SCOTUS orders feds to allow illegal immigrants into country?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

How can those who claim to uphold the Constitution ignore the federal laws on immigration?

Naturally, I could care less what anyone has to say to justify this, just so you know.

So, which crime syndicate has more power, the drug cartels or the DNC or are the one in the same?

I ignore the GOP because everyone else does.

How can those who claim to uphold the Constitution ignore the federal laws on immigration?

Naturally, I could care less what anyone has to say to justify this, just so you know.

So, which crime syndicate has more power, the drug cartels or the DNC or are the one in the same?

I ignore the GOP because everyone else does.
I suspect it is not based on illegal immigration, but who has authority (State or Fed) to set border and immigration policy. But who knows? I would have really liked to see a written opinion, in this case, rather than just an order. I was hoping Texas could defend it's borders.
How can those who claim to uphold the Constitution ignore the federal laws on immigration?

Naturally, I could care less what anyone has to say to justify this, just so you know.

So, which crime syndicate has more power, the drug cartels or the DNC or are the one in the same?

I ignore the GOP because everyone else does.

The laws are being followed. People can make an application for asylum at any entry point to the United States.

The Federal Government, not the State of Texas, has authority over the border.
Laws on the books don't allow for what is going on today.

Go away pest.

Sure they do.

You guys have had more than a decade to fix this problem and refused to. Don't coming whining to me now.
Sure they do.

You guys have had more than a decade to fix this problem and refused to. Don't coming whining to me now.
For the sake of argument, if the laws allow around 200 American to die every day from overdoses, and unfettered invasion from a foreign country, then the government has stopped representing the people and has become illegitimate.
There is a difference between an illegal immigrant, And someone who wants to come into the country to seek asylum. Federal law allows asylum seekers to enter the country on a limited basis.
There is a difference between an illegal immigrant, And someone who wants to come into the country to seek asylum. Federal law allows asylum seekers to enter the country on a limited basis.
No one argues some immigrants, but what is going on now is harming both the US and immigrants.
For the sake of argument, if the laws allow around 200 American to die every day from overdoses, and unfettered invasion from a foreign country, then the government has stopped representing the people and has become illegitimate.

Okay, let's look at the argument we are making.

200 people a day are dying from overdoses because they've chosen to take dangerous drugs or leave them out where kids can get at them. That's little to do with the border, there are far easier ways to smuggle these drugs in.

We are not being "invaded" by a foreign country. Mexico is not invading us, and most of the people coming in are not Mexicans. They are taking advantage of our laws that allow people to apply for asylum if they are being oppressed.

The problem is that our system for processing these people is completely backlogged. It takes FOUR YEARS on average to get a hearing on an asylum claim. That's why we have a problem right now, not because we are being invaded.

Now, are all these people legitimate refugees? Maybe not. But you can't determine that if until you've had a hearing.

I am currently dealing with immigration for my wife. I've had to submit 200+ pages of documents to prove that we are legitimately married and not just trying to scam the government to get her a green card.
There is a difference between an illegal immigrant, And someone who wants to come into the country to seek asylum. Federal law allows asylum seekers to enter the country on a limited basis.
That depends on whether they come through legal ports of entry at border crossing or just by pass the official entry point to swim the river or cross in the desert in the middle of nowhere, to get around our laws.
Okay, let's look at the argument we are making.

200 people a day are dying from overdoses because they've chosen to take dangerous drugs or leave them out where kids can get at them. That's little to do with the border, there are far easier ways to smuggle these drugs in.

We are not being "invaded" by a foreign country. Mexico is not invading us, and most of the people coming in are not Mexicans. They are taking advantage of our laws that allow people to apply for asylum if they are being oppressed.

The problem is that our system for processing these people is completely backlogged. It takes FOUR YEARS on average to get a hearing on an asylum claim. That's why we have a problem right now, not because we are being invaded.

Now, are all these people legitimate refugees? Maybe not. But you can't determine that if until you've had a hearing.

I am currently dealing with immigration for my wife. I've had to submit 200+ pages of documents to prove that we are legitimately married and not just trying to scam the government to get her a green card.
Your concession is duly noted, that you can't refute the central points.

What border? You far Left cocksuckers are all about destroying America.

America is a country of immigrants. My father was an immigrant, my wife is an immigrant. Immigrants make our country better.

The reality is, without immigration, we would be going through a demographic death spiral like Japan.
What is really sad is this, there are many people who are lawfully waiting to come to this country, wanting to come here the right way so they can have a good start to unfortunately shrinking opportunities due to the fascist democrats and RINOs. So these people waiting to come here legally, how does it make them feel to see other countries flushing their toilets and sending their sewage across our border, because that is what is crossing the border illegally - other countries sewage.

As for Barrett and Roberts - both traitors to America. They can always be counted on to stab America in the back. This is something to be expected from the other 3 supposed justices though. As for Barrett, she is a perfect example of why Christianity is losing followers. People like her go around loudly wearing their religion when in reality they are awful people, and Barrett is just that. Whenever someone goes out of their way to flaunt their religion like Barrett, that is just an automatic red flag to me. I believe in God, I believe Jesus is my savior, but people like Barrett and other use religion as a cover-up for what a truly rotten person they really are

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