the victim.
1% of working americans make minimum wage-------------this is much ado about nothing. But the dems think it will rally their base----------it won't.
What percent of workers make less than they can support a family on and require taxpayers to make up the difference?

Don't have a family if you can't afford one, duh!

Personal responsibility? You'll get nowhere with RW with that one...
If you're here I couldn't be the stupidest person on the board.
You might see Mom N Pop stores coming back. With limited selection and higher prices, which is why they went out of business in the first place.
Gee, business is sort of hard for you to figure out, isnt it?

That doesn't support your claim that Walmart creates jobs that wouldn't otherwise exist. In fact you've helped prove how wrong you were.
They obviously create jobs that wouldnt exist. Only an idiot couldn't see that.
Oh, wait. Look who I'm talking to.

Then how is that we had supermarkets and discount department stores around here, employing thousands, before Walmart ever showed up?

Walmart doesn't create jobs in retail, all else being equal. It just moves them from other retailers.
I gues we dont have supermarkets and discount stores anymrore. WHo knew?

When Walmart moved in across town from me, the big Kmart and the big P&C supermarket both closed.

You are so wrong. When the Wal Mart in our town build a new SuperCenter, it created 500 new jobs. They actively had to move people into the area to run it.

Now true, a few local businesses ended up shutting down, but it was still a net gain of a few hundred jobs.
1% of working americans make minimum wage-------------this is much ado about nothing. But the dems think it will rally their base----------it won't.
What percent of workers make less than they can support a family on and require taxpayers to make up the difference?

Who decides who qualifies for welfare and what they get? The companies? Obviously not, why is it their job to implement your social policy? It isn't...
By paying a wage that requires the taxpayer to support their workforce, they make profit at the taxpayers expense
Not my problem if my workers can't afford to live here....let the taxpayer make up the difference
No. They pay a wage that allows the worker to be only partially dependent on gov't It is nt the company's fault that the worker isnt worth more than min wage. Or that gov't thinks it's being generous by offering food stamps etc.
They are allowed to pay an artificially low wage because the taxpayer subsidizes those wages and employers keep the difference
1% of working americans make minimum wage-------------this is much ado about nothing. But the dems think it will rally their base----------it won't.
What percent of workers make less than they can support a family on and require taxpayers to make up the difference?

Don't have a family if you can't afford one, duh!
How about young soldiers and their families? They leave service and try to reenter the workforce and still can't support their families
Do you want to take their kids away?
How many soldiers come back and take min wage jobs?
How many active duty soldiers require food stamps?
How many need public assistance once they leave the military?
1% of working americans make minimum wage-------------this is much ado about nothing. But the dems think it will rally their base----------it won't.
What percent of workers make less than they can support a family on and require taxpayers to make up the difference?

Don't have a family if you can't afford one, duh!
How about young soldiers and their families? They leave service and try to reenter the workforce and still can't support their families
Do you want to take their kids away?
How many soldiers come back and take min wage jobs?
How many active duty soldiers require food stamps?
How many need public assistance once they leave the military?

Active duty soldiers have NOTHING to do with the minimum wage

Those who leave the military and can't find a good paying private sector job fucked up somewhere alone the line, period.
1% of working americans make minimum wage-------------this is much ado about nothing. But the dems think it will rally their base----------it won't.
What percent of workers make less than they can support a family on and require taxpayers to make up the difference?

Who decides who qualifies for welfare and what they get? The companies? Obviously not, why is it their job to implement your social policy? It isn't...
By paying a wage that requires the taxpayer to support their workforce, they make profit at the taxpayers expense
Not my problem if my workers can't afford to live here....let the taxpayer make up the difference
No. They pay a wage that allows the worker to be only partially dependent on gov't It is nt the company's fault that the worker isnt worth more than min wage. Or that gov't thinks it's being generous by offering food stamps etc.
They are allowed to pay an artificially low wage because the taxpayer subsidizes those wages and employers keep the difference
Rabbi Rules #2!
1% of working americans make minimum wage-------------this is much ado about nothing. But the dems think it will rally their base----------it won't.
What percent of workers make less than they can support a family on and require taxpayers to make up the difference?

Don't have a family if you can't afford one, duh!
How about young soldiers and their families? They leave service and try to reenter the workforce and still can't support their families
Do you want to take their kids away?
How many soldiers come back and take min wage jobs?
How many active duty soldiers require food stamps?
How many need public assistance once they leave the military?
I dont know. Instead of changing the topic why dont you post some answers?
I doubt anyone that works for minimum wages would say that the minimum wage serves no purpose.

Anyone that makes more than minimum wage is in no position to suggest what purpose MW has on the worker that depends on minimum wage.
The only purpose for the MW is to give Democrats something to beat over the head of Republicans, plain and simple.

September 9, 2014
How Democrats Use the Minimum Wage Issue To Exploit The Poor
By Michael Bargo, Jr.

The Democrat Party of the U.S. has gained and kept political power by portraying themselves to the masses of people as the only political party that cares about the working middle class and the vulnerable poor. You need us, Democrats love to say at every election cycle, to help you achieve a better life. And as the November election nears, they are once again bringing up the minimum wage issue. Their position is that the Republicans are too insensitive to the needs of the poor to raise the minimum wage. Voters must elect Democrats in order to see a minimum pay raise.

But at some point American voters, particularly the working middle class and poor, may begin to wonder whether or not Democrats are incompetent or something else is at play. The plain truth is: we have a president who now boasts that he can do anything he wants by using his “pen and phone.” He does not need to pass laws through Congress. Indeed, he has been the least cooperative with the House of Representatives of any president in recent American history.

He has usurped Congressional powers granted to Congress by the Constitution. There are two things he could do with his powerful pen and phone about the minimum wage right now. First, he could issue one of his legendary Executive Orders and remove all Federal income taxes and payroll taxes, including Social Security and Medicare, from anyone earning less than fifteen dollars per hour. Secondly, he could raise the Federal minimum wage, at the stroke of his pen, to fifteen dollars an hour, the wage the SEIU have pursued.

Either one of these moves would instantly put more money into the pockets of those who earn just enough to keep themselves in poverty. But he chooses to not do so. In fact, in typical Democratic leadership style, he blames others.

As I have stated here before, he learned his leadership style from the mayors of Chicago, his political alma mater, and the tactics of the Democrat Party of Illinois. And the best way to see what he learned, and understand what Democrats do to exploit the poor with the minimum wage issue, is to see what’s going on in the state of Illinois right now.

Read more: Articles How Democrats Use the Minimum Wage Issue To Exploit The Poor
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Sounds like US politics to me. Both sides making out they are needed, both sides being controlled by big business which works for big business and against the people/

When will people learn? They won't learn by Tuesday, that's a certainty.

You're habitually addicted to drugs and alcohol. That's the only thing I was able to manage out of all that jibberish.

OH! Well that's hysterical. I've managed to out your desire to deflect from the argument through baseless projections, as you've no means to engage the argument and hope to rally those who you feel already agree with you, toward some demonstration of popular 'consensus'.

Which, as lame as it is, is all ya could really hope for.

You have to have an actual argument. You provided unintelligible jibberish.[sic]

The word is "gibberish". Ironic, huh?

'Dontcha' HATE IT WHEN that happens?

And wouldn't it be wonderful, for you... if reason provided that one could reasonably claim that positions expressed within the same language and syntax one uses to express their own 'feelings'; except with correct spelling, fo course... were unintelligible?

MAN! LOL! Would that make it nice or WHAT?

Sadly... reason doesn't provide for such, thus your 'feelings' are unreasonable. Which must suck; again, for you... given your limited options.

But... with that said... your attempt to deflect from the numerous and respective standing points represent your having fled from those points, thus represent your having now conceded TO THOSE POINTS. And with that I duly recognize your respective concessions and summarily accept, same.

See how that works?
Last edited:
You take some guy who's 17yrs old. Maybe he's got a drug conviction as well. Maybe he can't read well. Maybe he can't add or subtract. Maybe he wont show up all the time. Or if he does he's not dressed appropriately or not sober.
Why should he be worth any more than 5/hr? If that. I might have a job that I'd rather pay someone 2/hr to do and if he does it, great. If not, no big deal.
Now. Take the same guy, train him so he can show up on time clean and sober, and maybe he's worth 7/hr. Give him some remedial tutoring in math and English and now maybe he's worh 8/hr. When he gets the memo that employers pay for performance and he busts his chops and you know he'll be there ready and able to do the job, OK now he's worth 10-15/hr.

Hiring him is your first mistake. Pretending that, considering your attitude, you're actually going to invest your time to develop him is your second mistake. Let's be honest, we both know you're not going to waste your time on him. And rightfully so, because trying to prove me wrong and investing that time would be your third mistake.
Definitely hitting the bottle.
ANOTHER Concession?

How positively sweet of ya!

Sound reasoning never requires validation, but it is always nice, when it comes along. Mighty white of ya!
You take some guy who's 17yrs old. Maybe he's got a drug conviction as well. Maybe he can't read well. Maybe he can't add or subtract. Maybe he wont show up all the time. Or if he does he's not dressed appropriately or not sober.
Why should he be worth any more than 5/hr? If that. I might have a job that I'd rather pay someone 2/hr to do and if he does it, great. If not, no big deal.
Now. Take the same guy, train him so he can show up on time clean and sober, and maybe he's worth 7/hr. Give him some remedial tutoring in math and English and now maybe he's worh 8/hr. When he gets the memo that employers pay for performance and he busts his chops and you know he'll be there ready and able to do the job, OK now he's worth 10-15/hr.

Hiring him is your first mistake. Pretending that, considering your attitude, you're actually going to invest your time to develop him is your second mistake. Let's be honest, we both know you're not going to waste your time on him. And rightfully so, because trying to prove me wrong and investing that time would be your third mistake.

You truly are clueless, in every respect and upon on every level aren't you?

Is there ANYTHING upon which you feel that you're expert? If so, what would that be?
When Living Wage Is Minimum Wage FiveThirtyEight


When Living Wage Is Minimum Wage

A generation ago, people making the minimum wage were largely teenagers. Today, as President Obama pushes to give 25 million low-wage workers a raise, that’s no longer true.

The minimum wage debate hinges on an essential question: Who would be affected by an increase? If minimum-wage workers were mostly teenagers and others supplementing their household income, as Republicans have often argued, a raise would have different implications than if these workers were mostly adults struggling to raise a family, as many Democrats contend.

Census data reveals that more than half of all workers now earning below President Obama’s proposed minimum wage of $10.10 per hour are trying to support themselves. It’s true that low-wage workers tend to be younger than the population as a whole, and that many of them are teenagers. But a significant and growing minority are also trying to raise children of their own.

Finding information on who would be affected by an increase in the minimum wage is surprisingly difficult. The Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes an annual report that gives a breakdown of minimum-wage earners by age, sex, education and other factors. But the report does not distinguish, for example, between a 22-year-old single mom trying to feed her kids and a 22-year-old college student working a few shifts to keep her debt manageable.

Worse, the official report provides no information on people who earn just above the minimum wage — even though that group dwarfs minimum-wage workers. To learn more about this larger group, we have to look at the Current Population Survey, a monthly review conducted by the Census Bureau, which allows for a much more detailed analysis of the low-wage workforce.1

According to the survey, in 2013 more than 25 million people earned less than $10.10 an hour, which amounts to an annual salary of roughly $21,000. That’s nearly eight times the number of Americans who work for the current minimum wage of $7.25 an hour or less.2 Low-wage workers tend to be older than their minimum-wage counterparts: Nearly 60 percent, or 15 million Americans, of this group is 25 years old or older compared to about half of minimum-wage workers.3

What we really want to know, however, isn’t how old these workers are — it’s how many of them are trying to support themselves and their families on these wages. To estimate that number, we first need to define what we mean by “supporting themselves.” We’ll start by eliminating both teenagers and retirees from our count, limiting ourselves to people between the ages of 20 and 64. A substantial — and increasing — number of young adults are living with their parents, so we’ll also exclude anyone under 30 whose parent is in the same household.4 A trickier question is how to handle multiple-earner households; we’ll include anyone who is unmarried, whose spouse is absent or doesn’t work, or whose spouse is also a low-wage worker.5

Based on that definition, there were 13 million Americans, out of the 25 million low-wage earners, who were trying to support themselves on less than $10.10 per hour in 2013.6 Some 4.5 million of them were also raising children.7
In other words, the nonrich and the country are going to hell under Reaganism/Voodoo. see sig pp1.

The only proven way to keep CEO pay down is with high tax rates on the uber-rich. The money should be used to invest in jobs, infrastructure, and training for 3 million tech jobs going begging. Voodoo is DUMB, only benefits greedy stupid Pubs, dupes.

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