SCOTUS 4-4 decision hands public sector unions a victory

Not my problem if you can't even wipe your own ass.

As usual, a dumb Liberal missed the point. You are worth hiring and don't have the skills to even be able to do that.

That's OK. I'm doing just fine without the pocket change involved in dealing with you. I'm retired anyway, but my last bonus was more than you probably gross.

Like others liars who have made similar claims, you are expected to prove it. None of the others have proven it with facts yet they still make the claim. Where's the proof liar?

I don't care what you believe.

Apparently you don't care that you can't prove your claim. LIAR.

I've never really worried about what RWNJs might think. They have so many crazy misconceptions anyway.
As usual, a dumb Liberal missed the point. You are worth hiring and don't have the skills to even be able to do that.

That's OK. I'm doing just fine without the pocket change involved in dealing with you. I'm retired anyway, but my last bonus was more than you probably gross.

Like others liars who have made similar claims, you are expected to prove it. None of the others have proven it with facts yet they still make the claim. Where's the proof liar?

I don't care what you believe.

Apparently you don't care that you can't prove your claim. LIAR.

I've never really worried about what RWNJs might think. They have so many crazy misconceptions anyway.

Apparently you don't care about being a liar. You've proven yourself to be one.

Crazy misconceptions? YOU made a claim and were expected to provide proof of it. You refused and try to make yourself out to be a victim. Actually, you are a victim. You're a victim of being a dumbass LYING Liberal.

I never really expected you to have the guts to prove it. I did expect you to continue to think I should believe you simply because you said it. Doesn't work that way son. You either have proof of your claim or you don't. Since you don't, your claim has been dismissed.
That's OK. I'm doing just fine without the pocket change involved in dealing with you. I'm retired anyway, but my last bonus was more than you probably gross.

Like others liars who have made similar claims, you are expected to prove it. None of the others have proven it with facts yet they still make the claim. Where's the proof liar?

I don't care what you believe.

Apparently you don't care that you can't prove your claim. LIAR.

I've never really worried about what RWNJs might think. They have so many crazy misconceptions anyway.

Apparently you don't care about being a liar. You've proven yourself to be one.

Crazy misconceptions? YOU made a claim and were expected to provide proof of it. You refused and try to make yourself out to be a victim. Actually, you are a victim. You're a victim of being a dumbass LYING Liberal.

I never really expected you to have the guts to prove it. I did expect you to continue to think I should believe you simply because you said it. Doesn't work that way son. You either have proof of your claim or you don't. Since you don't, your claim has been dismissed.

Again, what you believe doesn't matter to me.
It took unions to give you the 5 day work week, health and safety on the job, and the end to child labor. Of course, you being a taker, you don't appreciate their sacrifice.

I'll add you to the list of those that aren't worth hiring.

You couldn't afford me.

No, I don't hire shit. I hire those worth hiring and you have yet to prove you could be hired to wipe my ass.

Not my problem if you can't even wipe your own ass.

As usual, a dumb Liberal missed the point. You are worth hiring and don't have the skills to even be able to do that.

It took unions to give you the 5 day work week, health and safety on the job, and the end to child labor. Of course, you being a taker, you don't appreciate their sacrifice.
Unions are victims of their own success because virtually everything they fought for is now encoded into the law. They have failed to evolve with the times, however, and find themselves increasingly irrelevant in today's work world. If they ever figure out it's not 1953 any more, they may find a real purpose again.
Great news for workers ,bad news for RWNJs

(CNN) In an unexpected victory for union supporters, the Supreme Court said Tuesday it was evenly divided in a case concerning public sector unions, and therefore it affirmed the lower court decision in organized labor's favor.

Supreme Court's tie decision hands public sector unions a victory -

This particular case doesn't seem like a big deal. I agree that public sector employees shouldn't have to pay stupid union fees.
And as usual the court simply shows it's political partisanship instead of interpreting law.

Darn straight. The SCOTUS conservatives have to stop being partisan and start acting like real judges.
As in let the SCOTUS partisan liberals make a mockery of the bench? The mere fact that they are so easily identified as partisans is the problem.
So you agree that the conservative judges are partisan.
They are all partisan.
The entire SCOTUS should be replaced by a computer that is programmed to interpret law, and has no personal biases or agendas.
And as usual the court simply shows it's political partisanship instead of interpreting law.

Darn straight. The SCOTUS conservatives have to stop being partisan and start acting like real judges.
As in let the SCOTUS partisan liberals make a mockery of the bench? The mere fact that they are so easily identified as partisans is the problem.
So you agree that the conservative judges are partisan.
I agree that the court is being pressured to act in a partisan fashion instead of holding laws up to the plain language of the constitution, and that Obama's appointments have been nakedly partisan.
They are all partisan.
The entire SCOTUS should be replaced by a computer that is programmed to interpret law, and has no personal biases or agendas.
Actually, how hard would that be? Basically, the court now heads into a case with a desired outcome, and the legal gymnastics are really just looking for justification. For example, the infamous "It's a tax, now it's not a tax, now it's a tax again" debacle in the obamadon'tcare case.

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