SCOTUS gives Trump the proverbial Middle Finger.

Running total of those who realize the Trumpsters have been conned:
  1. Trump-appointed judges
  2. Republican Governors
  3. State Supreme Courts
  4. The SCOTUS, as of today
  5. And pretty fucking much everyone else
Conned? You just elected a dementia patient who wears two diapers

And you voted for a former reality TV game show host...twice!!
And you're still enabling him...and opening your wallets for him as well.

Sorry, what does that say about your side? :)
That my job and tripled 401k are very important to me, as is border protection, support of the military, police, and businesses.

And??...My career and 401K did very well during the Obama years as well...and he was the guy that handed that swell economy off to your savior.
Trump is still a reality TV game show host. Who rode an easy wave for three years until his presidency was tested...and he promptly failed spectacularly...why?
Because he's a former reality TV game show host with no political experience, no grasp of policy or how government is supposed to function, and worst of all,
he had no interest in actually doing the job. Just campaigning for it.
Swell economy? 94% part time jobs, huge increases for working folks on his healthcare welfare plan for the dregs...stock market never even close to the 30,000 it has hit under the President. Trump won BECAUSE of the 8 years of the Muslim in Chief and his racism and America hating.
And the unemployment, underemployment, and lack of participation right now is at the highest level since the depression. Apparently you are still trying to beat the dead horse of Reaganomics. Here's a clue for ya: when the food pantry lines stretch for miles and underemployment is at its highest point since the Great depression, while the stock market is setting records... we can be pretty sure trickle down economics was a GOP scam.
Running total of those who realize the Trumpsters have been conned:
  1. Trump-appointed judges
  2. Republican Governors
  3. State Supreme Courts
  4. The SCOTUS, as of today
  5. And pretty fucking much everyone else
Conned? You just elected a dementia patient who wears two diapers

And you voted for a former reality TV game show host...twice!!
And you're still enabling him...and opening your wallets for him as well.

Sorry, what does that say about your side? :)
That my job and tripled 401k are very important to me, as is border protection, support of the military, police, and businesses.

And??...My career and 401K did very well during the Obama years as well...and he was the guy that handed that swell economy off to your savior.
Trump is still a reality TV game show host. Who rode an easy wave for three years until his presidency was tested...and he promptly failed spectacularly...why?
Because he's a former reality TV game show host with no political experience, no grasp of policy or how government is supposed to function, and worst of all,
he had no interest in actually doing the job. Just campaigning for it.
Swell economy? 94% part time jobs, huge increases for working folks on his healthcare welfare plan for the dregs...stock market never even close to the 30,000 it has hit under the President. Trump won BECAUSE of the 8 years of the Muslim in Chief and his racism and America hating.

Something tells me you are have a TERRIBLE CHRISTMAS! Am I right?
Why? It will be with my family and not cowering in fear with a facediaper on.
That my job and tripled 401k are very important to me...
Really? Tripled? Wow, that's interesting.

Using the ETF SPY as a proxy, the stock market is up a total of 62.92% (not annualized, total) since the day Trump entered office. I'm pretty sure that's a long way away from "tripled".

I know that nothing you Trumpsters say can be believed (just like the man of your dreams), but you probably don't want to bullshit a financial advisor when lying about your "investments".
That my job and tripled 401k are very important to me...
Really? Tripled? Wow, that's interesting.

Using the EFT SPY as a proxy, the stock market is up a total of 62.92% (not annualized, total) since the day Trump entered office. I'm pretty sure that's a long way away from "tripled".

I know that nothing you Trumpsters say can be believed (just like the man of your dreams), but you probably don't want to bullshit a financial advisor when lying about your "investments".
These guys don't even remember how NOT to lie. I mean that, it's not a joke.

The SCOTUS rejects Trump's attempted coup against the United States of American and rejects the GOP bid to reverse Pennsylvania's election results.
Hard to overturn those fake leftyflu mailin ballots
Well if there was evidence that there were fake ballots then a court would take action. No evidence no action. All y’all got is empty words and accusations. Grow up
Give me a break. Trying to prove massive mailin fraud would be extremely difficult, almost a difficult as verifying some 130,000 mailins in just about 7 hours overnight by a handful of counters, all for Sleepy Joe.
If it can’t be proved then why is POTUS claiming that it happened like it’s fact. Rather irresponsible don’t you think?
Not really. I think anyone who was leading a state race by 130,000 votes at midnight and woke up at say 6 to see he was behind would question the results.....especially when it happened in multiple states and all the libbers only vote by leftyflu mailin.
It's not uncommon for late processing votes to reverse an election. In the Truman Dewey 1948 election, early returns gave Dewey such a large lead that the New York Times declared Dewey the winner and announced it in their headlines. Then as the night wore on and the farm vote and Midwest labor vote came in, Truman pulled ahead to win. In the current election it was the mail in vote which was very slow processing but heavily favored the democrats.
Last edited:

The SCOTUS rejects Trump's attempted coup against the United States of American and rejects the GOP bid to reverse Pennsylvania's election results.
Hard to overturn those fake leftyflu mailin ballots
Well if there was evidence that there were fake ballots then a court would take action. No evidence no action. All y’all got is empty words and accusations. Grow up
Give me a break. Trying to prove massive mailin fraud would be extremely difficult, almost a difficult as verifying some 130,000 mailins in just about 7 hours overnight by a handful of counters, all for Sleepy Joe.
If it can’t be proved then why is POTUS claiming that it happened like it’s fact. Rather irresponsible don’t you think?
Not really. I think anyone who was leading a state race by 130,000 votes at midnight and woke up at say 6 to see he was behind would question the results.....especially when it happened in multiple states and all the libbers only vote by leftyflu mailin.
That scenario was predicted to happen. Were you not paying attention? Dems promoted mail in. Trump didn’t. We all knew Trump would have the early majority of votes and then Biden would catch up with the mail ins. It was predicted and announced to happen prior to the election
Running total of those who realize the Trumpsters have been conned:
  1. Trump-appointed judges
  2. Republican Governors
  3. State Supreme Courts
  4. The SCOTUS, as of today
  5. And pretty fucking much everyone else
Conned? You just elected a dementia patient who wears two diapers

And you voted for a former reality TV game show host...twice!!
And you're still enabling him...and opening your wallets for him as well.

Sorry, what does that say about your side? :)
That my job and tripled 401k are very important to me, as is border protection, support of the military, police, and businesses.

And??...My career and 401K did very well during the Obama years as well...and he was the guy that handed that swell economy off to your savior.
Trump is still a reality TV game show host. Who rode an easy wave for three years until his presidency was tested...and he promptly failed spectacularly...why?
Because he's a former reality TV game show host with no political experience, no grasp of policy or how government is supposed to function, and worst of all,
he had no interest in actually doing the job. Just campaigning for it.
Swell economy? 94% part time jobs, huge increases for working folks on his healthcare welfare plan for the dregs...stock market never even close to the 30,000 it has hit under the President. Trump won BECAUSE of the 8 years of the Muslim in Chief and his racism and America hating.
And the unemployment, underemployment, and lack of participation right now is at the highest level since the depression. Apparently you are still trying to beat the dead horse of Reaganomics. Here's a clue for ya: when the food pantry lines stretch for miles and underemployment is at its highest point since the Great depression, while the stock market is setting records... we can be pretty sure trickle down economics was a GOP scam.
Your leftyflu hoax forced the shutdowns which we sane people were against.....unemployment was at its lowest and underemployment was doing much better than with Obammy when the fake flu shutdown took place. Your dregs loved making more money sitting at home than with any job they had....and now they still sit at home when jobs are plentiful because why work when the socialist regime don't want them to? You libbers are a whacked out bunch.
Trump is now 0-1 at the SCOTUS and 1-51 in all courts

View attachment 426708

There is zero chance of Trump winning in the SCOTUS.

Because these lawsuits are a joke.

Is it too early to say "See, I told you so"

i'm kinda fond of a well placed neener neener, myself.

The 3 phazes of Rump

Rump before Dec 8th

On December 8th

After Jan 20th 12:00 pm

The SCOTUS rejects Trump's attempted coup against the United States of American and rejects the GOP bid to reverse Pennsylvania's election results.
Hard to overturn those fake leftyflu mailin ballots
Well if there was evidence that there were fake ballots then a court would take action. No evidence no action. All y’all got is empty words and accusations. Grow up
Give me a break. Trying to prove massive mailin fraud would be extremely difficult, almost a difficult as verifying some 130,000 mailins in just about 7 hours overnight by a handful of counters, all for Sleepy Joe.
If it can’t be proved then why is POTUS claiming that it happened like it’s fact. Rather irresponsible don’t you think?
Not really. I think anyone who was leading a state race by 130,000 votes at midnight and woke up at say 6 to see he was behind would question the results.....especially when it happened in multiple states and all the libbers only vote by leftyflu mailin.
That scenario was predicted to happen. Were you not paying attention? Dems promoted mail in. Trump didn’t. We all knew Trump would have the early majority of votes and then Biden would catch up with the mail ins. It was predicted and announced to happen prior to the election
We all knew that, Dems are too lazy to really vote so the leftyflu mailin scam worked beautifully.
unemployment was at its lowest and underemployment was doing much better than with Obammy when the fake flu shutdown took place.
False, underemployment and non-participation were worse than under most of Obama's terms. And the recession began before the pandemic. We can actually measure these things. You guys who have forgotten how NOT to lie also seem to have forgotten this.
Running total of those who realize the Trumpsters have been conned:
  1. Trump-appointed judges
  2. Republican Governors
  3. State Supreme Courts
  4. The SCOTUS, as of today
  5. And pretty fucking much everyone else
Conned? You just elected a dementia patient who wears two diapers

And you voted for a former reality TV game show host...twice!!
And you're still enabling him...and opening your wallets for him as well.

Sorry, what does that say about your side? :)
That my job and tripled 401k are very important to me, as is border protection, support of the military, police, and businesses.
Tripled 401K? From when? 2000? Who the Fk are you kidding?
That my job and tripled 401k are very important to me...
Really? Tripled? Wow, that's interesting.

Using the ETF SPY as a proxy, the stock market is up a total of 62.92% (not annualized, total) since the day Trump entered office. I'm pretty sure that's a long way away from "tripled".

I know that nothing you Trumpsters say can be believed (just like the man of your dreams), but you probably don't want to bullshit a financial advisor when lying about your "investments".
So what? It was down to 18,000 during the pinnacle of the virus hoax so what makes sense to do when the market declines?
Running total of those who realize the Trumpsters have been conned:
  1. Trump-appointed judges
  2. Republican Governors
  3. State Supreme Courts
  4. The SCOTUS, as of today
  5. And pretty fucking much everyone else
Conned? You just elected a dementia patient who wears two diapers

And you voted for a former reality TV game show host...twice!!
And you're still enabling him...and opening your wallets for him as well.

Sorry, what does that say about your side? :)
That my job and tripled 401k are very important to me, as is border protection, support of the military, police, and businesses.

And??...My career and 401K did very well during the Obama years as well...and he was the guy that handed that swell economy off to your savior.
Trump is still a reality TV game show host. Who rode an easy wave for three years until his presidency was tested...and he promptly failed spectacularly...why?
Because he's a former reality TV game show host with no political experience, no grasp of policy or how government is supposed to function, and worst of all,
he had no interest in actually doing the job. Just campaigning for it.
The stock market has generally done better under democrat presidents but not by lot.
Trump is now 0-1 at the SCOTUS and 1-51 in all courts

View attachment 426708

There is zero chance of Trump winning in the SCOTUS.

Because these lawsuits are a joke.

Is it too early to say "See, I told you so"

i'm kinda fond of a well placed neener neener, myself.

The 3 phazes of Rump

Rump before Dec 8th
View attachment 426735

On December 8th
View attachment 426736

After Jan 20th 12:00 pm
View attachment 426737


SCOTUS slammed the brakes on Trump's attempted coup against the newly elected government of the United States of America and rejected his and the GOP's bid to reverse the Pennsylvania's election results.
When you are addressing the Supreme Court in untoward gestures, kindly place it in the Flame Zone or the Rubber Room. The dignity of their judicial court of last resorts deserves dignity. Thank you for your consideration of the excellence of the scholarship and rightness of the Supreme Court when you are angry.
unemployment was at its lowest and underemployment was doing much better than with Obammy when the fake flu shutdown took place.
False, underemployment and non-participation were worse than under most of Obama's terms. And the recession began before the pandemic. We can actually measure these things. You guys who have forgotten how NOT to lie also seem to have forgotten this.
Obammy was the king of part time job creation and underemployment percentage
Running total of those who realize the Trumpsters have been conned:
  1. Trump-appointed judges
  2. Republican Governors
  3. State Supreme Courts
  4. The SCOTUS, as of today
  5. And pretty fucking much everyone else
Conned? You just elected a dementia patient who wears two diapers

And you voted for a former reality TV game show host...twice!!
And you're still enabling him...and opening your wallets for him as well.

Sorry, what does that say about your side? :)
That my job and tripled 401k are very important to me, as is border protection, support of the military, police, and businesses.

And??...My career and 401K did very well during the Obama years as well...and he was the guy that handed that swell economy off to your savior.
Trump is still a reality TV game show host. Who rode an easy wave for three years until his presidency was tested...and he promptly failed spectacularly...why?
Because he's a former reality TV game show host with no political experience, no grasp of policy or how government is supposed to function, and worst of all,
he had no interest in actually doing the job. Just campaigning for it.
The stock market has generally done better under democrat presidents but not by lot.
Which Dem got it to 30,000?
That my job and tripled 401k are very important to me...
Really? Tripled? Wow, that's interesting.

Using the EFT SPY as a proxy, the stock market is up a total of 62.92% (not annualized, total) since the day Trump entered office. I'm pretty sure that's a long way away from "tripled".

I know that nothing you Trumpsters say can be believed (just like the man of your dreams), but you probably don't want to bullshit a financial advisor when lying about your "investments".
These guys don't even remember how NOT to lie. I mean that, it's not a joke.
Really, from the party of lies and misinformation libbers??

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