SCOTUS says no to vaccine mandate!!!!!

Against all the evidence...

View attachment 587754
New Zealand is an island nation with zero illegal immigrants and controls when and where anyone can enter.

94% of Australia is fully vaccinated.
Keep in mind the immortal words of Levin.
" Never play with Insurrection; but,having begun it,make up
your mind to go through with it to the end. "
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov { 1870-1924 } Russian teacher
Um ... that being a play on last names.Not Levin or leavening but .
They cannot mandate you to get an experimental drug. They can however mandate you wear hard hats and steel toe boots.
I think I heard yesterday that in point of fact state Legislatures can mandate
things as they did with the Polio Vaccine.In the 50's the Government could not
mandate a national {Federal } Polio Vaccine.So each state { all 50 states } did mandate a
Polio Vaccine.
I see. So the President, who is charged with protecting the people of America, from a deadly global pandemic that now has a track record of being effective in saving millions of lives, is the same as Nazi and Japanese war crimes?

The premise that the President wants to force or coerce us into being injected with dangerous sexperiemegtal drugs is to “protect” us from a disease that poses no credible threat to the vast majority of us in the first place, is complete kwanzaa.

And in any event, even if it were true, it does not fall under the authority delegated under the Constitution to the federal government.

And given the dangerous and experimental nature of these drugs, forcing them on nonconsenting subjects is, in fact, exactly the same crime for which we put German and Japanese war criminals to death after WWII, and the reason that the Nuremberg Code was written to address the use of human test subjects in medical experiments; of which the first point reads…

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
So you're commingling New Zealand with Australia.That would be like the
Unites States commingling with Canada.
Maybe as far as Comics,and Hot Rods.But not mush else.
I never mentioned NZ until the strawman was tossed out. May as well argue a remote village in Nepal has no vaccines and zero ChiCom flu cases. Just as relevant.
We are a Constitutional Republic Governed by the Rule of Law. A Democracy is different type of Government. Evidently, Biden's handlers do not understand the US Constitution. A High School Senior could have told them that their efforts would fail!
We are a Constitutional Republic Governed by the Rule of Law. A Democracy is different type of Government. Evidently, Biden's handlers do not understand the US Constitution. A High School Senior could have told them that their efforts would fail!
It's not that they don't understand, it's that they don't care

They realize that the system no longer has any checks and balances, so what the hell do they care?
I never mentioned NZ until the strawman was tossed out. May as well argue a remote village in Nepal has no vaccines and zero ChiCom flu cases. Just as relevant.
It's gettin' so that ford long the only really relevant thing is whether or\
not the sun will rise.It too is probably fed up.
Like Franz Kafka wrote ...
" I think we ought to read only the kind of books that
wound and stab us. "
Nice to have at least one of those mandates ended.
None the less, many folks are dying from the Covid depopulation drugs.
On top of that, Washington State is preparing to arrest the people who did not get injected with immune system wipe out and genetic alteration drugs, and Washington State is building human body liquidation plants to hide the evidence that their covid concentration camps are designed as extermination camps.
Video at: Washington State legalized LIQUEFYING human corpses before activating covid concentration camps

Ivan88 the fact that one of USMBS biggest five major trolls lesbo Penelope put a thumbs down on your post is all the evidence in the world to everyone here you are telling the truth as well.:auiqs.jpg:
Nice to have at least one of those mandates ended.
None the less, many folks are dying from the Covid depopulation drugs.
Yes, yes, yes. Full retard. You go!

Tell again about the pedophile lizard people. That one never gets old.
They're not forcing a thing on you. Despite the claims of progressives, outside a contractual arrangement, no one owes you a job. And no one should be forced to provide you with one against their will.
BS. Telling you to take the jab or lose your job is COHERSION......which is FORCE. That is UNAMERICAN AS IT GETS.

You have no right to deny my ability to make a living and feed my family over a high survival rate virus. Most who die from it have 4 morbitities and are old and very sick already. I am NOT THAT PERSON. I WILL NOT TAKE AN EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE that DOESN'T WORK............And anyone who says stick a swab up your nose weekly to keep your job or doesn't allow me to work anywhere.......................i'M GOING TO FUCK THAT INDIVIDUAL UP.................i'LL GO TO WAR IF NECESSARY........DIE FIGHTING THEM.

Do I make myself clear.............YOU AND THEY HAVE NO AUTHORITY to FORCE THIS.........If they finally do..........PEACE IS OVERRATED IN THIS COUNTRY.

Let me ask you this, should employees be forced to work against their will in similar fashion? ie if employees say they won't work if their co-workers aren't vaccinated - should the state force them to anyway? It's really no different.
My medical is not THEIR BUSINESS unless I choose to give out that information. I had to work next to a guy with AIDS and was never told......because they aren't supposed to tell us. But we were doing construction and cutting and times you BLEED DOING THAT......and I'm not told via the law.

So that kinda blows your argument out of the water.

Enough of this..............Do you see what is happening around the world over this COVID BS...........DO YOU WANT THAT HERE? They are already doing these things in leftist blue cities here. Will you lay down and accept that or stand up against it?
Let's be real about it. The last thing democrats want on the Supreme Court is a Justice who respects the Constitution. Democrats have been attacking the Bill of Rights for decades. They disregard the 2nd Amendment and they attack the 1st Amendment freedom of speech and freedom of religion. If you polled the democrat leadership you would probably find that they think the Constitution is just a guide and a stodgy old one at that rather than the law of the land.
The list of the last administration’s SCOTUS losses is very long. I don’t remember these types of posts here. Especially when they kicked all the election crap to the curb.

did you see this post of mine? pretty dead spot on wouldnt you say? LOL:abgg2q.jpg:

Lesbo penelope and her fag husband smellybozo have this fucked up logic that all the several thousands in the streets of michigan where they live protesting the dreconian evil mandates of their hero fascist whitmere,that they are all wrong and stupid and they are right and smart,those two stupid fucks try to convince everybody the entire world is all wrong and they are right,im serious,i cant make this shit up.

they are both on the suicide hotline watch now after this little bit of news.:auiqs.jpg:

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