SCOTUS says no to vaccine mandate!!!!!

Yes, yes, yes. Full retard. You go!

Tell again about the pedophile lizard people. That one never gets old.
Hey! One of Lon Cheney Jr. best movies was ...
- The Alligator People - { 1959 } I wished I had me a copy.
Sexy Beverly Garland and sturdy all american Bruce Bennett and
white-haired diabolical George Macready.Plus nice spooky scenery.
About the only thing that could top it is the fabulous Alfred Hitchcock Hour
with - The Jar - {1964 } Where seeing is believing.Truly creepy and the
setting is perfect.
The premise that the President wants to force or coerce us into being injected with dangerous sexperiemegtal drugs is to “protect” us from a disease that poses no credible threat to the vast majority of us in the first place, is complete kwanzaa.

And in any event, even if it were true, it does not fall under the authority delegated under the Constitution to the federal government.

And given the dangerous and experimental nature of these drugs, forcing them on nonconsenting subjects is, in fact, exactly the same crime for which we put German and Japanese war criminals to death after WWII, and the reason that the Nuremberg Code was written to address the use of human test subjects in medical experiments; of which the first point reads…

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.
The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
Put down the meth pipe, jerkoff. Comparing getting this vaxx with what the Nazis did is the stupidest, most lame brained thing I've heard from one of you Trump asseaters in a long time.
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It was your scumbag orange man who tried to overthrow the election & the Constitution, you idiot.

You Trump asseaters get stupider by the minute.
Ok we get it already.You skipped school again today.Because of a
Friday Teachers meeting.And the public Grade school was closed.
So instead of Goin' fishin' you decided to live in a make believe world
where you feast on eating yer boogers and going into your older
siblings bedroom to post messages.
I can here it now.Wait ... Just wait harold till your father gets home.
And the two of yuz can compare boogers.
Hey! One of Lon Cheney Jr. best movies was ...
- The Alligator People - { 1959 } I wished I had me a copy.
Sexy Beverly Garland and sturdy all american Bruce Bennett and
white-haired diabolical George Macready.Plus nice spooky scenery.
About the only thing that could top it is the fabulous Alfred Hitchcock Hour
with - The Jar - {1964 } Where seeing is believing.Truly creepy and the
setting is perfect.
Lon Cheney came to Las Cruces, NM and did a promotional appearance in the early 60's. I rode my bicycle clear across town so I could see the Wolf Man.
Lon Cheney came to Las Cruces, NM and did a promotional appearance in the early 60's. I rode my bicycle clear across town so I could see the Wolf Man.
He was by that time quite a sight.Years of Boozin' and Smokin' an
brawlin'.He and Buddy Broaderick Crawford were like-minded.
Whenver they got stewed { Drunk together } they would start Fightin.'
Not to hurt each other as much as that's what Hard Drinkin' men did.
A show of manliness.Imagine today's Actors like Tom Hanks or George Clooney
attempting that.Gals back in the Golden Age could kick their keisters all over
the room.
He was by that time quite a sight.Years of Boozin' and Smokin' an
brawlin'.He and Buddy Broaderick Crawford were like-minded.
Whenver they got stewed { Drunk together } they would start Fightin.'
Not to hurt each other as much as that's what Hard Drinkin' men did.
A show of manliness.Imagine today's Actors like Tom Hanks or George Clooney
attempting that.Gals back in the Golden Age could kick their keisters all over
the room.
I remember Broderick Crawford from the Highway Patrol series. My folks always called him Cobbie but I haven't the slightest idea why or what it means.
How does that equate to owing me a job. Lol
Well, I was going by this:

BS. Telling you to take the jab or lose your job is COHERSION......which is FORCE. That is UNAMERICAN AS IT GETS.

First of all, the idea that an employer asking you to do something is coercion makes no sense to me. As I pointed out, it's their right to say no. There's been a persistent campaign by socialists to claim that free trade is coercive in nature. They claim that if a boss says "do this or your fired" that's coercive. By that logic any demands that anyone makes in trade negotiations are coercive. Is it also coercive if an employee says "give me a raise or I quit"?

Second, you said:
You have no right to deny my ability to make a living and feed my family over a high survival rate virus.

By "you" I assume you mean an employer (I'm certainly not denying you anything). And if you're saying an employer has no right to fire you "over a high survival rate virus" that seems to imply that they owe you a job, and if that they fire you they're "denying" your rights. I don't get that. Do you think you have a right to a job?
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SC will say they have already ruled on this when a case is presented where an employee is told they must get vaccinated or get fired. . OSHA can’t tell the world, and it’s own employees for that matter, to get vaccinated and prove it nor can anyone else.
SC will say they have already ruled on this when a case is presented where an employee is told they must get vaccinated or get fired.
You're imagining things. Regardless of how much want it to be so, this decision in no way applies to private employers.
You're imagining things. Regardless of how much want it to be so, this decision in no way applies to private employers.
We will see as time pans out. Implementation of policy must be lawful policy, public or private. Are there no exceptions? Yes-health care
the supreme court is bias as hell. The pandemic wants the pandemic to last till the GOP gets in as just an excuse it will be over when we get in.
Nice attempt at a reversal in the roles, but nope you fail. Try something less obvious.
SC will say they have already ruled on this when a case is presented where an employee is told they must get vaccinated or get fired. . OSHA can’t tell the world, and it’s own employees for that matter, to get vaccinated and prove it nor can anyone else.

Actually OSHA can tell its own employees for that matter, to get vaccinated and prove it. The Fed Employee mandate has not been struck down by the courts, just the Govt telling private employers they must do it.

You are very confused about this case, it is only about the Fed Govt forcing private employers to make their employees get vaccinated.

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