SCOTUS says no to vaccine mandate!!!!!

What insurrectionist tactics? Holding Trump responsible for committing extortion & trying to overturn the election?

Is that what you're crying about?
Go back before then, otherwise don't try to act like the Democrat's are these innocent little flowers just minding their own business, and just peacefully swaying in the wind. 4+ years.
Aw, poor fascist debbie, your Statist rule over individual in the workplace get shot down?

If you can't force individuals to bow to the state, well life just isn't worth living -Seig Heil.
What in the fuck are you fantasizing about now???
No. You are spinning it. Period. Trying to justify firing peoole for the jab as being owed a job. I earn a job. Pay for my services is what they owe me for that work. Today I will make over $600 for those services as i type this from lunch.

Its skilled labor from a company that doesnt care about the jab at all.

I post about what I see coming and I dont like it one damn bit.
Bake the cake. You loves you some big government.
Big difference. Hes not asking me ti put on a hard hat or safety glasses. Hes ordering me to inject a chemical into my body. He aint No Fucking Doctor and my medical is protected by law. If he requires a physical by a doctor. Fine.

This is Not the same.
Yes, of course. It's different when you do it.
Been gone a year. Lost a bet so didnt see it.
It's funny, whenever i point out that you guys are being hypocrites you completely lose your shit and start screeching nonsense. But it doesn't change your inconsistent politics. You pretend to oppose big government intervention. But if it suits your personal prefernces, you suddenly have a change of heart. You're no different than leftists. You see the government as a tool to bully people you don't like. A way to force your preferences on others. Pathetic.
Bake the cake. You loves you some big government.
Baloney. Ive been for Fed out and States to decide. But no one should be FORCED to take a jab that doesnt work and new tech by Anybody.

You can gift rap shit. Its still shit. You are either for Freedim or not. Seems you are for forcing people to get injections. Force is Firing you. And stipping your ability to earn a living. Or under Fuedalism You will starve them if they do not obey.
It's funny, whenever i point out that you guys are being hypocrites you completely lose your shit and start screeching nonsense. But it doesn't change your inconsistent politics. You pretend to oppose big government intervention. But if it suits your personal prefernces, you suddenly have a change of heart. You're no different than leftists. You see the government as a tool to bully people you don't like. A way to force your preferences on others. Pathetic.
BS. We are not the ones trying to force jabs into anyone. You are... Yet you callnus pathetic when your ok people getting fired over a jab.
BS. We are not the ones trying to force jabs into anyone. You are...
Nope. I don't know whether you're too stupid to understand what I'm saying, or merely too dishonest to acknowledge it. But I'm opposed to force in both cases. The state should not have the power to force people to get vaccinated. Nether should they have the power to force businesses to employ the unvaccinated against their will.

The problem is, you have conveniently and hypocritically bought into the progressive claim that employment is a coercive relationship, that if your boss says "do this or you're fired", they are forcing something in you.

They're not, of course. You're always free to say no. But that's not good enough for you. You want the government to force them to abide by your wishes.
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Nope. I don't know whether you're too stupid to understand what I'm saying, or merely too dishonest to acknowledge it. But I'm opposed to force in both cases. The state should not have the power to force people to get vaccinated. Nether should they have the power to force businesses to employ the unvaccinated against their will.

The problem is, you have conveniently and hypocritically bought into the progressive claim that employment is a coercive relationship, that if your boss says "do this or you're fired", they are forcing something in you.

They're not, of course. You're always free to say no. But that's not good enough for you. You want the government to force them to abide by your wishes.
BS. It is the fucking govt that got us here
Baloney. Ive been for Fed out and States to decide. But no one should be FORCED to take a jab that doesnt work and new tech by Anybody.

You can gift rap shit. Its still shit. You are either for Freedim or not. Seems you are for forcing people to get injections. Force is Firing you. And stipping your ability to earn a living. Or under Fuedalism You will starve them if they do not obey.
See if you can earn a living when you're in an ICU, or suffering with long term Covid.

Your call.
See if you can earn a living when you're in an ICU, or suffering with long term Covid.

Your call.
More Fear porn. 2 years you are still pissing yourself over it. And you can still get it. Vaccines dont work. Good luck. My Natural immunity is better
It's funny, whenever i point out that you guys are being hypocrites you completely lose your shit and start screeching nonsense. But it doesn't change your inconsistent politics. You pretend to oppose big government intervention. But if it suits your personal prefernces, you suddenly have a change of heart. You're no different than leftists. You see the government as a tool to bully people you don't like. A way to force your preferences on others. Pathetic.
The difference is that there is a right and a wrong in everything, so depending on who government actually is, then that tells the story for most about whether they support it or not. Most don't like Democrat controlled government whether small or big, and the opposite could be true for conservative government in which is more excceptable for most. Has nothing to do really about it being big or small, just as long as it's doing for the people what they elected it to do with their money, their safety, and their we'll being within reason. Government is there to help, and never to dictate. Problem these days is that the generational change is forcing it to become something unrecognizable, and the people need to fix this now.
What insurrectionist tactics?

Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) is formerly known as Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ). It started with a complete take over of six blocks and a park on 8th June 2020. This is the story of why CHAZ/CHOP is a successful failure.

The Seattle Police Department decided to abandon ship. They did not hold their ground. The territory belonged to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) horde. The stage was set for a ‘social experiment,’ free from government intervention and police interaction. The take over was swift. Within days, the horde set up camp, black gardens and venues to distribute free food and drinks. They would create border checkpoints, security and ‘arm’ members with weapons in the coming days. Two days after the take over on 10th June 2020, the members of Free Capitol Hill issued the ‘demands’ to the world in a blog post on the Medium platform.}

You fucking traitorous retard.

Unlike the Reichstag Fire, you actually WERE armed, and DID overthrow the government. Stupid Nazi cocksuckers

Holding Trump responsible for committing extortion & trying to overturn the election?


The shit you Nazi fucktards make up.

Is that what you're crying about?

I count three attempted coups by you Nazi traitor vermin.

The Russian Collusion hoax, the Ciaramella hoax (Joe Biden is corrupt, impeach Trump) , and the rigged election.
It's funny, whenever i point out that you guys are being hypocrites you completely lose your shit and start screeching nonsense. But it doesn't change your inconsistent politics. You pretend to oppose big government intervention. But if it suits your personal prefernces, you suddenly have a change of heart. You're no different than leftists. You see the government as a tool to bully people you don't like. A way to force your preferences on others. Pathetic.
The difference is that there is a right and a wrong in everything, so depending on who government actually is, then that tells the story for most about whether they support it or not. Most don't like Democrat controlled government whether small or big, and the opposite could be true for conservative government because most agree with conservative government. Had nothing to do really about it being big or small, just as long as it's doing for the people what they elected it to do with their money, their safety, and their we'll being within reason. Government is there to help, and never to dictate. Problem these days is that the generational change is forcing it to become something unrecognizable, and the people need to fix this now
Nope. I don't know whether you're too stupid to understand what I'm saying, or merely too dishonest to acknowledge it. But I'm opposed to force in both cases. The state should not have the power to force people to get vaccinated. Nether should they have the power to force businesses to employ the unvaccinated against their will.

The problem is, you have conveniently and hypocritically bought into the progressive claim that employment is a coercive relationship, that if your boss says "do this or you're fired", they are forcing something in you.

They're not, of course. You're always free to say no. But that's not good enough for you. You want the government to force them to abide by your wishes.
Companies are being forced to employ the unvaccinated ??? Now this is a new twist. What will the leftist come up with in their think tanks next ? ROTFLMBO. I know companies right now that have several vaccinated employees out with COVID, and guess who is still at work, not sick, and carrying the day for them ? The lies being told about the unvaccinated who have natural immunity should come with consequences in the next elections, so stay tuned.

I know a woman employee who survived an office full of co-workers coming down with the virus, and she ended up running that office by herself for weeks until her co-workers came back to work. She isn't vaccinated to this very day. Her family finally caught the virus (not from her because she doesn't live with these family members), but she ended up having to help take care of them. Still no COVID, and not vaccinated.

One of her co-workers got the virus from his son for whom he had to go to the college to pick up because he had the virus. The ride back gave him (the dad) the virus, where as his son got over it, but gave it to his dad who took it to work and gave it to the rest of the office. Another thing, this woman wouldn't wear a mask no matter what, and she still survived the virus being all around her. I find it amazing really, but some people are just like that. Happy for them. She had been tested many times because of all the cases she came in contact with, but tested negative every time.
What in the fuck are you fantasizing about now???
Hey, you're devastated that the SCOTUS ruled in favor to the Constitution and individual freedom to control our own bodies.. I understand. This is a blow to your foundational belief of people as property of the state.

It's another reason for you to hate Trump. He put in three justices who held constitutional rights above the supremacy of the state.
See if you can earn a living when you're in an ICU, or suffering with long term Covid.

Your call.

Early on, you Nazis were terrified of the bioweapon that their Chinese masters had unleashed.

And then you opposed the Trump vaccine, but then Biden was in office and you pretended that he had run warp speed, so it became the Biden vaccine, because reasons.

Then you became convinced that conservatives all oppose the vaccine, because the hate sites told you so. Then you get it into your head - thanks to hate sites like CNN and Washington Post that only conservatives are unvaccinated. All who are unvaccinated will get covid, and covid is 100% fatal.

And it made you so happy.

That covid is 99% survivable by the unvaxxed is something you refuse to believe - this is going to kill all the enemies of your Reich, you're just sure of it. But vaxxed and unvaxxed are getting omicron at about the same rate - since the vaccine doesn't work.

And even more distressing to you, no one has died of omicron.

That makes you such a sad little Nazi.
The difference is that there is a right and a wrong in everything, so depending on who government actually is, then that tells the story for most about whether they support it or not. Most don't like Democrat controlled government whether small or big, and the opposite could be true for conservative government because most agree with conservative government. Had nothing to do really about it being big or small, just as long as it's doing for the people what they elected it to do with their money, their safety, and their we'll being within reason. Government is there to help, and never to dictate. Problem these days is that the generational change is forcing it to become something unrecognizable, and the people need to fix this now

Companies are being forced to employ the unvaccinated ??? Now this is a new twist. What will the leftist come up with in their think tanks next ? ROTFLMBO. I know companies right now that have several vaccinated employees out with COVID, and guess who is still at work, not sick, and carrying the day for them ? The lies being told about the unvaccinated who have natural immunity should come with consequences in the next elections, so stay tuned.

I know a woman employee who survived an office full of co-workers coming down with the virus, and she ended up running that office by herself for weeks until her co-workers came back to work. She isn't vaccinated to this very day. Her family finally caught the virus (not from her because she doesn't live with these family members), but she ended up having to help take care of them. Still no COVID, and not vaccinated.

One of her co-workers got the virus from his son for whom he had to go to the college to pick up because he had the virus. The ride back gave him (the dad) the virus, where as his son got over it, but gave it to his dad who took it to work and gave it to the rest of the office. Another thing, this woman wouldn't wear a mask no matter what, and she still survived the virus being all around her. I find it amazing really, but some people are just like that. Happy for them. She had been tested many times because of all the cases she came in contact with, but tested negative every time.

I wonder if our little statist friend could explain how "being forced to employ the unvaccinated" works?

Would companies just walk the street, find unvaccinated and hire them?

Care to explain dblack ? I'm fascinated by how you totalitarian statists think..
I wonder if our little statist friend could explain how "being forced to employ the unvaccinated" works?

Would companies just walk the street, find unvaccinated and hire them?

Care to explain dblack ? I'm fascinated by how you totalitarian statists think..
I think she means being forced to retain their employee status even though not vaxed, otherwise while others in the company get vaxed, but I explained why they keep their naturally immune employee's regardless of vax or no vax. Like I told her, many companies are actually relying upon unvaxed worker's while the vaxed are out with the virus. Fact. I know several companies that are in this very spot lately.

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