SCOTUS gives Trump the proverbial Middle Finger.

Trump is now 0-1 at the SCOTUS and 1-51 in all courts

View attachment 426708

There is zero chance of Trump winning in the SCOTUS.

Because these lawsuits are a joke.

Is it too early to say "See, I told you so"

i'm kinda fond of a well placed neener neener, myself.

The 3 phazes of Rump

Rump before Dec 8th
View attachment 426735

On December 8th
View attachment 426736

After Jan 20th 12:00 pm
View attachment 426737

View attachment 426739

Brings to mind a few sayings

Payback is a bitch
Karma can bite you in the ass
Irony can be cruel

SCOTUS slammed the brakes on Trump's attempted coup against the newly elected government of the United States of America and rejected his and the GOP's bid to reverse the Pennsylvania's election results.
When you are addressing the Supreme Court in untoward gestures, kindly place it in the Flame Zone or the Rubber Room. The dignity of their judicial court of last resorts deserves dignity. Thank you for your consideration of the excellence of the scholarship and rightness of the Supreme Court when you are angry.
My title is descriptive but it accurately describes the Court decision. SCOTUS has essentially put the last nail in Trump’s crooked attempt to overturn our election.
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Trump is now 0-1 at the SCOTUS and 1-51 in all courts

View attachment 426708

There is zero chance of Trump winning in the SCOTUS.

Because these lawsuits are a joke.

Is it too early to say "See, I told you so"

i'm kinda fond of a well placed neener neener, myself.

The 3 phazes of Rump

Rump before Dec 8th
View attachment 426735

On December 8th
View attachment 426736

After Jan 20th 12:00 pm
View attachment 426737

View attachment 426739

Brings to mind a few sayings

Payback is a bitch
Karma can bite you in the ass
Irony can be cruel

i've given a few of these lately:

oh how great it feels!
Also, no dissents
It wasn’t a ruling. SCOTUS won’t take up a case unless the state has exhausted all means to solve it. The PA legislators can.
It was madness that this idiocy even took up any of the Court’s time.

They already failed at the Penn State Legislation level. Now they have failed at the State, District and SCOTUS level. What's next?
It's looks like the RWNJs will be pinning all their hopes on Texass.

Texas sues over election results in battleground states Biden won

[[ Washington — Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a last-ditch lawsuit in the Supreme Court against four key states won by President-elect Joe Biden, alleging they unlawfully enacted changes to their voting laws that led to election irregularities and skewed the results of the presidential election.

Paxton, who is facing accusations of bribery and abuse of office, is asking the Supreme Court to extend the December 14 deadline for the states' certification of presidential electors to allow for investigations into the alleged irregularities. He also wants the court to block the use of "unlawful election results without review and ratification by" the states' legislatures. ]]

Also, no dissents
It wasn’t a ruling. SCOTUS won’t take up a case unless the state has exhausted all means to solve it. The PA legislators can.
They can not change a law, that was in effect, retroactively.

You can't change the rules of an election, after the fact or midstream.

In good faith, the PA citizens voted by mail.

YOU CAN NOT STEAL their vote from them and disenfranchise them of their constitutional right to pick their govt leaders. What part of that do you not understand?

The PA republican legislators and senators SUPPORTED ACT 77 and voted for it in 2019...claiming it was an unconstitutional act after the election took place, because they didn't like the results of the elections is CROOKED.

The SCOTUS rejects Trump's attempted coup against the United States of American and rejects the GOP bid to reverse Pennsylvania's election results.
Hard to overturn those fake leftyflu mailin ballots
Well if there was evidence that there were fake ballots then a court would take action. No evidence no action. All y’all got is empty words and accusations. Grow up
Give me a break. Trying to prove massive mailin fraud would be extremely difficult, almost a difficult as verifying some 130,000 mailins in just about 7 hours overnight by a handful of counters, all for Sleepy Joe.
If it can’t be proved then why is POTUS claiming that it happened like it’s fact. Rather irresponsible don’t you think?
Not really. I think anyone who was leading a state race by 130,000 votes at midnight and woke up at say 6 to see he was behind would question the results.....especially when it happened in multiple states and all the libbers only vote by leftyflu mailin.
That scenario was predicted to happen. Were you not paying attention? Dems promoted mail in. Trump didn’t. We all knew Trump would have the early majority of votes and then Biden would catch up with the mail ins. It was predicted and announced to happen prior to the election
IMHO, Voting by mail was widely supported by Biden but not by Trump. In the minds of voters, Trump wanted his people to vote at the polls, which goes along with his ignore the virus attitude. Biden wanted his people to vote by mail because of his message of preventing the spread of the virus. Thus democrats tended to vote by mail and Trump supporters voted at the polls or early voting.

Trump simple missed the fact that people are more likely to vote if they vote by mail. Had he encourage voting by mail like Biden, the results may have been different.
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They’re all commies I tell you! Commies everywhere.

Every one of them is in on it and it’s not faiiirrrr.
Running total of those who realize the Trumpsters have been conned:
  1. Trump-appointed judges
  2. Republican Governors
  3. State Supreme Courts
  4. The SCOTUS, as of today
  5. And pretty fucking much everyone else
Conned? You just elected a dementia patient who wears two diapers

And you voted for a former reality TV game show host...twice!!
And you're still enabling him...and opening your wallets for him as well.

Sorry, what does that say about your side? :)
That my job and tripled 401k are very important to me, as is border protection, support of the military, police, and businesses.

And??...My career and 401K did very well during the Obama years as well...and he was the guy that handed that swell economy off to your savior.
Trump is still a reality TV game show host. Who rode an easy wave for three years until his presidency was tested...and he promptly failed spectacularly...why?
Because he's a former reality TV game show host with no political experience, no grasp of policy or how government is supposed to function, and worst of all,
he had no interest in actually doing the job. Just campaigning for it.
Swell economy? 94% part time jobs, huge increases for working folks on his healthcare welfare plan for the dregs...stock market never even close to the 30,000 it has hit under the President. Trump won BECAUSE of the 8 years of the Muslim in Chief and his racism and America hating.
And the unemployment, underemployment, and lack of participation right now is at the highest level since the depression. Apparently you are still trying to beat the dead horse of Reaganomics. Here's a clue for ya: when the food pantry lines stretch for miles and underemployment is at its highest point since the Great depression, while the stock market is setting records... we can be pretty sure trickle down economics was a GOP scam.

Yeah...the Gipper...that proverbial Deity of the Republican Party, sold the nation down to tubes to a fallacy that has been screwing the middle class for over 40 years. And it has gone exactly as the GOP and the 1%ers wanted it to go.
Also, no dissents
It wasn’t a ruling. SCOTUS won’t take up a case unless the state has exhausted all means to solve it. The PA legislators can.
It was madness that this idiocy even took up any of the Court’s time.

They already failed at the Penn State Legislation level. Now they have failed at the State, District and SCOTUS level. What's next?
It's looks like the RWNJs will be pinning all their hopes on Texass.

Texas sues over election results in battleground states Biden won

[[ Washington — Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a last-ditch lawsuit in the Supreme Court against four key states won by President-elect Joe Biden, alleging they unlawfully enacted changes to their voting laws that led to election irregularities and skewed the results of the presidential election.

Paxton, who is facing accusations of bribery and abuse of office, is asking the Supreme Court to extend the December 14 deadline for the states' certification of presidential electors to allow for investigations into the alleged irregularities. He also wants the court to block the use of "unlawful election results without review and ratification by" the states' legislatures. ]]


Again, unless those 4 states file then a Texas Lawsuit has no merit. You have to have some meat in the pan in order to show some kind of loss. And Texas can't show that they had any loss inside Texas from those 4 states. Sounds like we need to clean up our election laws to prevent this nonsense from every happening again.

The SCOTUS rejects Trump's attempted coup against the United States of American and rejects the GOP bid to reverse Pennsylvania's election results.
Hard to overturn those fake leftyflu mailin ballots
Well if there was evidence that there were fake ballots then a court would take action. No evidence no action. All y’all got is empty words and accusations. Grow up
Give me a break. Trying to prove massive mailin fraud would be extremely difficult, almost a difficult as verifying some 130,000 mailins in just about 7 hours overnight by a handful of counters, all for Sleepy Joe.
If it can’t be proved then why is POTUS claiming that it happened like it’s fact. Rather irresponsible don’t you think?
Not really. I think anyone who was leading a state race by 130,000 votes at midnight and woke up at say 6 to see he was behind would question the results.....especially when it happened in multiple states and all the libbers only vote by leftyflu mailin.
That scenario was predicted to happen. Were you not paying attention? Dems promoted mail in. Trump didn’t. We all knew Trump would have the early majority of votes and then Biden would catch up with the mail ins. It was predicted and announced to happen prior to the election
IMHO, Voting by mail was widely supported by Biden but not by Trump. In the minds of voters, Trump wanted his people to vote at the polls, which goes along with his ignore the virus attitude. Biden wanted his people to vote by mail because of his message of preventing the spread of the virus. Thus democrats tended to vote by mail and Trump supporters voted at the polls or early voting.

Trump simple missed the fact that people are more likely to vote if they vote by mail. Had he encourage voting by mail like Biden, the results may have been different.

And it was the Republicans fault that the mail in votes were counted at the end of the regular vote tally. trump assumed something was amiss, when actually it was the stupidity of the GOP that cause the delay in counting the mail in ballots.

And it was the Republicans fault that the mail in votes were counted at the end of the regular vote tally. trump assumed something was amiss, when actually it was the stupidity of the GOP that cause the delay in counting the mail in ballots.
It's all the time it takes to verify the legitimacy of the ballot. To verify the signature, and information on the ballot envelope.

If they just accepted them without checking, the counting would have gone a lot faster.
How soon until Trump threatens to fire the justices?

Oh, it ain't going to come to that sweetie. It's going to get much worse. I hear that Cali is about to go tits up and the people are getting ready to go full goose bozo on newsome and his fellow idiots. You can't force people to starve and lose everything while pandering to your high paid asshole buddies and not expect some blow back.
Also, no dissents
It wasn’t a ruling. SCOTUS won’t take up a case unless the state has exhausted all means to solve it. The PA legislators can.
It was madness that this idiocy even took up any of the Court’s time.

They already failed at the Penn State Legislation level. Now they have failed at the State, District and SCOTUS level. What's next?
It's looks like the RWNJs will be pinning all their hopes on Texass.

Texas sues over election results in battleground states Biden won

[[ Washington — Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a last-ditch lawsuit in the Supreme Court against four key states won by President-elect Joe Biden, alleging they unlawfully enacted changes to their voting laws that led to election irregularities and skewed the results of the presidential election.

Paxton, who is facing accusations of bribery and abuse of office, is asking the Supreme Court to extend the December 14 deadline for the states' certification of presidential electors to allow for investigations into the alleged irregularities. He also wants the court to block the use of "unlawful election results without review and ratification by" the states' legislatures. ]]


Again, unless those 4 states file then a Texas Lawsuit has no merit. You have to have some meat in the pan in order to show some kind of loss. And Texas can't show that they had any loss inside Texas from those 4 states. Sounds like we need to clean up our election laws to prevent this nonsense from every happening again.
This was one of my favorite parts of this particular farce:

"Paxton, who is facing accusations of bribery and abuse of office..."

You just can't make this shit up, LOL.
Oh, it ain't going to come to that sweetie. It's going to get much worse. I hear that Cali is about to go tits up and the people are getting ready to go full goose bozo on newsome and his fellow idiots. You can't force people to starve and lose everything while pandering to your high paid asshole buddies and not expect some blow back.

Only in your dreams...
Oh, it ain't going to come to that sweetie. It's going to get much worse. I hear that Cali is about to go tits up and the people are getting ready to go full goose bozo on newsome and his fellow idiots. You can't force people to starve and lose everything while pandering to your high paid asshole buddies and not expect some blow back.

Only in your dreams...

Nope. Unlike you clowns who live in your moms basement I actually get out and see the world. The Small Arms Review Gunshow was last weekend. I learned an awful lot about what is going on first hand. Keep your head down. Cupcake.

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