SCOTUS Rules Against Affirmative Action (AGAIN)

The ruling wasn't actually against affirmative action, but don't let that change your racist delusions.

When one state after another enacts constitutional amendments to ban AA. we'll see how effective word games are. As for racism, that's why the SCOTUS shot AA down. Because they know it's malicious racism - but don't let that change your racist delusions.

It isn't a word game. SCOTUS did not rule against affirmative action, they ruled for voters being smart enough to make political decisions.

Put it into whatever words you like. The result of this ruling will be state constitutional amendments banning affirmative action all over America. The current bans of 8 states will become bans in 5 times that many.
SCOTUS opens racism Pandora's box. Now all the bigot states will try to ban rights for non-whites.

In upholding a ban on the use of race in admission decisions at Michigan’s public universities, the U.S. Supreme Court didn’t end affirmative action — they just very strongly upheld the right of voters to ban it.
So whites make laws that keep blacks from voting, then vote to take their rights away. No blacks at the polls, no blacks in schools, no blacks in the work force.

Looks like SCOTUS is out to give themselves more cases to judge.

The SCOTUS ruling did nothing to weaken Federal Laws which make racial discrimination illegal. The Court simply said that the Federal Government had no right to order implementation of Affirmative Action, which is legislation granting minorities preferences in education and other areas. The Court left it up to the individual states to determine whether or not they wanted Affirmative Action.

In those states which reject Affirmative Action, Black applicants for college admission must be treated the same as White applicants for admissions. Colleges will not be allowed to discriminate against minorities because of their race, nor will they be required to give minorities special treatment based on race. For example, under Affirmative Action some colleges – including the one where I got my JD – reserve a number of seats for minorities. I believe the University of Florida law school reserved ten percent of its seats for minorities. This means that if the entering class was 300, 30 openings would be given to minorities even if it meant that Whites with superior qualifications would be denied admission. If Affirmative Action were ended, the most qualified applicants would be accepted and minorities would have to compete for admission the same as Whites.

Conclusion: (1) Racial discrimination is just as illegal as it was before the SCOTUS ruling; and (2) the SCOTUS did not rule against Affirmative Action but simple said that it was the right of individual states to determine if they wanted to implement it.

What a dumb way of putting it. The SCOTUS ruling that it was the right of individual states to determine if they wanted to implement it, IS ruling against AA, because now, those states can AND WILL ban it. Nothing could be more against AA than what they ruled.

As for you statement that "Racial discrimination is just as illegal as it was before the SCOTUS ruling", that is also FALSE. Racial discrimination is MORE illegal now >> specifically, that racial discrimination against Whites (in AA programs), which is, by far, the largest amount of racial discrimination that has been imposed upon the greatest number of people, for 50 years.

What a joke to hear AA apologists try to save face by saying AA wasn't ruled against. Of course it was, and in the most effective way possible.
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SCOTUS opens racism Pandora's box. Now all the bigot states will try to ban rights for non-whites.

In upholding a ban on the use of race in admission decisions at Michigan’s public universities, the U.S. Supreme Court didn’t end affirmative action — they just very strongly upheld the right of voters to ban it.
So whites make laws that keep blacks from voting, then vote to take their rights away. No blacks at the polls, no blacks in schools, no blacks in the work force.

Looks like SCOTUS is out to give themselves more cases to judge.

SCOTUS decided it was time to put an end to something that was never intended to be a permanent state of affairs.

Affirmative Action was always meant to be a 'leg-up' for minorities to gain some additional traction in society and the economy and the labor-marketplace, but it was never meant to protect them forevermore.

Implicit in the program was the idea that a time would come when enough of a 'leg-up' had been provided and that the playing field would once again be leveled.

Apparently, SCOTUS has determined that we've reached that point.

After a half-century, I'm inclined to agree with SCOTUS.

The Free Ride is over... time to make your own way in the world, on your own merits.

Enough, already.

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SCOTUS Rules Against Affirmative Action (AGAIN)

Obviously you didn’t bother to read the opinion:

This case is not about the constitutionality, or the merits, of race-conscious admissions policies in higher education. Here, the principle that the consideration of race in admissions is permissible when certain conditions are met is not being challenged.

The question here, as in every case in which neutral state action is said to deny equal protection on account of race, is whether the challenged action reflects a racially discriminatory purpose. It plainly does not.

Consequently, states, public colleges and universities, and other jurisdictions remain at liberty to enact policies designed to address racial inequities, where such measures – often referred to as ‘affirmative action’ – are permissible and Constitutional.

This issue in this case concerned whether a state measure disallowing race-conscious admissions policies in higher education violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, which the Court determined it does not.
SCOTUS Rules Against Affirmative Action (AGAIN)

Obviously you didn’t bother to read the opinion:

This case is not about the constitutionality, or the merits, of race-conscious admissions policies in higher education. Here, the principle that the consideration of race in admissions is permissible when certain conditions are met is not being challenged.

The question here, as in every case in which neutral state action is said to deny equal protection on account of race, is whether the challenged action reflects a racially discriminatory purpose. It plainly does not.

Consequently, states, public colleges and universities, and other jurisdictions remain at liberty to enact policies designed to address racial inequities, where such measures – often referred to as ‘affirmative action’ – are permissible and Constitutional.

This issue in this case concerned whether a state measure disallowing race-conscious admissions policies in higher education violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, which the Court determined it does not.

All this yakety yak isn't going to be a hill of beans when dozens of states enact state constitutional amendments BANNING affirmative action, based on this SCOTUS decision. And when that happens, you'll tell us ? that employers, colleges, etc will "remain at liberty to enact policies designed to address racial inequities, where such measures – often referred to as ‘affirmative action’ – are permissible"

Only one little problem with your speech here. THEY WON'T be at liberty to enact AA, and it WON'T be permissable, because it will be BANNED. Get it ?

SCOTUS Rules Against Affirmative Action (AGAIN) - Right !!
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SCOTUS opens racism Pandora's box. Now all the bigot states will try to ban rights for non-whites.

In upholding a ban on the use of race in admission decisions at Michigan’s public universities, the U.S. Supreme Court didn’t end affirmative action — they just very strongly upheld the right of voters to ban it.
So whites make laws that keep blacks from voting, then vote to take their rights away. No blacks at the polls, no blacks in schools, no blacks in the work force.

Looks like SCOTUS is out to give themselves more cases to judge.

I think the 6 justices that voted to ban AA are smarter than you.
The Supreme Court did not rule against Affirmative Action, it ruled against racial discrimination.
Affirmative Action is racial discrimination under a different name to camouflage it.
Notice how happy the SCOTUS has made the bigots.

YOU are the bigot who supports the most racially discriminatory policy, that has harmed and damaged the most Americans over the past 50 years >> race-based Affirmative Action. And you openly admit it.
SCOTUS opens racism Pandora's box. Now all the bigot states will try to ban rights for non-whites.

In upholding a ban on the use of race in admission decisions at Michigan’s public universities, the U.S. Supreme Court didn’t end affirmative action — they just very strongly upheld the right of voters to ban it.
So whites make laws that keep blacks from voting, then vote to take their rights away. No blacks at the polls, no blacks in schools, no blacks in the work force.

Looks like SCOTUS is out to give themselves more cases to judge.

I think the 6 justices that voted to ban AA are smarter than you.

They sure are. That's because, unlike hangover, they don't see racial discrimination (by way of AA) as a "right" for blacks. They're not anti-white bigots. At least 6 of them that is.
Ultra-liberal wacko groups like the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action do the same thing that groups like the ACLU, CAIR, NAACP, et al do. After an entity (in this case the University of Michigan) makes a policy they don't like (in this case ban on racial AA), they go judge-shopping, and when they find an ultra-liberal judge as wacked out as they are, they file suit knowing they will win.

And that's just what they did here. They won in the lower court. But they should all be on notice, that they can judge shop all they like for the lower court judges, and get a very temporary judgement in their favor (like the repeal of Univ of Michigan's AA ban). But what they CAN'T DO is, they can't judge shop for the justices of the Supreme Court. And they might as well put their energies to better use like saving whales, saving homeless cats, cleaning rivers, etc.
I was just a kid when all that silly spit got started but I has enough sense to know it was unconstitutional. Only an idiot would think you can achieve equality by giving any one race special privileges or opportunities.
I was just a kid when all that silly spit got started but I has enough sense to know it was unconstitutional. Only an idiot would think you can achieve equality by giving any one race special privileges or opportunities.

Actually, you CAN.

But it IS a slow process, grinding everyone down to the lowest possible level wherein there IS true socialistic equality.
The newest mantra by the left is to get the Supreme Court changed from their lifetime appointments. Using the excuse of the ruling on affirmative action.

It won't work because even 2 liberals on the court ruled on this one.

This is the last of the very last moves to completely change our form of Government.

They have taken away most of the States rights.

They have merged the 2 Branches of Government.

They have gotten Departments to rule without the Legislature.

Now the very last one is the Judicial.

Kiss your freedoms good buy if they ever get this one through.

I am happy with their ruling.

Affirmative Action has caused one the lefts many racism cards.

The left is always about race, never about all Americans with everyone having equality.
I was just a kid when all that silly spit got started but I has enough sense to know it was unconstitutional. Only an idiot would think you can achieve equality by giving any one race special privileges or opportunities.

Actually, you CAN.

But it IS a slow process, grinding everyone down to the lowest possible level wherein there IS true socialistic equality.

Actually you CAN'T. If you discriminate on race, you lose equality, no matter the identities of the beneficiaries and victims. SCOTUS knows this.
Perhaps I said it badly.

The ONLY way true equality can be achieved by any means, disregarding special anything, is by wearing everybody down until nobody has anything.

Then all are truly equal.
Notice how happy the SCOTUS has made the bigots.
Notice how many people that are NOT bigots have been made happy by SCOTUS, as well?

What's the underlying message here?

If you don't agree with MY perspective on Affirmative Action, or MY perspective on whether or not Affirmative Action should be continued, after a half-century, then you are ipso facto a bigot?

When one state after another enacts constitutional amendments to ban AA. we'll see how effective word games are. As for racism, that's why the SCOTUS shot AA down. Because they know it's malicious racism - but don't let that change your racist delusions.

It isn't a word game. SCOTUS did not rule against affirmative action, they ruled for voters being smart enough to make political decisions.

Put it into whatever words you like. The result of this ruling will be state constitutional amendments banning affirmative action all over America. The current bans of 8 states will become bans in 5 times that many.

Maybe, maybe not. Not being a massive idiot, I don't make predictions based on racism.
SCOTUS opens racism Pandora's box. Now all the bigot states will try to ban rights for non-whites.

In upholding a ban on the use of race in admission decisions at Michigan’s public universities, the U.S. Supreme Court didn’t end affirmative action — they just very strongly upheld the right of voters to ban it.
So whites make laws that keep blacks from voting, then vote to take their rights away. No blacks at the polls, no blacks in schools, no blacks in the work force.

Looks like SCOTUS is out to give themselves more cases to judge.

I think the 6 justices that voted to ban AA are smarter than you.

That's what all the Ku Klux Klan says.

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