SCOTUS says no to vaccine mandate!!!!!

I know you don’t think but apparently you really do feel that individual employers can do an end run around SC who just prohibited a far more widespread and powerful entity from implementing. That’s one frozen turd “thinking” for sure.

The SCOTUS just told the Fed Govt they do not have the power to do what they were trying to do, that is all. It has nothing to do with private employers.
So does this mean we will be hearing from Fox News hosts, whos company mandates they are vaccined, tell us how good the ruling eas?

The ruling was about what the Fed Govt is allowed to do, it has no bearing whatsoever on private companies choosing on their own to require vaccines
It's all at the state and local level. Legislators gave many governors untested, sweeping, emergency powers some time before. For the most part, they haven't been used in any huge way until Covid. Now many states are or have removed or changed them, some haven't. Spend your money attacking the state supreme court, then spend more and head on to SCOTUS.

I have a friend who is an executive in a very large corporation with thousands of employees. We texted on this last night.

He told me that the company lawyers suspected that the SCOTUS would overturn the OSHA mandate so they never came out with an ultimatum. Now they will use this ruling as a justification to not have a company mandate.

The bottom line is that they would have only made the employees get the jab if the government forced them to do it.
So the federal government is not allowed to take steps to protect its citizens?

  • Only within the powers that the Constitution explicitly delegates to the federal government. Per the Tenth Amendment, all other powers, rights, and responsibilities belong to the people or to the states, not to the federal government. And nowhere in the Constitution is any power delegated or allowed to the federal government that is relevant to what this thread is about.
  • It takes an extreme, almost superhuman, skews13 level of depravity to argue that attempting to coerce citizens to be injected with dangerous experimental drugs constitutes any rational concept of “protecting” them. This is the sort of shit that took place in Nazi Germany, for which we put convicted war criminal to death after the war. This is the sort of shit that the Japanese did to POWs, for which we also put some of them to death, after convicting them of relevant war crimes.
I have been against the Fed mandate the whole time, do try and at least keep up with what is going on.

A private company doing it on their own is 100% legal.

As for "Not one company has been successful with firing people who won’t provide proof of vaccination"
do you never get tired of being wrong?

A judge will allow NorthShore University HealthSystem to fire employees who refuse a COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

The Mayo Clinic fired 700 employees this week who didn’t comply with its COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Ascension Sacred Heart Hospitals followed through on their vaccination mandate and fired some of their unvaccinated employees Friday.

Advocate Aurora Health, the largest hospital system in Illinois and Wisconsin, has fired more than 400 employees who refused to get vaccinated for COVID-19.

Almost half of the 440 recently terminated employees worked part time, the company said in a statement. The number is less than 1% of about 75,000 employees.
Akron Children's in the midst of a nurse shortage just fired a bunch of nurses and doctors. It's For The CHILDREN!

This is what is going on in our hospitals. Despite Nursing Shortages, For Profit Healthcare is just grinding medical professionals in to dust in the name of profits, and The Public is paying dearly for it.

This hospital is not allowing Exemptions despite SCOTUS stating they should be allowed.

So the federal government is not allowed to take steps to protect its citizens?

You mean like Joe Biden leaving the borders wide open to drug dealers, child sex traffickers and illegals who have not been vaxed or tested?
  • Funny
Reactions: cnm
This is what is going on in our hospitals. Despite Nursing Shortages, For Profit Healthcare is just grinding medical professionals in to dust in the name of profits, and The Public is paying dearly for it.

You are correct, it has been going on for a decade or more. The ACA made it even worse. The nurse to patient ratio keeps going up. One of the nurses at my wife's hospital got more than 50 hours of OT the previous two weeks. This is not safe, but it is happening, and has been happening for a while now.
It was always going to be problematic to justify the federal government being able to mandate vaccines…
You are correct, it has been going on for a decade or more. The ACA made it even worse. The nurse to patient ratio keeps going up. One of the nurses at my wife's hospital got more than 50 hours of OT the previous two weeks. This is not safe, but it is happening, and has been happening for a while now.
But For Profit Healthcare Cares About Their Patients

  • Russian Collusion: Leftist Lie
  • Man Made Global Warming is not a strategy to push Global Government and fund pet projects for Leftists: Leftist Lie
  • RAPID PCR tests do not render millions of false positives: Leftist Lie
  • 2 Weeks to flatten the curve: Leftist Lie
  • Biden's Covid Mandate policies are not causing mental illness in school children: Leftist Lie
  • Critical Race Theory is not racist against ordinary Americans: Leftist Lie
  • Parents concerned about their children's education and who voice those concerns are Domestic Terrorists: Leftist Lie
  • The Biden Administration did not reach out to school boards and tell them that parents were Domestic Terrorists and show them how to get them all arrested: Leftist Lie
  • The CDC did not pull Emergency Authorization of Rapid PCR tests for Corona because SCOTUS was going to overturn The Mandate, and PCR tests overinflated COVID numbers: Leftist Lie
  • For Profit Hospitals were not declaring every single death, even motorcycle accidents as a COVID fatality even when the patient had 4 comorbidities: Leftist Lie
  • Democrat Run Large Cities did not send Elderly COVID patients back in to Nursing Homes to infect the entire nursing home. Leftist Lie
  • Joe Biden did not Extort Ukraine: Leftist Lie
  • Hunter Biden and Joe Biden did not accept money from China and Russia: Leftist Lie
  • Obama did not remove the ban on Gain of Function 10 days before Trump took office, did not send Fauci to Wuhan, and did not order The Defense Department to pay for COVID19 development by laundering the money through EcoHealth: Leftist Lie
  • Hillary Clinton and Obama were not using Benghazi as a weapons depot to arm and finance Al Queda in Libya so that they could topple the government there and assassinate Qadaffi: Leftist Lie
  • Obama did not fund The Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization to launch a COUP in Egypt and overthrow Egypt's government: Leftist Lie
  • Obama did not give Iran $150 Billion to pay for Russian Scientists, Centrifuges, and Missile Technology so Iran could develop Nukes to take Israel out with: Leftist Lie
  • Obama, Clinton and Biden did not approve The Uranium One Deal knowing that Putin was going to use his Rosatom company to buy Uranium One so that Russia could gain access to, and control US Uranium supplies which ultimately ended up in Iran's hands: Leftist Lies
  • Hillary Clinton did not have an illegal secret server in her home that she communicated with Obama on, and both of them never lied about it: Leftist Lie
  • Hillary Clinton did not have classified information on that server: Leftist Lie
  • Hillary Clinton did not delete 30,000 emails on that server in violation of a Court Order: Leftist Lie
  • Hillary Clinton, Schultz, and The Obama Administration did not hire Pakistani Hackers to hack in to Congressional Files and Records to obtain dirt on Congressmen: Leftist Lies
  • Seth Rich was not given any of Podesta Emails by The Pakistani Hackers who uncovered the fact that Hillary Clinton was rigging her primaries to the detriment of Sanders, and Seth Rich was killed in a robbery despite no one taking anything from him: Leftist Lies
  • The 2020 Election was not stolen despite the fact all battleground states vote counting was stopped simultaneously in the wee hours of the morning and when restarted millions of votes suddenly appeared instantaneously in Biden's column despite the fact that he was losing badly in every battle ground state before the simultaneous shutdown of the count: Leftist Lie
  • Vince Foster and Epstein committed Suicide: Leftist Lies.

Do I need to go on?
For profit hospitals care about profit just like every other for profit company.

The rest of your tripe has nothing to do with the topic of the thread
It shows a pattern of character for the people that are pushing Civil Rights violating mandates because they politicized a virus, and used it as a weapon against people whom they oppose who have religious or political objections to their iron fisted proclamations.
the supreme court is bias as hell. The pandemic wants the pandemic to last till the GOP gets in as just an excuse it will be over when we get in.
Wow, who could not have predicted this reaction from the usual suspects? Seriously, you can't imagine that the law just isn't written the way you want it to be written so everyone that disagrees with you is wrong?

Which law school did you graduate from that gives you more legal authority than the justices on the SC? Oh, and just in case you forgot, democrats already control Congress and the White House.
Next thing you know young kids don't need to vaccinate before kindergarten, watch and see.

Next thing you know smallpox, whopping cough, measles and polio will become common.

With these judges they will overrule them and ban abortion.
Wow, you sound terrified. Better not go outside today. I hear there are Republicans out there.

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