SCOTUS says no to vaccine mandate!!!!!

BS. Telling you to take the jab or lose your job is COHERSION......which is FORCE. That is UNAMERICAN AS IT GETS.
And this is why I think liberty is a lost cause in the US. Even the people who claim to care about limited government and individual rights just don't get it.
You have no right to deny my ability to make a living and feed my family over a high survival rate virus.
I see you've also adopted the liberal verbiage: "deny". Whenever someone else won't do what you want, you've been "denied"! The premise being that the things you want are owed to you by others, and they're somehow cheating you if they don't comply.
Most who die from it have 4 morbitities and are old and very sick already. I am NOT THAT PERSON. I WILL NOT TAKE AN EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE that DOESN'T WORK............And anyone who says stick a swab up your nose weekly to keep your job or doesn't allow me to work anywhere.......................i'M GOING TO FUCK THAT INDIVIDUAL UP.................i'LL GO TO WAR IF NECESSARY........DIE FIGHTING THEM.
So it sounds like you would be in favor of forcing people to work against their will as well. Who are they to "deny" their employers?
Do I make myself clear.............YOU AND THEY HAVE NO AUTHORITY to FORCE THIS.........If they finally do..........PEACE IS OVERRATED IN THIS COUNTRY.
Yes. You've been clear. You want government to force others to give you a job. This is pretty standard progressivism.
My medical is not THEIR BUSINESS unless I choose to give out that information. I had to work next to a guy with AIDS and was never told......because they aren't supposed to tell us. But we were doing construction and cutting and times you BLEED DOING THAT......and I'm not told via the law.

So that kinda blows your argument out of the water.
It does? How? It doesn't even seem to address my argument.
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The list of the last administration’s SCOTUS losses is very long. I don’t remember these types of posts here. Especially when they kicked all the election crap to the curb.
The election crap is still floating. Mr. "find me 90,000 votes" hasn`t given up on stealing Pa. where the GOP surprisingly won seats they haven`t held in 20 years. We`re going to have to buy new voting machines because of this nonsense.
GOP effort to inspect Pennsylvania voting machines advances
Libs utterly frantic and panicked as their baby just got tossed with the bath water. Their first hoax to the SC verdict is that piss ass employers can still tell you what to do against you will even though the Supreme Court Power just told a government business that employs many thousands that neither their employees nor employed people in general can be forced into the experiment or fired.
Good luck seeing that simple assed desperation reach Ever put into play for individual employers.
I see you've also adopted the liberal verbiage: "deny". Whenever someone else won't do what you want, you've been "denied"! The premise being that the things you want are owed to you by others, and they're somehow cheating you if they don't comply.
That is Baloney. I'm not the one trying to get people fired over a jab. I'm not the one who praises those who funded experiments in Wuhan China. I'm just speaking my mind and want them to butt the fuck out of our lives. They are the agitators here. Not us........We are ONLY RESPONDING TO THEM.

If they want to get the jab......mask ......I don't care......if they don't........fine by me.......But don't threaten those who do not want to do the same. That is FORCE......Now matter how you spin it.

So it sounds like you would be in favor of forcing people to work against their will as well. Who are they to "deny" their employers?
LOL. Forcing others to work.........What a ridiculous statement. I've been out there working since this began.....Only problem is those who don't want to work......How am I forcing ANYONE TO DO ANYTHING......because I don't want to take a experimental vaccine..............

The only force being applied is the Gov't to force people to take jabs against their will. If not...........YOU ARE FIRED.....That is NOT AMERICAN in any way shape or form.

Yes. You've been clear. You want government to force others to give you a job. This is pretty standard progressivism.
More BS..........twisting words.......Where I work no one gives a shit about Brandon or the dang vaccines..........Only the gov't itself is trying to force it.........and that just got shot down.

You have lost your dang mind in your last post..........makes no sense whatsoever.

It does? How? It doesn't even seem to address my argument.
What argument is that................My medical is none of your damned business...........Your argument is defending this NONSENSE GOING ON IN THE WORLD.
BS. Telling you to take the jab or lose your job is COHERSION......which is FORCE. That is UNAMERICAN AS IT GETS.

You have no right to deny my ability to make a living and feed my family over a high survival rate virus. Most who die from it have 4 morbitities and are old and very sick already. I am NOT THAT PERSON. I WILL NOT TAKE AN EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE that DOESN'T WORK............And anyone who says stick a swab up your nose weekly to keep your job or doesn't allow me to work anywhere.......................i'M GOING TO FUCK THAT INDIVIDUAL UP.................i'LL GO TO WAR IF NECESSARY........DIE FIGHTING THEM.

Do I make myself clear.............YOU AND THEY HAVE NO AUTHORITY to FORCE THIS.........If they finally do..........PEACE IS OVERRATED IN THIS COUNTRY.

My medical is not THEIR BUSINESS unless I choose to give out that information. I had to work next to a guy with AIDS and was never told......because they aren't supposed to tell us. But we were doing construction and cutting and times you BLEED DOING THAT......and I'm not told via the law.

So that kinda blows your argument out of the water.

Enough of this..............Do you see what is happening around the world over this COVID BS...........DO YOU WANT THAT HERE? They are already doing these things in leftist blue cities here. Will you lay down and accept that or stand up against it?

The court ruling says the government cannot mandate your company to require vaccine. That ruling does not extend to your employer requiring you to vaccine.

Putting your coworkers at risk because you're stupid, is as unamerican as it gets.
The court ruling says the government cannot mandate your company to require vaccine. That ruling does not extend to your employer requiring you to vaccine.

Putting your coworkers at risk because your stupid. is as unamerican as it gets.
My employer isn't mandating it. I'm talking in general over this country.........And for the people who are now losing their jobs via HHS.
The court ruling says the government cannot mandate your company to require vaccine. That ruling does not extend to your employer requiring you to vaccine.

Putting your coworkers at risk because you're stupid, is as unamerican as it gets.
Yeah you keep trying to peddle the bullshit that your employer can still individually impose it when the SC just said a much higher authority and employer cannot impose it on their employees nor society’s employees either.
Such liars and haters of America who seek freedom robbing and crippling of America should not live here.
Yeah you keep trying to peddle the bullshit that your employer can still individually impose it when the SC just said a much higher authority and employer cannot impose it on their employees nor society’s employees either.
Such liars and haters of America who seek freedom robbing and crippling of America should not live here.

Read the decision Einstein. Employers can mandate any thing they want as a condition of your employment. If you're a conservative, that's policy you supported, and voted for a long time ago.

The decision also upholds the mandates on healthcare workers.
That is Baloney. I'm not the one trying to get people fired over a jab. I'm not the one who praises those who funded experiments in Wuhan China. I'm just speaking my mind and want them to butt the fuck out of our lives. They are the agitators here. Not us........We are ONLY RESPONDING TO THEM.

If they want to get the jab......mask ......I don't care......if they don't........fine by me.......But don't threaten those who do not want to do the same. That is FORCE......Now matter how you spin it.

LOL. Forcing others to work.........What a ridiculous statement. I've been out there working since this began.....Only problem is those who don't want to work......How am I forcing ANYONE TO DO ANYTHING......because I don't want to take a experimental vaccine..............

The only force being applied is the Gov't to force people to take jabs against their will. If not...........YOU ARE FIRED.....That is NOT AMERICAN in any way shape or form.
Not any more. SCOTUS just put the brakes on that.
More BS..........twisting words.......Where I work no one gives a shit about Brandon or the dang vaccines..........Only the gov't itself is trying to force it.........and that just got shot down.

You have lost your dang mind in your last post..........makes no sense whatsoever.

What argument is that................My medical is none of your damned business...........Your argument is defending this NONSENSE GOING ON IN THE WORLD.
Yes, yes. It's different when you do it.

Bake the cake!

Those bastards owe you a job. On your terms, and if they "deny" you, big daddy government should step in and protect your right to make someone else give you a job!
The court ruling says the government cannot mandate your company to require vaccine. That ruling does not extend to your employer requiring you to vaccine.

No, but a host of other established federal laws regarding medical privacy and control over one's medical matters do.

Putting your coworkers at risk because you're stupid, is as unamerican as it gets.

It is those pushing the #CoronaHoax2020, and demanding that others be injected with dangerous experimental drugs, who are guilty of unjustifiably putting others at risk.

Those of us who refuse to play along with this bullshit are not putting anyone at risk by so doing.

Your stupidity, your cowardice, and your willing to be brainwashed and manipulated are your own problems, not mine.
Not any more. SCOTUS just put the brakes on that.

Yes, yes. It's different when you do it.

Bake the cake!

Those bastards owe you a job. On your terms, and if they "deny" you, big daddy government should step in and protect your right to make someone else give you a job!
You are nuts. Owe me a job. WTf are you smoking.
It's the two-party death spiral. We can no longer unite against a common enemy because of it.
Oh but all kinds of instant unity would happen worldwide if life from another galaxy suddenly arrived (and made itself known). But I’m not really wishing for that to happen or anything. There are many people who would be open to such a risky opportunity to finally know that yes, there’s life on other planets… but no thanks. I’ve read about potential outcomes of alien life visiting Earth, all best guesses of course, but I hope to stay in the dark on that one tyvm lol
The very idea, which has unfortunately become deeply entrenched, that the federal government can take money from the people and the states, for purposes not authorized to it by the Constitution, and then to attach conditions to giving any of it back, which are outside of any power it would otherwise have under the Constitution, is pure kwanzaa.

The alleged authority of the federal government to impose requirements on medical institutions as a condition of receiving funding from the federal government is based on the corruption of allowing the federal government to take these funds in the first place from the states and the people, where the Constitution grants it no such authority.
Perhaps the current Biden administration has borrowed the playbook from Indonesia: eliminate all medical outlets unaffiliated with government with total state control over all medical decisions for the peons.

Who da fuck owes me a job lunacy. You pull that out of your ass. Lmao
Oh, ok. So I thought you were saying they shouldn't be allowed to fire you for reasons you don't approve of (eg vaccination requirements). And that if they did, they'd be denying you your right to earn a living. Maybe you meant something different.
Oh, ok. So I thought you were saying they shouldn't be allowed to fire you for reasons you don't approve of (eg vaccination requirements). And that if they did, they'd be denying you your right to earn a living. Maybe you meant something different.
How does that equate to owing me a job. Lol

So you want what id going on in Rurope then. Show md your papers.
Yeah you keep trying to peddle the bullshit that your employer can still individually impose it when the SC just said a much higher authority and employer cannot impose it on their employees nor society’s employees either.
Such liars and haters of America who seek freedom robbing and crippling of America should not live here.

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