Scottish independence


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
"Britain is for the rich. Scotland can be ours."

That is a nice slogan. That apart, the article below counts five reasons that may make Scottish independence a possibility.


None of this is supposed to be happening at all. Better Together is supported by every major media outlet in Scotland as well as in London. It has the full research resources of the British government and the backing of big business. Yet there now seems to be an irresistible momentum towards yes.

This week saw polls showing a massive eight-point swing to yes in the last month alone, with women and Labour voters leading the way. Photos of people queueing up to register to vote in Glasgow have been circulating. Maybe they were people queueing up to defend the union? Aye, right.


Scottish independence 5 reasons yes is winning Mike Small Comment is free
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Would be like the south voting for their independence from the US. We all know how that worked out...
Would be like the south voting for their independence from the US. We all know how that worked out...

Right. Like Ukraine voting for independence from their "progressive" neighbors. That could have gone better, but all in all it's progressed OK. I'd like to see Scotland gain independence. To hell with England. They hate the US and they've made life miserable on the Irish and Scots. The English are a smug irrelevancy kowtowing to their radical Islamic minority. They don't matter anymore. That's why they're so angry at the world, especially at people who do matter, like Americans.
"Britain is for the rich. Scotland can be ours."

That is a nice slogan. That apart, the article below counts five reasons that may make Scottish independence a possibility.


None of this is supposed to be happening at all. Better Together is supported by every major media outlet in Scotland as well as in London. It has the full research resources of the British government and the backing of big business. Yet there now seems to be an irresistible momentum towards yes.

This week saw polls showing a massive eight-point swing to yes in the last month alone, with women and Labour voters leading the way. Photos of people queueing up to register to vote in Glasgow have been circulating. Maybe they were people queueing up to defend the union? Aye, right.


Scottish independence 5 reasons yes is winning Mike Small Comment is free

When the scots get a subsidy of £2000 a year each no one can claim that Britain is richer, isn't Scotlamd part of Britain along with Wales and N.I.
Scotland will have to form their own military. Maybe Russia can "stop by" in the future with some of their "little green men."
Scotland = Oil

Black Gold under the North Sea.

England is not going to let it go anywhere.
Then why are we so dependent on imported oil and gas, could it be that the Labour government gave it to Europe. Plus the reserves are running out while the oil to the south is still untapped
When the scots get a subsidy of £2000 a year each no one can claim that Britain is richer, isn't Scotlamd part of Britain along with Wales and N.I.

Apparently, great number of Scots do not feel like they are a part of UK. Economically speaking, it makes sense for Scotland to go independent. This way they do not have to subsidize ailing English economy.
It seems like Olympic Committee is trying to intimidate Scottish nationalists.


An independent Scotland will not be able to compete in the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, a senior Games official has warned.
Olympic Committee vice president Sir Craig Reedie said Scottish athletes were highly unlikely to be able to represent their new country at the next games if the country votes for independence next week.
Sir Craig, who is also president of the World Anti-Doping Agency, said there would not be enough time between Scottish independence in March 2016 and the start of the Games that summer to allow Scotland into the event.
The revelation comes amid mounting concern in Westminster over a surge in support for independence.
A poll for Sunday Times put the ‘Yes’ camp ahead on 51 per cent to the No camp's 49 per cent.
Panicking Westminster politicians have drawn up a last-minute plan to save the union – promising Scotland sweeping new powers on tax and welfare.
The prospect of missing out on the world’s biggest sporting event will offer the ‘No’ to independence camp further ammunition against separation.
For Scotland to be allowed to compete, the country’s new sporting body will have to show that it is ‘an independent nation recognised by the international community’.
But because of the short time frame between independence and the opening of the Games, Sir Craig told the Observer he thought it would be ‘very, very difficult’ for a newly independent Scottish team to take part.

Read more: Scottish sports stars face Rio 2016 Olympic ban if voters back independence Mail Online
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When the scots get a subsidy of £2000 a year each no one can claim that Britain is richer, isn't Scotlamd part of Britain along with Wales and N.I.

Apparently, great number of Scots do not feel like they are a part of UK. Economically speaking, it makes sense for Scotland to go independent. This way they do not have to subsidize ailing English economy.

By voting yes they will save the British economy over £200,000,000 a year in subsidies alone, then there is the cost to the NHS treating alcoholism and alcohol related injuries. And not forgetting the welfare bills for the unemployed. No wonder the economy is ailing when the English tax payers have to bail out the feckless Scots all the time. Give them 18 months and they will be begging to re=join the union because they listened to a racist half wit
When the scots get a subsidy of £2000 a year each no one can claim that Britain is richer, isn't Scotlamd part of Britain along with Wales and N.I.

Apparently, great number of Scots do not feel like they are a part of UK. Economically speaking, it makes sense for Scotland to go independent. This way they do not have to subsidize ailing English economy.
I support Scottish independence, but if anything the English have bent over backwards to accommodate the Scottish as part of the Union from subsidizing their social welfare to the disproportionate representation Scotland gets in the Parliament. The SNP and Alex Salmond are completely delusional in their campaign promises for an independent Scotland.
I personally wish Scottish people good luck. At least nobody is going to start a war against them because of their referendum. Unlikely in Ukraine, which started exterminating its SE just because they had had their referendum and with huge majority said "NO!" to Kiev and their Nazi regime. You would think that all the progressive mankind should stop that genocide and blame Kiev for its aggression towards its own citizens? Surprise: the world is doing completely opposite...
Union between Scotland and England was a union of convenience. The union was formed to exploit the colonies. It was Scotland which provided foot soldiers for most of the British colonial conquests. The wealth that both English and Scottish acquired from their joint colonial efforts convinced Scots about the merit of the union. But thing is colonies are long gone now. Money is tight.

Norway had about the same amount of oil Scotland has but unlike Scotland, Norway being a free nation was able to invest profit from oil sale into Norwegian economy. Look at results today. Norway has extremely high standard of living. On the contrary, Scotland is in bad shape. Why? Because, Scottish oil went to London. In about ten days, we will know the fate of Scotland. I personally do not care what the outcome would be. It is up to Scottish people whether they want to become free and take control of their destiny or they want to stick with the union and complaint about how unhappy they are.

Look at Ireland. There was a time when British people used to make fun of Irish people. But Ireland stuck to its character and spirit. They are doing pretty well today. And to make a point, Ireland did not have to engage in grand military conquest of any nation. They did it on their own. They could have easily joined Britain and provided foot soldiers just like Scots did but they did not.

At the end, truth always triumphs.
Union between Scotland and England was a union of convenience. The union was formed to exploit the colonies. It was Scotland which provided foot soldiers for most of the British colonial conquests. The wealth that both English and Scottish acquired from their joint colonial efforts convinced Scots about the merit of the union. But thing is colonies are long gone now. Money is tight.

Norway had about the same amount of oil Scotland has but unlike Scotland, Norway being a free nation was able to invest profit from oil sale into Norwegian economy. Look at results today. Norway has extremely high standard of living. On the contrary, Scotland is in bad shape. Why? Because, Scottish oil went to London. In about ten days, we will know the fate of Scotland. I personally do not care what the outcome would be. It is up to Scottish people whether they want to become free and take control of their destiny or they want to stick with the union and complaint about how unhappy they are.

Look at Ireland. There was a time when British people used to make fun of Irish people. But Ireland stuck to its character and spirit. They are doing pretty well today. And to make a point, Ireland did not have to engage in grand military conquest of any nation. They did it on their own. They could have easily joined Britain and provided foot soldiers just like Scots did but they did not.

At the end, truth always triumphs.

What a load of crap the union was formed when Scotland went bankrupt and came to England for help. A deal was struck for Scotland to become part of the UK while keeping its own identity and laws. This was acceptable and so Scotland joined the union as an equal partner after England had bailed them out. It was only with the rise of Scots nationalism and the inherent racism produced that certain hot headed Scots decided they wanted to be free of England while still keeping the money flowing in. What should have happened when Scotland devolved from the rest of Britain is the £2500 subsidy granted to every Scot should have ceased and they should have received a proportional amount of the money raised from Scots taxes and the ability to raise their own taxes on top. This would have shown just how much Scotland is indebted to Great Britain and how much the racist SNP is lying to the Scots people.

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