SCOTUS says no to vaccine mandate!!!!!

The Supreme Court on Thursday issued mixed rulings in a pair of cases challenging Biden administration vaccine mandates, allowing the requirement for certain health care workers to go into effect while blocking enforcement of a mandate for businesses with 100 or more employees.

Well done SCOTUS
Not so fast Charlie.Brett Kavanaugh sided with them left of center to
Insure Medical Facilities must have Vaccinated staff.
Not to be confused with a Staff Infection.Or should it.
TRUMP! supports vaccination. I know it really messes up the narrative, but it's true.
He also supports eating Big Macs after midnight.And no alcohol
anytime.Not even when Melania may want a nice glass of French Wine
when out dining at a fancy schmancy { Limited reservations }
5 star Michilin RestaurantI wonder if Don jr. and Kimberly feel the
same way.I doubt it.Which proves nothing.
He also supports eating Big Macs after midnight.And no alcohol
anytime.Not even when Melania may want a nice glass of French Wine
when out dining at a fancy schmancy { Limited reservations }
5 star Michilin RestaurantI wonder if Don jr. and Kimberly feel the
same way.I doubt it.Which proves nothing.
If it doesn't prove anything, why mention it?
I have a friend who is an executive in a very large corporation with thousands of employees. We texted on this last night.

He told me that the company lawyers suspected that the SCOTUS would overturn the OSHA mandate so they never came out with an ultimatum. Now they will use this ruling as a justification to not have a company mandate.

The bottom line is that they would have only made the employees get the jab if the government forced them to do it.
It's happening where I live with union firefighters, cops and transportation. Hospitals here were already on board when the vaxes came out.
Even playing the card game at some restaurants.
If it doesn't prove anything, why mention it?
I get how that works.Be Real Cutesy.
Like how Democrats now swear that Trump never accomplished
a thing.The Proof.Democrats swear to it.
See how this Politburo mindset works.
Like Lenin proved.The fastest way to take down the Middle class
is thru Inflation and Taxes.
" While the State exists there is not freedom.
When there is Freedom,there will be no State. "
-- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov } - State and Revolution - 1917
While I agree with most of what you are saying I disagree here. They were pushing to FORCE you to take the jab or lose your job, ability to go out and eat, and basically deny you all FREEDOMS normal in a society.
They're not forcing a thing on you. Despite the claims of progressives, outside a contractual arrangement, no one owes you a job. And no one should be forced to provide you with one against their will.

Let me ask you this, should employees be forced to work against their will in similar fashion? ie if employees say they won't work if their co-workers aren't vaccinated - should the state force them to anyway? It's really no different.
Sorry...........that dog doesn't hunt with me and never will. That so called Economic COHERSION is basically we will Fucking Starve you to death if you don't do as we say. That is an ACT OF WAR by a bunch of power hungry SOBs.......
"Economic coercion" is a progressive conceit. An attempt to conflate free trade with real coercion (ie threat of violence). If someone refuses to hire you, or otherwise buy what you're selling, they're not forcing anything on you. They're just saying "No thanks, I'll pass."
......SCOTUS just stopped a real insurrection in this country.........I don't give a shit who doesn't like what I just said. Our gov't is out of control. They ignore laws that they don't like...........and try to shove their views down your throat from a temporary majority.........that is NOT THE INTENT OF THE REPUBLIC or the principles of the Constitution.
Indeed. The SCOTUS decision was the right call. Government shouldn't dictate employment terms, and no employers should be forced to require vaccinations. But, by the same token, neither should they be prevented from doing so.
the supreme court is bias as hell. The pandemic wants the pandemic to last till the GOP gets in as just an excuse it will be over when we get in.
A pandemic is NOT a reason to suspend the Constitution. I am happy that people a hell of a lot smarter than you decided to limit presidential powers.
The challenge is stopping the spread of the pandemic
That's akin to teaching logic to liberals or proving the moon is made of cheese.... impossible.
You should not have the right to spread it to others regardless of whether you protect yourself
You seem confused as to what "rights" actually are. No one has a right to not catch a cold.
Should food employees be required to wash their hands before serving your dinner?
No. But their employer has a right to require it as a condition of employment. You have the right to eat elsewhere, too.
they do on the worksite; I know my husband is in construction. they will be sorry. Hopefully individual companies will mandate the vaccine.
They cannot mandate you to get an experimental drug. They can however mandate you wear hard hats and steel toe boots.
Next thing you know young kids don't need to vaccinate before kindergarten, watch and see.

Next thing you know smallpox, whopping cough, measles and polio will become common.

With these judges they will overrule them and ban abortion.
You're a loon, smallpox vaccine works. The covid one doesn't and there are thousands with heart problems after getting it.
With close to a million Americans dead from a pandemic that is running rampant, the TRUMPCourt says……let em die
While most died under the Biden administration and now he is going to give up, and hand it over to the states. After promising to get rid of it. Karma is a bitch after you cheat to win.
  • Only within the powers that the Constitution explicitly delegates to the federal government. Per the Tenth Amendment, all other powers, rights, and responsibilities belong to the people or to the states, not to the federal government. And nowhere in the Constitution is any power delegated or allowed to the federal government that is relevant to what this thread is about.
  • It takes an extreme, almost superhuman, skews13 level of depravity to argue that attempting to coerce citizens to be injected with dangerous experimental drugs constitutes any rational concept of “protecting” them. This is the sort of shit that took place in Nazi Germany, for which we put convicted war criminal to death after the war. This is the sort of shit that the Japanese did to POWs, for which we also put some of them to death, after convicting them of relevant war crimes.

I see. So the President, who is charged with protecting the people of America, from a deadly global pandemic, using a vaccine that now has a track record of being effective in saving millions of lives, is the same as Nazi and Japanese war crimes?
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